psychic powers Unabridged (v 1.1)
communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.
I don't know.. sending thoughts to someone else and mind reading and stuff ?
How do you define it ?

Psychic is a realistic thing. Everybody is a psychic. If you get disordered enough, or have a stroke or such, you might start to have realistic events. Here as I have said in a previous post here I am stating basically that psychic or in this case telepathy, is a, and nothing at all else but a realistic event, a natural phenomon. I am saying that the psychic does not exist in my mind outside of what is real.

That should I hope put it clear enough so that the psychic phenomon is looked at realisticially because that's exactly what it is.

There have been indeed some very strange things occuring in many people and some people experience extreme anxiety at the thought of their "psychic" (I was about to say supernatural) powers. They fear with their life what is going to happen.

It is these things which have tormented me and many others.
Exactly. THat is what the dicitonary says.
How accurate a point is it in the exact?
What does it tell for our discussion?
That telepathy is outside of sensory perception.
This defines telepathy to this level only.
It does not define telepathy to include sensory perception- which could become of course quite a tricky subject to talk about. At least for me at the moment.
Exactly. THat is what the dicitonary says.
How accurate a point is it in the exact?
What does it tell for our discussion?
That telepathy is outside of sensory perception.
This defines telepathy to this level only.
It does not define telepathy to include sensory perception- which could become of course quite a tricky subject to talk about. At least for me at the moment.

Hmm but perception with our senses is not exactly psychic..
Anyway, I have to get some sleep. Thanks for the answers :)
Hmm but perception with our senses is not exactly psychic..
Anyway, I have to get some sleep. Thanks for the answers :)

Sure, no problem at all. Just seeing if I'm talking about what yorda's talking about. REALITY.

Perception with our senses is the only thing that is real. I do not believe in things that are not real such a psychics claiming to do something fantasy like. If you think about that and you will think about that, then you too will come to consider that possibly they are entirely full of shit.

Perception with our senses is the only thing that's real.
There fore, in my opinion, the psychic is restricted to what we are. This could get intesnee but i am going to refrain from that.

Perception with our senses can cause many insane things to happen, all of which are considered psychic.
I don't see how else it could be considered.
That is what telepathy is afterall, or at least, perhaps it is not, but some people would think that they are going insane as they're being harmed or damaged while they are sleeping- and have no idea at all what to call this experience. Except for psychic. What else would you call being destroyed in your sleeep? If you deny or doubt the experience- then you are satisfied with what you know of reality. On the flip side, what would you think if you were being destroyed durring your sleep?
No need for sci-fi... mingling the New Physics, we have before us a new interpratation describing reality as something relative to quantum uncertainty, and anomly's of this field, such as quantum entanglement.
In very short terminology, all of matter every particle might be a lojnger-lived entangled fluctuation! Thus, everything is some way or another related to another system.
Also, the vacuum stores knowledge/memory. If we consider matter we think of distortions. And if we think of distortions, we think of acceleration, and if we think of acceleration, we think of gravitation, and if we think of that, we are also a participating structure of a hypderdimensional sphere lattice. The gamma factor of vector spacetime (three which are imaginary calculations), found in some of the equations of relativity show that they may theoretically be used in other more locak models... such as consciousness.
Yeah. Good point. I'm sure Quantum Quack would have a say in this.
It all winds in together I suppose.
Sure, no problem at all. Just seeing if I'm talking about what yorda's talking about. REALITY.

Perception with our senses is the only thing that is real. I do not believe in things that are not real such a psychics claiming to do something fantasy like. If you think about that and you will think about that, then you too will come to consider that possibly they are entirely full of shit.

Perception with our senses is the only thing that's real.
There fore, in my opinion, the psychic is restricted to what we are. This could get intesnee but i am going to refrain from that.

Perception with our senses can cause many insane things to happen, all of which are considered psychic.
I don't see how else it could be considered.
That is what telepathy is afterall, or at least, perhaps it is not, but some people would think that they are going insane as they're being harmed or damaged while they are sleeping- and have no idea at all what to call this experience. Except for psychic. What else would you call being destroyed in your sleeep? If you deny or doubt the experience- then you are satisfied with what you know of reality. On the flip side, what would you think if you were being destroyed durring your sleep?

Firstly, I have rarely seen Yorda say anything remotely realistic.

So in your view a psychic experience is when your senses are screwing with you ? If so, then why call it psychic ?
Also, what you perceive with your senses is only a representation of reality.
What else is a psychic experience etc except for the persons sensations or abilities or such as a person.
What else is a psychic experience etc except for the persons sensations or abilities or such as a person.

Brent, that's a LONG way from what everyone else means when they're talking about psychic experiences. You're just not on the same page with anyone else.
Read, would you disagree?
What the fuck else is a psychic experience etc then?
If it deals with anything but that, it's false psuedo bullshit garbage :p
Read, would you disagree?
What the fuck else is a psychic experience etc then?
If it deals with anything but that, it's false psuedo bullshit garbage :p

You are correct. There is NO 'psychic experience' - it's all just psuedo garbage. Every bit of it.