Prove that I am not God

No, no.... Jan, I am a sincerely committed irreligious person. Life is difficult enough without having to worry about meeting other people's religious expectations.

Your irreligion applies to God, and belief in God.
A religion can be God- less

p.s. I do practice meditation (sans the invisible ear in the sky).

Just like most religious people.

It seems the “I” can claim loads of things, but they are simply essentially “I”.My perspective (theist) Is about the “I”, whereas yours (atheist), are about the designations.
This introduction of some new vocabulary into the same meaningless fog of deniable (being incoherent comes in handy) verbiage is characteristic. We've seen it several times here. It's called a Gish Gallop, and it's standard fundie tactics.

No reason for denying Capracus will appear, because reason is the target - the silly falsehood about the God of Scripture never claiming to be God was a slipup this guy probably won't make again.

When entertaining the dishonorable, dishonest, and by now thoroughly disreputable, in a forum like this, understand that one is simply giving them a platform for their attacks. And notice their successes: the term "atheist", for example, beaten into that weird fundie shape by sheer, stubborn, repetition.
Your irreligion applies to God, and belief in God. A religion can be God- less
Sure, but a religion is not a religion unless it is actively practised. I don't practice any religion or ritual display of worship. I am religionless.

However....., when I put my socks on, I religiously start with my left foot.
I never even knew I did this until it struck me that I have always put my socks on left foot first.
Does that make me religious?

Do I adhere to the religious sect known as the "revealed word of left foot first sock" religion?
Just like most religious people.
No, just like most people. Most all people religiously practise some ritual which is not religious at all. That does not make them religious. The term "religiously" here has nothing to do with religion itself. It's a metaphor for human behavior, not belief.
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Sure, but a religion is not a religion unless it is actively practised. I don't practice any religion or ritual display of worship. I am religionless.

Sure you do.
Your defending it right now., and do so whenever I, or other theists post.

Sounds easy.
God sans-goof > Goofy God.
But you just violated God’s prerogative to be goofy. Continued fail.
Plenty of successful arguments out there regarding theodicy that have no requirement for God to be an imbecile.
You of all people should know that’s not how the defense of God game is played. The hidden God, the monstrous God, and the imbecilic God can all be rationalized using the same logic, that such behavior is essential to God’s endgame regarding humanity.
An atheist took the offensive for about 2 posts before they realized it was just another atheist taking the piss, at which point they joined everyone else who was in on the gig, and let it slide.
The perceived opinion of an atheist is your criteria for justifying the existence of God?
But you couldn't.
In fact you did nothing.
Nothing beyond what one would expect of an illiterate atheist to be capable of.
And that is how you were treated uniformly across the board, from atheists and theists alike.
Your implication that if I had done anything different exposes your ignorance, wilful or otherwise to the relevant aspects to the premise. How could you have done better? How could anyone have done it better?
I already gave a few clues at the start on what it would take to up your game. You never went there. Even at this late stage of the game, it is not clear you have properly understood the fatal flaws in professing an object as existing through utilizing incongruent subjects.
You are harping on to the end that "God has no qualities (subjects)", but if that was true, charading (even if only to the degree of the half-arsed) would not be possible.
Again, show how an adequate defense of God’s identity should be employed.
But that aside, yes, there is a complex framework behind the notion of determining the nature of God, but as far as current affairs go, there is no need to call upon that. The whole ordeal you gave us was merely an exercise of spot-the-goof, which is something atheists and theists can participate in just as easily and equally as one another.
Where’s the beef! Show us this framework of yours.
But you just violated God’s prerogative to be goofy. Continued fail.
You just violated the perogative of treating a goof like a goof.

You of all people should know that’s not how the defense of God game is played. The hidden God, the monstrous God, and the imbecilic God can all be rationalized using the same logic, that such behavior is essential to God’s endgame regarding humanity.
More evidence of your goof. I would ask you to try googling theodicy since it's obvious that, once again (as per the standard of illiterate atheism) you have no idea what you are talking about.
But then, the standard of goof is that one hasn't, can't and won't make the effort to read any thing to come to a more informed position. Illiterate atheism is, as illiterate atheism does.

The perceived opinion of everyone is everyone's criteria for justifying the existence of God?
Fixed that for you, since we are even talking about how you had to have access to the same resource material (even if it is only goof level). If you didn't, even attempting parody would not be possible.
>>Dig subject/object divide>> throw one's self in.

Your implication that if I had done anything different exposes your ignorance, wilful or otherwise to the relevant aspects to the premise. How could you have done better? How could anyone have done it better?
Already explained earlier but that is clearly something you would find immensely difficult to understand. You are stuck with your goof. If goof could understand their goof, they would not be goof.

Again, show how an adequate defense of God’s identity should be employed.
Done already earlier.
You displayed not God, but goof. Hence you were treated as goof. Goof pretending to be God is still goof. Much like an online crank pretending to be the president is still an online crank.

Where’s the beef! Show us this framework of yours.
Even now, despite repeared warnings about engineering subject/object divides, you continue to labour to dig such trenches just to throw yourself in.
Forget the subject of more cogent attempts to misrepresent God, you might actualy benefit from merely studying how a literate atheist problematizes the subject. Baby steps, and all that.
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For you it's absolutely necessary. You easily overlook a fact unless having your nose rubbed in it.

Fact is that Jihadist suicide bombers are sincerely committed religious persons.
Much like Timothy McVeigh was a "sincerely" committed nationalistic person, who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Try seeking public support to build a memorial for him at the national mall, and you might develop a clue how silly you sound.
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Jan Ardena:

If a dog could, it would say I am a dog.
That too would be an entity claiming to be something it is. But dogs can't talk. I can, and your God can, supposedly.

It seems the “I” can claim loads of things, but they are simply essentially “I”.My perspective (theist) Is about the “I”, whereas yours (atheist), are about the designations.
I don't know what you mean by that.

That’s because you’re all about the designations.
This is a new one. You're now excusing your inability to present the evidence for God (that you say exists) because I'm all about "designations"? How is that a problem for you, who is not bound by these designations that restrict me?

Not for me.
Okay. Hold it. Back up.

You wrote "No one here accepts that Capracus is God, because he has done nothing that shows he is God."

The implication is that God must do something to show he is God before you will accept him.

But then, when I ask you what God has done that shows you he is God, you come up blank again, and you say it doesn't matter to you.

Which part was the lie? The first part, where you said it was important that God shows he is God, or the second part, where you said it doesn't matter to you that God shows himself?


Why is the evidence insufficient?
I take it that if you know the evidence is insufficient, you must have an idea of what would be sufficient evidence.
Can you tell us what that would be?
I already did, at some length, in a previous thread, in a direct response to you regarding exactly the same question. I really don't see the point of jumping through your hoop again. Go back and look at what I wrote there.

So if the evidence that Capracus is not God, is because no one has ever turned out to be God (according to your worldview) )before. How is that evidence. By your own standards?
That's not evidence. That's just commentary.

Just to add: positive evidence is often more persuasive than negative evidence. They say that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but people tend be convinced by actual evidence of presence. There could be an invisible dragon in my garage. There's no evidence that there isn't one there. But then, there's no evidence that there is one, either. In that case we don't end up with a 50-50 probability that the dragon is there.

Capracus isn’t God.
God could appear to be Capracus (if He wanted to be).
How do you know Capracus isn't God, if God could appear to be Capracus? Oh, I know, because of the claim he made. And God isn't capable of making certain claims, even though he can appear to be Capracus. Why is that?

I know for sure Capracus isn’t God.
No you don't. How could you know for sure?

More importantly Capracus knows for sure he isn’t God.
How can you possible know what Capracus does or doesn't know about himself?

You’re not sure because for you there is no God, unless there is evidence. But you cannot discern evidence, as long as you are an atheist.
You are caught in a loop.
Why does being an atheist make somebody incapable of discerning the evidence?

This must be a very strange kind of evidence, where one's prior beliefs about the conclusion actually make the proof of the conclusion invisible.

Is there any other example, apart from God, where belief affects the ability to discern the evidence, in this way?

I note, of course, that you keep alluding to the existence of evidence for God, yet you keep failing to actually present it, whether or not I can discern it. You could, for example, present it and other theists, who can discern it, could confirm to me that, yes, what Jan presented sure is evidence of God.

Why don't you do that?

There is no God, unless there is evidence.
No, that doesn't follow. See above. However, if there is no evidence, we are free to conclude, provisionally, that there is no God. Until something turns up.

I can never identify the evidence, so there is no God until the evidence presents itself.
Strange, this idea of evidence presenting itself. As I recall, I asked you to present the evidence. You keep saying you have some. Where is it?

When the evidence presents itself, I will accept there is a God. I can not identify what is evidence of God, so there is no God until the evidence presents itself, until the evidence presents itself, I have to conclude there is no God. As I am currently unable to identify evidence for God, I have to assume there is no God, until the evidence presents itself, till that time comes I have to conclude there is no God.
Then you fall on the floor in dizzy heap.
The only wrong step in all that is your assertion that I would be unable to identify evidence of God. But let's assume you're right. You can still present the evidence, and other theists, who can identify the evidence, can confirm that your evidence is, indeed, evidence of God.

There's nothing stopping you from presenting evidence, regardless of whether I can identify it.

If you have any, that is.

You’re right because that would be a waste of my time.
No. You don't realise it, but this is the central question. This magical ability to just know that you keep trotting out: where does it come from? How does it work?

Firstly you don’t know what is evidence of God.
I know the Kalam Cosmological Argument doesn't provide evidence.

Secondly, it depends on who you ask.
Sure. If you ask somebody who isn't too hot on what a logical argument entails, they might be bamboozzled by the Kalam argument. But to someone who has spent a lot of time engaging in understanding and analysing that argument - like myself - it's very clear.

Quite apart from anything else, Craig's leap from "The universe had a cause" to "The cause is God" is completely unjustified. And that's ignoring his begging of the question.

As for me, I think it is decent evidence of God, if you don’t deny, and, or, reject God.
You think a failed philosophical argument is decent evidence? Okay, well that explains a lot. You're just not very good at this evidence stuff. No wonder you spend so much of your time claiming that it doesn't matter.

That’s where WLC goes wrong. He thinks God is the “Christian God”. In this way his comprehension of God is limited.

So you agree that Craig's Kalam Cosmological argument is flawed, but you still support it in part? You agree that Craig's logic breaks down part way through his argument on that, but you think it's fine up to the point where it breaks.

Previously, you worte that you agree with everything Craig has written. Here we have a point of disagreement. Are you starting to see why it is important to present your own thinking, rather than to pretend to adopt somebody else's thinking willy-nilly?

I don’t know what “ Christian God” means (topic for another thread perhaps).
Doesn't Craig explain that to your satisfaction?
Much like Timothy McVeigh was a "sincerely" committed nationalistic person, who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Yes, Timothy McVeigh was a "sincerely committed " person. He was also mentally unbalanced.
Try seeking public support to build a memorial for him at the national mall, and you might develop a clue how silly you sound.
Have you gone completely off your rocker?
Since when does "sincere commitment" equate with "morality"?

I'm sure the Neo-Nazis (National Socialist Party) would have loved to erect a statue in McVeigh's honor. The Confederate Battle flag (symbolic of slavery) still flies in many areas of the nation. These people are "sincerely committed" to an idea. The idea they cling to is not moral.

As I understand it several Jihadist terrorist organizations pay the family of a suicide bomber $10,00.00 to take away the financial burdens caused by his/her permanent absence.
I call that building monuments to the heroes of the "cause". And hopelessly immoral.
Sure you do.
Your defending it right now., and do so whenever I, or other theists post.
Hell no, I love debating you and Musika. And you keep coming back for more. You don't see me in Theist forums. Frankly, I am scared. Some very sincerely committed people on Theist sites.
Jan Ardena said,
I don’t know what “ Christian God” means (topic for another thread perhaps).
These are the words of a knowledgeable Theist?
James R said,
Doesn't Craig explain that to your satisfaction?
I love that gentle chide.
In all deeds. Something like the Kami Kazi pilots, these were sincerely committed people, and in some circles are still revered. Samurai (hired gun) is an old historic profession in Japan.

Today we use bombs instead of swords. But morals remain mainly unchanged.

This was a moral response from prominent American Muslim organizations after 911 wiki;
Muslim Americans[edit]
In a Joint Statement by the American Muslim Alliance, American Muslim Council, Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, Association of Muslim Social Scientists, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Medical Association of North America, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of North America, Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, Muslim American Society and Muslim Public Affairs Council, stated:[4]
"American Muslims utterly condemn the vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
This was directed towards people of their own faith, a condemnation of crimes against humanity. I respect that. I don't respect excuses condoning immoral behavior.

In almost all religions "murder" is a spiritually negotiable commodity......:eek:
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Seen the latest news? 11 dead at Jewish synagogue....:(

Now there was a"sincerely committed" murderer. His entire life revolved around his twisted perspective on humanity. And he was not an atheist as far as I know.

But that's why it is called a "hate crime".
Seen the latest news? 11 dead at Jewish synagogue....:(

Now there was a"sincerely committed" murderer. His entire life revolved around his twisted perspective on humanity. And he was not an atheist as far as I know.

But that's why it is called a "hate crime".
Rumour has it he was also terrible at playing ping pong.

(Just throwing that information out there for the benefit of our informed viewers. It would be terrible to wake up one morning and find out that you accidently massacred a dozen people due to being an expert ping pong player, wouldn't it?)

Wait up .... what's that coming on my news feed? A prominent bygone celebrity with documented mental health issues has just converted to islam?

(Meanwhile at illiterate atheist central ...)

Garcon! Come back here with the tissues! I just schadenfreuded all over myself again!
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Garcon! Come back here with the tissues! I just schadenfreuded all over myself again!
I have been waiting for you to address the issue since the first post. But since that seems to be asking too much, I am keeping the thread open with tangently related observations.

I have made my position very clear and have yet to hear a coherent counter argument, other than ad hominem after ad hominem. It really does nothing to support transparently weak arguments wishing for a strong Father figure. Like; "my daddy told me, spare the rod spoil the child", when he used to beat me, and I aim to be just like my daddy".

You see, there are people who believe they are the earthly representative of God.
Most of them inhabit mental institutions....:(..... But a lot of them don't.....:eek:
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