Prove that I am not God

Spoken like a true atheist.:)

No, that's speaking like a true believer. Ask any Muslim.
THE CHARTER OF THE HAMAS(1) "In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate"
"You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of the Scripture(2) had believed, it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil-doers.
They will not harm you save a trifling hurt, and if they fight against you they will turn and flee. And afterward they will not be helped.
Ignominy shall be their portion wheresoever they are found save [where they grasp] a rope from Allah and a rope from man.(3) They have incurred anger from their Lord, and wretchedness is laid upon them.
That is because they used to disbelieve the revelations of Allah, and slew the Prophets wrongfully. That is because they were rebellious and used to transgress." Surat Al-Imran (III), verses 109-111.(4)

There's your expert, Jan. He wants revenge 2000 years after the fact, while declaring Allah is merciful...:eek:
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I did.
Say hi to Ibrahim.
He says spoken like a true atheist.

Yes? Are you Muslim? If not, you are an apostate and subject to Allah's wrath, just like me. Muslims know how to insert fear into their religion. Do or die.....:oops:

Have you ever asked Ibrahim about that?


(Countries (red) in which, as of 2013, apostasy or blasphemy against the local or state religion was punishable by execution under the law. Currently, this only occurs in some Muslim-majority countries.)

Not a lot of freedom of choice is there? You think I would be allowed to live in those countries and speak up like I do? I'd be beheaded in a few days. Very civilized.
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I did.
Say hi to Ibrahim.
He says spoken like a true atheist.

Given your prior duplicity, I don't believe you. He did not say that.
I'm fairly confident you did not even speak with Ibrahim.
Let him post his response to your question in person.
Given your prior duplicity, I don't believe you. He did not say that.
I'm fairly confident you did not even speak with Ibrahim.
Let him post his response to your question in person.

Hello Write4U.
I’m Ibrahim.
You spoke like a true atheist.
Hello Write4U.
I’m Ibrahim.
You spoke like a true atheist.
Well folks, there you have it. Jan presumes to speak for Ibrahim. Just as Jan presumes to speak for God.
Ibrahim (Arabic: إبراهيم‎, Ibrāhīm) is the Arabic name of the prophet and patriarch Abraham. He is (believed to be) a God's messenger. It is a common first name and surname among Muslims and Arab Christians, a derivative of the name Abraham or Avram from Judaism and Christianity in the Middle East. In Lebanon and Maghreb, Brahim and Barhoumare common diminutives for the first name Ibrahim.

And on occasion has even presumed to speak for me. Hubris?
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Man cannot write scripture.
In physical reality, by all the evidence we have, "man" wrote every single thing ever written.
Maybe when He appears on the planet to perform His pastimes, he acts as though He changes His mind. Again you should consult experts.
But you don't. You deny Capracus - by all appearances your God - without consulting experts, and without evidence.
Which makes perfect sense for someone who recognizes that there are no experts in these matters - but none at all for you.
Gets back to your piece of philosophical brilliance, "God could be X, therefore any X could be God."
That is straight from your posting here (remember rejecting all attempts to evaluate God on the basis of human criteria applied to Scripture?) - Capracus is posting in complete concordance with the oA theist posting on this forum.
But you don't. You deny Capracus - by all appearances your God - without consulting experts, and without evidence.
Which makes perfect sense for someone who recognizes that there are no experts in these matters - but none at all for you.
Ten monkey hairs removed from atheism, I'd say......:D
In physical reality, by all the evidence we have, "man" wrote every single thing ever written.

Man compiles scripture.
Like the Dead Sea scrolls?

But you don't. You deny Capracus - by all appearances your God - without consulting experts, and without evidence.

Deny - to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true:

Which makes perfect sense for someone who recognizes that there are no experts in these matters - but none at all for you.

Now you’re just being disrespectful.

Yes I do, if you are not willing to martyr yourself for God, you're not a true believer in other believer's eyes. Might as well be atheist......:)
Kind of revealing that you advocate throwing in the towel when it becomes apparent "fake it till you make it" will not accomplish anything.
No, that's speaking like a true believer. Ask any Muslim.

There's your expert, Jan. He wants revenge 2000 years after the fact, while declaring Allah is merciful...:eek:
You say "ask any muslim" and quote Hamas?
Kind of like discussing gun legislation and saying "ask any gun owner" and quoting Nikholas Cruz.
Or discussing gay rights and saying "ask any gay" and quoting Dennis Nilsen.

Half arsed, trickle down, percolated through atheist hate sites is, as half arsed, trickle down percolated through atheist hate sites does.
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Kind of revealing that you advocate throwing in the towel when it becomes apparent "fake it till you make it" will not accomplish anything.
I am not advocating anything of the sort. You are misunderstanding my posit, and not surprisingly. Your perspective is completely skewed in one direction and you can only see from that position.
You say "ask any muslim" and quote Hamas?
Oh, there is a difference? Which then are the good guys?
Ha·mas, NOUN
1. a Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist movement engaged in grass-roots organizing and armed resistance and terrorism against Israel.
You'd rather I cite "Jihad"?
Jihad is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim.[1][2][3][4] It can have many shades of meaning in an Islamic context, such as struggle against one's evil inclinations, an exertion to convert unbelievers, or efforts toward the moral betterment of society,[1][2][5] though it is most frequently associated with war

Does that cover the rest?

Note; I am not saying that all Muslims people are bad, but all Muslims believe I am bad and that worries me.
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You say "ask any muslim" and quote Hamas?
Kind of like discussing gun legislation and saying "ask any gun owner" and quoting Nikholas Cruz.
Or discussing gay rights and saying "ask any gay" and quoting Dennis Nilsen.

Half arsed, trickle down, percolated through atheist hate sites is, as half arsed, trickle down percolated through atheist hate sites does.
You just threw in this strange ultimatum about killing one's self or others as the standard for accepting God, and then get worried about others taking your half arsed, trickle down, percolated from atheist hate site, BS seriously.

What next? Cajole up a shit storm about how the benefit of being an atheist is that one doesn't tie one's self up in knots over imaginary propositions?