Prove that I am not God

It's trickle down, half-arsed because that's the broadest coverage you have on the subject.
Yes, including you because that's all there is. 2000 year old half-arsed trickle down is all there is.

Reminds me of a song; "If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing......:)"
God could be a vile thing.
The God of the OT was a vile character. Ask Lewis Black, he is a Jew and knows his bible a lot better than any of us, unless we are jews.
His words; "the god of the OT was a real prick". What say you to that..?
An interesting article about Sinnteklass...

Nicholas was dedicated to helping the poor throughout his life, famously (and anonymously) paying for the dowries of impoverished girls. His reputation as a secret gift-giver around town grew with time, and he became known especially for depositing coins or treats in the shoes of children who would place them out for that very purpose, sometimes in exchange for carrots or hay left for his horses. Nicholas is traditionally depicted wearing a red bishop's cloak, and was often helped by a small orphan boy, according to some legends.

Not only is his character real, and existent. He seems to based on a real person.

You are lagging way behind. I already posted the story of Saint Nicholas in my post #366
Yes, including you because that's all there is. 2000 year old half-arsed trickle down is all there is.

Reminds me of a song; "If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing......:)"
... says the guy who hasn't, can't and won't stay abreast of historical and philosophical events of even the last 100 years of merely European history ....
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The God of the OT was a vile character. Ask Lewis Black, he is a Jew and knows his bible a lot better than any of us, unless we are jews.
His words; "the god of the OT was a real prick". What say you to that..?
So is this representative of your deep investigation of the claim?
Or is this yet another evidence of your provincial small mindedness and intellectual sloth?
Is defeating your argument as simple as finding a jew who disagrees? In the name of investigating the subject, did it ever cross your mind to google such a thing, to see how the subject is approached from alternative or, dare I say, dominant views within the community or tradition?
Or is it more the case that the half arsed, trickle down atheist hate sites you draw on for source material doesn't include such things? After all, half arsed, trickle down is as half arsed trickle down does.
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So is this representative of your deep investigation of the claim?
Or is this yet another evidence of your provincial small mindedness and intellectual sloth?
Is defeating your argument as simple as finding a jew who disagrees? In the name of investigating the subject, did it ever cross your mind to google such a thing, to see how the subject is approached from alternative or, dare I say, dominant views within the community or tradition?
Or is it more the case that the half arsed, trickle down atheist hate sites you draw on for source material doesn't include such things? After all, half arsed, trickle down is as half arsed trickle down does.
Right and after 2000 years the bible is still a half-arsed mythology. It will be so forever until someone actually edits it to keep up with "current science".
Watch Lewis Black and he will inform you what jews think of non-jewish interpretation of the OT. Remember the Jews wrote the book, they can in fact claim authorship. You don't!
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... says the guy who hasn't, can't and won't stay abreast of historical and philosophical events of even the last 100 years of merely European history ....
As evidenced by what?
I have provided copious references and links to back up my words.
You, OTOH, haven't contributed anything of substance to this conversation at all.....:?

p.s. Your mudslinging only makes you look small and ignorant. It's a common defense of violent theists.
It's called creating a witch hunt as they did with Hypatia.
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Right and after 2000 years the bible is still a half-arsed mythology. It will be so forever until someone actually edits it to keep up with "current science".
Watch Lewis Black and he will inform you what jews think of non-jewish interpretation of the OT. Remember the Jews wrote the book, they can in fact claim authorship. You don't!
So why has it never crossed your mind to investigate "standard" jewish opinions on the subject?
Or even the history of standard jewish opinions on the subject?
Or even standard history, for that matter.
Why are making grandiose references to "2000 years of history" when you are just talking about caricatures popularized by half arsed, trickle down atheist hate sites and comedians?
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Yes, including you because that's all there is. 2000 year old half-arsed trickle down is all there is.

Reminds me of a song; "If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing......:)"
From memory
Peggy Lee and also
Eartha Kitt

As evidenced by what?
I have provided copious references and links to back up my words.
You, OTOH, haven't contributed anything of substance to this conversation at all.....:?
Finding someone who identifies as a jew speaking critically of the OT is but part of the dialogue. I mean one could just as easily find a jew speaking differently, especially since the jewish tradition tends to be be more heavily invested in critical thought (bordering on outright mental speculation) than others .... in fact it would be more of a feat to find two jewish scholars who agree on anything, what to speak of pitting a jewish comedian against a jewish scholar.

So once again, the issue here is are you really interested in the jewish tradition and the role it plays (and has played) in establishing ideas of God ? Or are you just trolling with soundbites that you've gleaned from half arsed, trickle down atheist hate sites?
Are you actually interested in understanding things, or just utilizing intellectual sloth to map the shortest route to the closest strawman?
Like many things in life, one's attitude to something (or how you decide to approach a subject) is almost everything.
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So why has it never crossed your mind to investigate "standard" jewish opinions on the subject?
Or even the history of standard jewish opinions on the subject?
Or even standard history, for that matter.
Why are making grandiose references to "2000 years of history" when you are just talking about caricatures popularized by half arsed, trickle down atheist hate sites?
OK, let's get this straight; I have never, NEVER visited an atheist hate-site, so there alone you are full of shit and duplicity.
Now that we have that straight. As far the subject of the OT is concerned it was never important enough to give it much thought until I started posting on the following forums:
a) (present location)
b) Center for (
(another 7000 posts).

I have visited several theist sites, but was not allowed to post unless I pledged fielty to a religion and declared that God exists. The belief is greater than the curiosity.....sad...:(

You, as theist are allowed to post on both those sites and afforded the courtesy of audition even on an abstract subject as a "sentient creator".

But, instead of providing new and compelling perspective on the notion why a God is necessary for the evolution of the Universe, you engage to tear down the scientific default position that in the absence of any evidence, it is intellectually dishonest to posit God as Truth.

The best you have done so far do is declare your belief, and so far have done so rather unconvincingly, I must add.

I have already presented my arguments, with evidence, of tens of thousands of years of the mythological nature and history of all matters "God" and "religion" on this and several other sub-forums dealing with the subject.

You cannot erase or denegrade my knowledge of religious history by citing it as your own source of information.
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OK, let's get this straight; I have never, NEVER visited an atheist hate-site, so there alone you are full of shit and duplicity.
Then I guess it's just a *coincidence that a vast majority of the source material you quote for establishing the religious position on any subject can be found on such sites.
For instance try googling "lewis black atheism" and see what crops up.

*I mean that in a non-sarcastic manner. It could very well be a mere coincidence since establishing an atheist hate site also has more of a requirement for surcharged opinions moreso than an adequate fund of knowledge.

Now that we have that straight. As far the subject of the OT is concerned it was never important enough to give it much thought until I started posting on the following forums:
a) (present location)
b) Center for (

I have visited several theist sites, but was not allowed to post unless I pledged fielty to a religion and declared that God exists. The belief is greater than the curiosity.....sad...:(

You, as theist are allowed to post on both those sites and afforded the courtesy of audition even on an abstract subject as a "sentient creator".
Therein lies your pathology. If you are not familiar with a subject, you are not really served by having a platform to "tell others how it is". The default position of eyes and ears (open) vs the mouth (closed) and comprehension and all that ...

But, instead of providing new and compelling perspective on the notion why a God is necessary for the evolution of the Universe, you begin to tear down the scientific default position that in the absence of any evidence, it is dishonest to posit God as Truth.
A question best served by asking "to what degree is it reasonable to reveal God's nature through a systematic analysis of things of this world?" .... which tends to be a philosophical q, moreso than a scientific one ... or at the very least, a q the scientific community isn't currently equipped to answer. IOW they would view such q's as a distraction to their work, since there appears to be more than enough to systematically analyze without getting bogged down by what this does or does not signify on a metaphysical level.

I have already presented my arguments, with evidence, of tens of thousands of years of the mythological nature and history of all matters "God" and "religion". You cannot erase my knowledge of religious history by citing it as your own source of information.
I got a chuckle when you suddenly upped the ante from "2000 years" to "all matters of God and religion over tens of thousands of years."
It gets back to what I mentioned earlier in the piece about the dominance of surcharged opinions.
Don't just talk about that, find one and present it!
Sounds like a toughy.
Where could I possibly go to find information regarding a conviction about the existence of God from Jewish communities (and the associated history)?

Until the notion of "standard knowledge" pops up on the radar of your mind, many things will simply be unavailable to you.
For instance try googling "lewis black atheism" and see what crops up.
Just googling Lewis Black will get you to his entire body of humorous works of public commentary. It's by no means restricted to religious reference. Lewis Black is angry at society as a whole...:)
Just googling Lewis Black will get you to his entire body of humorous works of public commentary. It's by no means restricted to religious reference. Lewis Black is angry at society as a whole...:)
But here you are, citing it to establish a religious position, sooo ...
Sounds like a toughy.
Where could I possibly go to find information regarding a conviction about the existence of God from Jewish communities (and the associated history)?

Until the notion of "standard knowledge" pops up on the radar of your mind, many things will simply be unavailable to you.
Present a scholar making a presentation, lots of media available.