Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

(Q) said:
Hence, we are left with the question as to where theists came up with the idea of gods if not entirely from their imagination?


It's plain to see where today's theists gather their ideas. Usually, it's from those they love, parents.. etc. It is also often from those who would manipulate them without love.

I do not blame them for trusting those they love, and do not fault them for their beliefs. I DO fault them however, for attempting to defend them through logical analysis. Faith needs no defense.
Diogenes' Dog said:
As a theist, I like your logic and agree WM.


I agree mostly, except, as Karl Barth pointed out, though we cannot analyse God, there is no reason that God cannot choose to reveal knowledge to us, or be in relation to us.

I agree with this exception, though I would add that if such a case were to be true as far as someone could tell... its source cannot be validated/verified except through faith. Further, in the case of faith I think it's simply wrong to insist that others relate to related conviction. Nothing wrong with saying "this is what I believe and why I believe it", but everything wrong with "and you should believe it too".

Nicely put. God is known in relationship through faith - there is no proof. You may have done the seemingly impossible by having both theists and atheists agree with you (at least mostly)!

Well thanks.

I don't think lesser of people for being athiests or theists anymore. There's just people, trying to make sense of it all. Each has no choice but to do it in his/her own way.
wesmorris said:
I don't think lesser of people for being athiests or theists anymore. There's just people, trying to make sense of it all. Each has no choice but to do it in his/her own way.

this, coming from the guy with a goat on his lap! :D

sorry man, i cant get over it...the goat looks like its on a rollercoaster or something!
usp8riot said:

No, not necessarily. We can create something here on earth obviously.

But there is something in which to create. No universe = no degree of freedom in which to create anything, at least as far as we could know. We are in a way, logically trapped by our circumstance.

And we do not exist independently of it.

That because both exist within the universe. Again, no universe -> nothing in which to create as far as we could know. Certainly we could hypothesize around the circumstance, but as I've mentioned... that's conjecture. Further, since we can't be outside of the universe to see what's going on... we cannot verify what could be out there in non-space. (not at this time at least)

It can be manipulated by us, commanded by us, etc. God is pretty much the same boat with us. He exists with us.

So you insist based on your faith. You shouldn't expect me to agree, as I think yours is simply one of possibility infinite possible hypothesis, none verifable.

One with us. We are a part of God, and so is the universe.

Unverifiable speculation.... unless you're faithful.

It all makes up part of God, it is His creation. I can see how and why you think that. The way I see it, you're partly right. He is our father, we are from Him, but separate. We are like the 1/2 of His 1. He is like a number in the system, the ultimate number, non-deducable, and we are as a fraction of it. But are part of the same numbering system, so to speak.

More speculation. I'm glad you find it satisfying but it doesn't do much for me. Sort of interestng I suppoze, but I deem it too distracting from the path to comprehension. Of course you're free to disagree.

Yes, of course, we are speculating here on the makeup of God.

Which is IMO, somewhat blasphemous - a mockery of faith. Perhaps I'm incorrect, but it seems to me that if one truly respected their "god", they would NOT indulge in attempts to define it within the paultry limitations of logic. IMO, true reverance and faith demands absolute subjegation, which if in the name of love or perhaps something I haven't thought of, I can respect.

But yes, I am faithful but I do care because there's people just like I was interested in the makeup of God.

IMO, there is little more egotistical action that to try to explain the makeup of god. That's not necessarily horrible, just egotistical.

If I knew, it would fill my own curiosity and others'. It doesn't matter how faithful you are, you always have curiosity. I have no doubts but always want to drill further into why this and why that, it never ends. Infinite discovery can be the mother of curiosity and temporary satisfaction here on earth to us but it can also drive the mind crazy as mine is/was sometimes. 'Why this, and how does this influence the why, and why is that so?'. Seems to never stop. At the risk of sounding like a lunatic, infinity drives me crazy sometimes. It is neverending, no peace at the end, no feeling of conquering and reaching a goal with the satisfaction of completing it. To see no end to something can drive someone mad. So I am glad we don't live infinitely. We would have to be stupid to put up with that. Just as the problem with pi, we see it as virtually infinite. While a fool would keep on solving the problem and wasting His time, the wise/smart man realizes when to stop and doesn't get sunctioned into the problem, he can see he is just wasting his time on an infinite problem. A wise man looks far ahead before jumping into what he is about to do. And a wise man is also one troubled with curiosity as we here are. The foolish do not wander of these things. They either don't have the capacity to look farther ahead or just don't care. Just as an animal has no ability to see far ahead in it's limited thinking, so don't the less intelligent of us not see as far ahead as the intelligent. But the less intelligent also have a gift of freedom from the constant questions going on in the heads of the intelligent or curious. We are all put here with equal opportunity. One man's so-called gift can be both a blessing and a curse and so can his disability or disadvantage, everyone is equal. I will just stop there. I could rather go on since too little of someone's opinion can be very misunderstood without the full of it but I could write a book if I let myself.

LOL. I understand man and have driven myself mad to a similar extent. I realized eventually as you implied above.. that I can live with some open ended questions, and pursue their answers at my leisure. The first point IMO, is to kick back once in a while and realize that one of the biggest mental mistakes is to take life too seriously, and to allow one's self the freedom of the moment time to time. Bah something like that.
usp8riot said:
So why find a cure for cancer? So you can live longer? Why do you want to live longer? So you can carry out your non-existant entity's beliefs? You're not thinking far enough ahead. So what about when you cure cancer and nothing can kill man, you are immortal, what then? What is the purpose? Where is the end? The goal? That would drive me crazy. What is life without a purpose?

So people don't have to suffer painfully and die from terminal illness. So people can have quality of life, and life which is not cut short.

Wtf are you talking about "non-existant entity's beliefs"?
How could a non-existant entity have beliefs?
You seem to be incapable of imagining a life without your imaginary god.
You also seem to fail to grasp the benefits of a cure for cancer, or even the value of life itself. If "heaven" is so great, why bother with life at all?

Perhaps you should learn what the words "pediatric" and "oncology" mean, and then visit a "pediatric oncology ward" and then tell me why your "god" makes those children suffer in agony, and lets so many die so young.

Its my belief that people have a right to a quality life, without needless suffering, that is one of the things I live for.
I didn't say I wanted to make humans immortal.

It is the very fact that you are unable to answer these natural questions about life, "where is the end" "what is the goal" "what is the purpose"
that has led you to create an imaginary purpose - to live in some kind of fantasy land after you die.

The goal and purpose are to live a happy peaceful quality life, free of unneccessary suffering - and in the process, to help others less fortunate to acheive the same goals - to live and learn long enough to reach our potential to be "good" people and help others. The end is death.

I'm not surprised it drives you crazy - it has led to your beliefs in an imaginary man who lives in the clouds and cares about you, and has reserved a special place for you when you die.

Here is a question. What happened when you were a child and your "baby" teeth fell out? Did the tooth fairy come to take them away? No, you just thought "she" did - but in reality, they got thrown away, or put in a jar in a cupboard - much like we put dead people in coffins in the ground.

You try answer the question "when does it end" by creating your own pretend answer: "oh great! it doesn't! and afterwards, we get to eat ice-cream!!!"

After all, who needs to fix the problems of the world, war, famine, disease - when you can just wait for the "rapture": where everyone dies and those who agree with your beliefs get to go to the nice cozy place in imaginary la-la land, and everyone else burns in hell.

Its not just crazy, its immature, insulting to those who indulge in their natural right to "question", and its highly offensive.
That because both exist within the universe. Again, no universe -> nothing in which to create as far as we could know. Certainly we could hypothesize around the circumstance, but as I've mentioned... that's conjecture. Further, since we can't be outside of the universe to see what's going on... we cannot verify what could be out there in non-space. (not at this time at least)

I've explained it better before. But He may not be the physical we think or may speculate He is. We cannot exist without Him. We are His children just as perhaps 0 or -1 is the birther of .123. A positive cannot exist without a negative because the - is the birther of the +. He is part of the same system but came before us. Maybe I'm odd, but I relate it all to math. You see the universe in my eyes and it's all numbers. I see concrete data which simplifies the seemingly random things going on. Objects represented by numbers. Objects interacting, ie, atoms, molecules, objects and being added, subtracted, multiplied, divideded, etc as certain reactions going on in the universe. You bump into me, I see force being subtracted or added by weight and logic going on in the head saying, 'excuse me', or why someone says this and that on the interaction and other causes and effects of the interaction, etc. The universe can all be simplified to numbers, beautiful numbers. Numbers are logic, logic is a base of rules, and the universe has it's rules of interaction of objects and so does God abide by those rules because He created them. God is not random, He doesn't like random. Random is chaos, rebellion, that which doesn't adhere to logic. But yet even random to us is logic to God. He is the ultimate mathematician.

Which is IMO, somewhat blasphemous - a mockery of faith. Perhaps I'm incorrect, but it seems to me that if one truly respected their "god", they would NOT indulge in attempts to define it within the paultry limitations of logic. IMO, true reverance and faith demands absolute subjegation, which if in the name of love or perhaps something I haven't thought of, I can respect.

I don't see it as that, I believe it is normal to wonder the makeup of God and yourself. I discovered God through science and it sure hasn't let me down so far. Yes, at one time, I wondered the same, if it was wrong to wonder the makeup of God. Perhaps I used to feel ashamed of it but lately I've gotten to know God more personally and don't feel a bit ashamed if it helps to explain others how I see it and so others can have the same peace of mind I have. It is the way of the universe, the truth if I knew God's makeup for sure, you can't deny it. It's like being a surgeon. I'm grossed out by blood and all but if I was going to be a surgeon, I'd get used to it. The initial guilty feeling is seeing the workings of someone and the truth right in your face, the ugly truth on how someone works and you also see how it can be made to not work and it's shortcomings. The in-your-face truth can be harsh but can bring a more personal attachment to that person/being in which you are studying in that you see/feel the pain/worry in the subject. And the wrong partly stems from the human body having guilt in which you have that power to know how something or someone works and be made not to work and the power that comes with it, the insecurity of knowing if you can handle it. Beleive you me, God is the father of logic. Logic is the way to Him. Logic is the gift He gave us to be able to find Him. Everyone finds God by logic or by what makes sense to us. Animals don't worship God because they haven't the logical ability to theorize beyond the realm of what it is experiencing. It can be used or abused and there is a fine line in between and one must be careful not to over-run it. But all in all, God is numbers, or logic and also the scribe for which logic is wrote on. Every number has to have an object associated with it. If we just add numbers, as in a math class, that is just immaterial numbers. God is a complete being of numbers, ie, the variables involved in any movement, and He is the object, the carrier or association of the numbers. He is the Father of every movement/variable in the universe and the Father of every object and we are created in His likeness. But I understand all your points, been in your shoes, so don't worry about me blasphemy'ing. It is said God's face will cause such dread on the living who see Him as they cannot bear it. The truth of Him just smacks you in the face and you realize, He is right, there is a God, what have I done? It is torture not many men can bare but when I discovered God, I wasn't happy at all. I was in a 2 year long depression of what I had discovered. I'd become solitary, even more than I was before. As they say, be careful what you ask for because you might just get it. And that's what happened. The truth came to me as a slap in the face. I discovered too much of who God is and I asked for it and longed for it. God warned me because it is a heavy burden. To do because you know than to do because you believe. Just like when your parents tell you do this or that because it is right and you don't believe them. Then you grow up and realize they were right. And you have to do not what you believe is right but what you know is right, it becomes a burden. And this is the end times. Better to believe me now rather than have to know later when He comes, or else it will be a huge burden.

So people don't have to suffer painfully and die from terminal illness. So people can have quality of life, and life which is not cut short.

Yes, I know. Of course, cancer isn't good. But trying to make you think ahead.

Wtf are you talking about "non-existant entity's beliefs"?

I mean, an atheist's anti-God, whatever you want to call him, a non-existant entity. The rest is pretty much your theoretical ideals on life so I won't comment. That's your beliefs/opinions. It's pretty much entrapment or a catch-22 situation to theists here on the forums sometimes. Usually it's atheists questioning us and that leads us into more discussion and then when we keep discussing and answering questions, some rant at us for answering. What good is the discussion board if we don't discuss religion. And what is religion? Theorized belief, a hypothesis at times maybe. So nothing is 100% proven when we're speaking of it. It seems to be atheists entrap us to ask questions just to try to tear us down. What if this board was all atheists. What would we discuss. "Uh, so like, I believe in no God but my own made up rules", and "and..uh,...yeah....,me too". What fun would it be if we couldn't have a healthy debate? And btw, I do enjoy the debates here as long as it's mature commentary and non-inflammatory. But when we discuss of God, it's pretty safe to say we can call it all beliefs to most, even to atheists who believe in the lack thereof. If you believe aliens/ghosts/bigfoot doesn't exist, it's a belief. You can't disprove it. A negative can't be disproven unless it has a positor to prove it doesn't exist which in that case would wind up proving it exists. So all these arguments to say God doesn't exist is useless. The positor to God will come soon to prove He exists, I am sure about that. Just as time/space differs from the perspective of the viewer, so can other things/thoughts/experiences vary in time/space. So what others take for knowing, some may see as believing. You heard from so and so who said this and that. The one who heard knows, you can only believe because it was told in a different time/space before you were there or in another space from which you couldn't observe the happening. Just as God created the heavens and earth before we were here, we can only take it for, at the very least, belief. I see a ball rolling down the hall, it must've started from somewhere to get there, but I see no one. Some motion had to have set it off in another time, possibly seconds before I observed it. I will hypothesize it was someone who done it, who started the initial 'thump' to get the ball rolling. That is the way I see it. God is in the same time continuum just as the person who rolled the ball but just in an unobservable space. Or the person could've been in the hall at the time the ball initially rolled but I was in a different space/time too late to observe it as where I am now. So no one can say God doesn't exist.
Actually, its your theory that "god" exists, therefore you have to provide the evidence.
That's the way a hypothesis works.
If you believe aliens/ghosts/bigfoot exists - you are supposed to provide evidence to support your claim.

"In science, a theory is a proposed description, explanation, or model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise verified through empirical observation."

"Belief is considered propositional in that it is an assertion, claim or expectation about reality that is presumed to be either true or false (even if this cannot be practically determined, such as a belief in the existence of a particular deity)."

Its exactly the same for the invisible pink unicorn.
"The IPU is usually used to highlight the perceived fallacious or arbitrary nature of supernatural beliefs by, for example, replacing the word "God" in any theistic statement with "Invisible Pink Unicorn". "

"It is common when discussing the Invisible Pink Unicorn to point out that because she is invisible, no one can prove she does not exist, thereby making the point that simply by claiming that something cannot be sensed in any way, shape or form, such as God in Theistic beliefs, someone could claim that any divine object or entity existed and argue that no one can prove this theory right, but no one could prove it wrong, either, and saying that this is reason to believe in said divine object/entity - which is the main point of the satire, namely pointing out that the Invisible Pink Unicorn has all the credibility of God from Theistic beliefs, and that it is no different to believe in the IPU than to believe in God. "

If I said the invisible pink unicorn existed, I would have to provide evidence.
I couldn't just assume the invisible pink unicorn existed, and then assume OTHERS had to provide the evidence she DIDN'T exist.

Here is an excellent text which provides evidence that "god" does not exist.

Plus, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that your "god" didn't do the things people claim "he" did, Evolution, for starters proves that "genesis" is flawed. Children with terminal illnesses - it directly contradicts the claim that god has a master plan and also loves us all. The "god" in the bible also supposedly loves slavery. Nice.

"Deut 21:18-21
18 If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father and mother, who does not heed them when they discipline him, 19then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his town at the gate of that place. 20They shall say to the elders of his town, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21Then all the men of the town shall stone him to death. So you shall purge the evil from your midst; and all Israel will hear, and be afraid. "

The bible is full of horrible, violent, intolerant shit like this.

Literature describes how Moses hallucinated, and then killed all the people who questioned the voices in his head. Why couldn't "god" just make a little effort, and show himself to all those people, instead of letting them question (people are inquisitive by nature, and supposedly "he made them all"), and then let Moses kill all those people?
Belief is this...theorizing is that...word games, irrelevant.

Plus, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that your "god" didn't do the things people claim "he" did, Evolution, for starters proves that "genesis" is flawed. Children with terminal illnesses - it directly contradicts the claim that god has a master plan and also loves us all. The "god" in the bible also supposedly loves slavery. Nice.

No, that is for man in his infancy to believe. Just as you tell a child in simplified form of the way the world works since the child hasn't grown enough to understand the more complicated aspects. Children with illness is a by-product of sin. And sin is brought on by man. Cancer is caused by all sorts of pollution to the human species, not just pollution as we know it. Too much of this chemical, too much of that. Too much sunlight, not enough of this. Being malnutritioned and not taking care of yourself. Many circustances are a cause of cancer and all of which are deducable to man's faults which can also occur in successive generations causing a predisposition to a certain cancer.

The bible is full of horrible, violent, intolerant sh*t like this.

That was in the times of man in his infancy. Just as it may seem intolerant to spat your wrist for doing wrong but can seem just punishment for a child if he/she is about to touch a hot fire. As a child, times seemed more strict but they were because we were all not as smart as children and more susceptable to the dangers of the world, therefore, our parents may have had to be more strict and straight to the point with us and perhaps whoop us. But just as a child grows, man's grown now and outgrown the punishment of old. As a whole, man is in his adulthood. We no longer need to adhere to the old rules as we did before. I would like to discuss more in detail and better but I've been up all night and can't think good and got to work.

Literature describes how Moses hallucinated, and then killed all the people who questioned the voices in his head. Why couldn't "god" just make a little effort, and show himself to all those people, instead of letting them question (people are inquisitive by nature, and supposedly "he made them all"), and then let Moses kill all those people?

Discussed it before in greater detail. Pretty much it has to be that way. The test would be over if He did. There would be no believers to do God's wish because they believe in Him and love Him, it would be because they have to if they know He exists, so that defeats free will. It would ruin God's plan. Like I said, killing may have been acceptable in those days, but it sure isn't anymore, not to me anyway.
"Children with illness is a by-product of sin".

You go tell them that then, in the children's cancer ward. You go tell them and their parents its because of sin. You can't explain how an all powerful all loving god would allow an innocent child to die a painful death from a terminal illness - so you create your own reason: you blame the child. OK HIV/AIDS sure, but Cancer? Leukemia? What about children with down-syndrome - do you even know what causes trisomy 21?

"Many circustances are a cause of cancer and all of which are deducable to man's faults which can also occur in successive generations causing a predisposition to a certain cancer."

Understand more complicated aspects? Go finish highschool biology before you spout
your offensive shit all over the internet.

You crackpot. Good luck trying to force schools to teach creationism, you'll need it.

Oh and just so you know how offensive you are,
What about september 11? Why didn't your "god" prevent september 11?
I watched some people sing "god bless america" that morning on the TV, at the same time palestinians were dancing in the streets. Your "God" must have slept in.

Even NORAD sat dumbfounded, thinking it was a training exercise, while the 2nd plane headed for manhattan - failing to scramble jets in time, and then sending them the wrong way, out to sea. Why didn't your "god" do something?

Those hijacker's "allah" was/is no less real than your "god" is, and thats exactly the problem - religion makes people do crazy shit, either realise that, or start re-examining your foreign policy.

What someone told you it was the "sin of those people" who worked in the towers that day? Is its part of "god's master plan??"
You try telling that to the poor widows and the children.

(I'm sorry if my bitter satirical attempt at the same twisted thinking has offended any other Americans and I truly empathise over 9/11, but I wanted to demonstrate how offensive, bitter, and torturous this supposed "god" would be, and that it is in fact people who are truly capable of good and evil.)
You go tell them that then, in the children's cancer ward. You go tell them and their parents its because of sin. You can't explain how an all powerful all loving god would allow an innocent child to die a painful death from a terminal illness - so you create your own reason: you blame the child. OK HIV/AIDS sure, but Cancer? Leukemia? What about children with down-syndrome - do you even know what causes trisomy 21?

Every wrong you see going on is a by-product of wrong that has been done, like it or not. No, it's not their fault. It may be genetic. But somewhere down the line, them or their ancestors were exposed to wrong or done wrong and as we know, and wrong parents do can sure enough affect the generations after. Having a regular cold is probably from hanging around someone that had it and perhaps got it from someone else. In that case, the sin is hanging around too many people or living around too many people. Lots of diseases are contagious and it is a sin to be around too many people all the time as it is not to be social. Where there is many people, peace and meditation are hard to come by. And where there is little, there is little opportunity to spread your peace and good doings to them. We will all eventually wind up dying because of being exposed to wrong and doing wrong in this world. We will all do wrong and it is going to happen and in a world where we can choose wrong, dying is going to happen.

Understand more complicated aspects? Go finish highschool biology before you spout your offensive sh*t all over the internet.

Yes, I know, you don't like hearing it. Neither did I when I came to the conclusion but you can not deny it. Name one disease or medical problem that was not brought on by man doing wrong?

Oh and just so you know how offensive you are, What about september 11? Why didn't your "god" prevent september 11?
I watched some people sing "god bless america" that morning on the TV, at the same time palestinians were dancing in the streets. Your "God" must have slept in.

How offensive I am? Are you ignorant? What do you want Him to do, reach down and literally stop every wrong action done? Where would be the free will then? I consider it offensive someone accusing my God of "letting" these things happen without fully understanding why and then assuming he is an evil God. Do you get it by now? Evil has to happen. There is no other way. As I discussed in other posts, evil=wrong choice and with free will, evil is bound to happen.

Those hijacker's "allah" was/is no less real than your "god" is, and thats exactly the problem - religion makes people do crazy sh*t, either realise that, or start re-examining your foreign policy.

No, it is extremists that do crazy things. There are extremists in every religion and every philosophy. I was one myself in my beliefs. I figured it it's good, then it's good to the max, in a way. Yeah, sounds ignorant, but sort of the way I saw things. But I am a religion of my own so you more than likely don't know my God. I believe extreme actions are wrong. Strong emotions can taint the body's ability to reason. Therefore, I don't believe in acting or speaking when strong motions are present. When you're feeling strong emotion and impulse, you will likely speak with less reason and concern for your fellow human being. And you sir, are sounding more extremist than I, almost like the aforementioned crackpot you called me.

What someone told you it was the "sin of those people" who worked in the towers that day? Is its part of "god's master plan??"

No, it isn't what someone told me. This is all directly from God. This isn't from the Christian bible or from the Quran what I'm telling you, it is from me. When you grow up, you will understand more. You have much to learn before you speak in impulse and hate as you do.

(I'm sorry if my bitter satirical attempt at the same twisted thinking has offended any other Americans and I truly empathise over 9/11, but I wanted to demonstrate how offensive, bitter, and torturous this supposed "god" would be, and that it is in fact people who are truly capable of good and evil.)

No worry, I once saw it that way too. I understand. Debate is great.
“Name one disease or medical problem that was not brought on by man doing wrong?”

* Oh, boy. Still sleepy I see. You would be funny, if your indoctrinated drivel was not being echoed by millions and millions of Christians around the world, and driving mankind apart. Your religion is truly dangerous.
Huwy said:
"Children with illness is a by-product of sin".

You go tell them that then, in the children's cancer ward. You go tell them and their parents its because of sin. You can't explain how an all powerful all loving god would allow an innocent child to die a painful death from a terminal illness - so you create your own reason: you blame the child. OK HIV/AIDS sure, but Cancer? Leukemia? What about children with down-syndrome - do you even know what causes trisomy 21?

"Many circustances are a cause of cancer and all of which are deducable to man's faults which can also occur in successive generations causing a predisposition to a certain cancer."

Understand more complicated aspects? Go finish highschool biology before you spout
your offensive shit all over the internet.

You crackpot. Good luck trying to force schools to teach creationism, you'll need it.

Oh and just so you know how offensive you are,
What about september 11? Why didn't your "god" prevent september 11?
I watched some people sing "god bless america" that morning on the TV, at the same time palestinians were dancing in the streets. Your "God" must have slept in.

Even NORAD sat dumbfounded, thinking it was a training exercise, while the 2nd plane headed for manhattan - failing to scramble jets in time, and then sending them the wrong way, out to sea. Why didn't your "god" do something?

Those hijacker's "allah" was/is no less real than your "god" is, and thats exactly the problem - religion makes people do crazy shit, either realise that, or start re-examining your foreign policy.

What someone told you it was the "sin of those people" who worked in the towers that day? Is its part of "god's master plan??"
You try telling that to the poor widows and the children.

(I'm sorry if my bitter satirical attempt at the same twisted thinking has offended any other Americans and I truly empathise over 9/11, but I wanted to demonstrate how offensive, bitter, and torturous this supposed "god" would be, and that it is in fact people who are truly capable of good and evil.)

I can only speak for myself, but it is as a response to the horrors and injustices of the world that I look for some hope through theism. That is what people mean when they talk of "the good news" of "salvation". It is the belief that coercion, torture, cancer, HIV, lies, violence, deception and death are not the ultimate nature of reality. The "good news" (if you believe it) is that these things ARE shadows on the wall, distorted reflections of a higher, purer reality (to use Plato's "cave" analogy), a transcendant reality to which our natures entitle us.

It was the shocking encounters with death, poverty and disease that caused the Buddha to seek the causes of suffering, and as a result discovered the way out through enlightenment. It was the same impulse for which Jesus and many of his disciples after him, faced their (horrible) execution with hope, still practicing "love your enemies".

I do not believe God either causes or prevents such events as 9/11, or gives cancer to children, and I don't think it is necessarily our fault either - certainly not the victims. I don't know the ultimate reason for suffering. All we can do is respond with compassion. What I look to God for, is to release me from my fear, hate, apathy etc. so that I can help in the struggle, and ultimately so that I face my own suffering, loss and death with hope.
* Oh, boy. Still sleepy I see. You would be funny, if your indoctrinated drivel was not being echoed by millions and millions of Christians around the world, and driving mankind apart. Your religion is truly dangerous.

Well, have you named one yet. Like I said, all misdoings by man, even sickness, disease, poverty is brought on by sin. Sin for one in not taking care of the body. Sin by not thinking ahead. Sin that may not even be your fault but passed on to you by your parents. Sin is pretty much just mistakes everybody makes. I suppose the word sin here sounds like an ugly word and some here are sensitive and it brings back memories of maybe "hellfire" speeches from preachers. Well, that kind of ruined it for someone who would want to speak lightly of sin. God forgives us for our sin and isn't something you have to think you're going to hell for. And btw, I am not a Christian. I am my own religion. Even a lot of modern Christians now can't see it that way but I do. Sin is that which shouldn't be done, that which is unwanted, that which is an accident, and that which hurts man. Perhaps you see sin in a slightly different definition than I do.
Diogenes' Dog said:
It was the shocking encounters with death, poverty and disease that caused the Buddha to seek the causes of suffering, and as a result discovered the way out through enlightenment. It was the same impulse for which Jesus and many of his disciples after him, faced their (horrible) execution with hope, still practicing "love your enemies".

I do not believe God either causes or prevents such events as 9/11, or gives cancer to children, and I don't think it is necessarily our fault either - certainly not the victims. I don't know the ultimate reason for suffering. All we can do is respond with compassion. What I look to God for, is to release me from my fear, hate, apathy etc. so that I can help in the struggle, and ultimately so that I face my own suffering, loss and death with hope.
From this I gather that you use religion, and belief, as a "self-help" tool? - which is what many use it for. And you also come across as someone that needs to feel, and to believe, that there is "hope" in the long-term - that there is more to everything than just this life, this existence.

I am an atheist.
I do not have this hope.
But I also do not need this hope.
I am content that this is it. No purpose, no goal. Just being.

Maybe this is what truly differentiates the atheist from the theist - that the atheist can deal with this version whereas the theist needs, for some reason, to believe there is more, that there is purpose, that there is a goal.
"And btw, I am not a Christian."

* Oops. My bad for assuming. Pardon.

"Perhaps you see sin in a slightly different definition than I do."

* I assumed you were referring to Biblical sin, original sin, and sin in the Christian context. I reject all these concepts of sin outright. Sin exists only in the mind of the sinner. It has no natural place in nature. Hence it is a contrived concept used to control and instill fear.
* Oops. My bad for assuming. Pardon.

No harm done.

* I assumed you were referring to Biblical sin, original sin, and sin in the Christian context. I reject all these concepts of sin outright. Sin exists only in the mind of the sinner. It has no natural place in nature. Hence it is a contrived concept used to control and instill fear.

It is because of instilling fear and contol in others which gives it a bad name. It is also used to learn. Everything we do wrong can be learned from. If we hurt someone when we were younger, that is how we learned not to hurt. We learned that they felt bad and that it made us feel bad when it was done to them or us. Sin can be used to grow. It is a test, but a test given on accident and just by living. So I warn anyone, don't accept more test than you can pass and tests will be given to you by default so no need to go out and search for them. And do not be the test giver, ie, test someone else (patience, temper, etc), that is the devil's job. And for a consummation of anything which we don't want, the bible speaks of the devil as a being but it is just a word to simply describe that which we don't want, as stated before. And that is why some people discredit the bible since it speaks of beasts, dragons, etc. It is just the way of man back then, to simplify reality with mystical beings instead of going in detail beyond the science of the age then. I may seem like a Christian in my conversations but am my own religion. Maybe I should name it, I don't know so it wouldn't be confused with any other religion. I believe in the bible and Jesus was a saviour and saviour of many still in these times but don't read the bible. I get my morals directly from God.
"I believe in the bible and Jesus was a saviour and saviour of many still in these times but don't read the bible."

* That is Christian belief. Why believe in a book if you are not of the faith it represents?

"I get my morals directly from God."

* How?
* That is Christian belief. Why believe in a book if you are not of the faith it represents?

I believe it was right for the times. I believe there is a lot it doesn't explain that I would've like to know before but I found it without the bible. Soon a man will renew the words of God and replace all holy text, which will be more understandable to the masses of today.

"I get my morals directly from God."

It just comes from my head, from logic. I type and it flows. God is the father of logic and gave us a tool of logic, our brains. It is like a message God gave to us all that tells us right from wrong. And that is what I listen to.
Soon a man will renew the words of God and replace all holy text, which will be more understandable to the masses of today.

I doubt it. Ancient texts only seem holy because it is so important looking and wise with age. If the 'holy text' had been written in a glossy magazine, do you think anyone would pay attention?

Another factor is that if the whole Jesus thing etc happened today, myths and symbolism would be exposed as just that with absolute certainly, thanks to the many media methods we have availible that they did not in those days.

Well, look at Scientology I guess... Maybe you're right. Idiots will buy anything, new or old...
Sarkus said:
From this I gather that you use religion, and belief, as a "self-help" tool? - which is what many use it for. And you also come across as someone that needs to feel, and to believe, that there is "hope" in the long-term - that there is more to everything than just this life, this existence.

You are probably right Sarkus, for me it is both the way and the destination - which has variously been described as the kingdom of heaven, realisation, enlightenment, samadhi etc.

Sarkus said:
I am an atheist.
I do not have this hope.
But I also do not need this hope.
I am content that this is it. No purpose, no goal. Just being.

Maybe this is what truly differentiates the atheist from the theist - that the atheist can deal with this version whereas the theist needs, for some reason, to believe there is more, that there is purpose, that there is a goal.

Well, I would put it differently - theism is the realisation that there might be a way to something finer. But it did start out for me with a profound dissatisfaction with the world.

KennyJC said:
I doubt it. Ancient texts only seem holy because it is so important looking and wise with age. If the 'holy text' had been written in a glossy magazine, do you think anyone would pay attention?

Ancient texts are the legacy of maps by which to navigate in religion. They are valued because they contain vital information if you want to find "God". If you don't, they might as well be yesterday's glossy magazine.