Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Saul used to persecute the followers of Jesus, then he became Paul.

M*W: I won't go too deep here, because I know it will fly over your head. "Saul" is another symbolic name for "Sol," the sun. Then "Sol" (the god on most high) came to be known as Paul or "Apollo." The "bright light" that Paul was said to have been blinded by was simply a metaphor for the sun (or god). It's not rocket science, really.

There was never a Paul who really lived and wrote about Jesus. The character Paul was created by the Romans who created the story of Jesus as a parody.

Love is a biochemical delusion, most frequently emitted by females who come into close contact with me. I admit that that can be pretty hot, and I suppose were I inclined to polygamy that genes would inevitably become involved, but how is love based on energy? I don't really see it as some kind of force.

They do say love makes the world go round but, let's face it, that's just hot steamy gravity.

Oh yeah, gravitational coefficients...this post is for you.


M*W: I referred to love as fire, heat, passion and god, as a metaphor. Makes sense to me. BTW what did you say your phone number was???
He didn't come to me.

thedevilmademe81, If God came and sat here next to me, I would have to believe it, but I would still have to ask about the rest of the legend, the heaven and hell. Maybe there's a God, but that other stuff is a myth.

yeah your right I think that if God came down and sat down beside us no one would even recognize him. If we all could just agree that we really dont know it would solve so many problems we have today...People killing people because they worship a different invisible man who lives in the sky than we do...crazy shit man. If you just look at it like this its actually funny
Christians have people believing that there is an invisible man who lives in the sky who watches everything you do every minute of everyday and has a list of ten specific things that you are not to do...and if you do one of them her will send you to a place of gnashing of teeth...for all of eternity..........BUT HE LOVES YOU!:eek:
hey!!! we know that line, George Carlin's quote been in your mind. It's quite accurate as well. ;)
Devil81, you should actually read what the New Testament says.

Actually IceAge I went to Bible see I use to believe..I still read the bible..I still study the scripture and my reason behind that is because if I did not know everything I could possibly know about God/Jesus/and the bible and I said I disagreed with it..well then I would be a Christian....sorry i meant to type Hypocrite
Actually IceAge I went to Bible see I use to believe..I still read the bible..I still study the scripture and my reason behind that is because if I did not know everything I could possibly know about God/Jesus/and the bible and I said I disagreed with it..well then I would be a Christian....sorry i meant to type Hypocrite

The suffering on Earth will not go on forever, and it hasn't been ongoing for anywhere close to millions of years, so God is allowing it, for a short time, but not forever.
Actually the highest calculation is life began about 3.8 billion, but I was allowing a bit for the time for self preservation to develope.
It was just a ball park figure, but theres not a lot of difference when you consider the difference between 10^9 and 10^6.