Registered Senior Member
So god invented evil to enteratain himself?
No, He didn't invent evil. Just like He didn't invent us or the earth, it evolved. He molded as it spun, speaking metaphorically of course, like molding a clay pot. Necessity is the mother of invention and so as we grew, so evil was formed. When man became knowledgeable man, ie, knew when he was hurting someone else by being able to place himself in others shoes to see how they feel, that's when he knew he was sinning or hurting someone. And that happened as man evolved and gained intelligence. The evil is not entertainment, it is to protect each other and oneself also. To know when someone is displeased. There is a moment in evolution from ape to man when we evolved to understand this slowly and our reasoning and this ability to see sin, or how to feel others emotions and how they are hurt. This is metaphored in the bible as biting from the tree of knowledge. That is when man was created as we are now, self-aware and reasonable, atleast some of us.
Let me get this, the same sob diety that invented evil for his entertainment is going to judge us on our struggle with evil? Very absurd don't you think?
Yes, He will judge understandably. As He already knows how tough it is to be a human, He knows all. If you trust your own mother/father's punishment, you can surely trust His and the mercy He will have for us all on judgement day. Surely it will be greater mercy our parents gave us when we commited wrong against someone.
If it has to happen, then god can't posibly be omnipotent, since he couldn't create a universe without evil! Since he created evil anyway, don't that make him evil as well?
Yes, it makes him self-aware of when someone is being hurt, that is recognizing evil. We could all be ignorant and see no evil and when wrong is done and get no reward for doing right, but it's not the case. Evil is only seen in the eyes of the intelligent. Like I said, to see evil is to see when wrong is commited. If we didn't know evil, we would have the intellect of animals, and would that be fun or challenging? We have a test to complete and should accept it.
Then that is not free will, if an entity has known our "program" since he programed us, and knows what we are going to do, then that negates free will all together. Having free will, means that no one, no entity, has foreknowledge of your actions. Hence free will, negates foreknowledge of an individuals actions.
Freewill is imo, able to do what you want or think what you want. Whether God knows what's going on or not, doesn't matter, it won't affect us unless He actually jumps in and takes action. So, knowing in advance the variables of an object makes the object have no free will? Huh, new one to me. No free will to do as it pleases? So 2+2=4 has no free will? In that case, no, we don't. Because of all the variables in the universe, all the mathematic calculations, involving us and the universe and the product of the conflictions of variables, it can all be calculated. Every action and object in the universe is declared with a variable, how it can be acted upon, how much, it's object's properties, etc, like I said, by the ultimate mathematician, and He knows all. I guess if someone knows the outcome, the no, none of us have free will because there is always one that knows the outcome of all.
And, of course PC's fail, they're built by us. Everything fails with time. That's irrelevant to the conversation.