Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Godless said:
***Whats more ridiculas to me is 'the universe came from nowhere!' ***

What is more rediculas to me is that god came from nowhere!!!!!! & created a universe out of nothing!!!!!


You already said that, but God being something outside time makes more sence then something inside time living enternaly.
**You already said that, but God being something outside time makes more sence then something inside time living enternaly.**

Basically here you are saying (TO HELL WITH REASON) I have faith!!.

There's no proof you can provide that an existence exists outside of time, this is what is rediculous, in order to exist it has to have an identity, be self aware, and have something to be aware off, if outside of time (a misconcept)BTW. It don't have nothing to be aware off, no identity, and no self awareness., i.e. NON-EXISTENT!!.

Godless said:
**You already said that, but God being something outside time makes more sence then something inside time living enternaly.**

Basically here you are saying (TO HELL WITH REASON) I have faith!!.

There's no proof you can provide that an existence exists outside of time, this is what is rediculous, in order to exist it has to have an identity, be self aware, and have something to be aware off, if outside of time (a misconcept)BTW. It don't have nothing to be aware off, no identity, and no self awareness., i.e. NON-EXISTENT!!.


Yes, but if God is outside time in a different universe, the concept would be entirely different, which of coarse we wouldn't understand.
I hate to dig up old bones, but why does the Christian god not fit the big bang theory? What could cause the creation of energy that resulted in a universe, and by chance, life?

Gods are pure fantasy and fit only ones imagination. No one knows the cause although there are speculative theories based on known physics.
yay, energy from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye physicists, ye make theories but no explanation.

There are explanations, but you're too stupid to understand them.
Godless said:
Yay a god from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye theists ye make theoris but no explanation!. :bugeye:

Not really, since God is nothingness.

(Q) said:
There are explanations, but you're too stupid to understand them.

Hm. Is that so :)
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Jay_7 -

It says the Big Bang never happened, and that the Universe is infinite, but that means that energy just came into existence out of nowhere,
No, it simply means energy has always been present. A big bang implies energy came from nowhere. The infinite universe concept negates the need for a beginning event of any type.

jay_7 said:
Yes, even if the energy/the universe is enternal, it doesn't eliminate the fact of something living outside the box (universe), energy could be enternal, but as jaylee said, why didnt it form billions of years ago other then how ever old the universe is. Also, the universe has time, something that has time is temporal, unlike Gods universe, enternal.

How can you believe energy existing infinite in a universe with time is logical? And that it all just 'happened' and caused everything we have today, including intelligent life, in my point of view, something of intelligence is behind it.
If you have a hard time believing that energy "always is, and always will be" then under what grounds can you state that a God is eternal? Also if you truly believe in the latter then you will need to explain to all of us as to what, How and when God was created?

Please stop quoting the bible, it only makes your argument less appealing
Godless said:
LOL.. How can you believe that a god is logical?

You have no evidence, but base your belief on the FAITH of others.


The same as you. You base your belief that God does not exist on the faith of others. You have no evidence. No proof. You have nothing.
ArtofWar said:
If you have a hard time believing that energy "always is, and always will be" then under what grounds can you state that a God is eternal? Also if you truly believe in the latter then you will need to explain to all of us as to what, How and when God was created?

Please stop quoting the bible, it only makes your argument less appealing

God wasnt created, and theres no matter of when, hes outside time.
TW Scott -

The same as you. You base your belief that God does not exist on the faith of others.
I've looked back a way at these messages but I could not see where Godless has claimed that God does not exist. Perhaps you could show me please?

jay 7 -

God wasnt created, and theres no matter of when, hes outside time.
God is an idea created by humans, or do you know something that no one else knows that would contradict that?

c7ityi -

God is nothingness
That could perhaps mean the space between somethings or the concept of null. Either interpretation leads to the conclusion of powerlessness and irrelevance.

Katazia said:
That could perhaps mean the space between somethings or the concept of null. Either interpretation leads to the conclusion of powerlessness and irrelevance.

Nothingness is the only thing that has infinite power. It is the source of the energy of the world: magnetism!
Godless said:
Rubbish!. You are trying to tie in of what an illiterate said 2000 years ago, to findings of today. The bible is very contradictory, and caries so many inconsistencies that even the Catholic church admits some parts of the bible should be taken as allegorical!. :bugeye:

This pice of trash document further stipulated that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun revolved around the earth. This was merely a generalization without any evidence to back it up. Just like I.D., Flat earth, and all the other BS written by Hebrew nomads who wanted to scape from bondage.


I don't agree with the Bible providing information stipulating that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around the Earth. But, if even if it did, the universe is infinite, so every point is the center. It is all a matter of perspective what revolves around what, depending on where you place the center of the universe.
Godless said:
Rubbish!. You are trying to tie in of what an illiterate said 2000 years ago, to findings of today. The bible is very contradictory, and caries so many inconsistencies that even the Catholic church admits some parts of the bible should be taken as allegorical!. :bugeye:

What parts? There are abstract stories told by the people to illustrate points. They are called parables. It is a common practice in philosophy. Is that what the Catholic church refers to?

Without going into what I think of the Catholic church, as I was a Catholic...let me just say that I don't trust anyone including my own pastor enough to believe anything without my own investigation, but least of all, the Catholic diocese.
Katazia said:
Jay_7 -

No, it simply means energy has always been present. A big bang implies energy came from nowhere. The infinite universe concept negates the need for a beginning event of any type.


But, if the universe is infinite, and energy is and always has been constant, where are all the other Earths and the other life forms on other planets? If the universe always was, then it is infinitely old, and so there are infinite number of hospitible planets. I guess we'll find out someday, just like when we find out there is a god. :rolleyes: In the absence of evidence, every possibility has an equal chance of being true. With an infinite number of possibillities, the chances of there being life on other planets approaches zero.

So, it is more likely that the universe is not infinitely old, and that energy was not always constant.