Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

jayleew said:
But, if the universe did not have a beginning, how could any planet exist? What I mean is that if energy is eternal, it has been around forever. If that is so, then there should be an infinite number of Earth's and alien lifeforms. Because of that, life has been around for an infinite number of years. Our current evidence doesn't support this theory because we can age everything around us, so either we lack evidence, or the theory that energy is has always been around is false. If you say we lack evidence, that is like me telling you there is a God and not providing any evidence and telling you that you haven't found it yet.

Not sure what you mean. Planets exist through constant formation or configuration of smaller particles that create an even larger entity. Who says that a planet in it's curent state is at its apex?

jayleew said:
Our current evidence doesn't support this theory because we can age everything around us, so either we lack evidence, or the theory that energy is has always been around is false.

things age in their current form but does that mean that their energy has aged? No it does not! Scientists state that all matter in our universe is 6-8 Bill years of age, which means your new born of two weeks consists of 6 bill year old matter. That being said they are only talking about matter that was created during or after the galaxy was created not the energy in iteself!

So simply stated under the conservation of energy rule, you are as old as the universe which is into infinity. So therefore you do not age perpetualy, because for you there was no 'real' begining.
(Q) said:
Our current evidence doesn't support this theory because we can age everything around us, so either we lack evidence, or the theory that energy is has always been around is false.

You are right, energy has not always been around.

I agree with that, but for other reasons.

Do you have any scientific proof because the law of conservation of energy says that energy is conserved in a system such as the universe. For it to have been conserved, that means it would have always had to existed, because energy exists.
For it to have been conserved, that means it would have always had to existed, because energy exists.

We would have to know whether or not energy existed before the big bang. But, that would be meaningless to us because energy was created from the big bang.
ArtofWar said:
Not sure what you mean. Planets exist through constant formation or configuration of smaller particles that create an even larger entity. Who says that a planet in it's curent state is at its apex?

things age in their current form but does that mean that their energy has aged? No it does not! Scientists state that all matter in our universe is 6-8 Bill years of age, which means your new born of two weeks consists of 6 bill year old matter. That being said they are only talking about matter that was created during or after the galaxy was created not the energy in iteself!

So simply stated under the conservation of energy rule, you are as old as the universe which is into infinity. So therefore you do not age perpetualy, because for you there was no 'real' begining.

If the universe is infinitely old, there should be an infinite number of life supporting planets, and life on other planets. We have found neither, yet. How can we say the universe is 6-8 billion years old and that energy is constant. If there was only energy before the universe, then how long did energy exist before the universe? Do you understand what I'm saying? If energy was around infinitely before the universe, then what in the heck caused the universe to exist if energy was perfectly happy by itself for an infinite number of years.

I am disputing the notion that energy always existed, but doing a poor job about it. Perhaps Q can help.

IMO, energy is constant today, but was not always constant, and it is illogical to believe that something can come from nothing. If energy has always been constant, then the universe is infinitely old, and there should be abundant life forms on other planets.
jayleew said:
I agree with that, but for other reasons.

Do you have any scientific proof because the law of conservation of energy says that energy is conserved in a system such as the universe. For it to have been conserved, that means it would have always had to existed, because energy exists.

I believe you just answered your own question. The universe exists because of the rules of attraction. the same rules that apply here on earth on the micro bio level. Before matter assembled to form an absolute body and exploded into the universe as we know it, matter just aimlessly existed or not. this is why some scientists belive that the universe will contract and expand continuously and not forever Accelerate as many others believe including Albert Einstein who concluded this in his 4th theory of relativity before scrapping it.
(Q) said:
For it to have been conserved, that means it would have always had to existed, because energy exists.

We would have to know whether or not energy existed before the big bang. But, that would be meaningless to us because energy was created from the big bang.

I hate to dig up old bones, but why does the Christian god not fit the big bang theory? What could cause the creation of energy that resulted in a universe, and by chance, life?
(Q) said:
But, that would be meaningless to us because energy was created from the big bang.

yay, energy from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye physicists, ye make theories but no explanation.

jayleew said:
How can we say the universe is 6-8 billion years old and that energy is constant.

if you're stupid, it's possible to say anything!

If there was only energy before the universe, then how long did energy exist before the universe? Do you understand what I'm saying?

yes, you just showed that the big bang theory is a big joke and you're right.

IMO, energy is constant today, but was not always constant, and it is illogical to believe that something can come from nothing.

if you study this "something" you call the universe, you'll realize that it consists of "nothing" (infinity and stuff), so no wonder you can get something from nothing. infact, the universe is created in the presence rather than in the past. the "creation" is continuous, like a tv broadcast, it allows the picture to be there.
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jayleew said:
I hate to dig up old bones, but why does the Christian god not fit the big bang theory? What could cause the creation of energy that resulted in a universe, and by chance, life?

Have you read the bible?

If Christians have burried their heads in the sand and taken on 2,000 year old wisdom and discared todays knowledge, then the Christian God is not compatible with what we have discovered about the universe so far.

I know the people that wrote the bible did not have the technology we have today, but Christians need to decide if we are to take their philosophy as truth, or if they want to change/modernize their views of God.

Since Christians don't keep slaves despite the fact the bible says so, I'm guessing you have already modernized to some degree, yet still hold on to the fact the Earth is 6,000 years old, Adam and Eve and 7 day creation.

At it's core fundamental roots, the Christian God can not possibly exist. So that raises the question if modernized Christianity is still the same thing. Certainly, the more time that passes and the more we learn, Christianity will continue to seem all the more redundant.
I just think, whenever I hear a Christian championing the existence of A God... they are not necessarily making a good case in describing the existence of their own God.
Here's another paradox:

God exists in everywhere, yet can't be found in anywhere. A multiplying zero with infinity.
yay, energy from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye physicists, ye make theories but no explanation.

Yay a god from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye theists ye make theoris but no explanation!. :bugeye:

Godless said:
Yay a god from nothingness just like that!! typical to ye theists ye make theoris but no explanation!. :bugeye:


This universe isnt outside time, God is.. how many times will we go threw this. Hmm.... 50 times?
When scientist theorized the BB theory. The church was oppose to it. But Christian scientists embraced it as a point of origin. Their bible god said let their be light. This they postulate was what started the big-bang to occur.

However the BB theory is estimated to have occured about 20 billion years ago. This is in contradiction to new renegade scientist findings.

**Spherical Universe within an Infinite Eternal Space.
Very briefly, matter, as Spherical Standing Waves, determines the size of our finite spherical universe within an infinite Space. Huygens' Principle explains how other matter's out waves combine to form our matter's spherical In-Waves, which then deduces both Mach's Principle and the redshift with distance (without assuming Doppler shifts due to an expanding universe - thus there was no Big Bang).
This also explains how matter interacts with all other matter in the universe (why we can see stars) as matter is the size of the universe, though we only 'see' the high wave amplitude wave-centers / 'particles'.
Finally, I wish to emphasize that the work contained in these essays is very important (as theories of the Cosmos also affect the rest of human knowledge and also tend to affect the attitudes of Society), and are the genuine and sincere work of intelligent and knowledgeable Scientists who I think care greatly about the Truth.
Geoff Haselhurst, 2005**

The Big Bang never happened

**This universe isnt outside time, God is.. how many times will we go threw this. Hmm.... 50 times?**

How do you know? Who tell's you, fellow theists. You believe because you have FAITH on the assumptions of others, not because there's any evidence that an existence exists outside of time. This is just circular logic, you can't explain it, so theists make up shit as they go!.
Godless said:
When scientist theorized the BB theory. The church was oppose to it. But Christian scientists embraced it as a point of origin. Their bible god said let their be light. This they postulate was what started the big-bang to occur.

However the BB theory is estimated to have occured about 20 billion years ago. This is in contradiction to new renegade scientist findings.

**Spherical Universe within an Infinite Eternal Space.
Very briefly, matter, as Spherical Standing Waves, determines the size of our finite spherical universe within an infinite Space. Huygens' Principle explains how other matter's out waves combine to form our matter's spherical In-Waves, which then deduces both Mach's Principle and the redshift with distance (without assuming Doppler shifts due to an expanding universe - thus there was no Big Bang).
This also explains how matter interacts with all other matter in the universe (why we can see stars) as matter is the size of the universe, though we only 'see' the high wave amplitude wave-centers / 'particles'.
Finally, I wish to emphasize that the work contained in these essays is very important (as theories of the Cosmos also affect the rest of human knowledge and also tend to affect the attitudes of Society), and are the genuine and sincere work of intelligent and knowledgeable Scientists who I think care greatly about the Truth.
Geoff Haselhurst, 2005**

The Big Bang never happened


It says the Big Bang never happened, and that the Universe is infinite, but that means that energy just came into existence out of nowhere, this makes less sence then Godless saying God came out of nowhere, its more logical to say a God always existed then energy always existing and forming everything hear today! I dont think the above article really meant anything, just made the atheist side of this argument more idiotic. :rolleyes:
Godless said:
**This universe isnt outside time, God is.. how many times will we go threw this. Hmm.... 50 times?**

How do you know? Who tell's you, fellow theists. You believe because you have FAITH on the assumptions of others, not because there's any evidence that an existence exists outside of time. This is just circular logic, you can't explain it, so theists make up shit as they go!.

:) Just like you. The Bible says the God exist outside time.

You say energy appeared from nowhere because you choose to believe that God does not exist, and you find any argument to prove that, which you don't. You say you choose more logicial things then God, but hows believing the universe is infinite more logicial then God?
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Just like you. The Bible says the God exist outside time.

The bible dear, is not a scientific document.

You say energy appeared from nowhere because you choose to believe that God does not exist

I dont say shit! The evidence provided states that the big-bang never happened, this implication is only stating that the universe is either A: lots older than thought out to be, B: Eternally existing, thus energy appears to be eternally existing also.

you could postulate that a god then has been eternally existing as well, but then this would contradict the "let their be light" command and the whole genesis would collapse to what it really is. An allegorical mythical notion with no basis in reality!

You say you choose more logicial things then God, but hows believing the universe is infinite more logicial then God?

LOL.. How can you believe that a god is logical?

You have no evidence, but base your belief on the FAITH of others.

**The notion of God is nothing but a big mixture of contradictions and nothingness. There is no meaning behind the word and no concept to even define.

We view with mirth the ancient Greeks and Egyptians and other peoples with their pantheons of various Gods controlling various aspects of the world. We laugh at contemporaries who claim to have been visited by aliens or seen Bigfoot. Some even laugh and deride those scientists who make claims with only a little evidence in support of their views. But what is truly ridiculous is the people who then turn around and say, "the belief in God is perfectly fine" either because someone they know believes it or because a large portion of the population believes it. Truth is not a social phenomenon. Reality is absolute and can only be understood through reason.**Importance of Philosophy

The bible dear, is not a scientific document.

I didnt say it was, the bible is what, not how. Anyway, the bible reveals many things that scientest did not know until lately.

Examples being:

In Mark 9:46, Jesus Christ says about hell: "Where THEIR WORM dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

Jesus said explicitly — THEIR worm — not a worm, or the worm — but THEIR worm. The Bible teaches that Christians will one day have a body like the Lord Jesus Christ. Could it be, as some Bible students teach — that men and women in hell take on the form of their father, Satan (John 8:44)? In Revelation 12:3, Satan is described as a red dragon. Could Jesus Christ be referring to the body lost men and women will have for eternity?

The earth’s crust on land is normally 50 miles thick. You’d have to go down 50 miles before the edge of the fire. But in parts of the ocean floor, the earth’s crust is less than a mile thick.

Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Eight-foot long worms, found no other place in the world! The book, The Deep Sea, by Joseph Wallace (p.39), reads, "Perhaps the strangest of ocean creatures recently discovered are Riftia, the giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

For more on this, check out:
May be a little ridiculas too you, but i want to see your thoughts on it.
I dont say shit! The evidence provided states that the big-bang never happened, this implication is only stating that the universe is either A: lots older than thought out to be, B: Eternally existing, thus energy appears to be eternally existing also.

you could postulate that a god then has been eternally existing as well, but then this would contradict the "let their be light" command and the whole genesis would collapse to what it really is. An allegorical mythical notion with no basis in reality!

Yes, even if the energy/the universe is enternal, it doesn't eliminate the fact of something living outside the box (universe), energy could be enternal, but as jaylee said, why didnt it form billions of years ago other then how ever old the universe is. Also, the universe has time, something that has time is temporal, unlike Gods universe, enternal.

LOL.. How can you believe that a god is logical?

How can you believe energy existing infinite in a universe with time is logical? And that it all just 'happened' and caused everything we have today, including intelligent life, in my point of view, something of intelligence is behind it.

You have no evidence, but base your belief on the FAITH of others.

Dont tell me what i do, you know nothing about me and what i base it on, ive always believed in God for more reasons then your've heard here, ive believed before i even looked into all this.

But what is truly ridiculous is the people who then turn around and say, "the belief in God is perfectly fine"

Whats more ridiculas to me is 'the universe came from nowhere!'
***Whats more ridiculas to me is 'the universe came from nowhere!' ***

What is more rediculas to me is that god came from nowhere!!!!!! & created a universe out of nothing!!!!!

Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Eight-foot long worms, found no other place in the world! The book, The Deep Sea, by Joseph Wallace (p.39), reads, "Perhaps the strangest of ocean creatures recently discovered are Riftia, the giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

Rubbish!. You are trying to tie in of what an illiterate said 2000 years ago, to findings of today. The bible is very contradictory, and caries so many inconsistencies that even the Catholic church admits some parts of the bible should be taken as allegorical!. :bugeye:

This pice of trash document further stipulated that the earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun revolved around the earth. This was merely a generalization without any evidence to back it up. Just like I.D., Flat earth, and all the other BS written by Hebrew nomads who wanted to scape from bondage.
