Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Give it your best shot, but the mountain of evidence is still there

I absolutely agree. It is so apparant now, that the "skeptics" have failed to successfully refute the proofs for ETI(now 50+ pages) and instead have made fools of themselves. No matter how much they bark now, even PM barks, the mountains of evidence produced will stand tall and mighty. I've done the job I set out to do and I think I should I call it a day now; unless would you like me to continue posting evidence?
mikey i want to congratulate you , again- and thank you, again- for the relaying of all this very important information.

it has proven, without a doubt, that not only are ETs for real (which i already knew) but that there *IS* evidence to prove it !

i personally think that looking into the past, such as ancient scripts and etc- we can glimpse into the nature of ETs and their origins. They told these ancient where they were from, heck they even built structures aimed at their constellations for pete's sake.

you have given me several facts to research in the past. even things i havent came across yet, but thanks for letting me know!

whereas you have effectively provided us proof of ETi, i am more set on providing information regarding their current activity on earth and situations that we may very soon come to see.

the point is to let others know, and you have done this well!
Thank you for your compliments Zonabi,

Yes, I also now want to discuss their current activity on Earth, and their and the governments agenda. That really is the most pressing issue now, not this pointless philosophical debate about their existence. We do not need to discuss their existence now, it's clear they exist, and are affecting our socieity at the deepest level.

For those who do not still believe. Im sorry, but it's not my fault, you choose to accept lies. I guess it's true what they say, "the truth hurts"

Yes, I'm conspiring with aliens. I am in fact an alien. I am the supreme commander of Sector G, which includes this pathetic solar system and its puny inhabitants.

Keep it quiet, though - I wouldn't want this kind of information to leak out.

It might start a conspiracy theory.
There is nothing to suggest the weapon is suppose to kill it's victim slowly; radiation is a side-effect of the weapon. The initial effect was certainly very lethal.
Actually it wasnt lethal, if it was lethal, it would have killed him quickly, he survived and was killed by radiation a long time later, thats hardly the weapon of an alien super-race, its pretty much the same as our weapons, i would have thought they'd have something a little more advanced, but thats just my view.
No, it was 7 monthers after his 1995 lecture. You misread.
Actually you misread, he says WE have little more than 6 months left in this country, not just him.
You have so much faith in the government, yet, no faith in the defence, aerospace, space, intelligence of the country? Quite odd.
Actually i have no faith in any of the above, especially the government.
For those who do not still believe. Im sorry, but it's not my fault, you choose to accept lies. I guess it's true what they say, "the truth hurts"
How could it possably be hurtful that someone we have much to learn from exists? It would actually be quite impressive. Your logic is curious.
I must also commend you on your effort.
Tips coffee cup to you, cheers

It is amazingly so evident with the proof, after proof, yes mounds or mountains of proof that ETI is real and ETI is here on earth and ETI is pulling out all the stops to stay hidden so they can continue their harmful, hurtful charade.

Thank you Fiery :)

Lemming: What hurts, is the emerging truth, that we have a tiny place in the universe, and that our scientific models and species are primitive. This is why the ETI cookie, is a hard cookie to digest. On the other hand, I am not patriotic and fundamentalist about humanity at all, and have always wondered of what wonders this universe may hold.

The way to see how natural ETI is. Is to think of space, as an ocean, and each planet as an island. On some islands, there are people just like us, who want to explore the their world just like us. We have little boats to explore our nearby seas, but that sink when they go too far from the coast. The seas maybe close to impossibe to sail in our boats, but somewhere on another island; there are people who have big ships that can go far far across the ocean; crossing many continents; discovering new lands; and new peoples; and one day they may discover us.

Just think, in the age before we discovered other continents, there were the same people thinking it was their world , only to discover so many new lands and cultures. The same is happening today. People cannot accept there are other worlds, and other species, when they long believed, they are the centre of the universe and they understand it. History is repeating itself.

People will come from other worlds, to see our people. Some of them will be here to better us; some will be here for their own interests; some may even be here to invade us. What is to come, is not in our hands, it all depends on fate. We may enjoy a beautiful utopia and an age of exploration; we may become drones to serve our world; we maybe enslaved or exterminated. Whatever happens, it's only the way of nature - creation, preservation and destruction.
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The explanation of your logic is much appreciated, though i believe most skeptics already accept we arnt the most advanced in the universe and would agree with your analogy. As far as im concerned the debate is and always has been about if these ET beings are here, or merely on their way, you've done the best job you can of presenting evidence, unfortunately for you none of it is as conclusive as most of us would like. Its very much like people on different islands in our world they may have evolved differently and far away from each other but some cultures have striking similarities, and i wouldnt put this down to ET, just simple human behaviour, after all, why so many gods and religions if it isnt human nature to always want something more?
If ET is here then he's monitoring the internet. I dont know about the rest of you but I'm playing it strictly legit. Hey Crazymikey I'm with you bud. Just between us Crazymikey can you put in a good word for me with the ETs, you know just in case they take over and hold grudges with guys that write nasty stuff about them in the internet. Semper Fi Dude.
Yumpin' yiminy, it's like a star trek convention in here!

William Shatner should be showing up any time now and telling you all to move out of your parents basements and get a life.

Those ETI that are here on/in our earth are the LOSERS, they are on my SHIT list along with their conspirators, traitors of the human race; not that I am keeping an actual list.

That is were you will find the wave of panic, with those LOSERS and their conspirators.
crazymikey said:
Yet, what's interesting; most abductees are not even at home, when they claim to be abducted. What is also interesting; thousands upon thousands of abductees report the same circumstances and procedures of an abduction all over the world; all having the same delusion? nonsense.
Also interesting; identical incision marks and implants found in the body. Also interesting, disappearing fetus's in pregnant women.

Were you listening? Temporal Lobe Epilepsy produces the same symptoms in everyone, so everyone who suffers from it who believes in ETs would have the exact same experience. One thing that would vary, would be the appearance of the ET, hence the 58 odd categories that 'abductees' have seen, and why many see 'greys' those being the most popular image of ETs.

The surgery etc, would be easy to prove it were happening, there would be real physical evidence, like, we'd see the implants, and have studied them in detail. Of course, why aliens need to use invasive surgery techniques, when people of their technical acumen would have better imaging techniques than MRI, and undoubtedly developed nanobots to perform such tasks escapes me. Odd they can't adequately anaesthetise humans either, isn't it?

Disappearing foetus from a pregnant woman is called a miscarriage. It happens quite a lot. I'd have a brother else.

Abductions happening outdoors, perhaps sleepwalking? A combination of issues?

Actually, I am presenting evidence for it. You are presenting, 2nd hand figures, from an unknown site, which could be questionable.

That's rich, your 'evidence' is transcripts on web sites. If it were real evidence, there woul dbe no debate of the existence of ETs. But there is, so what does that say about your the quality of your 'evidence'?

Again, you are dictating what the aliens can or can't do. What makes you think, it was a bullet? You are so ignorant, it's not even funny.

So, this guy got 'cobalt radiation', which I've already explained is a meaningless term, as Cobalt emit two out of the three known types of radiation. So it is safe to assume that this guy meant that he recieved a dose of radiation after coming into contact with cobalt which came from an Alien weapon. Hmm, getting hit in the chest with a metal that came from an alien weapon, ... sound like a bullet? Or don't you attempt to build a picture of what transpired? I'm not dictating what aliens can do either, rather forming a hypothesis from the 'data' I've been presented with. That's what scientists do, ....

What a ingenious display of lateral thinking. Let me see, if I get this, so because the word sounds impressive to you, he must have made the term up on purpose?

No, I'm saying he picked a word which _he_ probably thought sounded impressive. you don't think it's a little too much of a coincidence that a Geologist picked a word to use which is a Geologial term?

Retire. Secondly, how do you know, what the clearence codes should be called? What if he said; willybillytilly-35-clearence - that's not impressive sounding - would that have been ok?

How do I know what clearance codes should be called? Oh, I dunno, perhaps having friends who work for Government research agencies, who deal with secrets, and having worked on computer systems which handle sensitive data might give me a clue?

ROFL - You've clearly have shown how little you know about science, the scientific method, and the history of science. You're a pseudoscientist, I honestly believe so. Not only that, but your deduction and comprehension skills are abysmal.

You 'believe' me to be a pseudoscientist. That says it all, that you ar still willing to 'believe' something which has been clearly demonstrated not to be the case.

And yet you still dodge the question of your own credentials. Mine, degree in Physics and IT, worked for four years in the Aerospace industry.

phlogistician said:
...Disappearing foetus from a pregnant woman is called a in Physics and IT...

Those women that while sleeping miraculously miscarriaged a 3 to 4 month gestated baby and bloodless, if I recall correctly.

I guess we will find out soon enough.

I just wouldn't want to be in phlogistician's shoes at that time.

A degree in Physicis and IT...who really cares how big your balls are phlogistician?..all that proves is that you can play with yourself...

It means absolutely nothing if you cannot put the evidence together and see what is right in front of your face.
ROFL, phlogistician, what proof do you have of having those credentials. It's obvious you just made it all up. Someone who does not understand science, or it's history, and why there is science, and rejects the latest in science, and heck, does even know a disappearing foetus is not a miscarraige, is claiming to be a paid scientist LOL :D I was not born yesterday.
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crazymikey said:
ROFL, phlogistician, what proof do you have of having those credentials. It's obvious you just made it all up.

Obvious? I've corrected your bad science, but somehow this isn't proof that I know what I'm talking about? At least I've stated my credentials, you are still dodging the question about yours.

Someone who does not understand science, or it's history, and why there is science, and rejects the latest in science,

If what you are quoting is the latest in science, let's see the data, the hypotheses, and the formulae. That should be easy for you.

and heck, does even know a disappearing foetus is not a miscarraige, is claiming to be a paid scientist LOL :D I was not born yesterday.

Nope, I'm not a paid scientist anymore. I work in IT, I just have worked in that field, and got a lot of experience from it.

So what is a disappearing foetus then? And please, with proof, like medical records, not just transcripts again.
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You corrected my bad science? On the contrary, I corrected your lack of comprehension of science.

That's interesting a degree in both physics and IT, and now you shifted completely to IT - you're full of bullshit. I bet you're still in high school.
Isn’t IT Information Technology? Like how to handle information and such? Tactics of control and accessibility? There is a guy that runs OpenSETI and he was an information security specialist for the Department of Defense in the US. What he says of tactics and IC agents is very interesting.

I would believe that phlogger is an IT person,,, yes I would. :D
crazymikey said:
You corrected my bad science? On the contrary, I corrected your lack of comprehension of science.

Nope, you keep _stating_ that, but you haven't actually done it. You just keep saying I don't understand, when it;s you that made the schoolboy error.

That's interesting a degree in both physics and IT, and now you shifted completely to IT - you're full of bullshit. I bet you're still in high school.

Yeah, it was an interesting degree, we could pick two subjects from Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and IT. It was a 'Combined Science' degree.

So, what was your degree again?
craterchains (Norval said:
Isn’t IT Information Technology? Like how to handle information and such? Tactics of control and accessibility?

Yep, that IT, but as much as I'd love to be part of the conspiracy, all that time I worked with PhD astronomers, engineers, and even met the odd astronaut, I was never shown what the funny handshake was, or how to find the clubhouse.

I'm just a straight up debunker.

I am not going to play, "Mines bigger than yours" you should have discerned that long ago. You are the one whose claiming to have worked in aerospace and IT, and have a degree in Physics and IT and have correspodence with government officials, so much so, that you claim to know what their clearences are called.

Now, some stranger on the internet, who cannot form logical arguments, has some of the worst comprehension of science on the forum, and the best he's shown of his scientific knowledge, is a high school formula - err, forgive me for being dubious. It's quite obvious you're bullshitting. I mean where is the evidence that you are who you say you are?

You could be a delusioned 14 year old kid, whose just recently been taught the uniform laws of motion in physics, and is trying to impress people online, by parroting one of them. In fact, from the way you have presented yourself, I don't think that's too far from reality.
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