Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Mikey sez:

I operate at a much higher level of intelligence.

You sound like Dale Gribble.

Dale believes everything he sees on the "The X-Files," as well as many other conspiracies. He doesn't trust any large organizations, with the possible exception of the American Tobacco Institute. Among the things Dale knows for a fact are L. Ron Hubbard was killed by fire ants and Bob Dole is faking that dead arm.
Some great info mike.

There is only one way to avoid criticism in life.

Do nothing.
Say nothing.
Be nothing.
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Hey Mike, do me a favour and stop discussing anything with q.
It is a waste of everybodies time, espeacially mine.
You just keep posting any good information you've got.
It saves me a lot of time looking for the goods that you have obviously gotten more efficient at.
Peace Out
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I operate at a much higher level of intelligence.

Although some of Q's arguements are just attacks, saying your smarter than the rest of us was out of order mikey, especially when you dont know us, and have yet to tell us your degree or at the least IQ, it really is an unsupported claim. By your standards you would have lost your credibility with claims like that, but im above that and simply ask you retract the statement.
Im curious about the links you posted, what shape is the UFO? It says what they saw was off in the distance, yet eliptical then circular as it moved away, if it moved away it would stay eliptical, it would only be circular if it was above them(assuming it was the standard UFO accepted shape of circular) if it was cigar shape it wouldnt be circular at any distance, if it was spherical it wouldnt be eliptical, if it was circular, then as they look at it it would be on its side if they saw it as circular, if it then has a beam of light extending from it, the light comes from the side, not the bottom, as it landed and left a crater that suggests it was circular or spherical, to me this suggests an inconsistancy in the story.
CrazyMikey, Rendlesham has been thoroughly debunked, digging up some of the testimony about it shows you haven't followed the case through.

It's a classic woowoo tactic, keep reposting the same 'evidence' even if later investigations have overturned it. It's a case of 'shouting long enough and hard enough' but it won't work here. Here's the debunking, from a reputable source (The BBC);

As to me talking bullshit about my credentials, and you saying it's all bullshit I can't prove, well, you miss the point that that attitude goes for all of your posts too. So we are at an impass.

But the facts stand. You needed to be corrected with your physics, all you have is claims, and no evidence, and when pressed for your credentials, and asked direct questions, you avoid answering them, and are shifty. Meanwhile, I've got a bunch of other things to do, so I'll let you chew on the link for a while, and get back to you later.
Hey Mike, do me a favour and stop discussing anything with q.
It is a waste of everybodies time, espeacially mine.

And of course, your time is sooo valuable, isn't it? Yet, after going back and reading some of your posts, it reminded me why I never read your posts - there is no content whatsoever, you simply have nothing to say.

You just keep posting any good information you've got.

That's not necessary - if you've been paying attention and following along, you'll realize that Mikey is reposting and rehashing the same topics as every other UFO nutter that has come along in the past. Like you, he has nothing to say.

Although some of Q's arguements are just attacks

Didn't you notice that ALL of Mikeys responses are attacks? He insults anyone who disagrees with him. Most likely, if he responds to your statement, it will be in the form of an insult.
phlogistician said:
It's a classic woowoo tactic, keep reposting the same 'evidence' even if later investigations have overturned it. It's a case of 'shouting long enough and hard enough' but it won't work here.
That all any of his threads have been, which is the main reason I stopped participating. He posts some things that might actually be interesting and supportable, but it's surrounded by so much that is just garbage... and I'm not going to bother to clean up after someone who can't figure out what good and bad evidence is. Especially when he probably doesn't even realize what the good points might be, and they may actually be bad points if investigated.
Although some of Q's arguements are just attacks, saying your smarter than the rest of us was out of order mikey, especially when you dont know us, and have yet to tell us your degree or at the least IQ, it really is an unsupported claim. By your standards you would have lost your credibility with claims like that, but im above that and simply ask you retract the statement.

Yes, im sorry, I sometimes have spontaneous bouts of anger attacks. I've said before here, that I sometimes feel extremely frustrated with life; it's monotony; it's deep emptiness; and the flaws of humanity, and at those stages, even the slightest provokation, can make me boil with anger. I am not sure if you can relate to this, but for me, it's very real. I feel like life is empty, and no matter what I do, laugh, cry, be happy; be sad; have sex; not have sex, I can't make this void go away. You just witnessed one of those bouts of anger.

I will listen to those who wants me to stay on, and keep providing information. I just don't want these constant attacks, that's all I've seen in my life, from as early as 2 years old, and that's all I've seen in human history. It just makes me feel even more hopeless about humanity. As for my IQ, it's in the top 1-5% of the population, according to those primitive IQ exams(supervized test) Which means absolutely nothing, to be honest. I am only telling you, because you asked, and I will not discuss it any further. I am strongly against bragging about superficial scores and qualfications. In my view, even an average person, can get a degree. Parroting information from text-books and lectures, memorizing formula's, determination, is as much as you need. The true test of ones intelligence, is if they can think independently and objectively. I do consider myself very intelligent, in fact, people I meet, regularly tell me that. However, it is not because of a worthless score on an IQ test, it's because I think independently and objectively.

I will try to keep my calm now, though, im only human.
Lemming3k said:
Im curious about the links you posted, what shape is the UFO? It says what they saw was off in the distance, yet eliptical then circular as it moved away, if it moved away it would stay eliptical, it would only be circular if it was above them(assuming it was the standard UFO accepted shape of circular) if it was cigar shape it wouldnt be circular at any distance, if it was spherical it wouldnt be eliptical, if it was circular, then as they look at it it would be on its side if they saw it as circular, if it then has a beam of light extending from it, the light comes from the side, not the bottom, as it landed and left a crater that suggests it was circular or spherical, to me this suggests an inconsistancy in the story.

Yes, it does seem quite bizarre. However, I have read many cases, where UFO's are known to break up into smaller parts, or change shape.
No, Phlogistican. I am not christian. I do not belong to any religion, cult or sect. I do not believe in God or the soul, but I do not rule out the possibilities either.
phlogistician said:
CrazyMikey, Rendlesham has been thoroughly debunked, digging up some of the testimony about it shows you haven't followed the case through.

It's a classic woowoo tactic, keep reposting the same 'evidence' even if later investigations have overturned it. It's a case of 'shouting long enough and hard enough' but it won't work here. Here's the debunking, from a reputable source (The BBC);

This is a single witness testimony. If you do not believe 400+ witness testimonies in favour of ETI and rule them out as liars. Then how can you believe a single witness testimony not in favour of ETI and pass it of as thorough debunking?

In addition to this, and this is very similar to the case of Roswll. How do you believe in a single witness testimony that is at odds with the circumstantial evidence and multiple witness testimonies:

1: Radiation levels showing 10 times higher
2: Depressions in the ground
3: Multiple witness testimony of a flying, glowing, metallic craft
4: Frenzy among animals
5: First-hand testimony of cover-up, and alien contact

Especially considering, that the testimony(confession) you quote, is of an event that is 20 years old; practical jokes that take 20 years to come to the fore, conveniantly appearing right after the MoD releases class A documents that have been covered-up all this time.

Therefore this single confession of a hoax is countered on 6 counts. Hence it's more likely the claim is false. Do you accept that possibility?

I assure you, if you were to shine red and blue lights into a forest at night, I would not think it is a flying, glowing, metallic craft, and if I was an official of the MoD, I would not cover it up for 20 years, as a class A document :)
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Didn't you notice that ALL of Mikeys responses are attacks? He insults anyone who disagrees with him. Most likely, if he responds to your statement, it will be in the form of an insult.
Not all, some are attacks, for the most part he's just frustrated he cant get the right evidence to convince us, like your frustrated he doesnt believe your arguements, im trying to be fair and point out neither side needs to make attacks(but they do), i didnt wish to offend(and hope i didnt) i just stated a fact.
Thanks for the response mikey, your right IQ is fairly meaningless i just wanted a rough idea, IQ doesnt change your credibility or anybody elses, the credibility in discussion is in the sources you provide, as for a degree i was just curious since you was argueing physics with someone, again it has little relevance its just a curiosity that i other people wanted answered.
Yes, it does seem quite bizarre. However, I have read many cases, where UFO's are known to break up into smaller parts, or change shape.
Thing is it didnt break up at the point they discuss, changing shape due to angles of view is fair enough but actually changing physical shape on its own im not sure is possible(or beneficial) to a craft, my view of what they read was the shape changed due to their viewpoint not the craft changing, and if so the craft would have been tilted on its side, it would be easier to explain with diagrams/models etc but visual spacial imagination will just have to do.
1: Radiation levels showing 10 times higher
2: Depressions in the ground
Perhaps i shall go one day and see if the radiation is still there(as it should be) and the depressions in the ground, im curious nobodys been there and brought back pictures of these, depressions in the ground are a physical effect that wouldnt just dissappear.
Thing is it didnt break up at the point they discuss, changing shape due to angles of view is fair enough but actually changing physical shape on its own im not sure is possible(or beneficial) to a craft, my view of what they read was the shape changed due to their viewpoint not the craft changing, and if so the craft would have been tilted on its side, it would be easier to explain with diagrams/models etc but visual spacial imagination will just have to do.

Yes. I also think it is not a very far-strech of imagination for it to be possible the UFO's body does divide into other smaller parts, that are self-contained UFO's. Think of it as having many self-contained modules, that are capable of breaking away from the mothership, and rejoining again - much like a jigsaw.
What ever happened to the entire concept of escape pods? Escape pods would have minimal technology for survival, can vary in size and shape depending on several factors such as number of occupants.
You know, it's quite possible that Q, you might actualy be an alright guy to talk to if we were talking about sports, money, or women, but why would you come to a forum just to argue with people.
I mean be honest, you don't REALLY want to know whats going on with the possibilty of alien life. I mean, it might be possible it entertains you in some small way, but I am sure you have other interests that you would be able to gain more value from.

Myself and a freind have seen aproximately 30 crafts of the typical description of alien vessels, having the shape of close to half a ball and a silver mettalic shape.
Over Kelona, B.C. at around noon on a clear sunny day. No mistake, clear as day.
Fucked me up for days. Whether or not they were aliens or government I can not say for sure, but either way.........somethings up.

Now if I was in a serious discussion with this with someone and you came in rudely with some assanign comments I would punch you in the face.
And I would expect you to do the same if I acted in such a manner.
It doesn't matter what someone is talking about, it's called respect.

If you truly feel that your sense of self esteem is being built in these conversations, maybe you should take a more effective route and talk to the manager at sciforms and convince them to take out the psuedocscience forum.

Why not treat the cause instead of just the symptom.
I mean, it has to be a nutjob to put up such a forum, why mess with the pee-ons when you could actually show some integrity and courage and go after the main guy himself and profuse your cause.
Or you could just lower yourself to our standards and keep talking with nutjobs.
Come on in,glad to have you.
Unless of course your just here to argue.

P.S. Why yes, my time is EXTEMELY ijmportant!.....isn't yours?
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