Proof for ETI: Part 2

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According to the coroners report, Phil Schneider committed suicide. The only information aside from that appears on UFO nutter sites in which claims of murder abound.

I wonder how the UFO nutters managed to work alongside the coroner to establish murder?
No Q, the actual proper coroners report is suppose to say, "Phil Schneider murdered in mysterious circumstances" so that everyone knows about the "mysterious circumstances" Actually initially they said he died of a heart stroke.

Interesingly, he says, they are giving him death threats in the 1995 lecture. You just swallow anything. Sheep.
No Q, the actual proper coroners report is suppose to say

No one cares what you personally want the coroners report to read. There was no evidence of foul play - you're letting your imagination run wild, again.
What a masterful display of ignorance.

phlogistician said:
Abductions, riiiiiight. Look, there are very real and well understood illnesses that are at the root cause of the abduction experience. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, for one, which often happens while folks are sleeping, and produces the exact same feelings.

Yet, a majority of abductees are psychologically normal - John Mack, Harvard, Professor of psychology.

But let's get this straight. You think aliens are travelling the VAST distances of space, perhaps having to harness power from a CV (Cataclysmic Variable) to create a wormhole, channeling all of that power, mastering all of that technology, and then, they arrive here, and find some compunction to anally probe people?


You know next to nothing about Aliens, their logic, their philosophies, their scientific endaveours, and yet have the audacity to dictate their practices.

The post that was pasted was written by someone who was clearly delusional, out of focus, egotistical, rambling. Do you believe it? That the first WTC bombing was a nuke?

That person was a geological and structural engineer who worked for the government and aerospace. Who released it's secrets in 1995, and was found dead 7 months later.

That McVeigh didn't use fertiliser? The guy is unsure of the facts. It was a 'Ryder' truck, not a 'Rider', and it held 5000lbs (2.3 metric tons, not too much for a truck to carry at all) of fertiliser.

You were there weren't you, or are you using figures from a 2nd hand source, and regurgitating without question?

Other problems. He took a direct hit from a weapon designed by a far advanced alien race, and survived. Far from being non-lethal, it gave him cancer. Does that not sound a little odd? That aliens can't make either a lethal weapon, or their non-lethal ones still kill you?

Since, when did he say it was a non lethal weapon? If I fire a radiation weapon at you, that blows a hole in your arm, that gives you an intense dose of radiation, that will slowly cause cancer to spread in your body. How is that non lethal?

He mentions Bob Lazar, who has been widely discredited.

So has everyone else whose coming forward from the government, NASA, CIA, NSA, USAF and revealed ETI.

He uses a term 'ryolite 38' clearance level. His wife refers to it as a 'rhyolitic' clearance level. Rhyolitic, is a geological term, and he was a Geologist. Re-using impressive sounding terms, perhaps?

And your point is? Because it sounds impressive - it's wrong? LoL

Plus he was a devout Christian, meaning he was able to believe just about anythying on the flimsiest of 'evidence'. Plus he was taking a complete cocktail of medication for his various illnesses. So I really doubt he was on an even keel.

Isac Newton was a devout christian.

quality of evidence is lacking

Credibility, honesty, humanity, intelligence, humilty is lacking from you. Which makes me think, do you actually have an agenda for being here? All you've done is ridiculed each and every evidence provided, and parroted the government explanations. Very suspicious.
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You know next to nothing about Aliens, their logic, their philosophies, their scientific endaveours, and yet have the audacity to dictate their practices.

And what of your audacity in the same regard? Hypocrite.
Colonel Philip J. Corso, U.S.A reveals reverse engineered ETI technologies:

Yet, even more proof of reverse engineered ETI technologies. This time, Philip J. Corso, a man with impeccable credentials. Corso was an intelligence officer on General Douglas MacArthur's staff during the Korean War; member of the President Eisenhower's National Security Council; head of Foreign Technology in Army Research and Development at the Pentagon in the early 1960s. He later retired in 1963, acquiring 19 medals and ribbons, and then served as National Security specialist staff to U.S. Senators James Eastland and Strom Thurmond.

Corso in 1997, and in a book entitled "The Day After Roswell" divulges, in July, 1947 at the Roswell UFO crash site, an Army Intelligence
retrieval team found five extraterrestrials greys; 2 of them were still alive, of which one was shot dead by a soldier, and the other was dying. That same night, the artifacts, debris, and one extraterrestrial were shipped to Fort Riley, Kansas, where Corso examined them. This material was later sent to Wright-Patterson Air force base, Ohio.

Corso was in the charge of the reverse engineering project, the progress on ET technologies were seeded into multinational commercial firms like IBM, Dow Cornings, Bells labs. These technologies were the transistor, the microchip, fibre optics, lasers, night-vision, super-tenacity fibres and psychotronic devices, stealth, particle beams, nanotech, anti gravity, based on reverse engineered components and systems onboard ET UFO's.

Coroso also talks about a crude experimental craft built in 1950's, using anti-gravity, powered by basic nuclear fission generators, that was barely functional and leaked too much radiation. According to Corso, the UFO reverse engineering project was to quickly bring our technologies to ETI standards in an event of a a war against ETI.
Laughable. Corso never states in his book how he came to the conclusion there may be a war with ET and sheds no light on any such evidence. Perhaps ET told him themselves considering he also claims to have contacted them telepathically.

Corso's book is complete disinformation.
If I fire a radiation weapon at you, that blows a hole in your arm, that gives you an intense dose of radiation, that will slowly cause cancer to spread in your body. How is that non lethal?
Just thought i'd point out he said it hit him in the chest, and that such a weapon is kind of pointless, the objective of a weapon like that is to kill or stun, theres no advantages to killing someone slowly with a weapon by giving them cancer.(and as far as it being a side effect is concerned i would have thought their weapons would be more lethal since they are more advanced, and also im surprised cobalt is the material they use for their projectiles, i would have thought uranium/plutonium would be better, thats if they have no new elements on their planet that we dont have that make better weapons)
You know next to nothing about Aliens, their logic, their philosophies, their scientific endaveours, and yet have the audacity to dictate their practices.
All we know is the same as you, what people tell us. ;)
That person was a geological and structural engineer who worked for the government and aerospace. Who released it's secrets in 1995, and was found dead 7 months later
He also said we had little more than 6 months life left and that was nearly 9 years ago....
I don't perceive at this time that we have too much more than six months of life left in this country, at the present rate.
Also i wouldnt conclude he was assassinated due to ET, besides if he was murdered its very difficult to prove the motive was due to ET.(and im not sure that motive would stand up in a court of law;))
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Hi Lemming,

You have misunderstood what you've read grossly. I do not mean to scold you, but please understand the issue, before you speak on it.

Just thought i'd point out he said it hit him in the chest, and that such a weapon is kind of pointless, the objective of a weapon like that is to kill or stun, theres no advantages to killing someone slowly with a weapon by giving them cancer.(and as far as it being a side effect is concerned i would have thought their weapons would be more lethal since they are more advanced, and also im surprised cobalt is the material they use for their projectiles, i would have thought uranium/plutonium would be better, thats if they have no new elements on their planet that we dont have that make better weapons)

1. The weapon is not using cobalt; it's infected him with cobalt radiation
2. There is nothing to suggest the weapon is suppose to kill it's victim slowly; radiation is a side-effect of the weapon. The initial effect was certainly very lethal.
3. This is only one alien weapon. They do not have to use a 10^55 vacuum energy weapon on one human ;)

All we know is the same as you, what people tell us.

I absolutely agree, I know next to nothing about their mentality, logic, and their philosophies. However Lemming, I am not the one saying, what they can or can't do.

He also said we had little more than 6 months life left and that was nearly 9 years ago.

No, it was 7 monthers after his 1995 lecture. You misread.

Also i wouldnt conclude he was assassinated due to ET, besides if he was murdered its very difficult to prove the motive was due to ET.(and im not sure that motive would stand up in a court of law

It's common sense on why he was murdered. He even said, his friends have been found dead and their death has been called a "suicide" and he even talked about receiving death threats and being monitored in his 1995 lecture. That would be enough of a motive to press charges on the government.

My friend, try to see the greater picture. All these scientists, physicists, engineers, intelligence and military officials coming forward and revealing ETI activity - in addition to mountains of evidence of ETI and UFO activity. A sudden quantum leap in terrestrial technology from 1940's and onwards. Is it all a mass delusional; is it all lies; is it all a fabrication?

You have so much faith in the government, yet, no faith in the defence, aerospace, space, intelligence of the country? Quite odd.

I know, you will only believe, when you witness it for yourself. However, my friend, the price of your blind skepticism is at the expense of people dying for you, and what may happen to you, and the rest of humanity, in the near future.
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(Q) said:
Laughable. Corso never states in his book how he came to the conclusion there may be a war with ET and sheds no light on any such evidence. Perhaps ET told him themselves considering he also claims to have contacted them telepathically.

My impression of Corso's book was that he overanalyzed things. He made sweeping conclusions based on only circumstantial evidence. This could have been a flaw with Corso himself or with Birnes, who Corso and his son said embellished sections of the book to make it more dramatic. If the book is true, he participated in some of the most important events of the last few centuries. Maybe he just overestimated because of that.

However, even if that is so, I don't think it takes away from who he was or his credibility to speak on the reality of UFOs and the ET event associated with Roswell. Virtually everything that Corso says in the book that can be verified has been. He is who he says he is and he was where he says he was. So if he fabricated anything, it was only the events that took place there. And I find that unlikely.

Col Corso in my opinion has the highest credentials of anyone to speak on the Roswell incident so far. He was a decorated war veteran of WWII. He was the Army's lead man in rebuilding Italy after the war (he stayed in Rome for 3 years after the war ended working to stabilize the country). His leadership was greatly admired and his actions and the way he handled himself speak volumes. Just after the war, he was instrumental in successfully moving 10,000 jews still under oppression from Rome to Palestine. He advised President Eisenhower's National Security Council from 1954-57. He was the battalion commander of a NIKE nuclear missile complex in West Germany from 1957-61. And after that he was appointed the head of the Foreign Technology department at the Army Research and Development division of the Pentagon. More recently, his testimony before Congress played a principle role in revealing a coverup of the government's knowledge about POWs in the Korean War. Most of this he relates in the book and none of it is in dispute, even among debunkers. Research by many people have thoroughly established his military record. This makes him the highest ranking military officer to date to come forward with evidence of the coverup and the true nature of Roswell.
crazymikey said:
Yet, a majority of abductees are psychologically normal - John Mack, Harvard, Professor of psychology.

What Mack really means when he talks about beings from other dimensions is that -despite his patients' occasional descriptions of their experiences as dreams and hallucinations- he hasn't the foggiest notion of what they are. But, tellingly, when he tries to describe them, he reaches for physics adn mathematics. He wants it both ways -the language and credibility of science, but without being bound by its method and rules. He seems not to realize that credibility is a consequence of the method.

- Sagan, Carl (1996). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark Ballantine Books, NY.

crazymikey said:
That person was a geological and structural engineer who worked for the government and aerospace. Who released it's secrets in 1995, and was found dead 7 months later.

I'm inclined to believe that he may have been a geologist/engineer and actually worked for the government, but I've yet to actually sources that can validate that the guy actually existed, much less what his credentials and cause of death is. I'm not saying he's a fraud, only that so far its as equally possible as not. Certainly it's a story oft repeated on the internet and without citation to primary sources.

Where and to whom was the lecture given?

crazymikey said:
You were there weren't you, or are you using figures from a 2nd hand source, and regurgitating without question?

The McVeigh defense was unable to refute the receipt for 40 fifty-pound bags of ammonium nitrate. I think we can safely say that it was instrumental.

Overall, Phil S. is a poor choice for offering credibility to the UFO/ETI cause, primarily because the facts surrounding him are spurious and questionable. Its every bit as likely that he was a dellusional fraud as it is that he was entirely genuine. Any point between those extremes is also a possibility.
crazymikey said:
Colonel Philip J. Corso, U.S.A reveals reverse engineered ETI technologies:

Another poor source of validity. If he was so "impeccable," how come he didn't make even brigadier general?

I believe a U.S. Senator (even Strom Thurmond), has more intrinsic credibility than a retired Lt. Col.
crazymikey said:
What a masterful display of ignorance.
Yet, a majority of abductees are psychologically normal - John Mack, Harvard, Professor of psychology.

People prone to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy have quite normal brain patterns during waking hours, and abnormal ones during sleep, occasionally. It is therefore difficult to detect, although it can be induced. When induced, it produces the exact same sensations as reported by abductees. I would say then, that people suffering from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy are 'psycholigically normal', but they aren't exactly physiologically normal, and suffer a few electrical anomolies in their brain. I've seen a PhD Psychologist subject herself to induction of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy whilst in a sensory deprivation tank. This was to get as close to sleeping, while being able to report the sensations. The outcome proves Temporal Lobe Epilepsy fits with the reports from 'abductees', and victims of Succubi, etc. The woman who undertook the experiment, was a Psychology lecturer ( I met her several times some 20 years ago, as she was my then gf's lecturer) who at one point had had some belief in the paranormal. Once she investigated the statistical, psycholigical, and physical side to these experiences, however, she became a skeptic, and even wrote for a magazine called 'The Skeptic'. Her name is Dr Susan Blackmore, check her out.

You know next to nothing about Aliens, their logic, their philosophies, their scientific endaveours, and yet have the audacity to dictate their practices.

Ah, and you know more, because you channel them when you remove your tinfoil helmet? OR you read some stuff on the Internet about them, and a few works of fiction, by Strieber, et al?

You were there weren't you, or are you using figures from a 2nd hand source, and regurgitating without question?

There you go again, that thick streak of hypocrite in you is showing again. So, you have met aliens then? You have first hand experience of them? you have been abducted? Reverse engineered alien technology yourself? Or read a lot of fiction from other people who say they have? Or maybe, it was you that perpetrated the OK City bombing, so you know McVeigh is innocent, but are happy to let him rot in jail?

Since, when did he say it was a non lethal weapon? If I fire a radiation weapon at you, that blows a hole in your arm, that gives you an intense dose of radiation, that will slowly cause cancer to spread in your body. How is that non lethal?

DUH! I said it wasn't much use if it was supposed to be lethal, as he took it in the CHEST (not arm, do you read what you post?) and survived, and not much use as a non-lethal weapon either, as it was going to cause his death. This is from a device created by a superior technological race? The term 'Cobalt radiation' is curious too. There are three types or radiation, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Cobalt 60 gives off Gamma rays, and undergoes transition to Ni via Beta decay. So what does 'Cobalt radiation' actually mean? For some reason aliens choose to use a brittle radioactive isotope to make bullets from? And they don't work very well and kill people? Why not use lead, or DU, being heavier, it carries more kinetic energy. Any alien could work that out.

So has everyone else whose coming forward from the government, NASA, CIA, NSA, USAF and revealed ETI.

Except Lazaar worked for a contractor, and was not employed directly by any of those organisations.

And your point is? Because it sounds impressive - it's wrong? LoL

My point is that Schneider recycled an impressive sounding word he knew because of his background in Geology. He made the term up, is what I'm saying, using a word with which he was familiar.

do you actually have an agenda for being here? All you've done is ridiculed each and every evidence provided, and parroted the government explanations. Very suspicious.

Oh, I'm part of the NWO now? The Illuminati perhaps? At night I prowl the city in my black helicopter, snatching those that get too close to the truth from their beds? Or maybe I'm just a guy with a good enough background in the sciences, and I enjoy debunking and a bit of a debate.
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If Corso's credentials were so 'high' how does that interpret with his claim to having telepathically contacted ET?
Why is it called "telepathy" when bad ETI are contacted and called "prayer" when good ETI are contacted?

Go figure. LOL
SkinWalker said:
What Mack really means when he talks about beings from other dimensions is that -despite his patients' occasional descriptions of their experiences as dreams and hallucinations- he hasn't the foggiest notion of what they are. But, tellingly, when he tries to describe them, he reaches for physics adn mathematics. He wants it both ways -the language and credibility of science, but without being bound by its method and rules. He seems not to realize that credibility is a consequence of the method.

- Sagan, Carl (1996). The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark Ballantine Books, NY.

So, you know more about him and his paitents, without even meeting him, and his paitents.

I'm inclined to believe that he may have been a geologist/engineer and actually worked for the government, but I've yet to actually sources that can validate that the guy actually existed, much less what his credentials and cause of death is. I'm not saying he's a fraud, only that so far its as equally possible as not. Certainly it's a story oft repeated on the internet and without citation to primary sources.

Where and to whom was the lecture given?

I believe according to many of the sources I verified, he was "real" and did give this 1995 lecture. I will try and find you some sources.

Overall, Phil S. is a poor choice for offering credibility to the UFO/ETI cause, primarily because the facts surrounding him are spurious and questionable. Its every bit as likely that he was a dellusional fraud as it is that he was entirely genuine. Any point between those extremes is also a possibility.

How did you come to this conclusion, that's it's very likely he's a delusional fraud - because of what he says? I thought you were trying to open your mind? I guess you just can't.
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SkinWalker said:
Another poor source of validity. If he was so "impeccable," how come he didn't make even brigadier general?

I believe a U.S. Senator (even Strom Thurmond), has more intrinsic credibility than a retired Lt. Col.

So are you denying Philip Corso's achivements and awards, because he retired before a making a certain rank? I hate to say this, but he's achieved far more than you can dream to achieve. You so ignorantly, dismiss these highly intelligent and accomplished men as fanatics/delusionals; Schneider; Mack; Corso; yet you are not even worth the value of their boots?

Interesingly, there ARE brigadier generals who attest to the same story? What now? Are they delusional -fraud - fanatics too? Or is it because they are not president, that they are a poor source of credibility?

Forgive me to be rude; but you are ridiculous.
phlogistician said:
People prone to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy have quite normal brain patterns during waking hours, and abnormal ones during sleep, occasionally. It is therefore difficult to detect, although it can be induced. When induced, it produces the exact same sensations as reported by abductees. I would say then, that people suffering from Temporal Lobe Epilepsy are 'psycholigically normal', but they aren't exactly physiologically normal, and suffer a few electrical anomolies in their brain. I've seen a PhD Psychologist subject herself to induction of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy whilst in a sensory deprivation tank. This was to get as close to sleeping, while being able to report the sensations. The outcome proves Temporal Lobe Epilepsy fits with the reports from 'abductees', and victims of Succubi, etc. The woman who undertook the experiment, was a Psychology lecturer ( I met her several times some 20 years ago, as she was my then gf's lecturer) who at one point had had some belief in the paranormal. Once she investigated the statistical, psycholigical, and physical side to these experiences, however, she became a skeptic, and even wrote for a magazine called 'The Skeptic'. Her name is Dr Susan Blackmore, check her out.

Yet, what's interesting; most abductees are not even at home, when they claim to be abducted. What is also interesting; thousands upon thousands of abductees report the same circumstances and procedures of an abduction all over the world; all having the same delusion? nonsense.
Also interesting; identical incision marks and implants found in the body. Also interesting, disappearing fetus's in pregnant women.

Explain that to me.

Interesting how your entire argument is because some 2nd hand PHD says so :D

Ah, and you know more, because you channel them when you remove your tinfoil helmet? OR you read some stuff on the Internet about them, and a few works of fiction, by Strieber, et al?

Ad hom aside - I am not the one dictating, what EBE can do, or can't do. You are the ignorant person who is.

There you go again, that thick streak of hypocrite in you is showing again. So, you have met aliens then? You have first hand experience of them? you have been abducted? Reverse engineered alien technology yourself? Or read a lot of fiction from other people who say they have? Or maybe, it was you that perpetrated the OK City bombing, so you know McVeigh is innocent, but are happy to let him rot in jail?

Actually, I am presenting evidence for it. You are presenting, 2nd hand figures, from an unknown site, which could be questionable.

DUH! I said it wasn't much use if it was supposed to be lethal, as he took it in the CHEST (not arm, do you read what you post?) and survived, and not much use as a non-lethal weapon either, as it was going to cause his death. This is from a device created by a superior technological race? The term 'Cobalt radiation' is curious too. There are three types or radiation, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Cobalt 60 gives off Gamma rays, and undergoes transition to Ni via Beta decay. So what does 'Cobalt radiation' actually mean? For some reason aliens choose to use a brittle radioactive isotope to make bullets from? And they don't work very well and kill people? Why not use lead, or DU, being heavier, it carries more kinetic energy. Any alien could work that out.

Again, you are dictating what the aliens can or can't do. What makes you think, it was a bullet? You are so ignorant, it's not even funny.

My point is that Schneider recycled an impressive sounding word he knew because of his background in Geology. He made the term up, is what I'm saying, using a word with which he was familiar.

What a ingenious display of lateral thinking. Let me see, if I get this, so because the word sounds impressive to you, he must have made the term up on purpose? Retire. Secondly, how do you know, what the clearence codes should be called? What if he said; willybillytilly-35-clearence - that's not impressive sounding - would that have been ok? :D

Or maybe I'm just a guy with a good enough background in the sciences, and I enjoy debunking and a bit of a debate.

ROFL - You've clearly have shown how little you know about science, the scientific method, and the history of science. You're a pseudoscientist, I honestly believe so. Not only that, but your deduction and comprehension skills are abysmal.

One only has to look at your "strongest" displays of logic:

"He used the word jet - hence he's debunked"
"He used an impressing sounding word - hence he's debunked"
"Anyone who believes there are still scientific laws beyond our comprehension - are pseud's"

You talking about science is like PM talking about modesty.
You're a pseudoscientist, I honestly believe so.

That's fine - you're showing everyone here you believe in many things not based in reality. Par for the course.
Gives Mikey the "HIGH FIVE".

Q, you are pathetic, to even attempt to debunk the amount of evidence that abounds concerning ETI intervention in the human races development is ludicrous. Give it your best shot, but the mountain of evidence is still there, and many more are now asking What the F? The greatest evidence being the Information Control that is being “attempted” at forums like this one. That is also “pathetic”.

Some may even consider one day that ones that were so fervently denying these things were actually conspiring with those ETI to keep all this a secret. Time will tell. And that time is getting mighty short.
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