Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Some interesting points Mikey.
Wow, Skinwalker. You definitely have some skills in writing. If you took all of your time and energy into learning economics and how to acheive wealth, let me know!
You would be one rich walker!

I myself believe in ETI. Other life.
I just want to say a few things that make me curious about our human behavior.
I know that Skinwalkers intentions are good.
However, I cannot fathom taking so much time, energy and rersources into trying to disprove something that obviously holds no personal implications whatsoever.
It is obvious that Skinwalker simply does not beleive in the possibility of other life.
I have communicated with you before sometime ago Skinwalker, although it has been sometime and I cannot remember specifically what we discussed other than your general disbeleif, which you are still at it!
Wow. You are definitley one committed man.

I think my personal stance comes down to this.
I beleive that to get the most out of life, one should focus on what one wants, not what he doesn't want.
I see the threads on the web as akin to walking down the street with many different people up on their soap boxes telling you what life is all about.
How far down the road are you going to get if you stop and try and convince every one else on their boxes to your way of thinking?
Not far at all.
Basically your just pulling up your soap box next to his.
Why would you not continue on down the road to find something that you might actually have an interest in or at least something in common.
I beleive you once told me that you felt that you needed to let people who might have less of an ability to think for themselves have a skeptical point of view as well.
Very commendable of you indeed, but is this no different than sheep herding.
Who can get the most sheep.
Again you are focusing on what you beleive isn't, instead of focusing on what you beleive is.
If you truly enjoy or are getting paid for your time on here, then by all means keep doing so. (Not that you need my permision of course)
I am saying this because that is all I can see from the continual non-issue that you express.
What if you were to express your very deepest beleifs about who you are, and perhaps on existence itself. Would you hesitate to make it public for fear of attack or scrutiny.
Or maybe it is because no one has asked?
Well I am asking, and I am genuinely interested in what you have to say Skinwalker.
Please refrain from over-generalization....the world is a playgroud, etc.

What are your personal beleifs about dealing with adversity?
Do you beleive in a higher intelligence? (God, Budha,etc.)
Are you a socialist or capitilist?
Have you ever thought of running your own business?
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
What is it you have to do, to get the most out of life?

Just a few basic questions.
I don't want this to seem like an interogation of any sorts, I would just like to know what kind of person you are.
I mean, that's why we are on this forum, to communicate and share,right?

True communication is also heartfelt.
Are you trying to help Mikey when you communicate?
I have a question for you as well Mikey if you would be so kind.
How has adopting this beleif in the existence of ETI's changed your life.
Has it altered you daily activities in any way?
Has it strengthened your realtionships, made you more money, developed more personal growth, or just broadened your horizons?
I can tell you are obviously passionate about this subject.
Keep on keeping on!

For everybody involved, remember...when everyone around you is losing their heads, that is the most important time to keep yours.
After reading a few more posts, I can see why, possibly you continue to write the way you do Skinwalker. There is a lot of trash out there.
I am particularly thinking of cults that bring in people, possibly to the point of brainwashing them and making them do unproductive things like killing themselves.

I will be my own thanks.
I love you all!
And I know you love me!
crazymikey said:
However, you and co, are only interested in attacking me.

My interest was only in critically reviewing your posts, which are quite long. I believe that this type of diatribe deserves a counter diatribe of equal weight. Whether I've met that challenge or not is irrelevant, that someone is willing to put forth the effort is. At any rate, it is not you that is attacked, but rather your contention and hypotheses. That I invoke your screen name and refer to you directly is because you are the author and the claimant. I'm sure you are a very amicable person and I have no willingness to characterize you personally beyond countering your public announcements. When one chooses to speak in a public forum, one should also be willing to accept critique.

crazymikey said:
I have a lot of Hindu friends, and have done a lot research on the Mahabharat and Ramayana. I have also read them and researched them online. They all support mentions of flying vehicles, called vimanas, missiles and other such wonderous technology. In fact, Skinwalker, check my thread, "Can someone debunk" someone has quoted a passage from the Mahabharata, that clearly describes wonderous weapons etc. After that do a research online, or in a libraray, and you will see this for yourself.

Your Hindu friends and time spent in research is beside the point. As is the other thread. What I'm criticizing is the poorly constructed report of analysis that you have presented. You would expect that a reader of your monograph (which is what your contention has become even though presented in the form of a forum post) do the same research that you've already done in order to validate/discount your contention? You would expect that the parallels you see should be accepted as valid without providing analytic description showing the correlation?

What you state is basically: ancient texts speak of aliens and UFOs, therefore they existed then. You don't provide the specifics of why you believe these ancient texts refer to otherworldly beings and vehicles.

crazymikey said:
It's based on actual archeaological evidence of the city of city of Dwarika being uncovered and dating more than 10,000 BC, the adams bridge structure that once linked Sri Lanka and India, as well as Hindu Yuga/age system that dates Treta Yuga 1 million years ago, It's really a passing reference.

And yet this is part of the established pseudoarchaeology involved in a main part of your hypothesis. If you have a citation that claims the site that has been alleged to be Dwaraka has been confirmed to be so, please post it. In fact, I'd be interested in seeing what your source material is for the Dwaraka claim altogether since the archaeological information that I've seen can only provide dates between 1500 B.C.E. and 2950 B.C.E. This is a far stretch from the 10,000 B.C.E. claim your source makes.

Secondly, the "Adams Bridge" feature of the Palk Straits is a geologic feature and not a constructed one, and it has been studied at length and satisfactorily described by geologists (Nityananda & Jayakumar, 1981). I've provided this citation before, but I'll do so again. There's no mystery to the Palk Straits. Tombolos are common in the world and the geologic morphology is ideal for one in the Palk Straits. Moreover, 1 mya the dominant hominid species was Homo erectus, who relied on archeulian tools. Hardly the technology capable of constructing a "bridge" across the Palk Straits. The lower sea levels of the period, however, probably made this unnecessary as the tombolo was likely well above water much of the time.

crazymikey said:
The Dropa stones themselves exist. I've confirmed this. There existence is incontrovertiable. Again im using this to supplement the greater cause of the argument. If you want to discuss this particular case - start a seperate thread.

If they exist, simply provide the citation to their location or the method by which you've "confirmed" this. I don't think this is asking too much. The "separate thread" suggestion is the wrong answer. This is one of the main points you made in support of your hypothesis. In fact, you said, "one of the most controversial, and most extraordinary stories of modern archaeology." And yet this is a lie. There modern archaeology could care less about "dropa stones." Why use spurious mythology to support the "the greater cause of the argument?"

In end, even if it wrong, it's not the only case of the hundred I listed.

If a case you put so much weight on is wrong, why shouldn't the remainder be suspect? Perhaps it is the fallacious assumption that volume of claims equals validity. It is clear that you hope to overwhelm those that might criticize your efforts by creating a situation where following up on each claim is unrealistic (which it is). But in actuality, one need not do so. It is up to the claimant to provide context, citation and provenience of his/her claims, contentions, or hypotheses. The burden of proof is on you, sir. But I am happy to point out one or two problems to place the whole lot in question.

crazymikey said:
I am leaving that as a point to think about. When so many cultures talk about people coming from stars in flying vehicles and interbreeding with them,

Then here's a point to think about: what do you suppose occupied a full half of a day of ancient peoples who were devoid of electricity to light the night, movies and television to entertain themselves with or Saturday night wrestling to cheer? The night sky and all its stars become one's focus. Very little occurred there that went unnoticed and, consequently, even predictably, their mythologies are representative of this.

crazymikey said:
Oh, and it's very typical you sum up your entire argument, by isolating 2 cases, of how many, 100? Not even 5%.

If you think I'm unwilling to analyze each and everyone of your "cases," you're right. While I derive some interest and entertainment from putting a cumulative hour or so a week on this board discussing pseudoscience, I'm not willing to devote research time that is required elsewhere. If you like, I'll discuss whichever you feel are the most solid of your "cases," but the ones I chose were based on the apparent importance you placed upon them in their descriptions as well as the fact that archaeology is a discipline I'm more inclined to look closely at.

crazymikey said:
I'm not here to spoon-feed you every piece of information. I am here to make you aware, so that you make your own decisions to bother to do your own research. You are foolish, if you think I am going to do everything for you. So far, I've done everything. How many pages of arguments? There's probably been over 50 now.

This is your problem. Please believe me when I mean this in the best sort of way and not as an "attack." If you look at the criticisms I've offered, I've pointed out ways in which you can better present your argument. You've got me so pegged as a "fanatic who is anti-UFO/ETI" that you fail to see that I've actually something to offer that will help your argument.

You've spent "50 pages" of words and perhaps hours of time putting forth your hypothesis. Wouldn't you like to have your work appeal to more than just those that already believe what you are saying? I think you could do that by simply offering a bit more in the way of validation. Show where your research is coming from. Demonstrate your analyses by making comparisons of the works you mention. Cite specific sources, particularly when dealing with epigraphical works of antiquity.

My post, "Deconstructing a Pseudoscientist," wasn't a personal attack. Far from it. It was a critical review of a monograph that was published in a public forum. Was my critique biased? Certainly. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary devotion to overcome bias. I'm not as closed-minded as you think, but I am demanding (as should anyone who works in a scientific discipline) when it comes to demonstrating claims.

crazymikey said:
If you want to play by this "logic" then doesn't it prove you are a pseudo skeptic, when you brand all UFO believers as cultists or fanatics, without any evidence?

It's interesting that you should mention that. I'm actually working on a paper for publication that correlates the UFO/ETI movement to post-axial religious thought. I'd be happy to provide you with a copy once it's complete. I'd be interested in your comments and opinions, and I mean that in all honesty.

crazymikey said:
How much research have you done, in fact, just above, you've complained about, why some of the cases do not have citations?

  1. in reference to the god module: Ramachandram, V.S.; Hirstein, W.S.; Armel, K. C., Tecoma, E.& Iragui, V. 1997. The neural basis of religious experience. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2: 1316
  2. in reference to Belief Systems and Religious thought: Boyer, Pascal (2001). Religion Explained. Basic Books, New York.
  3. in reference to the Palk Straits tombolo: Nandini Nityananda and D.Jayakumar (1981). Proposed Relation between Anomalous Geomagnetic Variations and Tectonic History of South India. Phys.Earth Planet. Inter.Elsevier (database found in). Vol. 27, pp 223-228.[/b]
  4. in reference to the "Dropa Stones:" Creighton, Gordon. Website bio.
    UFO Update message found on the web.
    Creighton, Gordon (1973). [unknown title]. Flying Saucer Review January issue. (cited in link above).
    Spurious pictures of Dropa Stones Lacking in citation, context and provenience.
    Lawhon, Loy (21-Jul-2003) The Caves of Bayan Kara Ula. Ufo's/Aliens. (date obtained in page source code).
    Nanba, Yozo (1997). Mirror with Geometric Patterns and the Four Spirits. Museum Dictionary Kyoto National Museum.
** Note: the last 2 or 3 I added, but the others above were linked to in the post

crazymikey said:
You have not even realized or thought about why a 15th century artist, would draw flying disks in the sky, and Jesus and Mary on it. Why did he draw it, can I ask you, oh archeaologist

I quote this webpage when I say that the artist was following a "distinct tradition and style embodied in Orthodox religious images painted during the Byzantine Empire which lasted from the 5th century to the fall of its capital, Constantinople, in the year 1453." Also see pp. 162 & 183 of Rice, David Talbot (1985), Art of the Byzantine Era, Thames & Hudson, London.

The artist was merely following a tradition in artistic representation of the "announcing angel" as witnessed by the shepherd and as told in the Bible (Luke ch. 2).

In the end, I must ask if a person such as yourself (one who puts forth the amount of time and effort to create these rather lengthy posts) is satisfied with attempting to appeal to the forum audience of the internet? If so, then your style of "reporting" may suffice. But if you have aspirations of achieving more, perhaps printed publication, then you might do well to re-evaluate my criticisms. I can't speak for other skeptics on SciForums, but I've never intended to direct personal attacks, personality conflict, or direct character harm to you, crazymikey. I've only criticized your claims, and hypotheses, and the methodology by which you present them. True enough, I've been critical of the UFO/ETI movement, but this is more a result of my current project involving the correlation between it and post-axial religious thought. It has nothing to do with you personally. And I can see how these criticisms would be taken personally, but they need not.
moementum7 said:
However, I cannot fathom taking so much time, energy and rersources into trying to disprove something that obviously holds no personal implications whatsoever.

I try to spend at least one full hour writing something each day that is not related to academic research or my employer's need. Sometimes its a personal journal, reflections on current events, papers intended for publication, or even internet forum rants <grin>.

moementum7 said:
It is obvious that Skinwalker simply does not beleive in the possibility of other life.

Actually, it seems abundantly clear to me that "other life" is probable. I simply take a stance counter to unfounded or weakly cited claims that that "other life" is (and has) been visiting us.

moementum7 said:
I have communicated with you before sometime ago Skinwalker, although it has been sometime and I cannot remember specifically what we discussed other than your general disbeleif, which you are still at it!

I come and go... depending on work/academic loads. I'm actually supposed to be in the middle of two research projects in anthropology and archaeology... but I'm procrastinating.

moementum7 said:
What are your personal beleifs about dealing with adversity?

Adversity is what shapes our characters and provides wisdom needed to protect our children. That's something I failed miserably at seeing in my youth, but have the middle-aged hindsight to recognize.

moementum7 said:
Do you beleive in a higher intelligence? (God, Budha,etc.)

Not in the sense that there is a diety overseeing our every move/action and omniscent/omnipresent. But I don't discount the possibilty. I don't, however, subscribe to the Judeo-Christian theological mindset by any stretch of the concept. Theravada Buddhism, I think, is probably the most credible of contemporary religions, though I have a deep respect for the non-world rejecting concepts of pre-axial religions like those of aboriginal peoples (Native Americans, for instance).

moementum7 said:
Are you a socialist or capitilist?


moementum7 said:
Have you ever thought of running your own business?

Yes, but only after I've completed my Ph.D. and only if I don't decide to teach.

moementum7 said:
Have you ever been in a fist fight?

Not lately :)

moementum7 said:
What is it you have to do, to get the most out of life?

Learn. Always learn. I have a hypothesis that all people have a common desire to obtain status, be it within peer groups, intellectual groups, government, society in general, family, etc. But this is the driving force and motivation behind all human activity. Altruism (in my humblest opinion) doesn't exist, but rather acts that seem altruistic are actually intended to invest in social capital (and you thought I was being glib when I answered "yes" to both). That having been said, I, too, am guilty of seeking status, but I hope it to be one that is honorable within my peer group, family, workplace, etc.

moementum7 said:
I mean, that's why we are on this forum, to communicate and share,right?

I couldn't agree more.

moementum7 said:
True communication is also heartfelt.
Are you trying to help Mikey when you communicate?

See the post I made just above this one, and, if I wrote it well enough, you'll have no doubt. Interestingly enough, I was writing it when you posted this query.

Sometimes it is the antithesis of ourselves that can teach us the most.
You definitely seem like an alright guy to me!
And I am serious, if you ever decide to put your power of character to use in the search for accumulating wealth, let me know!!!
Peace Out

P.S. I think you would be a great teacher.

That was a decent, though farily inaccurate post. I would be glad to respond to it, as it's not inflammatory as your others.

Avoiding the personal remarks, as I am not in the least bit interested in that, lets discuss only the points pertaining to this topic.

Your Hindu friends and time spent in research is beside the point. As is the other thread. What I'm criticizing is the poorly constructed report of analysis that you have presented. You would expect that a reader of your monograph (which is what your contention has become even though presented in the form of a forum post) do the same research that you've already done in order to validate/discount your contention? You would expect that the parallels you see should be accepted as valid without providing analytic description showing the correlation?

Not, really, Skinwalker. The Ramayana and Mahabharat examples, do not constitute the bulk of my argument: Famous UFO's: Past; my task was to accumulate all the historical examples pertaining to the ETI/UFO issue. I did that.

You said my Hindu friends, time spent, and research, is besides the point? Actually, no; it is the point. As I've only cited what I've learnt from them..

What you state is basically: ancient texts speak of aliens and UFOs, therefore they existed then. You don't provide the specifics of why you believe these ancient texts refer to otherworldly beings and vehicles.

Wrong, my friend. I basically said: ancient texts(Ramayana and Mahabharat) speaks of aliens and UFO's, therefore they may have a correlation. From thereof, one only has to read the rest of cases presented in history, to see how consistent the case of Ramayana and Mahabharat could be.

And yet this is part of the established pseudoarchaeology involved in a main part of your hypothesis. If you have a citation that claims the site that has been alleged to be Dwaraka has been confirmed to be so, please post it. In fact, I'd be interested in seeing what your source material is for the Dwaraka claim altogether since the archaeological information that I've seen can only provide dates between 1500 B.C.E. and 2950 B.C.E. This is a far stretch from the 10,000 B.C.E. claim your source makes.

This is why I said Indian civilization could be 10,000 years old and more. My job is only to report. If you wish to further investigate this issue, you may do so at your own leisure.

If a case you put so much weight on is wrong, why shouldn't the remainder be suspect? Perhaps it is the fallacious assumption that volume of claims equals validity. It is clear that you hope to overwhelm those that might criticize your efforts by creating a situation where following up on each claim is unrealistic (which it is). But in actuality, one need not do so. It is up to the claimant to provide context, citation and provenience of his/her claims, contentions, or hypotheses. The burden of proof is on you, sir. But I am happy to point out one or two problems to place the whole lot in question.

I'll reiterate; my job is only to report; to accumulate past cases for the greater cause of the argument: Famous UFO's: Past. It's not the case for "Ramayana" or "Dropa stones"

If you insist to use this strawman "logic", by eliminating more than 95% of the cases, by picking at under 5% you consider the weakest. Then it's clear, you are not interested in testing the crux of the argument.

Then here's a point to think about: what do you suppose occupied a full half of a day of ancient peoples who were devoid of electricity to light the night, movies and television to entertain themselves with or Saturday night wrestling to cheer? The night sky and all its stars become one's focus. Very little occurred there that went unnoticed and, consequently, even predictably, their mythologies are representative of this.

Possibly. I am not saying, because ancient mythology is so similar, it's proof of ETI - it's a suggestion of ETI, and it's consistent with many cultures, regardless of creed or time.

Even medival cultures were devoid of electricity, I do not see them fabricating such myths. In fact humanity does not necessarily need electricity to stimulate themselves; nor do they need the night sky. We devise our own stimulation - be it, rituals, love making, telling a joke, food and drink, games, jobs.

If you think I'm unwilling to analyze each and everyone of your "cases," you're right. While I derive some interest and entertainment from putting a cumulative hour or so a week on this board discussing pseudoscience, I'm not willing to devote research time that is required elsewhere. If you like, I'll discuss whichever you feel are the most solid of your "cases," but the ones I chose were based on the apparent importance you placed upon them in their descriptions as well as the fact that archaeology is a discipline I'm more inclined to look closely at

Please do not call this pseudoscience. Ufology is NOT a pseudoscience.
As I outlined above. If you do not test the crux of the argument: Famous UFO''s: Past; then you clearly are not interested in discussion and investigation. That's alright. I do not expect you to.

This is your problem. Please believe me when I mean this in the best sort of way and not as an "attack." If you look at the criticisms I've offered, I've pointed out ways in which you can better present your argument. You've got me so pegged as a "fanatic who is anti-UFO/ETI" that you fail to see that I've actually something to offer that will help your argument.

You've spent "50 pages" of words and perhaps hours of time putting forth your hypothesis. Wouldn't you like to have your work appeal to more than just those that already believe what you are saying? I think you could do that by simply offering a bit more in the way of validation. Show where your research is coming from. Demonstrate your analyses by making comparisons of the works you mention. Cite specific sources, particularly when dealing with epigraphical works of antiquity.

I appreciate help, and healthy skepticism. However, I honestly have not felt, that you have helped this discussion, or even have an issue to discuss. If this is my misconception. Then perhaps from hereon, you can make an effort to dispell that misconception.

I am not putting forward a "hypothesis" I am presenting evidence for a reality. I disagree, that any of my posts, are my indigenous thoughts. I am merely collecting information that is readily available, verifying it for myself, and then presenting it.

I am not writing a thesis for Phd, nor am I writing it for publication. This is a public forum, my friend, and all that matters to me is "functionality"

My post, "Deconstructing a Pseudoscientist," wasn't a personal attack. Far from it. It was a critical review of a monograph that was published in a public forum. Was my critique biased? Certainly. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary devotion to overcome bias. I'm not as closed-minded as you think, but I am demanding (as should anyone who works in a scientific discipline) when it comes to demonstrating claims.

I took it as a personal attack. I believe it was, and will always believe it was a personal attack. People make mistakes. Just don't make them again.

If you are not close-minded - then show me you're not. To be frank with you Skinwalker, you started of on the wrong foot from the beginning. You branded UFO proponents as cultists and fanatics. You instantly accused Dark_knight of being psychotic. You called ETI and UFO a metaphysical phenomenon. You dismissed all proof I offered as "anecdotal" None of your aforementioned postulates suggest even a partially open mind.

However, it's never too late for self-reform. If you can open your mind now, I would happily discuss with you :)

It's interesting that you should mention that. I'm actually working on a paper for publication that correlates the UFO/ETI movement to post-axial religious thought. I'd be happy to provide you with a copy once it's complete. I'd be interested in your comments and opinions, and I mean that in all honesty.

I would be glad to read it, provided, it is impartial and honest. In fact im very open to the possibility that some UFO's are a fabrication of delusioned people.

I quote this webpage <>when I say that the artist was following a "distinct tradition and style embodied in Orthodox religious images painted during the Byzantine Empire which lasted from the 5th century to the fall of its capital, Constantinople, in the year 1453." Also see pp. 162 & 183 of Rice, David Talbot (1985), Art of the Byzantine Era, Thames & Hudson, London.

The artist was merely following a tradition in artistic representation of the "announcing angel" as witnessed by the shepherd and as told in the Bible (Luke ch. 2).

I visited the site you cited. It does not in any shape or form apply to your contention: flying disk objects are icons.

Could you care to explain, why a flying disk shaped object would be used as an icon for a flesh and blood, angel, and why it is consistent with other paintings and recorded sightings of flying disk objects, as well as consistent with modern UFO sightings?
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How do you have the gall to tell me I don't understand concepts of space travel, when you don't even know simple high school formula's like the laws of uniform motion, and are idiotic enough, to call them wrong

You keep bringing up that which you refused to explain, therefore it is you who do not know what you're talking about.

Of course, one can't expect much more from you considering the deceptions and lies you've made thus far.

I am really going to ignore you from now on, not only do you not know basic laws of physics, you're also extremely ignorant and stupid. Join the flat earth society or something. Adios.

That is not at all surprising. Every pseudoscientist that comes to this forum says the same thing, they ignore those who disagree with them. And I could care less that you respond or not, I'm not writing for you. I'm simply pointing out the unsubstantiated claims, lies and deceptions in your posts.
Please do not call this pseudoscience. Ufology is NOT a pseudoscience.

Then I submit you have no clue as to what science is.
Hey Mikey
Ever get the feeling the whole world was out to get you? Not to worry, it is. Good information posts even in the flack you have been given. Denial is the old fall back of those that can’t produce a good reason for you not being correct. They often refer to their gods (the accepted media scientists of NASA) as the final authority or some such government appointed puppet of science for the media. For many the wool over the eyes has gotten so heavy that it is falling off of its own accord. Many now accept that UFO’s and ETI’s are real. Now those that keep going may just find out why they are here.
Thank you for the vote of confidence Craterchains. It is very much appreciated. I believe I have provided more than enough evidence for the existence of ETI. However, that truth alone, is not the pressing issue here. It is the motivations and implications of ETI, and the goverments, that honestly needs to be addressed.

Here we are debating an unnecessary philosophical topic of the existence of ETI. While, honest men and women are being assassinated and terrorized at gunpoint, or being forcibly removed from their habitat, due to the reality of ETI. We as a society need to demand answers from our governments, not just for our own sake, but for the sake of those who are sacrficing themselves for our good.
While, honest men and women are being assassinated and terrorized at gunpoint, or being forcibly removed from their habitat, due to the reality of ETI. We as a society need to demand answers from our governments, not just for our own sake, but for the sake of those who are sacrficing themselves for our good.

More unsubstantiated claims? Can you provide one valid example of someone assassinated due to ET?

Phil Schneider, was a goverment geological and structural engineer, who worked for the military and aerospace industries. On May 1995 Schneider gave a lecture in which he revealed the governments cover up of ET, UFO's and reverse engineered technologies, as well as their sinister agenda. 7 months later, he was found strangled in his own apartment.

I would like to ask permission to reproduce the entire contents of his lecture here. His lecture is not the intellectual property of any specific site, and I feel everyone should read it.

Philip Schneiders 1995 Lecture:

"It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly imperiled *not* to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this is anybody's guess. However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not. "

"I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of its people, like these United States."

"To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my school was in that field, and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications. I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance as far as what is called the New World Order. The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico. I was involved in 1979 in a firefight with alien humanoids, and I was one of the survivors. I'm probably the only talking survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files of the entire operation. Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight. I was there...

Please review forum rules regarding the posting of other's text.
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So he was found dead in his flat around Thanksgiving? I bet he had a few of his fellow super special agent worked in every Govt Dept and consulted on every major event friends over for Thanksgiving Dinner. But when they discovered he had no foil to cover the Turkey, and he wouldn't hand over his tinfoil helmet in case the NWO started reading his mind, was strangled by his frind who was shouting "I took a cobalt radiation blast in that mine for you, but I won't eat dried out Turkey' while pulling out a pair of J Edgar Hoover's panty hose, and twisting them into a garotte.

That was a very funny read, thanks.

Now that was a great post. It would be interesting to see what some house wife with an abducted child does to you when this all comes out. YOU the one that joked and made fun of all the info being discussed and po pooed the idea that her child was even abducted. I would love to watch her take you apart,,,,,,,,, very slowly. Do you have ANY constructive material to bring to the discussion? Any thing at all?

Those that are learning the real reason for ETI being here are about to get medievil on some bad and wicked ET ass.
Abductions, riiiiiight. Look, there are very real and well understood illnesses that are at the root cause of the abduction experience. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, for one, which often happens while folks are sleeping, and produces the exact same feelings.

But let's get this straight. You think aliens are travelling the VAST distances of space, perhaps having to harness power from a CV (Cataclysmic Variable) to create a wormhole, channeling all of that power, mastering all of that technology, and then, they arrive here, and find some compunction to anally probe people?


The post that was pasted was written by someone who was clearly delusional, out of focus, egotistical, rambling. Do you believe it? That the first WTC bombing was a nuke?
That McVeigh didn't use fertiliser? The guy is unsure of the facts. It was a 'Ryder' truck, not a 'Rider', and it held 5000lbs (2.3 metric tons, not too much for a truck to carry at all) of fertiliser.

Other problems. He took a direct hit from a weapon designed by a far advanced alien race, and survived. Far from being non-lethal, it gave him cancer. Does that not sound a little odd? That aliens can't make either a lethal weapon, or their non-lethal ones still kill you?

He mentions Bob Lazar, who has been widely discredited.

He uses a term 'ryolite 38' clearance level. His wife refers to it as a 'rhyolitic' clearance level. Rhyolitic, is a geological term, and he was a Geologist. Re-using impressive sounding terms, perhaps?

Plus he was a devout Christian, meaning he was able to believe just about anythying on the flimsiest of 'evidence'. Plus he was taking a complete cocktail of medication for his various illnesses. So I really doubt he was on an even keel.

The quality of 'evidence' is lacking.
As compiled from various posts on sci.skeptic and Original idea by Reality Check.

To be a proper woo-woo, you must follow these rules:

1. Never look for the simplest, most obvious cause of something. Refrain from mentioning Occam's Razor (it's your nemesis).
2. Always favor the conspiracy angle over the boring angle. Mundane explanations (like saying that Roswell was a balloon) are for dullards and government drones. If you want to sleep with that curvaceous new-age chick, don't tell her you think astrology is bogus! (Non woo-woos may benefit from that advice temporarily).
3. Don't accept mainstream science unless it's something you've believed in for years (like gravity). ...

I had to post this, it makes too much sense.
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