Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Hey, persol, that is my point.
I have been on these threads long enought to figure out what's most important in a conversation, ones intentions.

If any of the people on here are so intereseted in getting to the truth of a matter in which they have gotten themselves involved, why would they not go out and search for the truth themselves.
I am presupossing that anyone on here has some reason or purpose to do so.
What is Q's purpose. It isn't to make a positive impact, it isn't to help Mike or anyone else in this thread possibly continue to look for evidence more substantial for a case of ETI.
Instead we get people who continue to just feed off of information from peole they have obviously come to a conclusion is nutty. And in which case why would they believe anything they say or to continue in a converstaion with them other than to cause friction.
It is definitely not with the intent to be freindly or work within a sense of teamwork.

Anyone who has come to the conclusion that this person is incompetant of bringing the neccessary eveidence to the table, should take the matter into his own hands and begin his own search for the truth, instead of continuing to bellyache with someone they consider to be a nutjob or that can't do the job effectively.
Why talk with someone you lack confidence in. Why?
One of two reasons.
To cause friction and attack the inviduals integrity himself,
or because you yourself, lack confidence and really have nothing better to do.

I just don't get why people would continue to converse with people they don't have confidence in.
That is why I replied that way persol.
I can not talk to someone on the basis of those intentions.
If Q is not interested in going out and searching for the truth and facts himself, but continues to involve himself with the so-called second rate evidence from a so-called nut job, then what does that tell me about him or anyone else like him?
It is not worth the mental effort to carry on a rational decision.
Thank you.

P.S. Maybe I have got Q figured out wrong, maybe.
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What is Q's purpose.

To separate the wheat from the chaff.

If Q is not interested in going out and searching for the truth and facts himself

That is exactly what I'm doing. I don't need to be spoonfed the same nonsense you seem to gobble up without hesitation and be told its the gospel according to mikey. It's people like mikey that do more harm than good in the progress of real science, continually tying up resources and materials in the shameful pursuit of alien delusions.
Moementum7, your honesty and rationality is appreciated. However, I wish to say to you, do not become woked-up over Q's comments. Even in your honest appeal to him, you have put much thought, but Q in his non-stop insults in 2 lines per post, does not even do that. He does not deserve the attention you are giving him. In fact as Q has shown absolutely no sense or respect in all his postings; I have put him on my ignore list. I normally never do that, but I am making an exception for Q, as I do not see any possibility for reform.
Proof of ETI’s seems to have a lot more weight behind it than the flimsy counter explanations thus given. What remains to be ascertained now is the real WHY?

With the proof so far we know that many small craft have “crashed” to the earth. Many have landed and there are numerous reports of UFO active areas. Under oceans and underground would be the best possible place for these ETI’s to avoid detection and preserve themselves from attack.

My understanding of the CS types of crater chains as being weapons marks, and that there is photographic evidence that Mars may have been destroyed by war causes me to think these ETI’s here “under” earth aren’t the “good guys”.

There is also a good chance that other “planets” in our solar system were completely blown apart. Earth is the only place we have yet to see CS types of crater chains.

When the evidence is seriously examined? Well, I let your “heart” be your judge.

Edited to add;
skinny's comments are only that, commentary.
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craterchains (Norval said:
Proof of ETI?s seems to have a lot more weight behind it than the flimsy counter explanations thus given.

Ahh... the old "you can prove it isn't true, therefore it has weight" argument. There is some weight to the UFO/ETI argument, but not nearly enough to tip any scales with significance to measure.

Anecdote is all there really is. Anecdote is significant in that the question is why do so many people believe? more so than there must be aliens visiting the planet.

craterchains (Norval said:
What remains to be ascertained now is the real WHY?

True, but the real "why?" is as I stated above. Why are so many people willing to believe in the supernatural, paranormal, and metaphysical? This is what UFO/ETI represents because the phsycial evidence is spurious and frequently hoaxed. I believe it is often hoaxed in attempt to further the cause much in the same manner the so-called Shroud of Turin was offered as "proof of the messiah." Anecdotes of the UFO/ETI crowd is very similar to the anecdotes of believers in the Hallalujah Diet, Faith Healing, and Miracles of the Holy Mother.

craterchains (Norval said:
With the proof so far we know that many small craft have ?crashed? to the earth.

Really? And what proof is this?

craterchains (Norval said:
My understanding of the CS types of crater chains as being weapons marks,

I'm convinced you wouldn't know a "weapons mark" if one appeared in the hull of your boat.

craterchains (Norval said:
and that there is photographic evidence that Mars may have been destroyed by war

Again, these spurious claims were effectively debunked here in this forum.
Hey Q, I apolagize for any remarks I have made in a negative way to your favour.
It is very difficult for all of us to be in here when it is apparent that we all have different beleifs, interests, experience and ways of dealing with the world.

I am not just (gobbling up) what Mike is saying.
Like I have said before, I have seen something as real as the computer screen in front of you. Plain as day, no if's, buts, or maybes about it.

Am I going to try and convince someone else who has never seen or had a similar wxperience way.
Why, because I remember what I was like before my experience happened.
I was always open to the possibilty of ETI.
Nothing serious, but an open mided individual for most of my life.
When the conversation came up somehow I would always talk about it with an air of awe, possibilty and entertainment.......until someone actually said that they had seen a UFO for real.
Then my defenses would go up. I would have to take a closer look at who I was talking with and in the back of my mind probly looking for the nearest exit.

Even if someone close to you came home and said" I saw a UFO!" you would not be able to fully beleive them through and through, whole heartedly down to your very being. You may become more open to the possibilty, but not know it enough for yourself to KNOW.

Botom line, there is nothing over the internet that will ever convince you otherwise.
Espeacially from someone you don't even know.
Why, because your intelligent.
I had someone very close to me tell me they had witnessed something before I had my own experience and I just had to let it go like that.
I love this person and trust him very much, but this...come on! TOO MUCH.

If you don't believe, great.
If you do, fine.

I have only seen crafts, no aliens.
So my mind will not allow me to fully justify in a (KNOWING) way that they do exist.
However, I am at about a %99.9 in this possibility.

Lets just be upfront about it.
If you do not already have some reason to beleive, there is nothing on the internet that will change an intelligent mind to a state of absolute beleif.
No way.
(Q) said:
What is Q's purpose.

To separate the wheat from the chaff.

If Q is not interested in going out and searching for the truth and facts himself

That is exactly what I'm doing. I don't need to be spoonfed the same nonsense you seem to gobble up without hesitation and be told its the gospel according to mikey. It's people like mikey that do more harm than good in the progress of real science, continually tying up resources and materials in the shameful pursuit of alien delusions.

"That is exactly what I'm doing." from Q
Awesome, and what have you come up with?
Any thing interesting enough to share?
Maybe nothing that will turn a skeptic. Like I have said, nothing over the internet should be able to do that, but anything a "nutjob" like myself might enjoy?
Botom line, there is nothing over the internet that will ever convince you otherwise.
Espeacially from someone you don't even know.
Why, because your intelligent.

I believe the word is "close-minded"
I appreciate you being warm to him, but be warm, while being honest. Many of the most intelligent UFO researchers have also not seen UFO's, yet they believe, simply because of the weight of the evidence.

Can you tell me more about your UFO sightings? What was it doing, what did it look like, where did you see it etc?

I just recently learnt from my own mother, that she may have seen UFO's when she was a 16 years old. Yet she was not aware it was a UFO, until I showed her a video of a UFO sighting, and she recognized it. She called it a "star" and continued on to tell me about how she and her friends, use to see these "stars" and track them across the skies. She described it as a very bright, and large star, that would shoot across the sky at fast speeds, and her friends would take note, "Look at that star zooming across the sky" to which I said to her, "it was probably a shooting star" She snapped back at me, "No it wasn't. We use to love looking at shooting stars too, but this was not a shooting star" I continued to inquire "Then maybe it was a jet, a plane, or a meteorite" to which she retorted, "No, we regularly use to see planes, and jets too, flying in the sky." then she continued to tell me how her and her friends would track the star, zooming around and making sharp turns in the sky.

All this time she thought it was a star, and I told her, stars do not zoom around erratically in the sky. I am quite convinced she saw a real UFO. She also now thinks she saw a UFO too.
crazymikey said:
No, Phlogistican. I am not christian. I do not belong to any religion, cult or sect. I do not believe in God or the soul, but I do not rule out the possibilities either.

So, are you not a christian, because you haven't ever read the bible? Or you have, and don't find it, or any christians' testimony credible? See, every saint in the Catholic church supposedly performed a miracle that was witnessed. We have a lot of christians who supposedly get some feeling of connection with god when they pray. So we have a huge weight of 'evidence' for god, but it doesn't sway you, ... why not?
Hey Mike.
I am not being warm, just freindly. The way I would be if we were ctually face to face.
And I am being honest.
There is a difference between beliief and having trust or "knowing" if you will.
Let me explain with a story and then I will give my experience.

There was a man named John who was able to ride a bike across a wire stretched across a large open canyon that was suspended hundreds of feet above a rocky tundra below.
One day a bunch of people gathered around and began to cheer John on.
"Go John, go!" was yelled by the people as he went across.
Some people turned away at times fearing he may fall.
They continued to cheer him on as he was coming back across.
"Go John, go" they chanted! We beleive in you!

As john came back onto solid ground they all gathered round and congratulated him.
Then John spoke up," Who would like to get in the basket and come across with me?"
The crowd went dead silent, and nobody said anything.
"Are you crazy!?" someone yelled out.
Then a little girl came out and said" I will."
She got in the basket and John turned to begin.
Then everybody started to turn on John.
"How dare you!" they began to yell.
Booing him as he went across.
The crowd was turning angry and continued to yell violently.
But as John neared the completion of his trek and came closer and closer to solid ground they began to become quiet, and seeing that he was going to make it, they began to cheer again.
As John came upon solid ground they all rushed to the little girl,"What made you get on with him?" They asked intently.
"That man is my father, you may have believed in him, but I had trust in him".

I do not claim to be a story teller, but I hope I was able to get my point across.

I was in Kelowna, British Columbia, visiting a friend.
We were walking back from the store with talking on like we do on any other day, enjoying the warm and sunny weather that Kelowna had to offer.
His house is situated on the outside of the city itself in more of a suburb type setting up and overlooking the city.
It was a beutiful day around noon, not a cloud in the sky that I can remember, walking along, walking along when suddenly something caught my eye within my periferal vision, up and to my left.
We were only 30 feet away from his house still out on the street.
There were two kids playing about 150 feet in front of us at the bottom of a light pole.
The first connection my mind made with what I saw were soap bubbles in the air.
But then it hit me like a shock when I realized instinctively that they were not moving in a natural pattern.
There was at least 25-30 of these crafts in the air.
I stopped imediately, grabbed my friend by the arm and said,"what the hell is that?!" We both just stood there for what seemed only a moment.
He then replied."I don't know, a bunch of aliens smaller than us."
Almost non- chalantly like it was an everyday thing. Then he turned and went into the house.He thought they were small, I myself beleive they were at least the size of cars.
I stood there in complete awe. My mind was not able to make any sense of the matter. I had no references what so ever for this.
I looked back over to the kids and then back up to the formation.
They were all moving in a formation in the shape of an hourglass.
The really fucked thing is that they were all moving in unison, having almost a mechanical look to it.
The reason I thought that they were at first bubbles was because I could see that these mettalic objects were surrounded by a clear field.
Much like a bubble, the mettalic part looking like the reflection of the sun.
For the first second that is.
Fucked up man.
After about what may have been 10 seconds it overwhelmed me that I could not believe my own eyes.
I turned around to head down the walkway and towards the door, I reached the door knob and then I said to myself out loud, "No way!" and I ran back up to the street, and of course, what do you know.
They were gone.
And this is what messes me up the most.
Coincidence, or what the fuck!
Excuse my language.
I went inside and went and laid down by myself and was in a very strange state for at least a half hour before I even began to feel normal again.
Seeing something like that is deep.

But now, big deal.
Do I consider myself lucky to have seen what I saw?
I don't know.
It is what it is.
I still have to get up in the morning, go to work, brush my teeth, and so on.
Still got to make my way in the world.
It's just not really a big issue for me anymore.
It is actually more of a hindrance than anything, socially that is.
But I saw what I saw and I am not about to exclude myself of reality because of it.
It can easily become overwhelming.
I have to stay focused on what I can do, and whats important to me.
phlogistician said:
So, are you not a christian, because you haven't ever read the bible? Or you have, and don't find it, or any christians' testimony credible? See, every saint in the Catholic church supposedly performed a miracle that was witnessed. We have a lot of christians who supposedly get some feeling of connection with god when they pray. So we have a huge weight of 'evidence' for god, but it doesn't sway you, ... why not?

I have read some parts of the bible, and I do not necessarily not beleive in some of its accounts.

I do not believe in God(although I would be foolish to rule him out) because I have no reason to believe he exists. There is no evidence to suggest he physically exists either. God exists only fideistically.

Now, as you parallel this to ETI. Please let this be known, although I've been quite open and optimistic to the possibility of ETI. I have never considered it conclusive. It's only recently, that I've become convinced, after reading into mountains of evidence. There is more proof for ETI, than there is proof for 9/11 being perpitrated by Osama Bin Laden.
That's quite a sighting, moementum. What shape were these flying craft, what colour were they(glowing? plain)were they making any noise/sounds, and how far in the air were they? What kind of motions were they performing(elaborate on unnatural) and can you estimiate a velocity? Have you considered the possibility that they were a formation of conventional aircraft?
There is more proof for ETI, than there is proof for 9/11 being perpitrated by Osama Bin Laden.

Wow! You are gone, man!

Only a complete whacko fanatic would state something so far-fetched and ridiculous - the next thing you'll be spouting is that Bush takes his afternoon tea with aliens while their craft is parked on the White House lawn.
I don't see aliens claiming responsibility for a UFO sighting or abductions... Osama Bin Laden and al-kida though have been claiming responsibility for 9/11.
WellCookedFetus said:
I don't see aliens claiming responsibility for a UFO sighting or abductions... Osama Bin Laden and al-kida though have been claiming responsibility for 9/11.

Not forgetting the previous attempt on the WTC when a bomb was detonated in the underground car park. Everyone knew it was Al-Qaeda then.

But a terrestrial terrorist bombing 'The Great Satan' is less likely than extra terrestrials visiting earth, ... that is some leap by Mikey.
Yes. I also think it is not a very far-strech of imagination for it to be possible the UFO's body does divide into other smaller parts, that are self-contained UFO's. Think of it as having many self-contained modules, that are capable of breaking away from the mothership, and rejoining again - much like a jigsaw.
What ever happened to the entire concept of escape pods?
I dont disbute the posibility of escape pods or it splitting like fierys point is good about them, what i was disbuting is the way they change shape in mid air(not split), this would require it changing/morphing into something EXACTLY the same mass, and also the inside would change shape(like your living room changing into a sphere).
What is Q's purpose. It isn't to make a positive impact, it isn't to help Mike or anyone else in this thread possibly continue to look for evidence more substantial for a case of ETI.
He's doing it in his own time, rather than swallowing what is thrown up without questioning it, and if you think the only people that have a positive impact are the ones that agree with you then why are you here? You've made up your mind that all thats positive is your view and those who agree with it, thats rather self centred, i feel everyone who actually discusses things has a positive impact, no matter if they agree or not, perhaps this is what you meant? I dont think you meant to sound the way you did.
I was always open to the possibilty of ETI.
Thats the way you should be, credit to you for it, just be careful, you did say you saw something you couldnt identify as manmade or alien.
I have only seen crafts, no aliens.
I dont think i could believe seeing some kind of craft alone, who knows what the governments got nowadays? But each to their own.
Proof of ETI’s seems to have a lot more weight behind it than the flimsy counter explanations thus given. What remains to be ascertained now is the real WHY?
Theres a thread for why and what they want craterchains, post on that thread unless you wish to contribute proof to this thread rather than just your views that all the evidence is correct. Oh and as for the mars thing it was visible with the naked eye recently.
They were silver mettalic in color.
I beleive they were at least the size of cars.
They were all hovereing at least 1500-2000 meters above the city.
At least 1000-1500 meters away from us.
They were all moving in formation, the best way I can describe it is if you were to continue to draw a number 8 sideways continually.
They were not moving very fast while in this formation,maybe15-30 km an hour.

But you could tell they were all in sync, I mean totally, all moving in perfect harmony to each other. Like they were part of a machine.

That is what I said Lemming, I only saw these crafts, no aliens.
It is possible that these were built by humans.
But I find that just as difficult to belive as another race being able to do the same thing.
Either way, something is up.
WellCookedFetus said:
I don't see aliens claiming responsibility for a UFO sighting or abductions... Osama Bin Laden and al-kida though have been claiming responsibility for 9/11.

Ah you see, what proof do you have, that he's telling the truth ;)
He's doing it in his own time, rather than swallowing what is thrown up without questioning it, and if you think the only people that have a positive impact are the ones that agree with you then why are you here? You've made up your mind that all thats positive is your view and those who agree with it, thats rather self centred, i feel everyone who actually discusses things has a positive impact, no matter if they agree or not, perhaps this is what you meant? I dont think you meant to sound the way you did.

Lemming, I am surprised you would support Q. I do not expect him to swallow without questioning - but he's not even questioning. All he has done, is to insult non stop or say one stupid thing after the other - this is why he is getting the flack is he getting.

If we really were just against him, because he does not believe, then why aren't we doing the same to you?
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