
duendy said:
me)))in what way would you apply critical thinking, if i may ask?

Some examples could be looking for contradictions / inconsistency in the story and behavioral similarities to lying.

duendy said:
me))YOU cant say 'I' dont know like you can yourself. ypu dont know WHAT i know. how i approach tings and what my 'i dontknow' might mean

Ahh, thought that would be the one. You are correct in that I don't know everything you do know. I am also correct when I make assertions such as "You don't know exactly what consciousness is nor how it works" strictly using deduction.

duendy said:
me))))he uses logic and emotion. actually you dont have any evidence for what YOU say. as you yourself admitted. tis YO who has siad 'i dont know' the most. no?

I never saw an example of logic being used for a major part of his claims. If an example could be provided showing this it would be greatly apprciated. If I make a speculation, it doesn't mean that it isn't rooted in evidence. In fact most (if not all) my speculations are; however, the evidence isn't substantial enough to create any testable hypothesis / model any firm theory.

duendy said:
me)))ahaha cause he sees the dager OF its criteria which is...err materialistic/one-sided. you reveal your not much up on mythic motifs CC. it is vital you get a hang of that, you'll learn lots about where materialistic mindset has come from!

That criteria is what reality supports. If he thinks reality is dangerous and doesn't like it then he has the option to embrace fantasy. Myth is a great testament to human psychology and to some extent the evolution of ideas. It doesn't however do jack for understanding reality... what is it, how does it work, etc.

duendy said:
me))))))its not hangin out till you sees de Quincey's shit is 'cool',it is vastly URGENT to grasp that Nature IS alive and NOT an object to be explotited!!
if not him read sources he puts out

I don't know which definition of nature is used there so I can't agree or disagree. What I do know is that earth's ecosystem can be damaged and people are going to have to be alot more careful about the things they can do that affect it.

duendy said:
me)))))))haha...thats EXACTLY whats been going oooon dude! god how long a got: for now to summarize--it is a linear patriarchal trajectorey throug history throughbelief is 'spirits' BEHIND, to sky gods, to 'spirit' trapped in body and Nature, to monotheism all tis not happning stricly linerarly yu understand..just trying t simplify to rejection of all that by Galileo, to mechanical science. HI!

Wow, I think you just agreed with me :). I would assert that all the above is great info about human psychology and doesn't really matter towards figuring out how to ask reality questions whose answers we can understand.

duendy said:
me))))no . its a catelogue of disaster, i could try be givin and kind, but i am too fukin angry with the shit. it is destroying Nature. there hS TO BE RADICAL change. yes ethics. but as i will maybe show you. Galileo's manifesto for science's mudus operandi left OUT ethics, etc...!

Like anything, it's had positive and negative results. I do agree that ethical conduct and care must be used when wielding reality in our environment.

duendy said:

More agreement? That's uncanny duendy.
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duendy said:
**CC)) my system couldn't cope wit replying to latter part of our long post, its lucky i didnt lose all. o i will aswer last bit where you assume 'critical thinking/reason' is superior to emotion:

Sure thing. My assertion is not that critical thinking/reason is superior to emotion. It's that science and critical thinking are the best processes for understanding reality while emotion is very limited when applied to that task. It's a survival mechanism and we shouldn't treat it as a thought process for figuring out reality.

duendy said:
thi is straight patriarchal-thinking, seriously. tis is why i urge you to spread yo wings and take in some serious looking at mythology--more behind thew scenes look

you see, in patrarchal philosophia, the male is associated wit logic and the female with emotion....lgic is solar, and emotion is moon/earth according to teir classification

but you should understand polar related reality. you canot have pue reason--or top-heavy reason. for if you do and underestimate emotion--which willentail generally SUPPRESSING,is when we have deep truble. which is exactly what has been happening for many centuries. espcially so last 500years

Science and critial thinking aren't surpressing or underestimating emotion. They are simply processes for asking reality questions and interpreting information.

Duendy, can emotion measure the decay of plutonium? Can emotion see quarks? Can emotion calculate pi? Can emotion make an internet? Can emotion cure scarlet fever? Can emotion predict the curvature of space based on mass? Nope, and it's not intended to.
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superluminal said:
Emotion should guide the intellect.

I assume, Sir Rabid Dog, that you are being sarcastic?

No, it shouldn't, but the "intellect" (however it is defined) should not necessarily rule the emotions either.
duendy said:
shaman_ what the f yu doing to your posts...?try and reply to them, hit akey and all kinds of weird symbols pop up ad pragraphs disappear.....?
No idea.

duendy said:
so yet agin will have to summarize u
you---why would checkup freak someone out?

me))))IF THEy wanted one, fine. but not you manipulating vulneraboe people to have one, no.
Complete nonsense. I suggested they see a doctor. How is that manipulation?

The manipulation that I can see is a hypnotherapist creating memories of something that never happened.

duendy said:
what they mot wanted toknow about was --listen!--missing time, in CONNECTIO wit PRE-observation of spherical light UFO and feelings of love looking at it? dig. no i know you dont cause ya keeps coming back wid same old insensitive shit. typica of your prefered mindset i must say. typical
But how have I been insensitive? By suggesting methods less distressing that hypnotherapy?

I have gone through this with you a few times now and you are unable to get a fairly simple point. You keep accusing me of being so horrible to these VULNERABLE REAL PEOPLE!!!!!! yet I what I am suggesting is not as bad as what you support. You do understand this, right?

Clearly you don't want to really know what happened, you just want to reinforce your alien fantasy. Any real investigation methods you just label as manipulative or insensitive. You are quite transparent.

duendy said:
you-----do they want to know what happened to them?

me))))YES Y E S Y E S. is that clear enuf. of bleedn COURSE they do. but your silly chekup aint gonna do it. onoly according to YOUR criteria which is looking for physiological and/or mental illness,
If these people have been abducted and probed and tested by space aliens surely there will be some evidence of this. Is this a difficult thing for you to understand?

The evidence would certainly be more valuable than hypnotherapy.

It is amazing how stupidly you would discard evidence yet you try to lecture others on this board about investigating the paranormal.

duendy said:
or some effect wit a hypnotic rug/. only YOU could come up wid that beauty mr shaman-underlined
you-----maybe they got someting put in teir food and drink

me))))hmmmm is tislikely, let me seeeee. they go to the Little Chef. and some waiter tinks---i'm bored. let me put some rehypnol of theisfamilies food, that'll be a l;arrrrrf. are you seeerious shaman__???
oh, shit. yes he is!!!!!!

errrm doesn't that drug render you completely out of it for MORE than the time these pople said was missing. dont -usually young women wake up all druggy in the mornin some where.
You need to read my posts properly.

I am not talking about those drugs specifically. My point is that if they had symptoms similar to someone who had been drugged then we should check their blood. Mentioning rohypnol was a bad idea because it sent you on a stupid tangent.

Perhaps your space aliens use drugs to abduct, probe ect. ? Your thinking is limited.

duendy said:
you are grapin at absurd straws. and this is your danger if yu was let near tese vulnerable peopole.
Because hypnotherapy is a great idea but a medical checkup with a blood test is dangerous. Right. :rolleyes:

duendy said:
you would go in like a bull in a China shop wid your ridiculous attempts to prove YOUR worldview right, and actual real people are mere pwns for your 'experiments'....whose worse the 'Greys' or you lot......??
i reckon yo must be related. really seriously!
I would actually try and find out what happened. Your beliefs allow you to see only one possible explanation and any real investigation as evil and confronting.

Now you are accusing me of experienting on them and comparing me to aliens? Amazing. Next you will say I am like Hitler.
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Himmler maybe...............(joke)

you))))))[i will have to praphrase you]:
i am being morehumane by wanting this family to have blood test, tan cruel likeyou wanting hynotherapy

me))))errrrm, never met this family. dont get carred away. mum WANTED friggin hypnotherapy---to rememberrrrr what happened. remember?
will a blood test do that?what are you expecting o find, anglet soddin dust, what what? annnd. you are making out/implying that people who have ahda abductions HAVEN'T had tests like your on about. shit, i've already told you of a surgeou who reckons he has quite a ew implants from people which are not easily explanable. so i am not getting your point at ALL ATALL...?
for tis family, they were very distressed because of seeing what they id and the missing hour. THAT.....not a flamin blood test

you)))))))you would rthe put tem through the trauma of hypnotherapy which creates memories that never happened

me)))))so like said. you do not trist hypnotherapy at all do you. so what would you recommend they do to remember missing time? REMEMBER hatwent ON in that missing time? ALL of them. not just one person. they all lost tis missing time AFTER seeing A light spherical UFO in the sky and feeling feelings of love towards it. weird huh? wouldn't YOU wanna kow what happened in that missing time? what would you do. hwo would YOU go about getting help t remember the missing time?

you thn regret using term rehypnol andNOW claim you mean some kind of natrua;l? drug thang going on with this family...? what d'ya mean. some ting in teir fish. mercury? Datura in their cauliflower? how freaky is your wanderins goin to go? and ya call MY shit freaky??!
Crunchy Cat said:
Some examples could be looking for contradictions / inconsistency in the story and behavioral similarities to lying.

me)))))whyyy thats what I do. hey, i must be a critica; thinker

Ahh, thought that would be the one. You are correct in that I don't know everything you do know. I am also correct when I make assertions such as "You don't know exactly what consciousness is nor how it works" strictly using deduction.

me))))))hummmm, seems to be a contradiction lurkin there mate

I never saw an example of logic being used for a major part of his claims. If an example could be provided showing this it would be greatly apprciated. If I make a speculation, it doesn't mean that it isn't rooted in evidence. In fact most (if not all) my speculations are; however, the evidence isn't substantial enough to create any testable hypothesis / model any firm theory.

me))))nev er saw 'LOGIC' there..?? he's aprofessor of PHILOSOPHY already....?

That criteria is what reality supports. If he thinks reality is dangerous and doesn't like it then he has the option to embrace fantasy. Myth is a great testament to human psychology and to some extent the evolution of ideas. It doesn't however do jack for understanding reality... what is it, how does it work, etc.

me)))))))you see. you underestimate the study of mythology. you can only fail dude.....

I don't know which definition of nature is used there so I can't agree or disagree. What I do know is that earth's ecosystem can be damaged and people are going to have to be alot more careful about the things they can do that affect it.

me)))of course. like i say..RADICA change, and i meeeaaaan radical!

Wow, I think you just agreed with me :). I would assert that all the above is great info about human psychology and doesn't really matter towards figuring out how to ask reality questions whose answers we can understand.

me)))you are operating psychologically ALl the time. i errr think its quite central really.

Like anything, it's had positive and negative results. I do agree that ethical conduct and care must be used when wielding reality in our environment.

me)))it's had absolutely fukin AWFUL results. so much so we as a species, and othe species, and fabric of Nature, are in dire shit ...right NOW!!!

More agreement? That's uncanny duendy.
no. i can agree if its seems reasonable
Okay, you idiots/fools/good people/bad people/ smart and not-so-smart...

What about my post. Someone asked me about my experience, and now no one is addressing it.

Please do, people who think they have defeated me. I have not yet begun to fight! How bout that???

If it was NOT precognition that I experienced, then prove what else it was. Please do. I'm "dying" to see you try.

/ Laughing all the way to the bank
Address my post, or stop wasting my time with your nonsense, every one of you. I STARTED this thread with a purpose, and I am demanding that you address what I wrote. If you can't do that, then you are a mental incompetent.

Thanks. Hope to see you there! HEY! A CHALLENGE!!! F***!!!!
duendy said:
me)))))whyyy thats what I do. hey, i must be a critica; thinker

Perhaps at that point in the process (which is a good sign). Beyond that might be a different story.

duendy said:
me))))))hummmm, seems to be a contradiction lurkin there mate

Let's apply some logic and expansion:

A) I don't know of all the factual knowlede you posess.
B) I know there is potential factual knowledge that nobody posseses.
C) I know that B) includes you.
D) Therefore, I know there is potential factual knowledge that you don't posess.

duendy said:
me))))nev er saw 'LOGIC' there..?? he's aprofessor of PHILOSOPHY already....?

I am not saying he doesn't have the capacity to apply logic. I am saying I never saw him use it when referencing the fantastic.

duendy said:
me)))))))you see. you underestimate the study of mythology. you can only fail dude.....

That would directly mean that you have strong evidence that mythology has done wonders for understanding reality. Feel free to supply what in your opinion are the, say, top 3 discoveries in reality mythology has directly resulted in.

duendy said:
me)))of course. like i say..RADICA change, and i meeeaaaan radical!

The changes in education I proposed IMO would be the best. I don't know if that's radical enogh for you and the behaviors of people who can wield critical thinking, ethical decision making, and relationships seem a strong validation that it would work.

duendy said:
me)))you are operating psychologically ALl the time. i errr think its quite central really.

duendy said:
me)))it's had absolutely fukin AWFUL results. so much so we as a species, and othe species, and fabric of Nature, are in dire shit ...right NOW!!!

For all the negative results that exist there have also been positive results. For all the harm to the environment that has been done, alot of lessons have been learned and the capacity exists to fix things.
Crunchy Cat said:
Perhaps at that point in the process (which is a good sign). Beyond that might be a different story.

me))))))i was being sarcastic??

Let's apply some logic and expansion:

A) I don't know of all the factual knowlede you posess.
B) I know there is potential factual knowledge that nobody posseses.
C) I know that B) includes you.
D) Therefore, I know there is potential factual knowledge that you don't posess.

me)))))very mechanicxal way of putting it.

I am not saying he doesn't have the capacity to apply logic. I am saying I never saw him use it when referencing the fantastic.

me))))))there HAS to be limit to logic. dont yo agree?...or better, to our usua;l limited way of using it. for example what is the 'order' of 'Chaos'?

That would directly mean that you have strong evidence that mythology has done wonders for understanding reality. Feel free to supply what in your opinion are the, say, top 3 discoveries in reality mythology has directly resulted in.

me))))))'s not like that.......

The changes in education I proposed IMO would be the best. I don't know if that's radical enogh for you and the behaviors of people who can wield critical thinking, ethical decision making, and relationships seem a strong validation that it would work.

me)))you will propbably make tings even worse going about it this way. as i say, you dont even want to understand the ROOTS....?

For all the negative results that exist there have also been positive results. For all the harm to the environment that has been done, alot of lessons have been learned and the capacity exists to fix things.
oh yeahhhh. hope your right!!!....but bascially i see it as a completely ignorant mindset making things worse. because it wont understand its own depth!
duendy said:
me))))))i was being sarcastic??

In the latter part of your statement for sure. In the former it didn't appear so.

duendy said:
me)))))very mechanicxal way of putting it.

And necessary to communicate the point.

duendy said:
me))))))there HAS to be limit to logic. dont yo agree?...or better, to our usua;l limited way of using it. for example what is the 'order' of 'Chaos'?

Logic is pretty much a label for the rules of reality. The limitation I would see is that the rules can't be broken. As far as how humans apply it, I suspect there will be changes over time that make even better use of it. Consequently, I am not sure that 'chaos' is something that really exists. I've seen evidence that it's a subjective interpretation of not knowing all the variables in a highly dynamic envionrment.

duendy said:
me))))))'s not like that.......

Then it doesn't apply.

duendy said:
me)))you will propbably make tings even worse going about it this way. as i say, you dont even want to understand the ROOTS....?

Making the world a worse place with critical thinking, ethical decision making, and realtionship skills... now that's something to frame on the wall. My preference for looking at the roots of human behavior is with science, modeling, and experimentation. I might use mythology for validation of theory or evidence of behavior and I wouldn't likely use it for anything more.

duendy said:
oh yeahhhh. hope your right!!!....but bascially i see it as a completely ignorant mindset making things worse. because it wont understand its own depth!

If people are making decisions destructive to the ecosystem then it's very likely an educational issue of critical thinking, ethical decision making, or relationships. I can't think of any scenario that would contradict this. Can you?
Giambattista said:
I assume, Sir Rabid Dog, that you are being sarcastic?

No, it shouldn't, but the "intellect" (however it is defined) should not necessarily rule the emotions either.

No. And I didn't say "rule", I said guide, and that's what I meant. Emotions should always guide and inform the intellect, in that order.
Duendy it seems that you are not even reading my posts. I should have given up a while ago but you have had some technical issues and I do find you amusing.

duendy said:
you))))))[i will have to praphrase you]:
i am being morehumane by wanting this family to have blood test, tan cruel likeyou wanting hynotherapy

me))))errrrm, never met this family. dont get carred away. mum WANTED friggin hypnotherapy---to rememberrrrr what happened. remember?
will a blood test do that?what are you expecting o find, anglet soddin dust, what what? annnd. you are making out/implying that people who have ahda abductions HAVEN'T had tests like your on about. shit, i've already told you of a surgeou who reckons he has quite a ew implants from people which are not easily explanable. so i am not getting your point at ALL ATALL...?
No you are not. I am demonstrating that my suggestions are not as insensitive and distressing as you pretend that they are. They chose to have hypotherapy and that is potentially worse than what I suggested. Why are you still accusing me of insulting these people and distressing them? You wont let go of your scenario of scientists and sceptics insulting and refusing to listen to people who have had experiences. Even when it is not the case you refuse to see it.

duendy said:
for tis family, they were very distressed because of seeing what they id and the missing hour. THAT.....not a flamin blood test
You are still working from the naive assumption that hypnotherapy is actually going to help. You are also still working from the assumption that the only possible explanation is space aliens.

If something wierd happened to these people they should see a doctor. This may help explain what happened. It may also provide the evidence of space aliens that everyone is looking for. If you can't get this then you fail at life.

duendy said:
you)))))))you would rthe put tem through the trauma of hypnotherapy which creates memories that never happened

me)))))so like said. you do not trist hypnotherapy at all do you. so what would you recommend they do to remember missing time? REMEMBER hatwent ON in that missing time? ALL of them. not just one person. they all lost tis missing time AFTER seeing A light spherical UFO in the sky and feeling feelings of love towards it. weird huh? wouldn't YOU wanna kow what happened in that missing time? what would you do. hwo would YOU go about getting help t remember the missing time?
I have already suggested things but you refuse to consider anything other than hypnotherapy. Perhaps you see it as mystical and the only way to answer such a situation.

It would be foolish to discard evidence the way you do. You would investigate this event with only one possible explanation in mind. To protect this explanation you are attempting to ridicule all other investigation.

duendy said:
you thn regret using term rehypnol andNOW claim you mean some kind of natrua;l? drug thang going on with this family...? what d'ya mean. some ting in teir fish. mercury? Datura in their cauliflower? how freaky is your wanderins goin to go? and ya call MY shit freaky??!
Duendy we were discussing how we would investigate this. We were not making guesses on the cause.
I was explaining why we would see if anything was in their blood. If they had symptoms similar to someone with drugs in their system then it is one of the things that I would investigate. It really isn't that complicated.