
duendy said:
have sent them an email. will get back to you when i --if i--get a response.
Ok , i've had two emails rom them. first on, tey didn't even address my inquiry as to WHAT could people do ten if tey wanted help retrieving memories of lost time. they rathe just told me shit i'd read at te site summarized in a few sentences

last email just got, and siad. tat tere were no 'magic bullets' to recovering lost memory...

so bascially they, like you, are very anti ALL hynotherapy

I noticed looking at the sponsorsetc of your site are scientists. i m assuming tey are of a materialist pursasion so would not be that receptive to people claiming that prior to missing time they had seen a UFO, and feelings connected wit seeing it and THEN missing time.
SO, they --having that prejudice would be really not be al there for peple who HADhad such experience
They also will --as positivist scientific mindset dos---denigrate subjective consciousness. in fact not understand consciouness, and events such as that family might describe

So shaman_. yes i agree wit you the dangers of bd hynoterapy such as the satanic abuse fiasco of te 80s. but yet feel that tat was bad hynotherapy, and tere does exis better forms which doNOT lead.

our minds/brain actually DO record everything, and i mean by tis extraordinarily subtle nuances that even when pordinarily experiencing tthe events you may not be aware of. it is all there, and under good help CAN be retrieved

so, looks like with you too. we will have to agree to differ.
duendy said:
Ok , i've had two emails rom them. first on, tey didn't even address my inquiry as to WHAT could people do ten if tey wanted help retrieving memories of lost time. they rathe just told me shit i'd read at te site summarized in a few sentences

last email just got, and siad. tat tere were no 'magic bullets' to recovering lost memory...

so bascially they, like you, are very anti ALL hynotherapy
What are you talking about? I am not against all hypnotherapy, sorry, ALL hypnotherapy. We have discussed this before... Do you have a memory problem? I guess you do post in a lot of different threads.

That organisation is not against all hypnotherapy either. It is made quite clear that they are just trying to stop false memory syndrome. The success of hypnotherapy is discussed as well as the failures.

duendy said:
I noticed looking at the sponsorsetc of your site are scientists. i m assuming tey are of a materialist pursasion so would not be that receptive to people claiming that prior to missing time they had seen a UFO, and feelings connected wit seeing it and THEN missing time.
SO, they --having that prejudice would be really not be al there for peple who HADhad such experience
They also will --as positivist scientific mindset dos---denigrate subjective consciousness. in fact not understand consciouness, and events such as that family might describe
No offence but your arguments are sounding more desperate. The The FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board has forty or so members in it, mainly doctors. You first make the assumption that they are all materialists. Then you claim that their qualifications make them the wrong people to speak to anyone who claims to have had missing time! Surely a paranormal researcher, with an arts degree, who believes in everything is the right person to speak to supposed abductees. :rolleyes:

I have gone to a lot of effort to demonstrate how taking a more scientific approach isn't any more distressing than your limited unscientific one but you only see what you want to.

You asked for some evidence regarding false memories (whereszeevidnce!). Now you are just making pathetic excuses so you can ignore what you don't like. It is interesting how far you will go to protect your worldview.

duendy said:
So shaman_. yes i agree wit you the dangers of bd hynoterapy such as the satanic abuse fiasco of te 80s. but yet feel that tat was bad hynotherapy, and tere does exis better forms which doNOT lead.
How do you know that was bad hypnotherapy but all the abduction hypnotherapy is good? Wishful thinking? The problem is the process of retrieving the "memories" (not the hypnotherapist) of traumatic events that may have never happened. This can be space aliens or satanic rituals.

From the British False Memory Society - "Any therapist, no matter how highly trained, may unwittingly encourage false memory if s/he subscribes to the belief that hidden memories of abuse are responsible for adult problems and that the memory can be recovered. "

duendy said:
our minds/brain actually DO record everything and i mean by tis extraordinarily subtle nuances that even when pordinarily experiencing tthe events you may not be aware of. it is all there, and under good help CAN be retrieved
Perhaps but so can things that never happened.
shaman_ said:
What are you talking about? I am not against all hypnotherapy, sorry, ALL hypnotherapy. We have discussed this before... Do you have a memory problem? I guess you do post in a lot of different threads.

me))some sensitivity there. i like it

That organisation is not against all hypnotherapy either. It is made quite clear that they are just trying to stop false memory syndrome. The success of hypnotherapy is discussed as well as the failures.

me)))hmmmmm, hypnotherapy for retrieving memory seems to being picked on

No offence but your arguments are sounding more desperate. The The FMSF Scientific and Professional Advisory Board has forty or so members in it, mainly doctors. You first make the assumption that they are all materialists. Then you claim that their qualifications make them the wrong people to speak to anyone who claims to have had missing time! Surely a paranormal researcher, with an arts degree, who believes in everything is the right person to speak to supposed abductees. :rolleyes:

me))wqhat you man me...? not clear. is naive of you to imagin docs and mainstream scientists are materialists tho. ?

I have gone to a lot of effort to demonstrate how taking a more scientific approach isn't any more distressing than your limited unscientific one but you only see what you want to.

me))))))sae applies to you boyo. annnd we are still left wit te mystery of the light sohere in the sky and feelings of love BFORE missing time. a pattern seen in other 'abduction' cases

You asked for some evidence regarding false memories (whereszeevidnce!). Now you are just making pathetic excuses so you can ignore what you don't like. It is interesting how far you will go to protect your worldview.

me))))))the materialistic worldview is the PATRIX--a term i have made up. it mans the patriarcal stranglehold over everyone and Natue. suppressing any experience it cant 'measure', and thus suppresses and also in very dterimental and harmful ways.

How do you know that was bad hypnotherapy but all the abduction hypnotherapy is good? Wishful thinking? The problem is the process of retrieving the "memories" (not the hypnotherapist) of traumatic events that may have never happened. This can be space aliens or satanic rituals.

me))))))when we natrually remember this too is not the actual event, though the memory IS happenin now. dreams also can recal happenings in subjective ways. this does not meanthat what is remembered is fase. And remembering can be healing to. you seem to tink if a prson reemebers an abduction experience that tAT must BE BAD. BUT as Dr MAck reveals in his resaerch. thes experiences can have a shamanistic healing effect on te rememberer. so maybe your denying them that is more harmful than lettin TEHm choose to.
I understand your concerns about the watanic abuse false memories. but surely the ffects of tat are very negative. cant see any healing coming from that a it splits people, and creates conflict in the community. parents lost teir childrem.
But this familywit missing time qanted to remember. and as faras i can tell, you have no alternative to hynotherapy. if so, spell it out again plainly

From the British False Memory Society - "Any therapist, no matter how highly trained, may unwittingly encourage false memory if s/he subscribes to the belief that hidden memories of abuse are responsible for adult problems and that the memory can be recovered. "

me)))but if hypnoterapist doesn't guide what then?

Perhaps but so can things that never happened.
but as i say. we ae still left with the extraordinary events that preceeded the missing time......?
I guess I should finally respond here.
duendy said:
me)))hmmmmm, hypnotherapy for retrieving memory seems to being picked on
They are not picking on it. They are explaining that recovered memories can be false and that there is no way to distinguish the real from the created ones.

duendy said:
me))wqhat you man me...? not clear. is naive of you to imagin docs and mainstream scientists are materialists tho. ?
No I didn't mean you. Stupid joke trying to make a point. My point was that you are trying to discredit these people because of their qualifications which is ridiculous. You made some large assumptions about how they would all handle the family, which is not even that relevant as they are not the ones doing so.

duendy said:
me))))))sae applies to you boyo. annnd we are still left wit te mystery of the light sohere in the sky and feelings of love BFORE missing time. a pattern seen in other 'abduction' cases
Yes we are still left with that. Does that mean we should start using a technique that produces things that never happened?

Are you uncomfortable with something being unknown?

duendy said:
me))))))the materialistic worldview is the PATRIX--a term i have made up. it mans the patriarcal stranglehold over everyone and Natue. suppressing any experience it cant 'measure', and thus suppresses and also in very dterimental and harmful ways.
Well I think this is nonsense but we have been through it before and I don't want to discuss it in this thread.

duendy said:
me))))))when we natrually remember this too is not the actual event, though the memory IS happenin now. dreams also can recal happenings in subjective ways. this does not meanthat what is remembered is fase. And remembering can be healing to. you seem to tink if a prson reemebers an abduction experience that tAT must BE BAD.
You distort so much of what I say duendy. I am saying that hypnotherapy is unrealiable and dangerous and created memories are indistinguishable from real ones.

duendy said:
BUT as Dr MAck reveals in his resaerch. thes experiences can have a shamanistic healing effect on te rememberer. so maybe your denying them that is more harmful than lettin TEHm choose to.
I understand your concerns about the watanic abuse false memories. but surely the ffects of tat are very negative. cant see any healing coming from that a it splits people, and creates conflict in the community. parents lost teir childrem.
Is creating memories of events that never happened going to heal them?

duendy said:
But this familywit missing time qanted to remember. and as faras i can tell, you have no alternative to hynotherapy. if so, spell it out again plainly
I have suggested other types of investigation but you have discarded them. You only want to use hypnotherapy because it more likely to give you the ufo descriptions you want. Whether these events actually happened does not seem that important to you.

duendy said:
me)))but if hypnoterapist doesn't guide what then?
I am no expert duendy but it appears that it is not a matter of guiding. The method for retrieving memories is the problem. Under hypnotherapy we can answer the questions with detailed descriptions of fictional events and no one can tell the difference. This is why you need other evidence to support/counter this.
shaman_ said:
...there is no way to distinguish the real from the created ones.
THat is because there is no difference.

shaman_ said:
Is creating memories of events that never happened going to heal them?
Actually, I am creating a 'mnemonic therapy' (MT) as we speak.
By the manipulation of memories, there appears to be much that can be 'healed'.
I am finding that memories can be 'deleted' and memories can be 'inserted' to create new 'context', a new 'paradigm', a whole new 'self' (perhaps a healthy 'self') and, perhaps, 'world view' (perhaps a healthy 'world-view'). After all, our whole concept of self, everything, is all 'constructed' from memory, and ALL memory is 'real' to us!

It also appears that 'healing' is only the barest beginning of possible uses for this technique when perfected.

Re: Memory retrieval
Hypnotically is an excellent method.
Another very good method is the Dianetic method of not 'remembering', but 'returning' to the 'context' of the desired memory, if possible.
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Does anyone have any tips for refining a mental state that will more easily allow these visions to occur?
i have what some might call deja vu but witch is more that deja vu and reading this thread i see some people feel the same and think tha same as i do.

I dont belive i have this ability but i can not explain how i know what i know.

My question to the people who do have this daja vu's is how often do you have them as i have been having a lot more and more related to my life than just events in time. as most deja vu is just event in time....I think?
I have had this happen alot..ive started keeping a log of dreams that seem feasible and so far i had about 12. Only 4 have actualy happened. So to put it mildly i beleive..
I've been keeping a log of my experiences for the past 2 years.

Out of 24 recorded instances, 15 of them have come true. Most instances, if they come true, happen within 3-4 months, with one instance happening 7 months after the original viewing and one as soon as 2 1/2 weeks.

3 of those "pending" instances included death....believe me when I say you never think of death the same after experiencing what could possibly be a "going out" phase in the process of being burned alive, shot through the back of the head, or having the frame of a vehicle strike you on the neck/head.

I'm not looking for a reason as to why, because I don't believe I would fully understand it, but I did want to offer some information to help validate the condition.