
I know you dont CC, and to be quite honest, cant be botheredmaking the effort to learn you. you seem to have an answer for everything, and not much insight. this is no bitchiness tho you probaly will experience it that away, but how i feels ya.......believe what you want. you WILL anyway.

Your thought processes(?) are a constant source of amazement and entertainment. Just thought you should know how much I appreciate reading your posts.
duendy said:
I know you dont CC, and to be quite honest, cant be botheredmaking the effort to learn you. you seem to have an answer for everything, and not much insight. this is no bitchiness tho you probaly will experience it that away, but how i feels ya.......believe what you want. you WILL anyway.

The issue isn't edcuation duendy, it's the sequence of words used in the context of the discussion that makes no sense within the scope of the English language. If you can't be bothered providing clarification's to assertions people don't understand then those same people are not likely to care about what you are saying because the message they receive is that you dont either.

It's interesting to think I have an answer for everything when I've clearly and repeadedly stated "I don't know" throughout our conversation. That would serve as a point of evidence to contradict the assertion. Maybe it's a linguistical problem and the words I am using aren't being read or understood?

Similarly, how am I not displaying insight? Clearly, I've explored speculation, hypothesis, theory, and evidence of various topics. Additionally, it was stated "believe what you want" and I don't recall issuing any specific statemtent of 'belief'.

The emotional message in your statement was "I give up and I'm frustrated with you". Is it because I don't accept assertions as truth without evidence? Is it becuase I don't care about the same things you do? Is it because I value truth over creative ideas? Is it because I can't consistently decipher your English? What is it?
superluminal said:

Your thought processes(?) are a constant source of amazement and entertainment. Just thought you should know how much I appreciate reading your posts.
thanks. the one ting we SHOULD relize is this: wees in DEEp shit! have been for a long long time. the deification of objectivism has cut us off from our meaning andmaning of Nature, which in deep levels are interlated.
So tere is MASSIVE oppression going on, great distress.
IF people say 'whattt oppression??' there still IS opprssion for many poples, many specieis, and the whole environment from this power-over mindset, which when challened will rationalize and notpppunder any circumstances, feel. fortat would be 'subjectivity'--a dirty word for the materialistic philosophers, and ultra-mechanists.
hwat is the easiest way to get insight into tepolar realted deynamism between subjective and objective? psychedelic sacrament.

but this must also include set andsetting. and central, ecological awareness.


well, from my researches. when sacraments are apporached form an already divisive mindset, be it mystical, or materialistic, it can happen that the very deep xperience is INTERPRETED according to te ingrained belief. so, for instance, someone who soley believes in materialism will assume the deep feelings are 'distortion'----maybe not in the ecstasy of the actual experience, but when one 'comes down'

So. People wanted my emotionally charged testimony about what I felt, and probably know, is precognition, and so many days later no one has said a word about it. And I even started this thread.


Keep on keepin on, meine volker. Merci viel!!! :confused: :(
Sorry Giambattista.
I can't believe the ufos and evolution worked their way into a discussion about precognition.. Actually yes I can. (looks sternly at duendy)
duendy said:
me))taking a BLOOD sample...? a medical chackup....? what the fuks THATS gonna do?please explain.
Whats that gonna do? These people have supposedly been abducted by aliens from space. They should be checked to see if there is any physiological evidence that could support or verify the experience. If there is a more mundane explanation this may be revealed as well e.g. perhaps they consumed a chemical that had an effect on them. Before you start scoffing, I am not saying that is what happened I am just checking the many possibilities.

duendy said:
listen up cause i am gettin tired of trying to get thru to you. This family WANTEDto FIND OUT about tat missing time. do---you---inderstand. and WANTED hynotherapy. which you will deny them--wid yur blood tests and what not. you keep assuming I, or whoever want to give tem further disytress? their distress is not knowing what happned. please have tis sink in orr i am gonna strangle u!
But this isn't just about the Deveraux family duendy. Don't you support hypotherapy as a method of investigation for those who claim to have been abducted?

duendy said:
me))))like WHAT??
Well I guess there are a range of medical tests. These would be less traumatic than hypnotherapy. I would like to verify that they actually had missing time but this would be near impossible I guess as there would have been no one else around. I would interview all the people involved separately - not in a aggressive, untrusting manner. I would go to the place they remember from the sighting and see if there were any physical evidence as well as checking the car.

duendy said:
me))))))no. they have missing time. what are your tests gonna DO?
Yes but this does not automatically mean aliens. I would need a lot more information. What was the last thing each of them remembers? What was the first? Was it exactly one hour? Were they driving at the time? Was the car running when they woke up? Was it like passing out and waking up or was it just like blinking and it is one hour later?

The feeling of love before passing out could be similar to ghb,rohypnol or a similar drug. Before you scoff and reach for that caps lock key remember I am not making assumptions I am just saying it is something to consider.

duendy said:
me))))ahhhhh didums
duendy said:
mew))))))how old r you agin?

duendy said:
well what are your tests gonna DO. tell me? how do we help tese people remember whathappened in that missing time? any ideas?
If they did actually have missing time then they may never get it back.
shaan_ couldn't reply to your post. doing so sent my here's summary of your reponses:


me))))you is goin at it like an interrogation. your way would freak them/me/him/her out! are doing it fo yourSELF. not tem. you are franiotcally trying to keep your safe worldview rathe tan just BE wit what THEy want. and they wanted hypnotherpy. a trying to find out twhat happened in that missing time?

you---'missing time---i'd interview each one separtely and visit 'scene of crime'

me))ys i've sure nuff paraphrased you. what you reveal is interrogation tactics prfromed in most police scenarios. why not gewt a god cop bad cop tang going while yer at it..??

you---maybe they was slipped ghb,pohypnol

me)))))havefallen off my seat laffin my arse off.
the places yo lot go wit your explanatins. like do you think someone wanted to screw this family, mum gran and 2 boys..? whachagoinonnn wid??

ypu---if they had missing time they may never get it back

me)))well that tyrue. none of us will neither. but most of us remember what we did . not many of us have mysterious missing hors. and iff you did/do, ask yourself: wouldn't YOU wanna find out--what ever is on offer to help you do tis?...and not have some mainiac accusing and offering silly ideas when you at your wits end about it.

not that YOu are a mainiac. jest yer ideas...hehe.....some.
Giambattista said:

So. People wanted my emotionally charged testimony about what I felt, and probably know, is precognition, and so many days later no one has said a word about it. And I even started this thread.


Keep on keepin on, meine volker. Merci viel!!! :confused: :(

Sorry G.

Been distracted in wacky conversations about aliens, space ships, conscious poop, god, evolution, panpsychism, materalism, physicalism, raping mother earth, and the list goes on... in fact it probably makes sense to make a blanket assertion at this point. Duendy thinks the following is true:

* Anything from any Dungeons and Dragons manual exists
* Anything from any Science Fiction show / book exists
* The existence of any unobservable/untestable claim is proof that it's true
* Science and critical thinking are bad
* Drugs and emotion are the best tools to understand reality
* Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo loves you and really does experience the love.
Crunchy Cat said:
Sorry G.

Been distracted in wacky conversations about aliens, space ships, conscious poop, god, evolution, panpsychism, materalism, physicalism, raping mother earth, and the list goes on... in fact it probably makes sense to make a blanket assertion at this point. Duendy thinks the following is true:

me))))well CC, at least i gots ya showing yer real you

* Anything from any Dungeons and Dragons manual exists

me)nope. dont believe that

* Anything from any Science Fiction show / book exists


* The existence of any unobservable/untestable claim is proof that it's true

me))that WHAT's true? i am investigatingit from a broader perspective is all

* Science and critical thinking are bad

me)))))material science and cricial tinking as the propaganda force of te materialistic philosophy IS bad. very VERY bad for us andplanet Earth. Yes. is extremely notable you personally dont get me?

* Drugs and emotion are the best tools to understand reality

mePPPand logic. see your 'crotical thinking' malarchy donerate emotion much. that is what i mean by materialistic philosophy. it doesn't understand MEANING. sacramental experience is powerful inspiration of feeling and meaning and emotion and logic. we dont divide emotion and logic like you do!

* Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo loves you and really does experience the love.
boyyyy CC yo got yer silly hat on toDAY hummmmmm
duendy said:
me))))well CC, at least i gots ya showing yer real you

You've always seen my real me and you've just witnessed that I like to troll as well.

duendy said:
me)nope. dont believe that

Wizards, dragons, vampires, ghosts, goblins... anything there you don't accept as existing or having existed?

duendy said:

Space ships, anal-probing-time-stealing-aliens, sentient universes... am I missing anything there?

duendy said:
me))that WHAT's true? i am investigatingit from a broader perspective is all

Investigating from broad perspectives is fine. Making fantastic conclusions of fact based on fantastic testimony only serves to hold mankind back. I don't think I've ever once seen you suspend judgment in the absence of reasonable evidence or say "I don't know".

duendy said:
me)))))material science and cricial tinking as the propaganda force of te materialistic philosophy IS bad. very VERY bad for us andplanet Earth. Yes. is extremely notable you personally dont get me?

I'm not talking about 'material science'. I'm talking about 'science'. It's a process of asking reality questions. Critical thinking is a process of interpreting information with logic. When bad things happen to earth it's because its either a mistake or it was on purpose (greed -an emtional event- being one of the most common catalysts). In other words, science and critical thinking are process for asking and interpreting. When someone wields them and makes a mistake, it might hurt the planet. When someone wields them emotionally, they might intentionally harm the planet. I hope you see it's not the processes that are the problem but human error and human emotion.

duendy said:
mePPPand logic. see your 'crotical thinking' malarchy donerate emotion much. that is what i mean by materialistic philosophy. it doesn't understand MEANING. sacramental experience is powerful inspiration of feeling and meaning and emotion and logic. we dont divide emotion and logic like you do!

To wield logic requires a thought process to apply it to information. Critical Thinking is that process. By your own admission, Critical Thinking is malarchy; hence, you really aren't really trying using logic. You've divided logic and emotion yourself.

Consequently, critical thinking is a *thought* process not a *feeling* process and maybe that's part of the reason you don't like it. I am fairly certain that the majority of people whom use the processes of science and critical thinking understand meaning very well. It is very explicitly the relationship between variables.

I am beginning to suspect there is a fundamental aspect of reality that might be mis-understood and that is the average role of feeling and thinking processes. If I have a sealed jar of jellybeans, I know the weight of the jar, I know the weight of a single jellybean, and I want to know how many jellybeans there are in the jar without opening it, then science and critical thinking would tell me to:

* Weigh the jar full of jellybeans.
* Subtract the known weight of the jar from the total.
* Divide the total by the known weight of a single jelly bean.

That would give me truth. The role emotion played in this scenario was desire / want. I wanted to know how many jelly beans were in the jar without opening it. Try that scenario out by mixing and matching thought and feeling processes and see what the results are.

duendy said:
boyyyy CC yo got yer silly hat on toDAY hummmmmm

And it was sarcastic too.
Crunchy Cat said:
You've always seen my real me and you've just witnessed that I like to troll as well.

me))))yes i am finding out...

Wizards, dragons, vampires, ghosts, goblins... anything there you don't accept as existing or having existed?

me)))))exist vs not-exist is where you sit in your objectiovist certainty. weren't wizards actual pople in our past who assumed magickal powers?.....dragons appear in myth, and are motif -in prepatriarchalo mythology -as symbolizing earth energies,etc. where in patriarchal mythology are demonized as is Goddess, woma, and Nature, and te psychedelic sacraments, which is why you have 'heros' slaying dragons,
vampires---there ARE vampire bats that suck cattles blood. maybe idea of human version got from that. but tere are other origins for the genesis of the idea which i've forgot fo now.....ghosts? there is a possibility something is going on. people have seen and experienced tings. materialists of course always assume tey can explain. some genuine skeptics admit they cant explain ALL reported phenomenoa. and goblins are metaphor for earth energies. agan what you staunch materialists-- tho you claim not to be one--is subjective experience. you would go pokin round in someones chemicals if they admitted seeing elementals...or WOULD you? dont let me pre-sume. let me know what would you do if someone told you they had seen goblins..??

Space ships, anal-probing-time-stealing-aliens, sentient universes... am I missing anything there?

me)))))))no you seem tohave it all chuck

Investigating from broad perspectives is fine. Making fantastic conclusions of fact based on fantastic testimony only serves to hold mankind back. I don't think I've ever once seen you suspend judgment in the absence of reasonable evidence or say "I don't know".

me)))that's cause, like i said. you seem to nothavemuch insight. i am very much 'i dont know'...YOU seem to be 'i KNOW!'--thats how i xperience you. there is no give wid yu whatsoever. you 'glance' at de Quincey and straightaway know better. in actuality face to face he'd propabably whup yur sorry arse.
and what's tis 'holdng back mankind' crap. do you know what the mindset you seem to worship has done. is doing?? of course you dont. that's clear, and extremely tragic!

I'm not talking about 'material science'. I'm talking about 'science'. It's a process of asking reality questions. Critical thinking is a process of interpreting information with logic. When bad things happen to earth it's because its either a mistake or it was on purpose (greed -an emtional event- being one of the most common catalysts). In other words, science and critical thinking are process for asking and interpreting. When someone wields them and makes a mistake, it might hurt the planet. When someone wields them emotionally, they might intentionally harm the planet. I hope you see it's not the processes that are the problem but human error and human emotion.

me)))dont ou SEE what you are sayng 'critical thinker'??....ohhh the irony the irony, have mercy. what you is saying but not apparently seeing is this: we are human and cannot be withOUT emotion. .......!!!!!!have yo got it? your playing this game imagining this idealisticheroic world of 'science', and 'if only we could get rid of that horrid emotion' game

To wield logic requires a thought process to apply it to information. Critical Thinking is that process. By your own admission, Critical Thinking is malarchy; hence, you really aren't really trying using logic. You've divided logic and emotion yourself.

me)))no i haven't. see previous reply. i am not critical of critical thiking if it IS critical tinkin. but your idea is limited. it obviously is not CT, but is BIAS thinking, branching out of bias philosophia

Consequently, critical thinking is a *thought* process not a *feeling* process and maybe that's part of the reason you don't like it. I am fairly certain that the majority of people whom use the processes of science and critical thinking understand meaning very well. It is very explicitly the relationship between variables.

me))))and I a saying you cant stop feeling. that is the whole point. you boys assume some dr spokian state of idealistic logic divorced from feeling. tis is why you are so dangerous to community and planet earth. cause yo just WONT WONT see this!

I am beginning to suspect there is a fundamental aspect of reality that might be mis-understood and that is the average role of feeling and thinking processes. If I have a sealed jar of jellybeans, I know the weight of the jar, I know the weight of a single jellybean, and I want to know how many jellybeans there are in the jar without opening it, then science and critical thinking would tell me to:

* Weigh the jar full of jellybeans.
* Subtract the known weight of the jar from the total.
* Divide the total by the known weight of a single jelly bean.

That would give me truth. The role emotion played in this scenario was desire / want. I wanted to know how many jelly beans were in the jar without opening it. Try that scenario out by mixing and matching thought and feeling processes and see what the results are.

And it was sarcastic too.
we aint talkin jellybeans buster, but the actual planet Earth at the mercy of your robotic know-ledge!!!
duendy said:
shaan_ couldn't reply to your post. doing so sent my here's summary of your reponses:
Oh no. You are going to distort my words even more.

duendy said:
me))))you is goin at it like an interrogation. your way would freak them/me/him/her out
Why would a check up freak someone out? They are prepared to go through the dangerous and distressing hypnotherapy experience but a trip to a doctor is too much?

duendy said:
! are doing it fo yourSELF. not tem.
Don't they want to know what happened to them?

duendy said:
you are franiotcally trying to keep your safe worldview rathe tan just BE wit what THEy want. and they wanted hypnotherpy. a trying to find out twhat happened in that missing time?
Yes because creating false memories is really going to help....

It is clear who is protecting their worldview. You are the one discouraging any real investigation. You only want to look at evidence known to be unreliable. You have already limited the possibilities to just one - space aliens.

duendy said:
you---'missing time---i'd interview each one separtely and visit 'scene of crime'

me))ys i've sure nuff paraphrased you. what you reveal is interrogation tactics prfromed in most police scenarios. why not gewt a god cop bad cop tang going while yer at it..??
Let me guess, questioning them separately would be too distressing. :rolleyes:

I am sure they had their hypnotherapy seperately....

duendy said:
you---maybe they was slipped ghb,pohypnol

me)))))havefallen off my seat laffin my arse off.
the places yo lot go wit your explanatins. like do you think someone wanted to screw this family, mum gran and 2 boys..? whachagoinonnn wid??
I mentioned those drugs for a good reason - if they displayed symptoms the same as someone who had taken them then they should get a blood test to see if anything is in their system. It doesn't have to be those ones mentioned, just something similar. They had just eaten at a restaurant. Maybe they got something wierd in their food/drink. It is certainly something worth checking for.

It is interesting that you ridicule this idea yet you think space aliens are responsible.
shaman_ what the f yu doing to your posts...?try and reply to them, hit akey and all kinds of weird symbols pop up ad pragraphs disappear.....?
so yet agin will have to summarize u
you---why would checkup freak someone out?

me))))IF THEy wanted one, fine. but not you manipulating vulneraboe people to have one, no. what they mot wanted toknow about was --listen!--missing time, in CONNECTIO wit PRE-observation of spherical light UFO and feelings of love looking at it? dig. no i know you dont cause ya keeps coming back wid same old insensitive shit. typica of your prefered mindset i must say. typical

you-----do they want to know what happened to them?

me))))YES Y E S Y E S. is that clear enuf. of bleedn COURSE they do. but your silly chekup aint gonna do it. onoly according to YOUR criteria which is looking for physiological and/or mental illness, or some effect wit a hypnotic rug/. only YOU could come up wid that beauty mr shaman-underlined

you-----maybe they got someting put in teir food and drink

me))))hmmmm is tislikely, let me seeeee. they go to the Little Chef. and some waiter tinks---i'm bored. let me put some rehypnol of theisfamilies food, that'll be a l;arrrrrf. are you seeerious shaman__???
oh, shit. yes he is!!!!!!

errrm doesn't that drug render you completely out of it for MORE than the time these pople said was missing. dont -usually young women wake up all druggy in the mornin some where.

you are grapin at absurd straws. and this is your danger if yu was let near tese vulnerable peopole

you would go in like a bull in a China shop wid your ridiculous attempts to prove YOUR worldview right, and actual real people are mere pwns for your 'experiments'....whose worse the 'Greys' or you lot......??

i reckon yo must be related. really seriously!
duendy said:
me)))))exist vs not-exist is where you sit in your objectiovist certainty. weren't wizards actual pople in our past who assumed magickal powers?.....dragons appear in myth, and are motif -in prepatriarchalo mythology -as symbolizing earth energies,etc. where in patriarchal mythology are demonized as is Goddess, woma, and Nature, and te psychedelic sacraments, which is why you have 'heros' slaying dragons,
vampires---there ARE vampire bats that suck cattles blood. maybe idea of human version got from that. but tere are other origins for the genesis of the idea which i've forgot fo now.....ghosts? there is a possibility something is going on. people have seen and experienced tings. materialists of course always assume tey can explain. some genuine skeptics admit they cant explain ALL reported phenomenoa. and goblins are metaphor for earth energies. agan what you staunch materialists-- tho you claim not to be one--is subjective experience. you would go pokin round in someones chemicals if they admitted seeing elementals...or WOULD you? dont let me pre-sume. let me know what would you do if someone told you they had seen goblins..??

Well then, I guess the assertion is false. You don't consider everything in a D&D manual to literally exist or have existed... although certainly some of the things. The historical aspects of everything were interesting... hero's slaying dragons being "war on drugs" was entertaining for sure.

Regarding wizards, yep they were people whom claimed to weild magical powers. I agree that skeptics can't explain all reported or observed phenomenoa nor any other 'group' of folks. If someone had claimed to have seen 'elementals' and 'goblins', I would simply ask them what they were and then ask them to share the experience. Because the information was testimony, I would employ emotion and critical thinking to help determine if I was being BS'd or not. If not then I would use the information received to determine what the next best questions could be.

duendy said:
me)))))))no you seem tohave it all chuck

Looks like evidence supporting the assertion.

duendy said:
me)))that's cause, like i said. you seem to nothavemuch insight. i am very much 'i dont know'...YOU seem to be 'i KNOW!'--thats how i xperience you.

This is interesting. I can count the number of times we each said "I don't know" in this thread and clearly the ratio is significantly on my side, yet I am being experienced somehow as being an asserter of "I know". Could it be because on more than one occasion I have stated that "I know that both of us don't know"? Is it because I contradict fantastic claims with evidence? Is it because I seperate fantastic experience from corresponding claims?

duendy said:
there is no give wid yu whatsoever. you 'glance' at de Quincey and straightaway know better. in actuality face to face he'd propabably whup yur sorry arse.

I read a good chunk of his writings. They were creative and fantastic ideas and I am sure he would 'whup my sorry arse' in any face to face creative idea contest. The one thing he lacks is evidence. Once evidence exists, you have a hypothesis that is testable and thus provable/falsifiable. de Quincey skips the whole 'verify with reality' phase.

I am the easiest person to convince with evidence and logical thought processes and often 'give' where others would hold their position. What raises a red flag of de Quincey's work is that none of his assertions are falsifiable, he asserts no intention of ever creating and testing hypothesis, and he asserts a clear intention of avoiding 'materialist science'.

de Quincey's ideas are very attractive. I love em' and I WISH they were true because they are cool. I WISH virtually every fantasy were true becuase they are attractive to me. Attractiveness doesn't have a 1:1 relationship with truth and reality repeatedly verifies this.

duendy said:
and what's tis 'holdng back mankind' crap. do you know what the mindset you seem to worship has done. is doing?? of course you dont. that's clear, and extremely tragic!

I'll explain, by catering to a person's emotional health with fantasy, we're allowing people to accept assertions of truth that reality will ultimately contradict. If the majority of society accepts those assertions then we begin repeating a very long history of people discovering evidence for truth and then being labeled heritics and criminals. That's not conducive to progress.

I don't worship anything, let alone a mindset; however, I have seen the results. It's producing understanding of human emotional need and how to have healthy relationships with people, the ego, and the environment. It's producing understanding of human ethics. It's letting people live longer. It's finding alternatives to energy sources that are poisonous to environment. It's letting people and animals live healthier and longer. It's finding ways to measure accountability. It's finding ways to reproduce fantastic human experiences without chemicals. It's finding ways to see things that our senses cannot. It's finding ways to better predict and respond to disasters. It's finding ways to fix mistakes and to prevent others.

duendy said:
me)))dont ou SEE what you are sayng 'critical thinker'??....ohhh the irony the irony, have mercy. what you is saying but not apparently seeing is this: we are human and cannot be withOUT emotion. .......!!!!!!have yo got it? your playing this game imagining this idealisticheroic world of 'science', and 'if only we could get rid of that horrid emotion' game

I think the message I am conveying didn't produce the right interpretation. We are humans and need emotion. Thats a fact. No sane person on earth wants to eliminate emotion (that includes critical thinkers).

The message is that emotion is a very limited built-in process when applied to understanding reality while science and critical thinking are really good at it. There is a real problem however that I think you might be experiencing. Science and critical thinking being yielded without good relationship and ethical decision making skills are a path for failure (possibly catastrophic). With this I would agree and I see a need for an educational reform (at least in the U.S.). I would personally want to see critical thinking, relationships (with the self, others, and the environment), and ethical decision making skills to be some of the earliest tought skills for children that are reinforced throughout the education process.

duendy said:
me)))no i haven't. see previous reply. i am not critical of critical thiking if it IS critical tinkin. but your idea is limited. it obviously is not CT, but is BIAS thinking, branching out of bias philosophia

Do I need to provide quotes where you assert critical thinking is bad and yet you use logic? If you wan't to change your position that's fine, but if you want to deny an event for which evidence exists then I am going to hold you accountable.

duendy said:
me))))and I a saying you cant stop feeling. that is the whole point. you boys assume some dr spokian state of idealistic logic divorced from feeling. tis is why you are so dangerous to community and planet earth. cause yo just WONT WONT see this!

It's because it's not true. Nobody's trying to eliminate emotion from human beings. Emotion isn't going to remove buckminsterfullerines from a polymer resin consequently. Science and critical thinking will do that.

duendy said:
we aint talkin jellybeans buster, but the actual planet Earth at the mercy of your robotic know-ledge!!!

Knowledge and ethical decision making are two different things. Science and critical thinking don't result in greed and desire to harm. Those are born out of human emotiona and a lack of ethical decision making and relationship skills.
Crunchy Cat said:
Well hero's slaying dragons being "war on drugs" was entertaining for sure.

me)))))extraordinarily significant actually

Regarding wizards, yep they were people whom claimed to weild magical powers. I agree that skeptics can't explain all reported or observed phenomenoa nor any other 'group' of folks. If someone had claimed to have seen 'elementals' and 'goblins', I would simply ask them what they were and then ask them to share the experience. Because the information was testimony, I would employ emotion and critical thinking to help determine if I was being BS'd or not. If not then I would use the information received to determine what the next best questions could be.

me)))in what way would you apply critical thinking, if i may ask?

This is interesting. I can count the number of times we each said "I don't know" in this thread and clearly the ratio is significantly on my side, yet I am being experienced somehow as being an asserter of "I know". Could it be because on more than one occasion I have stated that "I know that both of us don't know"? Is it because I contradict fantastic claims with evidence? Is it because I seperate fantastic experience from corresponding claims?

me))YOU cant say 'I' dont know like you can yourself. ypu dont know WHAT i know. how i approach tings and what my 'i dontknow' might mean

I read a good chunk of his writings. They were creative and fantastic ideas and I am sure he would 'whup my sorry arse' in any face to face creative idea contest. The one thing he lacks is evidence. Once evidence exists, you have a hypothesis that is testable and thus provable/falsifiable. de Quincey skips the whole 'verify with reality' phase.

me))))he uses logic and emotion. actually you dont have any evidence for what YOU say. as you yourself admitted. tis YO who has siad 'i dont know' the most. no?

I am the easiest person to convince with evidence and logical thought processes and often 'give' where others would hold their position. What raises a red flag of de Quincey's work is that none of his assertions are falsifiable, he asserts no intention of ever creating and testing hypothesis, and he asserts a clear intention of avoiding 'materialist science'.

me)))ahaha cause he sees the dager OF its criteria which is...err materialistic/one-sided. you reveal your not much up on mythic motifs CC. it is vital you get a hang of that, you'll learn lots about where materialistic mindset has come from!

de Quincey's ideas are very attractive. I love em' and I WISH they were true because they are cool. I WISH virtually every fantasy were true becuase they are attractive to me. Attractiveness doesn't have a 1:1 relationship with truth and reality repeatedly verifies this.

me))))))its not hangin out till you sees de Quincey's shit is 'cool',it is vastly URGENT to grasp that Nature IS alive and NOT an object to be explotited!!
if not him read sources he puts out

I'll explain, by catering to a person's emotional health with fantasy, we're allowing people to accept assertions of truth that reality will ultimately contradict. If the majority of society accepts those assertions then we begin repeating a very long history of people discovering evidence for truth and then being labeled heritics and criminals. That's not conducive to progress.

me)))))))haha...thats EXACTLY whats been going oooon dude! god how long a got: for now to summarize--it is a linear patriarchal trajectorey throug history throughbelief is 'spirits' BEHIND, to sky gods, to 'spirit' trapped in body and Nature, to monotheism all tis not happning stricly linerarly yu understand..just trying t simplify to rejection of all that by Galileo, to mechanical science. HI!

I don't worship anything, let alone a mindset; however, I have seen the results. It's producing understanding of human emotional need and how to have healthy relationships with people, the ego, and the environment. It's producing understanding of human ethics. It's letting people live longer. It's finding alternatives to energy sources that are poisonous to environment. It's letting people and animals live healthier and longer. It's finding ways to measure accountability. It's finding ways to reproduce fantastic human experiences without chemicals. It's finding ways to see things that our senses cannot. It's finding ways to better predict and respond to disasters. It's finding ways to fix mistakes and to prevent others.

me))))no . its a catelogue of disaster, i could try be givin and kind, but i am too fukin angry with the shit. it is destroying Nature. there hS TO BE RADICAL change. yes ethics. but as i will maybe show you. Galileo's manifesto for science's mudus operandi left OUT ethics, etc...!

I think the message I am conveying didn't produce the right interpretation. We are humans and need emotion. Thats a fact. No sane person on earth wants to eliminate emotion (that includes critical thinkers).


The message is that emotion is a very limited built-in process when applied to understanding reality while science and critical thinking are really good at it. There is a real problem however that I think you might be experiencing. Science and critical thinking being yielded with
**CC)) my system couldn't cope wit replying to latter part of our long post, its lucky i didnt lose all. o i will aswer last bit where you assume 'critical thinking/reason' is superior to emotion:

thi is straight patriarchal-thinking, seriously. tis is why i urge you to spread yo wings and take in some serious looking at mythology--more behind thew scenes look

you see, in patrarchal philosophia, the male is associated wit logic and the female with emotion....lgic is solar, and emotion is moon/earth according to teir classification

but you should understand polar related reality. you canot have pue reason--or top-heavy reason. for if you do and underestimate emotion--which willentail generally SUPPRESSING,is when we have deep truble. which is exactly what has been happening for many centuries. espcially so last 500years