Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren

"Not once. I have never punished, told off, raised my voice or even looked at my child with a remotely angry expression."
"Punishing out of anger, or a lack of patience is never done."

Being a parent, I always suspect the purveyors of messages such as those above to be lying. Sure to your credit, maybe you try not to do it, hell it's probably even rare, but I suspect that to say it NEVER happens is akin to sprinkling carpet fresh over a spot where your poodle took a dump.

Maybe you just keep it all repressed, in which case I offer my condolences to the families of your future (or current) victims.

In the spirit of your bullshit, I gotta go let my kids out of their cages.
water: Woody, you have shown that you cannot be trusted. You lied to me about posting in my thread -- and you have not said a word to that. How can you now expect me to trust you?

I don't trust anybody here. Why should you?
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Deliberately hurting another, such as another child. Accidents do happen, but physically hurting another deliberately isn't right.

Stealing from someone.
Failing to follow instructions.

Aside from the last one, which sounds somewhat dodgy to me, I can understand how a parent in general will view them as quite serious. However, all the telling off and smacked bums in the world never stopped anyone from being a bully or from having the occasional fisticuff session. We've all punched someone in our lives, (most probably), and there is generally a good reason to do so, (from our perspective). I find that the more a person keeps saying 'no', the more the other person will want to do it. If my daughter has issues with someone and tells me about it, I will tell her to go and punch them in the nose. It's worth pointing out that she never has, no matter how many times I tell her she can or should, and that she'll always find a different way of solving the issue. I'm sure this doesn't work for everyone, but I'm explaining why I personally disagreed with your last statement. I've never had to say "no" to her, and I've never seen her do anything even remotely worth a telling off - because of that.

If something happens, I explain why what they did was wrong.

Just out of interest, how would you explain punching someone in the nose as being wrong?

or have the child sit for a while. Generally 10 minutes or so.

Do you find 10 minutes of boredom makes for a better behaved child?

yes, every human has rights. Those rights are generally supported by laws. And what happens when we break the laws?

I guess there's the difference between "no" and "do it if you want to but you'll probably be arrested for it". However, would you say that all of these people that have committed crimes come out of jail a lot better off?

But I was getting more along the lines of typical parent behaviour - where a child will be told off for not wanting to go somewhere, or do something the parent tells them to or isn't in the mood to eat their food. It just seems ridiculous to me.. Of course that's just a personal thing and I don't really expect anyone to agree.

Perhaps you are in a situation where you can be around your child 24/7 to stop each new situation and calmly explain all the options.

While I am around a lot of the time, she simply does not get into 'situations'. I find that I can literally encourage her to do what you might consider 'bad' things and she wont. I'll tell her she can swear and drink alcohol etc, but no matter how much I encourage her to she wont do it. It's quite difficult to explain, but perhaps best to just look at her like a mini-version of my wife. My wife can do whatever she wants to do and go out and do all kinds of 'bad' things, but doesn't

Most of us do have jobs to attend to, and other obligations that require us to be away from our children at least part of the day.

Me included in that. Don't worry though, I forgive you for your incorrect assumptions.

I would think that if I can help my child to behave in social situations where other people aren't required to punish my child, it is best for everyone

My child always does behave. Odd sounding perhaps, and probably "bullshit" to Wes, but it's the way it is.

I do find one thing however - which some might regard as an issue, but I generally don't. She prefers to spend her time with her parents. Some kids seemingly want to spend their lives at their friends house, (I was like that), or playing with a group of kids. My daughter prefers our company than others. Whether this will cause issues in future social settings where we're not there I don't know, but for now I'm not overly worried that she loves her parents.

Being a parent, I always suspect the purveyors of messages such as those above to be lying.

I wouldn't assume that many parents would understand. It's not so much a choice on my part as it is an inevitability given life circumstances. I was fostered many times as a kid and finally adopted. It's something that made me want to be extra special and loving as a parent. I have always been very concious of it. Having grown up without any knowledge of having a 'real' parent - instead having knowledge of a parent who didn't want me - made my views differ to many others. Eventually my wife and I had a son only to then watch him die.

These things combined make me the way I am - which is pretty much that a child is a complete equal, with as much say and rights as I have. I have also realised, given my position, that "no" has never solved a damn thing in it's life. It has not been planned, but it turns out that by treating her like an adult and showing her all the respect she deserves, she has not once given me reason to raise my voice, tell her off etc or even consider having to do so.

Sure, it could be complete luck of the draw.. I will not say I'm a better parent, but that with her it works. I'm nice, she's nice. I encourage her right to freedom of choice and she picks the better one.

Sure to your credit, maybe you try not to do it, hell it's probably even rare, but I suspect that to say it NEVER happens is akin to sprinkling carpet fresh over a spot where your poodle took a dump.

I don't have a poodle, I have a bigass retriever. I say "no" to it all the time and it's the nastiest bastard I've ever had to put up with. Admittedly with the dog the 'equality' stance of mine did not work. The dog assumed that the freedom I gave it made it 'head of the pack', and so when I went to take a toy off it, it decided to try and chew my arms off. It then ended up killing our pet cat. Although it has worked perfectly with my daughter, I wouldn't try again with a sharp toothed animal.

Maybe you just keep it all repressed, in which case I offer my condolences to the families of your future (or current) victims.

Or maybe you and I just differ given our life circumstances and the way we dealt with them.

In the spirit of your bullshit, I gotta go let my kids out of their cages.

Certainly a way to lower the level of the conversation, but nevermind.
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Gendanken said: No, you do not understand brother Mephura.

You coulda, you shoulda, yadint.
Thread's dead.

I tried Gend, dear, I tried.
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Gendanken is an evil woman and you'd do well to steer clear of her. If you try saving her, she'll just drag you down into her own damnation. She brings her own hell with her.
Yes. Gendanken is a kneecap smashing demoness who's only aim is to destroy the souls of others. She is a harlot and a friend of sinners. Beware!
Ya gotta love her. Er.. I mean if you're a good christian and such. I'm not, but I love her anyway. ;)
gendanken said:
One, you know nothing about Hebrew, can't even read it, so do not tell me what can or cannot prevent the Hebrew word alma from being a "virgin"
There is a reason why the word "virgin'- in almost every language- is concocted and it is a term applicable to men, women, and matter (virgin oil).
There is a reason for the word 'virgin', Jenyar.
Fromt the Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon:
"There is no instance where it can be proved that this word designates a young woman who is not a virgin."​
But I agree, the use of Hebrew isn't what's bothering you about the religion.

Looks like what is left is Number Three, Jenyar, to explain why it is that so many like you run after god like so many mothers cleaning up after toddlers.
You apologize for God as fervently as a mother does her kid picking its nose out in public.
And when others ask you to explain to them something so integral to your character, you cannot explain well because one can never explain well what they do not understand.
And when we do not understand but speak anyway, we Bullshit.
Maybe I enjoy trying to understand what I do not - and tryinng to explain what I do understand. Sure, a superficial reading might make no sense, and few people care to do more than a superficial reading. I don't mind doing the reading, so I'm happy to "apologize".

Two- you cannot quote me Mathew or Luke as circumstantial evidence in this matter.
That’s like proving the resurrection occurred based on Christian eyewitnesses.
You’re going to support what Matthew said based on Mathew and then what Mathew said based on Luke and vise versa? Its known that all four fed off each other.
And that’s like proving Deepak is right about AIDS being spiritual by quoting his saying so.
I can't prove these people were trustworthy, no. And you can't prove they're not. It comes down to whether we believe them or not. I don't think they were dictated their accounts mindlessly, but since their copies don't match I don't think they merely echoed each other mindlessly either. Your argument goes both ways. Paul's letters precede the gospels, and yet the four gospels show no influence of his advanced theology. At the very least, it suggests that they were using other sources than available scripture: personal accounts.

True, but he did not.

Read your bible. Clearly.

There is no time lapse so appeals to 5th plague is you......running after your toddler again.

Therefore, we have God stating that he has killed all the horses and livestock of the Pharaoh.
And then a measly 3 chapters later this genius has Pharaoh chasing his Chosen People on Pharohaoh’s horses.
How are the chapters an indication of time? (can you tell me how much time passed between the plagues?). The chariots were obviously Pharoah's, but the horses could have come from anywhere (since Pharoah could simply have imported new horses from other regions under his control - and they would become his). All Egypt's horses did not die, as is plain from the text, so your insistence on the strict appliation of "all" makes no sense. It's a forced interpretation that contradicts the text. I might not be able to read Hebrew, but I know one of its peculiarities is its universal terms (like love vs. hate). Consider:
When the man Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the LORD and to fulfill his vow, Hannah did not go. (1 Samuel 1:21)​
And the words used there are ‘every’ and ‘all’, therefore:
Don’t read too much into it.
I think the difficulties require that we do read further. Unless you think the author was totally oblivious to the problem that seems clear as daylight - so clear as to come across as pure stupidity - there is no problem with the account as he gives it. The plague and hail didn't kill all the horses in Egypt.

…and you’re trying to squirm your way out of this one as well.
Joshua looks up.
In the middle of battle.
And asks his god to stop the sun in the sky.
God stops the sun in the sky. In the dead bloody middle.

All you are doing is trying to explain away your toddler’s bad manners again, like a good Stepford jew.
Since "there has been no day like that, before it or after it" (Joshua 10:14) I think any explanation is speculative. However you wish to come to terms with it, this was what the Israelites attributed the success of their victory to.

That you don't like their account barely makes it "bad manners".

You do realize that criminals were beat and tortured before being crucified yes?

And who you call the ‘messiah’ had both a Jew and a roman trying to crush his skull in for being so meek and pretentious.
Those two traits together really annoy the hell out of people.

Know what, Jenyar? Never thought I’d say it - you being one of the most plausible Christians on this forum - but you really suck at this.
I've seen Mel Gibson's Passion, and I've read the Roman descriptions of it. No skulls were crushed. Sometimes the flesh was completely ripped off, but the intention was to inflict as much punishment as possible without resulting in death (or the crucifixion itself would be robbed of its purpose).

I realize you'd prefer some Alexandrian king to put the world in its place, but such kingdoms - Assyrian, Persian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman... - never last beyond their popularity, and are prone to the very sins God abhorrs. Christ's meekness was God's power. It's counterintuitive to the world we live in, which was its purpose. It's a silent power and a quiet strength, and not even violent death can touch it.
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Invert Nexus said: Gendanken is an evil woman and you'd do well to steer clear of her. If you try saving her, she'll just drag you down into her own damnation. She brings her own hell with her.

Woody says: Yes I have already figured that out. She demands apologies when she owes them. She asks for something, and when you give it to her she ignores it, or ridicules it, curses it, you name it -- anything but receiving it. Then she flames you for doing things that you did not do. I never "turned her away", and Water says I must love trolls too.

Water isn't much better. I sent her a cordial note and she didn't reply. She says that I don't "care" , but she really doesn't care to listen -- that's odvious. She prefers shouting at people rather than listening. She pulled out something I quoted months ago from some old thread of hers and says "See, you did participate in that thread discussion and now I demand an apology from you." The content of that particular post added absolutely nothing to the conversation at hand -- but she demanded an apology because I did not remember posting it in her thread. I honestly don't remember everything I post here -- especially after months of a shut-down on this sciforums website, and I'm over 700 posts now. But for her, it's suddenly a showstopper for all forms of communication. How petty!

Neither one of them has even a smidgen of forgiveness in their petty, smallminded, bones. They will never come to the Lord with an attitude like that, so you are correct -- there is little if any point in trying to help them. They'll just spit in your face. With those two, I am casting my pearls before swine. The Bible tells me to steer clear.
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It still doesn't work, you know. It's all just a series of coincidences. There is no god. Your prayers mean precisely shit.
Woody said:
Invert Nexus: Gendanken is an evil woman and you'd do well to steer clear of her. If you try saving her, she'll just drag you down into her own damnation. She brings her own hell with her.
Are you God that you can save anyone?
2 Tim. 2:24
And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.​
The only evil I see here is your attitude towards her, as if a Christian could justify such language.

Woody says: Yes I have already figured that out. She demands apologies when she owes them. She asks for something, and when you give it to her she ignores it, or ridicules it, curses it, you name it -- anything but receiving it. Then she flames you for doing things that you did not so. I never "turned her away", and Water says "I must love a troll".
Nobody owes you any apology.
1 Cor. 4:12-13 When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly.​
I don't see any of that in your responses.

Water isn't much better. I sent her a cordial note and she didn't reply. She says that I don't "care" , but she really doesn't care to listen -- that's odvious. She pulled out something I quoted months ago from some old thread of hers and says "See, you did participate in that thread discussion and now I demand an apology from you." The content of that particular post added absolutely nothing to the conversation at hand -- but she demanded an apology because I did not remember posting it in her thread. I honestly don't remember everything I post here -- especially after months of a shut-down on this sciforums website, and I'm over 700 posts now.
Whether she is reasonable and justified or not should be of no concern to you. If you see that she won't be reasonable, leave it at that, but you have no place to condemn her for it. If you don't know what she's going through, or what her motives or reasons are, don't speculate - and don't judge based on speculation.

If you treated her consistently, it wouldn't matter whether you remember what you posted or where - you would be able to say with confidence that her accusations are unfounded. If you make a mistake, admit it and go on; you expect no less from her.

Neither one of them has even a smidgen of forgiveness in their petty, smallminded, bones. They will never come to the Lord with an attitude like that, so you are correct -- there is little if any point in trying to help them. They'll just spit in your face. With those two, I am casting my pearls before swine.
And by calling them petty and small-minded, you only prove that you don't have a smidgen of forgiveness or grace either. You can't keep them from going to God with their attitude, or Him from forgiving it; you sound like Jonah complaining about Nineveh. Let them spit in your face, let them slap you on the cheek - you be the Christian.
We are bad, we are bad, ha ha ha!

All my life Christians have given up on me -- because I am bad!
It is a kind of a sick relief, to know I have been snubbed because I am bad.
And bad I surely must be, for otherwise, I would have already accepted the Lord long, long ago.

And it must be that God loves you, Christians, so much. For He has made sure that you would believe in Him, *just* *like* *that*, while years of study and prayer have done nothing for me. What a hideous monster I must be.
Jenyar said:
Whether she is reasonable and justified or not should be of no concern to you. If you see that she won't be reasonable, leave it at that, but you have no place to condemn her for it. If you don't know what she's going through, or what her motives or reasons are, don't speculate - and don't judge based on speculation.

By our fruits ye shall know us!

If it looks bad, it must be bad.

And by calling them petty and small-minded, you only prove that you don't have a smidgen of forgiveness or grace either. You can't keep them from going to God with their attitude, or Him from forgiving it; you sound like Jonah complaining about Nineveh. Let them spit in your face, let them slap you on the cheek - you be the Christian.

We must first please Woody. Woody says. If we are pleasing Woody, we are pleasing God. If we aren't pleasing Woody, we aren't pleasing God.
Woody. You really are a shitty Christian. A shitty person too, I suspect. I guess that makes you a good christian then.

Someday you too will be shunned. Enjoy.
Dear god please give me £5 million pounds, omg thanks.. woopeee..

Fuck this thread is stupid...