Prayer Works -- a praise report for my Christian Brethren


running jokes are the funniest.

Funny it may be. But a joke it is not.
Woody is a horrible Christian. The events of this thread prove it.
He failed.
Everything I said was true.
I might have played the Coyote, but I wasn't playing Jehovah.
Gendanken says: "Yes, I WANT to believe that Jesus, almighty, the lamb of Christ, who came to this world to suffer the yoke of our sins and something really dirty I've been up to lately- was resurrected."

lies, all lies
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Invert Nexus: Everything I said was true.

lies all lies
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Woody is many things which deserve deriding remarks, but he isn't a bad christian. He is simply in the process, just like all christians, and humans.

Your statement is a joke, in my understanding of God.

Hatred is a result of fear.
God does not fear.
Therefore, when God is described as hateful, or hating a person, it is simply an approximate statement made by a human about God, nothing more.
And you can also say, "nothing less", and in some physical perspective this may be true. However, in the metaphysical where God exhibits no mirroring or anthropomorphic fear, i.e. OUR fear, God loves. Even woody... and me.

And if a person cannot accept anything beyond the material and God has no meaning to them, I don't think that causes God to hate that person.

EDIT - WOODY, read her posts or don't bother replying.
Woody: and I followed your advice.

I thought you'd avoid this thread from now on.
This is too funny.
You followed my advice...
I'm a heretic, Woody.
You followed the advice of a heretic.
A blasphemer.

Satan is put on this Earth to test you, Woody.
You've just been tested by Evil.

You failed.
You're a horrible Christian.
Enjoy Hell.

Ok. Hate may be the wrong term. God loves even the sinners.
Well. He failed his test, I believe.
Doesn't mean that he won't someday succeed. But he didn't succeed today.
If he died today, he'd go to Hell.
So we've all been talking to sock-puppets. This should be unlawful. :bugeye:
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Hmm, now this is rich.
The joke is on all of you! I got the blessings and you got a big fat nothing.
How is the joke on me?

Where is the big fat nothing (other than gustav) and where is the blessing?

Well now you go away with your unfunny punchline,
It, brilliant one, was not intended to be 'funny'.
Point being, you bit.

But could not help spitting through those clenched teeth too busy biting.

To answer your semantical inquiry its simple- its right up there in my post, Woody:
The something dirty I've been up to, Woody and Jenyar, is posting in this thread.
answers this:
and something really dirty I've been up to lately

One performed according to his Faith admirably.
The other showed himself to be small and petty.
This, I agree with.

The only thing making me squirm a bit is Jenyar.
He's a boon to his religion, I guess.
Me? Evil?
I'm not evil invert.
A bit of an ass at times, but not evil.

And just for the record, woody, I'm not an athiest.
I wouldn't be so sure gendanken is either...
But that would be between you and her.
it isn't my place to speak so.

Me? Evil?
I'm not evil invert.
A bit of an ass at times, but not evil.

Evil, of course, is a relative term.
You think you'd survive the witch trials then?
If you say so. I'd be most likely burned alive.
And I think Gendanken would also.
Not that we're 'evil' as there is no such thing as evil. But. We (I) would be considered evil by the holier-than-thou's like good ol' Woody here.


so, woody goes to hell, along with 98% of past and present humanity?
No thanks.

Talk to God about that. Not me.


This, I agree with.

The only thing making me squirm a bit is Jenyar.
He's a boon to his religion, I guess.

That's all you agree with? We evil ones have to stick together. Or are you going to claim not being the messenger of evil now?
Already addressed, albeit veiled:

'The “atheist” is not an honest soul more willing to learn through cruel demands of doubting things than by swallowing them whole like cheesy Big Macs.'

I follow no ism, but I feel answers are those fought for. Doubt expends more energy than endless worship.

And if this is what the world calls an "atheist" than let them do so.

I have no problems with Woody living on his knees- I mean, can one even picture the boy frowning?
Getting up from his knees to defend himself?
Or does he just go through life on his back like a medicated prostitute?
because, gendanken
" We evil ones have to stick together."
"You've just been tested by Evil.

so apparently, we must form the brotherhood of evil!!!
or perhaps the empire of evil!!!
the empire of evil!
Why all this 'we'?

Well. I did say "We (I)..." In other words. I was saying I can't really speak for you.

So. You are telling me you're not evil?
My world reels..
Poor me.
All alone. Shunned by Christians and demons alike...

(I still say you'd be burned at the stake. And that's why I said "we".)
invert said:
Talk to God about that. Not me.

It's the perception demonstrated by condemning woody, not mine, and I think this position is not explicitly propounded in the bible (if it is approached holistically), but is rather something some guys (in funny hats) made up based on their interpretation, according to the fear that was still the largest part of the human psyche in their era.
mephura says -"we...the empire of evil! "

How sad.
Do you know what an "empire" is?
This reminds me of Bush and Co. saying they are fighting for God.
why of course I do.
It's a type of apple of course.
Well, that and other thigns.
besides, it wouldn't be the first time an empire was ruled by a triumvirate
Gend said: Where is the big fat nothing.

Woody says: You're a sock puppet.
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