Playing it safe

Well, you're quite the imbecile. In essence you're right though - next time you make worthless opinions, you should put "imo" next to it. Having said that, there's little need. It's not like nobody recognised that it was your opinion.. other than imbeciles that is.

As for "are we done", it most certainly seems so. Unless that is, you're going to grow a pair and face up to requests for you to support you opinions. That of course is very unlikely. IMO.

This post here explains why I find having a discussion with you disgusting.
All of your posts on this thread thus far explain why I have the same issue. In fact, I have to submit that you're an imbecile because the alternate explanation is even worse: That you're deliberately avoiding the discussion. No sir, I'd be vastly more disgusted if that were the case. As such, I'll just stick with the conclusion that you're an imbecile.


Out of interest though. do you not agree that one should not be under any obligation to add "IMO" everytime he leaves an opinion... primarily because everyone else will already know that it's an opinion and go about asking him to support it, (something I've asked from you but you have avoided like the plague)? So, don't you therefore also conclude that you're an imbecile given the fact that you've kept harping on about my need to write IMO for questioning your opinion? All seems a little bit, well, imbecilic to me really.
All of your posts on this thread thus far explain why I have the same issue. In fact, I have to submit that you're an imbecile because the alternate explanation is even worse: That you're deliberately avoiding the discussion. No sir, I'd be vastly more disgusted if that were the case. As such, I'll just stick with the conclusion that you're an imbecile.


Jump and holler too, I'm just grinnin' you.

we see that the statement is problematic right at the start because, in making it, it leaves it better to believe in every possibly true god just incase. You would have to actually believe in each individual one "just incase" Thor is not the same as Allah, Abellio is not the same as Marduk and so on

Got it. Understood and agreed.

A statement that "Atheist-all concept of gods are the same" is an error and indeed a non sequitur in context of the discussion. Sure, atheists in general probably have the same concept of gods as far as their probable non-existence is concerned, but it's not relevant to the discussion.

In context of this discussion yes, which makes your point relevant.

Thanks for the additional explanation.
Do all gods and/or religions believe in heavan and hell scenarios or something similiar ?
I think you'll find that the mass majority do. If they didn't, there'd simply be no worthwhile reason to worship, obey or give a damn.

If on Monday the New New Testament was dug up and in it the christian gods said that they'd done away with heaven and hell, there wouldn't be any christians by Tuesday. Jesus exists.. so what?

And of course, being christians, they'd see no reason to behave or be moral and as such anarchy would ensue.
I think you'll find that the mass majority do. If they didn't, there'd simply be no worthwhile reason to worship, obey or give a damn.

If on Monday the New New Testament was dug up and in it the christian gods said that they'd done away with heaven and hell, there wouldn't be any christians by Tuesday. Jesus exists.. so what?

And of course, being christians, they'd see no reason to behave or be moral and as such anarchy would ensue.

LOL, you make a good case for keeping the heaven and hell scenario in place.
I want to hedge my bets and be prepared for the possibility that any religion that ever appeared on Earth could be true.

The thing is none of it is true. IMO, religion/spiritualism is the old diversion game, something to distract the attention of the participants.
Jesus, just play along with the premise.

No Jesus didn't just play along. He was caught up in the diversion and believed the messages he received were true, just like everyone does.

Think about it here we have Jesus without a father, in those days surely he was looked down on. All the sudden Jesus receives a message in his head calling him son. Think that would influenced him and start the ball rolling so to speak?
No, I would also like to know more about the circumstances surrounding this persons supposed death.

i can't remember what he was hospitalized for, but the documentary was called "to hell and back". i'll try to find it on youtube...

what god said about the beings didn't make sense to you? it makes perfect sense to me, when i look at real live people...they are the's the same sentiment and/or fear/denial that keeps people from knowing god imo. that's why i believed god's answer...because i can see it every day around me.
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here are the links. the guy's story starts on the first one at about 2:57 in, and finishes on the second one...

I watched the videos, Howard Storm didn't die. He had an experience. If I think CGI type technology then the data causing his experience was piped into his brain while he was out, him having something similar to a dream but not the same. The first thing I thought about is Jesus didn’t believe in hell. The reason I know is because Jesus was a Pharisee. The Pharisees believed in the underworld known as hades. Later on through the help of Constantine and Roman theology hades was transformed into hell.

The other thing is its mathematically impossible to travel from this universe to another universe or realm or parallel universe, no way the scientists say.

Taking it one step farther one can review Howard Storm's depiction of his experience. In doing so one can gain insight about the cababilities of the technology by his description of the data he received. Relate it as a cell phone call to Howard Storm's brain. The interest is in the message delivery and reception part.
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