Playing it safe

I truly wish I was deeply educated in the Chritianity to argue these posts. But I'm not. I am always going to my relatives who know a lot about the Bible and being a good honest Christian with questions and concerns and they always seem to have the answer. I just wanted to see how people felt abut how I felt.

i think you have to search DD. it's ok to search extraneously, but more importantly, search yourself. god is with you. ;)
BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God?

1. Stone witches to death
2. Take naughty sons to town and stone them to death.
3. Kick my wife out of town when shes on her period and destroy anything she touches. Oh and sacrifice a few animals as an apology for her having a period when she's finished.
4. Etc..

Out of interest then, what do you mean when you say "the bible is true"? Obviously you don't really believe that.

As for Pascal's wager and playing it safe..

It's a load of old cobblers. You might as well 'play it safe' and believe in all the other possible gods too. Even then, what's to suggest that gods - being omniscient perhaps - wont realise that you're not being genuine but are just 'playing it safe' and thus send you to a pit of fire anyway? (Yes, being a legitimate loving individual, I'd protest on your behalf. Burning for not believing something exists? Lol, how depraved does an entity have to be).

Finally, would you even really want to be there, (heaven)? Are you ok with the notion that while you're living it up, your daughter or son, your mother or father, your wife or siblings are burning for all eternity? Either way you look at it, heaven is as much a hell as hell. The only difference is that one is physical torture, the other is mental torture - unless of course you're just one of those people that doesn't give a damn about anyone else but himself?
i think you have to search DD. it's ok to search extraneously, but more importantly, search yourself. god is with you. ;)

I think The force is strong with this one, anyway.

By the way, how can one search him/herself to find god? What are the methods, suggestions to realize this inner (or outer) what? (with "what?": I mean a thing, a force, a being, what am I looking for, and how can I recognize that I found the correct thing? Because I can find my madness, yet I could call it "god"; how one can differentiate god from other type of "inner" voices, powers, or simply "what?")
1. Stone witches to death
2. Take naughty sons to town and stone them to death.
3. Kick my wife out of town when shes on her period and destroy anything she touches. Oh and sacrifice a few animals as an apology for her having a period when she's finished.
4. Etc..

the etc. is important snake. you're "forgetting" the entire new testament...on purpose i propose. :bugeye:

Out of interest then, what do you mean when you say "the bible is true"? Obviously you don't really believe that.

As for Pascal's wager and playing it safe..

It's a load of old cobblers. You might as well 'play it safe' and believe in all the other possible gods too. Even then, what's to suggest that gods - being omniscient perhaps - wont realise that you're not being genuine but are just 'playing it safe' and thus send you to a pit of fire anyway? (Yes, being a legitimate loving individual, I'd protest on your behalf. Burning for not believing something exists? Lol, how depraved does an entity have to be).

Finally, would you even really want to be there, (heaven)? Are you ok with the notion that while you're living it up, your daughter or son, your mother or father, your wife or siblings are burning for all eternity? Either way you look at it, heaven is as much a hell as hell. The only difference is that one is physical torture, the other is mental torture - unless of course you're just one of those people that doesn't give a damn about anyone else but himself?

to quote one of my favorite lyricists..."when we die, we die alone."
Ok, so a lot of you are non believers, saying the Bible is not true, God is not real blah blah blah. The worst that will happen then we rot in boxes. BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God? I am a Christian, probably not one of the puriest ones and I believe in what the Bible says. case that my beliefs come true, which they are i.m.o...I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance to go to Heaven rather then spend an eternity in a very very painful and horrific place.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?

According to several passages in the bible, God is all-knowing and knows you are "Playing it safe". He/she/it might even have more respect for someone who says "Hey God...guess what...fuck off." , Than a sneaky shit that just wants to do the minimum to get to heaven. I'm Judging by that pack of lies book made some very "wise" humans write and never make any mistakes, ever, even though 90% of old testament is pure plagiarism of older religions. If this god truly exists and loved to burn people for eternity, then I guess I'm gonna burn for really not understanding it all...whatever. Even if you take the point of view that the (Christian) God only really burned Satan and I think one other person in a pit of fire forever(we can assume they are burning right now and long after everything that exists is dead and completely cold)........Do you really want to hang out in heaven with someone who can do that to someone else?
I think The force is strong with this one, anyway.

By the way, how can one search him/herself to find god? What are the methods, suggestions to realize this inner (or outer) what? (with "what?": I mean a thing, a force, a being, what am I looking for, and how can I recognize that I found the correct thing? Because I can find my madness, yet I could call it "god"; how one can differentiate god from other type of "inner" voices, powers, or simply "what?")

there is an identification process. it becomes apparent. things that you don't want to look at are put in your face...and that helps you...develops you. like someone is following you around with a mirror. does that sound pleasant? in this regard even the most egotistical person...especially the most egotistical person...would say no.

always loving though...always knowing that it's in your best interest...and it is.

you'll never define god. you'll never catch it and hold it. but you'll know it when it hits you on the head. you'll see it in your rearview mirror, if you take the time to look. coincidences that are far too prolific to be coincidences. why would an inner voice tell you what you don't want to hear? you'll know it's not you. it will be evident...that's the whole point.

i've had some freaky shit happen to me. way beyond what i've described here...

and there is not one doubt in my mind. ever. not even a little.

i would have to be completely insane not to believe in god and in christ. :shrug:
christians get to forget the entire old testament...

i don't. it's quite evident to me. all i have to do is look around at the consequence of sin. it's pretty fucking brutal don't you think?
It is "safer" to believe in any and all religions just in case one of them is right. However, one can not simply believe something is true just on a whim. It's not that simple I know, I've tried.
It is "safer" to believe in any and all religions just in case one of them is right. However, one can not simply believe something is true just on a whim. It's not that simple I know, I've tried.

i don't understand how anyone can truly believe something that they don't know. i think it's a lie if they say they do.
there is an identification process. it becomes apparent. things that you don't want to look at are put in your face...
I can only imagine seeing my own ass in front of my face. That's scary.
that helps you...develops you. like someone is following you around with a mirror. does that sound pleasant?
It sounds rather unpleasant. Someone following me, and moreover, with a mirror!
in this regard even the most egotistical person...especially the most egotistical person...would say no.
I think I got the message, no need for increasing the power of "egoistical person". I have been given many different titles including bigot, atheist, dumb ass, and some others, so "egoistical" wouldn't hurt me...

always loving though...always knowing that it's in your best interest...and it is.

Loving what? Everything?

you'll never define god. you'll never catch it and hold it. but you'll know it when it hits you on the head.
It sounds like a bullet; you'll never realise it until it hits you on the head, and that will probably the last thing you would know anyway.
you'll see it in your rearview mirror, if you take the time to look.
Sounds like a stalker to me, or cops!
coincidences that are far too prolific to be coincidences.
So why do we call them as "coincidences" then? Why don't we call them "prolific"?
why would an inner voice tell you what you don't want to hear? you'll know it's not you. it will be evident...that's the whole point.
That's what I asked in the first place, how? What are the signs?

i've had some freaky shit happen to me. way beyond what i've described here...
Believe me it happens all of us; we call it life, or as it was described in an English idiom: "life is bitch"...

and there is not one doubt in my mind. ever. not even a little.
Even a well programmed computer couldn't say this, or a predator that tries to differentiate its pray among a pack of animals. How can a human being can say that "there is not one doubt in my mind", considering the fact that we know little about how our minds work?

i would have to be completely insane not to believe in god and in christ.

or vice versa...
the etc. is important snake. you're "forgetting" the entire new testament...on purpose i propose.

I'm not "forgetting" at all and if you really like we can go through it. However, for the sake of the statement I was responding to, a complete run down of the bible wasn't necessary to make the point.

For the NT I suppose I would add: Hating ones parents, sisters, brothers etc in order to follow god, not storing up anything because god will look after me, (although apparently not the starving millions that can't store up anything in many parts of the world), etc.

to quote one of my favorite lyricists..."when we die, we die alone."

I don't see the relevance of this to anything that I was discussing.
I'm not "forgetting" at all and if you really like we can go through it. However, for the sake of the statement I was responding to, a complete run down of the bible wasn't necessary to make the point.

For the NT I suppose I would add: Hating ones parents, sisters, brothers etc in order to follow god, not storing up anything because god will look after me, (although apparently not the starving millions that can't store up anything in many parts of the world), etc.

you're quite the spin doctor. ;)

I don't see the relevance of this to anything that I was discussing.

you were discussing your fate vs the fate of others. i'm just saying that an individual's fate is determined all on their own.
you're quite the spin doctor.

A non-answer to my post.

you were discussing your fate vs the fate of others. i'm just saying that an individual's fate is determined all on their own.

This doesn't address what I was saying - again neither did your pointless song lyric.
what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God

We already know the bible is bullsh8t. Whether there is a god or not is a different question. However, if there is one, what god would that be DD ?
Seems to me that if you believe in God just to be safe, you're not really believing.. you're just pretending to believe.
Seems to me that if you believe in God just to be safe, you're not really believing.. you're just pretending to believe.

Will that save you? Perhaps, so its still worth a shot :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)