Playing it safe

what makes you think this....

and i think i do have his approval..i can't explain how..its just a feeling..

Yea, take it in faith. I'm sure you can get your answers from flat earth believers in the past parked flat on their ass.

If you have his approval as defense then post #134 awaits.
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I doubt you could understand from the perspective you use. You have to be able to get outside of the box and look at the sitution.

I refer to it as applying a third party perspective. I find to do so useful.

What I am proposing is using facts to reason with if available.

Cell phone technology is a fact. The talk of inserting a small cell phone microchip into a person's head is a fact. This cell phone technology will continue to evolve. Computers capable of communicating to the organic brain are part of the evolutionary process. Any intelligence having technology capable of star trekking would certainly have made the upgrades.
Your spiritual interaction is not with a God rather a computer running a program using CGI to send data packets to your brain for your mind to recognize.

It is you who must strip away the computers charade.

well, third parties can have all kinds of perspectives, and if you want to know the truth, i think the majority of third parties would think we're both off our rockers.

and, the spiritual realm is also a fact.

i've had to climb outside of all kinds of boxes to reconcile what i've experienced.

AND, in my case, there is no charade. there's been a lot of meaning and truth revealed that has helped me a great deal. no lies. no tricks. no confusion. no fear. i have peace and strength and blessing and security and love. you don't get those things from a computer, or from someone playing tricks on you.
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and, the spiritual realm is also a fact

You know, I don't think anyone really has an issue with you making such a statement. I think they'd just like you to show it to be so. Given that it's apparently a fact, why would you have such difficulty?

What I don't get is why you christians think that asking you to establish that your beliefs are true, or facts if you prefer, is unreasonable.

If you contend that it isn't unreasonable to ask you to establish your claims as true, as facts if you prefer, then what's the beef?

So, let me ask you: Do you have problem with people asking you to establish your claims as true, facts if you prefer? If you say "no", then there's nothing to discuss and we'll all just sit here waiting for you. If you say "yes", well... You'll figure this bit out for yourself.
.......AND, in my case, there is no charade. there's been a lot of meaning and truth revealed that has helped me a great deal. no lies. no tricks. no confusion. no fear. i have peace and strength and blessing and security and love....

Yes, I've heard the testimony it’s commonly known.

Your belief in an afterlife is satisfing to you while your alive.
The programmers for the alien computerized machine knew many wouldn't give up that afterlife lie to seek truth. Relating to the narrow path few people take.

The alien interest is in human intelligence. The religious/spiritual diversion is wasting humankind's most precious resource, its intelligence.
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As my old stats professor used to say, "It is better to believe in God and be wrong.. than to say he doesn't exist and to be wrong" Makes a kind of sense, though in my line of work I see a lot of "anglework" that gets really weird at times. I work in a critical care unit and see lots of death, as well as lots of life...
You know, I don't think anyone really has an issue with you making such a statement. I think they'd just like you to show it to be so. Given that it's apparently a fact, why would you have such difficulty?

What I don't get is why you christians think that asking you to establish that your beliefs are true, or facts if you prefer, is unreasonable.

If you contend that it isn't unreasonable to ask you to establish your claims as true, as facts if you prefer, then what's the beef?

So, let me ask you: Do you have problem with people asking you to establish your claims as true, facts if you prefer? If you say "no", then there's nothing to discuss and we'll all just sit here waiting for you. If you say "yes", well... You'll figure this bit out for yourself.

i don't think it unreasonable at all for you to ask me that. and i've explained some of my experiences here on sciforums that have let me know it exists. i can do that again for you, and then you can tell me i have schizophrenia. iow, what's the point?
Yes, I've heard the testimony it’s commonly known.

Your belief in an afterlife is satisfing to you while your alive.
The programmers for the alien computerized machine knew many wouldn't give up that afterlife lie to seek truth. Relating to the narrow path few people take.

The alien interest is in human intelligence. The religious/spiritual diversion is wasting humankind's most precious resource, its intelligence.

i don't really see a focus on the afterlife. i don't know anything more about what will happen to me after death than i ever did. now, i just don't care really. i'm not worried about it. it's irrelevant until i die. then whatever happens happens. :shrug:

those qualities developed in me don't come from some relief in regards to my destination upon death. they come from a knowledge of god's existence and characteristics, and love.
those qualities developed in me don't come from some relief in regards to my destination upon death. they come from a knowledge of god's existence and characteristics, and love.

The qualities you're speaking about are good things your belief is bringing out in you. Already you possessed the love and humanity aspect (kindness, charity, compassion, sympathy and mercy) as part of your being. The advanced alien technology with its CGI is manipulating the 5 senses of your brain, sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. The love and feeling of fulfillment is common data sent by the computer into peoples brains for their bodies and minds to experience. The data packets sent are manipulating your senses and your emotions, thereby causing your experiences. This is my opinion.

You can call it God and many people do, however I recognize a computer behind that mask of God captivating you.
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and i've explained some of my experiences here on sciforums that have let me know it exists.

Perhaps I'm out of the loop but the only thing I recall, (not having been around for a while), was you fancying some rock star and some idea that one day god would bring you and him together as a sign of the existence of said god being true.

With respect but I don't think that counts.

iow, what's the point?

"What's the point" in establishing your claims as true, as facts?? :rolleyes:
Perhaps I'm out of the loop but the only thing I recall, (not having been around for a while), was you fancying some rock star and some idea that one day god would bring you and him together as a sign of the existence of said god being true.

With respect but I don't think that counts.

"What's the point" in establishing your claims as true, as facts?? :rolleyes:

my experiences have been a lot more involved than that, but yes, you remember the gist of an extremely intense experience that i had several years ago.

but in regards to these experiences, all i have is my testimony of them and what they've meant and/or done to me. people can choose to believe that or not; it's not up to me. some people might think i'm lying, (Q) and phlog think i'm schizophrenic, earth thinks this is perpetuated by some alien computer...

even if it had been documented, which plenty of miracles spiritual events have been, people believe what they want to believe. :shrug:
but in regards to these experiences, all i have is my testimony of them and what they've meant and/or done to me

Which, with all sincere respect, isn't really of any value outside of yourself.

people believe what they want to believe

Not really, no. They believe what they have are convinced is true based upon the data available to them.
Which, with all sincere respect, isn't really of any value outside of yourself.

i do not in any way recommend that someone believe in god because of my or anyone else's testimony. but, i know that i myself have been influenced intellectually and emotionally by other people's testimonies.

Not really, no. They believe what they have are convinced is true based upon the data available to them.

and that has to do with having an open mind and not having an agenda. imo and experience, i have found those attributes, and the humility that goes with them, as crucial to experiencing god for yourself.

but you know as well as i do that people filter information, regardless of how credible it might be. if a person does not have an open mind, or has an agenda, they accept and reject information accordingly.
my experiences have been a lot more involved than that, but yes, you remember the gist of an extremely intense experience that i had several years ago.

but in regards to these experiences, all i have is my testimony of them and what they've meant and/or done to me. people can choose to believe that or not; it's not up to me. some people might think i'm lying, (Q) and phlog think i'm schizophrenic, earth thinks this is perpetuated by some alien computer...

even if it had been documented, which plenty of miracles spiritual events have been, people believe what they want to believe. :shrug:

miracles? doubtfull may be un explained by science or doctors but the way our bodies work is a mystery how we dont get sick more or contract more flus or diseases is a mystery, our bodies are more advanced than we know and if we fully understood how it worked and how the brain worked so called miracles would be abolished... as for your experiences i cant say because i didnt experience them but just remember how advanced our brain is and what it can do or make you think is real but is nothing more than a figment of your imagination
Yeah....I'm not going to read all eight pages of this thread, I'll just reply to the OP.

"Ok, so a lot of you are non believers, saying the Bible is not true, God is not real blah blah blah. The worst that will happen then we rot in boxes. BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God? I am a Christian, probably not one of the puriest ones and I believe in what the Bible says. case that my beliefs come true, which they are i.m.o...I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance to go to Heaven rather then spend an eternity in a very very painful and horrific place.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? "

I can't make myself believe that gods exist anymore than I can make myself believe that my shirt is red. I look, my brain reacts, I believe that my shirt is gray. I could pretend to believe in a god, but I'm pretty sure that god would recognize the facade and not much appreciate it.

And...being a Christian is a bit more than just believe that a god exists, and asking a historical figure to send you to heaven instead of hell. Don't believe me? Read your Bible.