Playing it safe

Hence the use of the plural- "sacrifices".

Of course, Yaweh will be mad because of that whole "thou shall not kill" thing. Maybe I should spend next month praying, as long as it doesn't conflict with my Druid rituals...

I just want to have all my bases covered.
Hence the use of the plural- "sacrifices".

Of course, Yaweh will be mad because of that whole "thou shall not kill" thing. Maybe I should spend next month praying, as long as it doesn't conflict with my Druid rituals...

I just want to have all my bases covered.

A snippet from Wikipedia.......While popular accounts claim it was necessary to have a daily sacrifice, sacrifices were only done on festive days. There were 18 especially holy festive days, and only one of them was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli.

Aztecs made human sacrifices on each of their 18 festive days.

Since you mentioned Druids. I can't find any account of human sacrifices performed by any religion in history, where the sacrifices saved or prevented disaster concerning those people making the sacrifices.
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Hmmm.... can I still celebrate Christmas? Maybe combine the two?

By all means celebrate Christmas.

I was pointing out human sacrifices has no value historically. The populace practicing human sacrifice in the past vanished into the history books.
Now Im not the most puriest Christian and my knowledge isnt that deep, but I believe that the Bible is the only book I should follow faithfully and worship only God and his son Jesus.

why isnt the kuran the true "bible? i dont think you get what hes saying.. with all the different religions out there why is the bible the right one? thast spoken from a true religous person.. you have no facts to back up such claims besides. starting the sentence in "i believe"
Will that save you? Perhaps, so its still worth a shot :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)

short scenario.. you sin when your a kid by stealing another kids candy.. everyone sins atleast 1 time in there life no one is exempt from this rule.. what if right after this sin your first and only sin you live the rest of your life by the bible. and the ways of a christian or whatever your religion may be.. when you die higher power " god " condems you because of that 1 sin you did, if it was me i would be pissed and feel that i wasted all my life.. or what if you were an exception didnt sin and didnt make the heaven cut?
short scenario.. you sin when your a kid by stealing another kids candy.. everyone sins atleast 1 time in there life no one is exempt from this rule.. what if right after this sin your first and only sin you live the rest of your life by the bible. and the ways of a christian or whatever your religion may be.. when you die higher power " god " condems you because of that 1 sin you did, if it was me i would be pissed and feel that i wasted all my life.. or what if you were an exception didnt sin and didnt make the heaven cut?

Of course I'm not a christian and this scenario wouldn't apply to say for example Islam.

Peace be unto you ;)
By all means celebrate Christmas.

I was pointing out human sacrifices has no value historically. The populace practicing human sacrifice in the past vanished into the history books.

I think you missed the point. I was trying to point out the difficulty of hedging one's bets with regard to religion. Sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli were at one time on the same level as believing in Yaweh. How does anyone know that Huitzilopochtli isn't the right God to worship? It could very well make no difference whether people still sacrifice to him now. Do Gods die when no one worships them? Perhaps the correct religion is one that no one alive today remembers.
I think you missed the point. I was trying to point out the difficulty of hedging one's bets with regard to religion. Sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli were at one time on the same level as believing in Yaweh. How does anyone know that Huitzilopochtli isn't the right God to worship? It could very well make no difference whether people still sacrifice to him now. Do Gods die when no one worships them? Perhaps the correct religion is one that no one alive today remembers.

God is all one in the same, just give it a different name.
yes it does. your fate is not dependent on anyone else's and vice versa

Which, once again, doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying.


God is all one in the same, just give it a different name.

You have no basis with which to make such a claim. The gods are vastly different in behaviour, character, commands and so on. Interestingly, when theists make this statement, the one god that that all the others are the same as is always the specific one they believe in. If you assert that they're all the same, why not bow down to Thor? or Allah etc? As a theist that perceives them all as the same god, you've got no basis with which to choose Jesus or Yahweh and preach concerning those ones. You've no valid reason to encourage people to follow any specific god. Seems a tad obscure to me. (Not a personal 'you', speaking in general terms).
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God is all one in the same, just give it a different name.

So, does that mean I can sacrifice virgins to Aztec Gods and still go to heaven?

(From the 10 commandments:

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.')
So, does that mean I can sacrifice virgins to Aztec Gods and still go to heaven?

(From the 10 commandments:

ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.')

The whole spiritual thing all the way back through time has been dependant on belief. So believe and you shall have it.
The whole spiritual thing all the way back through time has been dependant on belief. So believe and you shall have it.

So, we don't have to hedge our bets? We can worship and believe any stupid old thing and it still works?
Sorry, add IMO, please

Sorry, this doesn't address the issue. Please do so now.

While not addressing the issue at all, your statement was at least rather amusing in that it is either a grandiose display of hypocrisy or you just can't stand anyone other than yourself having an opinion, (especially one that shows yours to be flawed).

Anyway, whenever you're ready.
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