Pathological Skepticsm.

Ophiolite said:
It is interesting, though hardly surprising, that the difficulty of doing this consistently and effectively in the 'soft' sciences has been recognised. In the US, for example, a division of the National Academies has implemented this :

having read what i wrote yet unable to reply since i am supposed to be on ignore, ophiolite provides a clarification presented thru a dialogue with himself

what an amusing sight.
I heard a while back that psychological establishment were trying to get the right to 'medicate' their 'clients'
Gustav said:
garbage. a stupid soundbite

what claims? what standards? what sets?

Ja. Ja Ja Ja jajajaja. What what whatwhatwhat.

Ad Homs. Ad nauseum. Ad infinitum. Ad agency. Figure it out for yourself you dolt. I haven't seen such ramblings in a long time. You Gustavio are an obfuscator extroadinaire. Can you post anything that is not a pure random ramble? Ja? Jam? Jamboree? Ja.
duendy said:
I heard a while back that psychological establishment were trying to get the right to 'medicate' their 'clients'

I believe you're right, but I also believe they hit some kind of bureaucratical snag.

And do you know WHY they want to be able to prescribe medicines?
Just guessing here...
Maybe because when people are doped up, they don't see as readily the flaws of the psychologist during his attempts at therapy.

Then again, it COULD undermine the profession as well: if they were happily sedated, people would be less apt to shell out $100 an hour to talk with someone who probably can't even solve his/her own problems! ;)
I can't help myself. I feel compelled to post:

[Dr. Stewart:] Down to zero, relaxing, we're going to feel very fresh [fart], we're going to feel very healthy [fart], and let's take a nice, deep breath --

[Gary Phelps:] I can't breathe, sir, uh, I'm sorry, I just -- ["squirty" fart]

[Gary Phelps:] Oh my god -- what did you eat? It smells like baby food --

[Dr. Stewart:] All right, we're relaxing -- that one probably squirted out a little into the pants, but we'll just continue with thte floating [fart] -- yeah, that was definitely a squirt -- but here we go, one, zero, we are under. Are you relaxed?

[Gary Phelps:] Yeah, I'm under, I guess.

[Dr. Stewart:] Here we go, relaxing, relaxing. You're under a deep trance, you will not smoke anymore, you will just feel healthy from now on, and you'll be breathing in nothing but fresh air, and you will not smell anything in this room, it wasn't me, it wasn't me farting [fart] -- that was not me --

[Gary Phelps: hysterically laughing under his breath]
You're gonna have to stop doing that, sir. It's just very hard for me to listen to you when you're --

[Dr. Stewart:] You're floating now, you're high above, you're looking down,
nothing but fresh pastures and fields, and here we go [long fart]

[Gary Phelps:] Oh man...

[Dr. Stewart:] -- that was you,

[Gary Phelps:] That was not me, sir! I'm watching you!

[Dr. Stewart:] That was you, and when you wake up, you will not remember any of this, except that it was you, or my receptionist, don't worry, she gets it all the time. All right -- you smell nothing; I'm perfectly clean. I have no bad gas; it was all from outside or from -- from -- you yourself. And let's not forget the smoking thing that's why you're here. No smoking. Repeat after me: I am a smelly pig.
Giambattista said:
I believe you're right, but I also believe they hit some kind of bureaucratical snag.

And do you know WHY they want to be able to prescribe medicines?
Just guessing here...
Maybe because when people are doped up, they don't see as readily the flaws of the psychologist during his attempts at therapy.

me)))i would say same as motivates the shrinks.....MONEY&POWER---lots of it. tho they'd never admi it, or admit to be in 'DENIAL'. whoa no. it'd be, 'cause we want to heeeelp you'......themost evil words you can hear come from a human's lips!!

Then again, it COULD undermine the profession as well: if they were happily sedated, people would be less apt to shell out $100 an hour to talk with someone who probably can't even solve his/her own problems! ;)

yeah but i think they'd top that figure, but i know what you mean
superluminal said:
Goddamn psychos.

hell hath no fury like a pseudo exposed

superluminal said:
Ja. Ja Ja Ja jajajaja. What what whatwhatwhat.

Ad Homs. Ad nauseum. Ad infinitum. Ad agency. Figure it out for yourself you dolt. I haven't seen such ramblings in a long time. You Gustavio are an obfuscator extroadinaire. Can you post anything that is not a pure random ramble? Ja? Jam? Jamboree? Ja.

i mean...just look at that crazed rant
but of course since these folks appear to be the mighty jamesr's ideological bedmates, the ad homs will be allowed to stand while any responses would be characterized as bait and punished severely

oh well
with so many injustices perpetrated around the world, why should sciforums be exempt.
perpetrate away, mighty ones!

Ophiolite said:
Contradictions are the life blood of science. Contradictions are the motor of invention. Contradictions are the seat of understanding. Contradictions are the essence of humanity. Contradictions are the elan vital of existence.

it appears that ophiolite is insisting that the absence of contradiction would negate or impede the progress of all the factors mentioned. lets take them in order presented and infer implications.....

*a hypothesis or theory must have internal contradictions in order to be valid

*input/output, positive/negative and other such values and specs can be indiscriminately applied and yet not affect outcome.

*we understand that we simultaneously exist and dont exist at the same time

*hypocrisy is what defines us

*this is the only one that comes close to having some validity as it can be given a philosophical treatment tho is quite irrelevant since we would typically be concerned only about deductive and empirical methodology in this particular forum

sad, misguided and a rather imbecilic opinion
this is might seem like life101 but i guess i must spell it out

all of our serious endeavors are about ironing out contradictions
let us see how....

a) The first is formal, a testing of the internal consistency of the theoretical system to see if it involves any contradictions.

(b) The second step is semi-formal, the axiomatising of the theory to distinguish between its empirical and its logical elements. In performing this step the scientist makes the logical form of the theory explicit. Failure to do this can lead to category-mistakes - the scientist ends up asking the wrong questions, and searches for empirical data where none are available. Most scientific theories contain analytic (i.e. a priori) and synthetic elements, and it is necessary to axiomatise them in order to distinguish the two clearly...... (popper)

we do not celebrate contradictions as ophiolite does and perhaps would like you to do as well. on the contrary, if i may be as florid as ophiolite; contradictions are the bane of existence.

now it is worthwhile to note the context in which such an absurd affirmation on the vitality of contradiction was put forth.....

Ophiolite said:
You say - preferences may change without warning. Not so. Psychologists can define a range of causes in the internal and external environment of the individual that may cause a change of preference.

i like broccoli on weekends only. define that

as battista so perceptively analysed...

Giambattista said:
Mmm! EXCELLENT! How fitting to talk of a "science" that for the most part can merely define RANGES, and not absolutes, all in the Pseudoscience forum!
2 +/- 2 = 0/4 Doesn't get much better than that, does it?
Gustav said:
all of our serious endeavors are about ironing out contradictions..
Of course they are you thick twat. And as a consequence they are, exactly as I said, the life blood of science; the motor of invention;. and the seat of understanding. You are slow, but you finally made the connection. Hallelujah, brother. Now go play with the younger children: your sort is superfluous here.

If I haven't given you enough ammunition to complain to the moderators about personal attacks, just drop me a pm and I'll see what can be arranged. In the meantime learn to read and comprehend before you display your ignorance to world.
Ophiolite said:
Of course they are you thick twat. And as a consequence they are, exactly as I said, the life blood of science; the motor of invention;. and the seat of understanding.

it is not a consequence
that is akin to celebrating the disease and not the cure

Ophiolite said:
If I haven't given you enough ammunition to complain to the moderators about personal attacks,

why should i? the moral high ground is a nice place to be. strange but nice

Ophiolite said:
Of course they are you thick twat.

so telling of your mental condition

Gustav said:
that is akin to celebrating the disease and not the cure
No, it celebrating the clue and the concluesion. :p
Gustav said:
the moral high ground is a nice place to be. strange but nice
You aren't on the moral high ground, for your heart remains impure.
Ophiolite said:
just drop me a pm

i do not consort in that manner with the likes of you riffraff/commoners/whatnot. i am sure you will understand

apologies if offended
none was intended
just the way i am

Mr Anonymous said:
Now it appears Ophiolite really has put you on the ignore list for the time being so doesn't look much like they'll be any more sport on the cards today and nothing for anyone else to join in with either, so it's a case of game off it would appear.

of course it would
Originally Posted by Mr Anonymous 02-18-06, 01:30 AM

And indeed at that precise time, two days ago, it did.

Am I to gather Ophiolite, apparently changing his mind in the interim between the 18th February and 19th, remains, in some undisclosed fashion, an eventuality somehow within my providence to control here, G?
Or perhaps he got the email notification from duendy's post, checked the thread, then received the email notification from Spookz's post a few hours later. Email notification bypasses the ignore feature.