Pathological Skepticsm.

PHPlatonica said:
duendy said:
HI...and welcome to scifi internatioNAL

you remind me. one of the staunchest smaterialists here, Skin in another forum said someting. he said he believes tat he is 'just molecules' and that when he dies his molecules kinda de-form and ten collate into othe forms, and tis is cyclic

:( BUMMER!........ Because I Completely didn't mean to sound similar LOL or Dissimilar. I am Pretty sure, and pretty positive there is much MUCH more to it then Molecules. I have experienced my own Fair share of "WTF's?" ..... So I believe that we aren't just a "mere" anything... But I do think it all ties into itself. I think every belief is right. The problem that I think... only my opinion here.. is that so many people "demand" to be heard and Understood AND BELIEVED in. We Forget to accept things about each others personal space. Some how I think this Discussion goes along the lines of asking the blind to choose four colors to paint their living room in. The blind person can't tell by Smell or texture or sound WHAT the color is. That is a Dimension only for Eyes. But that does not mean that the colors aren't there. So Maybe all this just boils down to our "person" and the best way to know if you are right or wrong is how dose one FEEL after a decision has been made.... A "gut feeling"... I have done things that were SAID to be right, that were certainly NOT right to my person. Then there's also the Fact that If I drink a Vile of cyanide the Properties of My Mass will Break down. And That would Be Wrong to My Person as well. I think that applies to all creatures, though Im no chemist. Then there's Hallucinations. Not every one does it, or has experienced it. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen or that they do not exist. So ALL Possibilities, in my mind, are right. whether I can experience them or not Besides I would really LOVE to see an Alien creature and ask a few questions, But I haven't had any luck yet... well, that I know of .......*Looking around the room*.... The problem with science is that it need repetition to be studied. Weird things that happen don't usually have a repeat pattern. So no one can say it did happen or it didn't happen... and if you have never hallucinated, I strongly encourage every one to try to atleast once, try to stay away from the chemicals. But chances are your thought process will be in a different "dimension" from what it is used to. ANY HOW :) Thanks for the Welcome... !! :D
heya, whoa, i didne mean YOU were a staunch materialist--checkout the punctuation marks of the post. i mean old Skin is
what you say makes sense. what spus me on is te challenge. nd a sense of urgency. cause i am very aware te 'dead outlook' on planet Earth is exceedingly and escalatingly deangerous. so me speaking out my --what i feel is truth seems right. even tho i may speak it out in a small world, so to speak. it also allows me to learn more from being challenged etc
Mr Anonymous said:
Of course, haven't the first clue why everything has to be dealt with in terms of such absolutes, but that's just Gustav for you I suppose. [/FONT] [/SIZE]

while the option to " to fight another day" is available, it is not neccessary under these circumstances.. resurrection is made easy in this particular medium.

why not make a stand on principle and consequence be damned?
why not refuse to roll over and give ass?

if the above sounds pigheaded that is too bad
i am eminently reasonable and will always be swayed by a logical argument.
unfortunately, slogans, soundbites and irrartional formulations are what i see and get

kowtow to that shit?
never :D
Pah, forgotten.

Gustav said:
why not make a stand on principle and consequence be damned?

Mmmm, perhaps I lied about not having a clue about that after all... ;)
Gustav said:
while the option to " to fight another day" is available, it is not neccessary under these circumstances.. resurrection is made easy in this particular medium.

why not make a stand on principle and consequence be damned?
why not refuse to roll over and give ass?

if the above sounds pigheaded that is too bad
i am eminently reasonable and will always be swayed by a logical argument.
unfortunately, slogans, soundbites and irrartional formulations are what i see and get

kowtow to that shit?
never :D

I see a stroke and/or anuerism in your immediate future.
Mmmm, the size doesn't exactly help either - so, you're old and your a Brit then, eh?
Mr Anonymous said:
Mmmm, the size doesn't exactly help either - so, you're old and your a Brit then, eh?

Well, old - yes. A Brit? Unfortunately no. I'm American. But I did watch CS avidly back in the late 60's.
:) Extraordinary! I really had no idea they ever screened it over there - I know some of Blighties other eccentricities made it over there to some limited extent, Dr Who, that sort of kidney, but I really had no idea shows like CS ever made it any further south than Canada in your neck of the woods - it's actually kind of nice to know some of our stuff actually gets to take over there. Thanks for sharing that, I'd've just continue presuming your all heathens indefinitely otherwise.... ;)
Mr Anonymous said:
:) Extraordinary! I really had no idea they ever screened it over there - I know some of Blighties other eccentricities made it over there to some limited extent, Dr Who, that sort of kidney, but I really had no idea shows like CS ever made it any further south than Canada in your neck of the woods - it's actually kind of nice to know some of our stuff actually gets to take over there. Thanks for sharing that, I'd've just continue presuming your all heathens indefinitely otherwise.... ;)

Im a Heathen... I mean American... and I love the bbc.. RedGreen, and WHEN Smeg, Whats the name of it? Red Dwarf was on :)
You really think We're heathens, tho, hu?
how come?
Mr A,
Some stuff gets over there for instance Benny Hill & Monty Python. It seems the BBC was far more Illustrious back during that period of time. I suppose you could subjectively look at todays programming and see where it's failing.

Of course the main failure is the market not being such a monopoly. Programs, story writers and future Celebrities now have a choice of who to choose based upon their payment offers.

With that point over, where are we? Other than asking, "Why the Villianous Black, Mr A?"
put it thisa way: there is someting goin on we dont know about. which is slippery, and ...playful?.....who asks: 'what IS it?'
the errr 'pathological skeptics' seem to say eithe liars/misread/seen or 'it's all in the mind'

am I a pathological skeptic?

"how could i tell", yeah yeah. For anyone who has read some of me, would u say?
duendy, what?

PHPlatonica said:
Im a Heathen... I mean American... and I love the bbc.. RedGreen, and WHEN Smeg, Whats the name of it? Red Dwarf was on :)
You really think We're heathens, tho, hu?
how come?

:) ... I don't old man, I'm just being British - no, really it's just as I was saying to Superluminal. We're very used to American imports on British TV, a good 50% or so of pretty much all the main terrestrial channels is US produced and its been that way ever since even I was a tadpole, but it comes as a surprise sometimes learning that actually shows we over here would have been watching as kids actually kids in the US were watching them too, except obviously for the US produced stuff naturally.

Don't worry, I don't really think for an instant America is a land of McDonald's, Disney World and very little else in between, I'm just been utterly flippant.

Stryder said:
"Why the Villianous Black, Mr A?"

Similar proclivities Mr S - I'm tall, dark, heavy set, my eyes are really far too close together and beady to engender anything even remotely instilling a sense of either trust or ease and I wear an awful lot of black - truly, I could be the very poster child for The Mysterons myself except I haven't got the guts to actually wear a uniform where the shoulders light up and flash everytime y'mobile goes off.

I'm moderately evil true, but even evil has to draw the line at some point... ;)

Mr Anonymous said:
duendy, what?

:) ... I don't old man, I'm just being British -

OH NO! When did I grow a Penis? and am I using it right? *Laugh.. Im a old Lady, Not a old man... So.. Tell me Does this George Bush Make me Look fat?
Mr Anonymous said:
duendy, what?

me))))))))))((((((((((() what i means is this: THE CENTRAL QUESSTION right here, right now, in modern physics, cognitive science and philosophy is: WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS/MIND????? what kina amuses me is how the pople here --who argue and argue what science 'is' aren't aware of this. ....?

:) ... I don't old man, I'm just being British - no, really it's just as I was saying to Superluminal. We're very used to American imports on British TV, a good 50% or so of pretty much all the main terrestrial channels is US produced and its been that way ever since even I was a tadpole, but it comes as a surprise sometimes learning that actually shows we over here would have been watching as kids actually kids in the US wehas to draw the line at some point... ;)
Wow, Aside from the National Geogrphic and Descovery Channles, (And Car too network) I have NO Idea What show are out there...
damn foreigners ;)

Mr Anonymous said:
I'm tall, dark, heavy set, my eyes are really far too close together and beady to engender anything even remotely instilling a sense of either trust or ease and I wear an awful lot of black - truly, I could be the very poster child for The Mysterons myself except I haven't got the guts to actually wear a uniform where the shoulders light up and flash everytime y'mobile goes off.

I'm moderately evil true, but even evil has to draw the line at some point... ;)

hilarious! youse mah hero, mr a