Pathological Skepticsm.

PHPlatonica said:
OH NO! When did I grow a Penis? and am I using it right? *Laugh.. Im a old Lady, Not a old man... So.. Tell me Does this George Bush Make me Look fat?

:eek: ... Oh, dear. I am sorry about that first - referring to everyone as "Old chap" and "old man"... It's a habit, a bad one. I know it. Awfully sorry, these things happen - If you can forgive me my ignorance and take it to read "old stick" instead, its a relatively genderless version of basically the same sentiment, meaning a person of good standing and long, favoured acquaintance - short of actually knowing your name I'm afraid its the best I can muster, except of course for referring to you as Madame - which sounds, even to my ears, though possibly accurate, horrendous in contrast...

And as regards for that later:

So.. Tell me Does this George Bush Make me Look fat?

Only from the back and a very long way away at best - truly, I can assure you, I would never presume to judge a nation based solely upon the demeanour of that particular gentleman. George, bless him, is a one off mitigated tolerable only by the distinct possibility that things could in practice actually be worse far, far worse - George could actually be the smartest one of twins, for example...

Now there's a thought to warm your cockles by.... ;)

duendy said:

Yes, Hippy? :p
Gustav said:
damn foreigners ;)

hilarious! youse mah hero, mr a

:) Oh, hello G, sorry, didn't see you there when replying - you stealth rather often, y'do know this doncha?

Anyway, thanks awfully for saying and, absolutely, I know precisely how you feel...

Good hunting to you, A ;)
Mr Anonymous said:
truly, I could be the very poster child for The Mysterons myself except I haven't got the guts to actually wear a uniform where the shoulders light up and flash everytime y'mobile goes off.

I'm moderately evil true, but even evil has to draw the line at some point... ;)

I don't know it's not impossible that you could start a new fashion trend, some certain nightclubs often spawn people wearing Shirts that flash and glow the latest designs, in fact such clubs now adays are kitted up with SMS boards, basically large advertisement screens that do both lightening effects and allow people to message one another in a hot and publicly steamy way.

Considering such clubs are obviously a Radiological hotspot due to such SMS messaging, such shoulder flashes would be seen as the clubbers as "Trendy".

As to carry on with the whole Gerry Anderson bizarre, when refering to a woman, why not "M'Lady", or do you think mixing "Parker" with "Black" is too much of a Punch rather than a Cocktail?
Not a bad habit, I got a Chuckle out off it :) I just had to add When Did I grow the new addition to my Anatomy! ... But Only because it was funny... and Madame sounds Awful because it has feel of you placing your self beneath another person. I Do not like the Term "Madame" only because of that. But you Are welcome to call me any thing, and Cranky Old Coot is Fine too