Pathological Skepticsm.

Mmmm, sounds reasonable. I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea quite how the ignore system works, never used it, but indeed, I didn't think Ophiolites subsequent actions in anyway invalidate the statement made by myself at the time as Gustav seems to be intimating...

Perhaps he's being merely ironic.
Mr Anonymous, I feel I owe you an explanation, you being a jolly old countryman and all. I have A Vast Gut on Ignore. He shall very likely remain there. This does not prevent the occasional click of View Post to scan what his latest delusion consists of. I have commented on a couple of these.

I am certainly not, nor do I have any intention of, engaging him in debate: it is pointless; he is unaware of how to debate; he is a boor. Note that debate and the occasional pro bono comment are two quite separate things. If I may offer you an analogy:

If I walk into my bathroom at three o'clock in the morning and encounter a burglar, I shall instantly prepare for a major fight. If I walk in and find a cockroach, I shall simply stand on it.

Hoping that clears things up for the moment. Must fly.
accchhhhh, he whups yur but more like

not ONE person have i evewr or will ever put on the silly ignore list. not one!

you are a sulker. bet yer sulk for days--IF u dont get ya way
Ophiolite said:
Mr Anonymous, I feel I owe you an explanation, you being a jolly old countryman and all. I have A Vast Gut on Ignore. He shall very likely remain there. This does not prevent the occasional click of View Post to scan what his latest delusion consists of. I have commented on a couple of these.

I am certainly not, nor do I have any intention of, engaging him in debate: it is pointless; he is unaware of how to debate; he is a boor. Note that debate and the occasional pro bono comment are two quite separate things. If I may offer you an analogy:

If I walk into my bathroom at three o'clock in the morning and encounter a burglar, I shall instantly prepare for a major fight. If I walk in and find a cockroach, I shall simply stand on it.

Hoping that clears things up for the moment. Must fly.

Ah yes, indeed, indeed. A potential Mystery of The Age done and dusted - the facts of the matter suggest the truth of the thing to be the consequence not of absolutes, but bits of both sides of the proposition ventured forth to infact be the case.

I, based on what you said, assumed you to have Gustav on Ignore, you appeared at the time to have Gustav on Ignore by your actions (or lack there of), Gustav in the interim questions you having had him on Ignore in the first place - turns out it was a question of both the latter suggestions being equally right, just at different times...

Who knows, maybe there's a lesson in there for everyone.

Duendy, stop taking drugs.
Mr Anonymous said:
Ah yes, indeed, indeed. A potential Mystery of The Age done and dusted - the facts of the matter suggest the truth of the thing to be the consequence not of absolutes, but bits of both sides of the proposition ventured forth to infact be the case.

I, based on what you said, assumed you to have Gustav on Ignore, you appeared at the time to have Gustav on Ignore by your actions (or lack there of), Gustav in the interim questions you having had him on Ignore in the first place - turns out it was a question of both the latter suggestions being equally right, just at different times...

Who knows, maybe there's a lesson in there for everyone.

Duendy, stop taking drugs.

what drugs?
i am even more saddened
it is all quite clear to me on the refusal of some to be fair and impartial
very well
the sides are chosen and the lines are drawn
so be it

Sod "what drugs", just what the fuck now?! in general... :bugeye:
Mr Anonymous said:
Ah yes, indeed, indeed. A potential Mystery of The Age done and dusted

Indeed? if one were to perhaps venture an Analogy to the Dynamics of the Ignore Drama so artfully played out in SciTheatre, it would probably be fitting to make the comparison to the Trials and Tribulations of an Alcoholic.

i will leave you at this point and hopefully your imagination would do the rest.

/curtains rise
Ophiolite said:
No, it celebrating the clue and the concluesion

as i figured. truly running on empty aka fumes

celebrating contradictions is celebrating ignorance and stupidity
it is toasting the imbecile that proposes halfbaked theories based on faulty data and inadequate info

it above all, plain and simple, crackpottery
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Gosh, It Seems like you are all trying to Draw a Path For every one to follow in a huge bowel of Oatmeal. Every time a Path is drawn, or a Metaphorical line in the oatmeal is laid out, it quickly liquefies in to the Flat "Bowel of oatmeal mush again." Holding no shape. But that doesn't Mean that A line wasn't Made. It was made for that person at least. So What is the Real importance? To be Understood and Followed? or Self Realization into unknown things. As a species do we HAVE to have Science to PROVE things happen? Most things that are now "science" were impossibilities until the "Woo-woo's" could show some proof. Those "Woo-woos" then BECAME Scientists..... Woo-woo and scientist alike are just a Place of category for us to make simpler the things we wish to understand. It shouldn't hurt any ones Feelings. I think.... that the Woo-woo's and the Scientists are one in the same, just on Different extremes... You know.. I just lost where I was going with this... Woo
PHPlatonica said:
Gosh, It Seems like you are all trying to Draw a Path For every one to follow in a huge bowel of Oatmeal. Every time a Path is drawn, or a Metaphorical line in the oatmeal is laid out, it quickly liquefies in to the Flat "Bowel of oatmeal mush again." Holding no shape. But that doesn't Mean that A line wasn't Made. It was made for that person at least. So What is the Real importance? To be Understood and Followed? or Self Realization into unknown things. As a species do we HAVE to have Science to PROVE things happen? Most things that are now "science" were impossibilities until the "Woo-woo's" could show some proof. Those "Woo-woos" then BECAME Scientists..... Woo-woo and scientist alike are just a Place of category for us to make simpler the things we wish to understand. It shouldn't hurt any ones Feelings. I think.... that the Woo-woo's and the Scientists are one in the same, just on Different extremes... You know.. I just lost where I was going with this... Woo
HI...and welcome to scifi internatioNAL

you remind me. one of the staunchest smaterialists here, Skin in another forum said someting. he said he believes tat he is 'just molecules' and that when he dies his molecules kinda de-form and ten collate into othe forms, and tis is cyclic

now. funny. i also fell that, but with this vast difference. i dont tink we is 'JUST' 'molecules'---alright, for th mo lets use tis abstract term 'molecules'---which are 'made of' 'atome' which are 'made of'..etc etc. yes that can be PARTof it. but i believe that this 'constituents are sentient, and 'each out' mutidimensionally to the whole process

so we believe the same but i am assertig he still clings to a materialistic philophical INTERPRETATIONof 'reality', which as i experience from whatelse he, and other like-minds say, including attitides, that it is very limited. it refuses a deeper dimension of feeling and meaning
Gustav said:
as i figured. truly running on empty aka fumes

celebrating contradictions is celebrating ignorance and stupidity
it is toasting the imbecile that proposes halfbaked theories based on faulty data and inadequate info

it above all, plain and simple, crackpottery

You mean just like you do? Why do you abuse yourself this way? Pleas explain. Are you a masochist?
Gustav said:
Indeed? if one were to perhaps venture an Analogy to the Dynamics of the Ignore Drama so artfully played out in SciTheatre, it would probably be fitting to make the comparison to the Trials and Tribulations of an Alcoholic.

i will leave you at this point and hopefully your imagination would do the rest.

/curtains rise

.... Mmmm, nope. Sorry. Still haven't the first fuck what your on about old man.

duendy said:
what exactly does that MEAN mr A?

It means I haven't the first fuck what what Gustav is on about. Again. Pretty much same as I said the first time around, only l o n g e r.
Hey Mr A,

isn't that Captian Scarlet? I loved Captain Scarlet when I was a kid! Cool!

And I've been saying all along that I haven't got the first faintest fucking clue as to what Gustoff is on about either.
duendy said:
HI...and welcome to scifi internatioNAL

you remind me. one of the staunchest smaterialists here, Skin in another forum said someting. he said he believes tat he is 'just molecules' and that when he dies his molecules kinda de-form and ten collate into othe forms, and tis is cyclic

:( BUMMER!........ Because I Completely didn't mean to sound similar LOL or Dissimilar. I am Pretty sure, and pretty positive there is much MUCH more to it then Molecules. I have experienced my own Fair share of "WTF's?" ..... So I believe that we aren't just a "mere" anything... But I do think it all ties into itself. I think every belief is right. The problem that I think... only my opinion here.. is that so many people "demand" to be heard and Understood AND BELIEVED in. We Forget to accept things about each others personal space. Some how I think this Discussion goes along the lines of asking the blind to choose four colors to paint their living room in. The blind person can't tell by Smell or texture or sound WHAT the color is. That is a Dimension only for Eyes. But that does not mean that the colors aren't there. So Maybe all this just boils down to our "person" and the best way to know if you are right or wrong is how dose one FEEL after a decision has been made.... A "gut feeling"... I have done things that were SAID to be right, that were certainly NOT right to my person. Then there's also the Fact that If I drink a Vile of cyanide the Properties of My Mass will Break down. And That would Be Wrong to My Person as well. I think that applies to all creatures, though Im no chemist. Then there's Hallucinations. Not every one does it, or has experienced it. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen or that they do not exist. So ALL Possibilities, in my mind, are right. whether I can experience them or not Besides I would really LOVE to see an Alien creature and ask a few questions, But I haven't had any luck yet... well, that I know of .......*Looking around the room*.... The problem with science is that it need repetition to be studied. Weird things that happen don't usually have a repeat pattern. So no one can say it did happen or it didn't happen... and if you have never hallucinated, I strongly encourage every one to try to atleast once, try to stay away from the chemicals. But chances are your thought process will be in a different "dimension" from what it is used to. ANY HOW :) Thanks for the Welcome... !! :D
superluminal said:
Hey Mr A,

isn't that Captian Scarlet? I loved Captain Scarlet when I was a kid! Cool!

:) ... Yes indeed, well, Captain Black (the villain of the peace) to more precise, but indeed right show and right answer - jolly well spotted. Earthman.

And I've been saying all along that I haven't got the first faintest fucking clue as to what Gustoff is on about either.

Well, really its all terribly simple - Gustav wants to jump down the devils throat and take the devil straight down to Hell with him - however, rather than waiting until his backs actually up against the metaphorical wall and jumping down your enemies throat really is the only sane course of action left to you Gustav prefers to make everything The Last Stand first and tonsil jump at the most immediate opportunity.

Usually just after first saying hello.

I rather like him for that actually. Of course, haven't the first clue why everything has to be dealt with in terms of such absolutes, but that's just Gustav for you I suppose.