Pathological Skepticsm.

Stop being a cretin Gustav. I was responding to this:

"therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant"

which you posted in this thread.

Was that so difficult to understand? Ah, perhaps I didn't populate it with sufficient redundancy.

Gustav, face it, you are a disruptive moron. I can live with that. Can you?
ophiolite said:
Gustav, face it, you are a disruptive moron. I can live with that. Can you?

i understand
you are hoping to sway the mighty jamesr into believing that that is indeed the case when all i am doing is questioning statements made by you

quite the victory, ja?
something i know you can live with

know this
i am disruptive to your pov and arguments and nothing else
ophiolite said:
Stop being a cretin Gustav. I was responding to this:

"therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant"

i was hoping for that
so you have a single sentence that you provide as a rebuttal (?) and a foul mouthed rant in the rest of the post, ja?

very good
lets analyse

ophiolite said:
I've already explained to you Gustav that language is replete with redundancies

which is provided as a rebuttal to this....

gustav said:
"any sense"="discernible value" aka something sensible would be of some value
therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant. withdrawing one would do the same for the other

now it is rather strange since i do not take any issue with the fact that "language is replete with redundancies." it is not a point of contention.

the point that i am tryiong to make here is that you, ophiolite, had made a post that is devoid of any meaningful content. you do not pose any questions for the aforementioned reasons

yet you ignore the point and go on to erect a strawman. you provide a rebuttal to something that had not been disputed nor had been brought up

i wonder why
would you like to explain or would that tax you too much?
Mr Anonymous said:
I think sometimes Giambattista like many of us can, on occasion, skim a response rather than getting into it in the manner in which it is written
You mean people would rather rebutt quickly than actually communicate? Oh, the horror ;)
(It is! If only there were some way of stopping it...)
A Vast Gut said:
"any sense"="discernible value" aka something sensible would be of some value
therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant. withdrawing one would do the same for the other
This original comment was almost completely unintelligible.
I responded to the small fragment that made some marginal sense.

Since you have made almost no sense (though much nonsense) in all the posts of yours I have had the misfortune to read I find it bizarre that you accuse me of your own failings.

Face it Gustav, you are a small minded troll. I withhold my participation from this point onwards. Wallow, cretin. Wallow, wallow.
I have something to say in reply to Ophiolite. More than a sentence. However, I have to clean up some broken glass and stuff. I had a boo-boo.

Oh! Woo-woo!
Giambattista, you are making no sense. There is very little change there, but really. Are you just posting string of consciousness, or are you actually trying to communicate.
I am coming to the conclusion that you are either very young, or not very gifted in the brain department. Or, are you just mad? I should like to know so that I can treat you more gently in a manner appropriate to your difficulties.
Zephyr said:
You mean people would rather rebutt quickly than actually communicate? Oh, the horror ;)
(It is! If only there were some way of stopping it...)

There is. Kill 'em. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out! :mad:

Gustav said:
i must concede you have somewhat of a point

It happens.

Giambattista said:
Looks like trouble.

It is and posting further with no intention other than to fan either one of the participants tempers further won't, you have my complete assurance on this, be viewed particularly with much at all in the way of good favour over the course of the days and weeks that follow.

Save it for later or never at all. I'm afraid that's the closest thing to a word of excellent advice you're likely to get today. Please, do believe me on that.
Mr Anonymous said:

It is and posting further with no intention other than to fan either one of the participants tempers further won't, you have my complete assurance on this, be viewed particularly with much at all in the way of good favour over the course of the days and weeks that follow.

Save it for later or never at all. I'm afraid that's the closest thing to a word of excellent advice you're likely to get today. Please, do believe me on that.

Lately I haven't had the energy to say more than a few words at a time. There is no need to take every little jot and tittle of mine so seriously. Please, do believe me on that.

Looks like trouble.

Better translation: looks like people are riled up. Again. Forever. When are they not?

Don't forget this:

I have something to say in reply to Ophiolite. More than a sentence.

This means I'm prepared to give Ophiolite more than a few vague words, since I THINK he was asking for that very thing.

However, I have to clean up some broken glass and stuff. I had a boo-boo.

This above means that I had an accident, and had to delay my post. Dropped some perfectly good bottles of beer on a carpet. Spent a good 45 minutes cleaning up...

Oh! Woo-woo!

This?!?! Rhymes with "boo-boo"! Other than that, I couldn't say.
Actually, I believe the phrase you were looking for there was "Yes, Mr Anonymous. Message understood."

I'm very sorry to hear otherwise.

We'll talk more. Later.
Gustav said:
mr anonymous

perhaps you would like to play the pawn and comment?
lets test your independance ;)

Very well old man, already done.

Gustav, Ophiolite - if you two actually want to duke it out in public, that's you're right as individuals, if not as actual members. You're both actually chaps with singularly far more in actual common than you'll ever have in difference - neither the pair of you can so much as abide either a bullshit, weak willed or else wishy-washy argument in the slightest and both the pair of you can harry home a point, albeit by way of vastly different individual styles, till such point is made. But it's a trait both Gustav and pretty much all the rest of our so-called resident sceptic's have abundantly in common.

You're both chaps of equal humour, again different styles, but pugilists both at heart and if you want to have at it that indeed should be your right.

However, as lock-down after lock down has equally shown - these things have a habit of turning into free for alls and the bar for reducing matters down to personal insults inevitably gets raised, incrementally, proportional to the direct ratio of third party members who only stick their oar in basically to have a go first at one side and then the reprisals start.

It's all tediously familiar, and occupies a good portion of all our respective time spent in this particular forum over the course of the last 6 months pretty much exclusively.

So, Gustav. You ask for a test of my Independence and have it you shall.

You are going to do your thing, Ophiolite is going to do his. Unlike normally however I, in my small but not at all entirely ineffective little way, am going to personally pull the wings off anyone who so much as even looks as if they're stoking either one of you towards a larger argument other than whatever enmity it is that actually exists between you.

No grandé guignol, no clean fight, no audience participation.

Of course, in practice, this effectively renders this, whatever you care to term it, little more interesting than two individual members publicly posting their own heated PM's to each other out in public for all the world to see.

Not a solution as you'd like G, this I know. And biased of me? Hell yes - but if things go the usual, locked thread after thread way, this time around gets to be your last time around and I'm not at all joking when I say I'll miss you when you're gone.

I will.

But I'll regret not at least trying to get through that bone thick head of yours the fact that actually most things are incredibly avoidable, including death and taxes, considerably more.

Call me old fashioned if you will, but that's just the sort I am.

That's my personal contribution to the letter. Not really having a debate about it either.

If you must, have fun. If you can.

ding-ding! ;)
Mr. A, having previously noted some positive reactions from yourself towards G, I revisited many of his posts. I found nothing there to justify those reactions. This puzzled me, since you have demonstrated yourself to be a perceptive chap. So, I went back again. Three times in all over the last few weeks. Each time the result was the same.
I have adequately expressed my own opinions of G in earlier posts and other threads. I stand by all of those. My last post on the matter, a few posts above, contains these words: "I withhold my participation from this point onwards."

I meant exactly what I said. I see no point in continuing a debate with an individual whose key characteristics are as I have previously described. G has been on Ignore for some weeks - I have dipped into his posts from time. I am no longer doing so. I shall not be doing so in future. I think my reasons for this are clear.

Sorry to have put you to all the trouble of positioning yourself as referree and bouncer, tasks that you would have discharged admirably, I have no doubt. I am confident G will continue as he has in the past - and you will continue to see something of value that is wholly invisible to me.
I forgive you saying that the G and I had more in common than differences. If I thought that were true I should contemplate suicide, though I should likely try it out on G first, to be sure it worked.
:) .... Deucedly pleased to hear it Mr O, my very best regards to yourself and all parties concerned.

Indeed, we really must all get together and so this again some other time. Short, but I must confess, I rather enjoyed that.

A ;)
Mr Anonymous said:

Very well old man, already done.

funny this

ophiolite fixates on my past and makes grandiloquent, overarching and self serving comments as if it were of any real consequence to anyone other than himself

you imagine i am asking for your opinion on this "conflict" b/w the scoundrel and i.

in actuality, an opinion was solicited regarding the argument presented. notice the juxtaposition of posts. it usually has some relevance tho i could of course be clearer and perhaps more pointed in that particular communication with you

was i being illogical? that was it. the question posed

feel free to take another swing
lemme jog

Ophiolite said:
*Cite a single post on any thread of this forum where you have contributed something of discernible value to any one other than yourself.

*....cite a single post in which you have made any sense to anyone but yourself. However, Mr A appears to have some glimmering of what you are about, so I'll let you off the hook on that one.]

2 questions were posed. one was withdrawn

Gustav said:
therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant. withdrawing one would do the same for the other

i critique

Ophiolite said:
I've already explained to you Gustav that language is replete with redundancies.

ophiolite acknowledges redundancy

if if i am to be "let off the hook" on one of the questions, would it not necessitate a equivalent action with regards to the second question?
after all, it is redundant, is it not?

you have a post consisting of two castrated questions.
it is thus devoid of any meaningful content

that is my conclusion
please debunk if possible :D
sweet how everyone is all over the map and just lil ole me remains focused
next i deal with "contradictions" aka ophiolites grand unified theory

There was a young pigeon called Mary
Whose arse was unusually hairy
This strange hirsute style
Could be seen for a mile
Making all other pigeons quite wary
i think the mighty jamesr would be real proud of the new and improved gustav
i mean, look how i concentrate on arguments
what was it you said james? attack the argument and not the man?

ophiolite said:
small minded troll/Wallow, cretin. Wallow, wallow/disruptive moron.

of course, it is sad that this is prefered communication of some
even sadder is that this is allowed to stand
rather hypocritical, ja? james?
Ophiolite said:
Mr. A, having previously noted some positive reactions from yourself towards G, I revisited many of his posts. I found nothing there to justify those reactions. This puzzled me, since you have demonstrated yourself to be a perceptive chap. So, I went back again. Three times in all over the last few weeks. Each time the result was the same.

this is a very easy observation to make

mr a is no longer perceptive

ahh semantics! fascinating eh?