Pathological Skepticsm.

To be honest, I don't fault them for wanting to help. The counselor was very pleasant.

The fact remains though, that my prediction was far too accurate...
Giambattista said:
Okay, how bout this, that I simply agreed with his take on it, more or less.
You agreed that his pointless insults, innuendo and ragging aimed at me were justified. You felt that my reasoned effort at discussing the topic matter with you was irrelevant, flawed and perhaps deceitful (which, by implication you have accused me of before, I think).
How very nice of you. You persist in trite little observations about my character, but wont take anything head on. Certainly that helps me start the day on a positive note. :(

Thank you, at least, for explaining why you, based on personal experience rather than objective assessment, do not rate psychology. I am left wondering, however, what the **** visiting a psychiatrist has to do with psychology. The fields may be related, they may overlap, but they are definitely not the same. My observations in defense of psychology were neither intended for, nor do I think they should be applied to, psychiatry.
As were, equally Giambattista, neither mine as I specified as such three pages back right at the beginning -

Mr Anonymous said:
The practice of Psychiatry, perhaps. Psychology? No..

Sorry G, but y'do seem to have been going at the one thing as if its been something entirely different and Ophiolte's been the one taking it in the neck as a consequence.
Thank you Mister A. It is always nice to get a reality check. I have no problem with people hurling (lobbing, insinuating) insults at me. Normally, however, there is a reason - I have hurled some at them, or they are assholes, or they have just had a bad day.
Giambattista's remarks, however, like many of his posts, leave me scratching my head, asking "What? Eh?".
I think sometimes Giambattista like many of us can, on occasion, skim a response rather than getting into it in the manner in which it is written - 95% of the time round here an argument springs forth simply by miss reading or misinterpreting what some one has said rather than as a direct response to what they have actually said....

When a third party gets in on the act, it just fans the flames one side or the other and it always ends up getting "personal" and, well, take a look around at all the lock downs we've got around here on the first page.

It's happening a little too often. Poor old Stryder'll end up waring the Lock button out if it carries on.... ;)
It's England G', the rain hardly ever stops, besides I've done the whole Champion of The People thing m'self, not here but in other places round the net - y'know there are places its still actually a bannable offence to even mention my names in publically, a tribute I'm still ridiculously proud of even though I still know far, far better...

But I know how this tune ends, and it's never with any glory.

The people you start fighting for, once you take up the cause, once you're done and you've bloodied the "bad guys" noses good and proper - after you're done and you've done your stuff for them - the down trodden, the put upon: it's ultimately they who'll want nothing to do with you in the end.

It's a thankless business all around all in all and besides, any idiot can find a cause they are willing to die for, literally or in the metaphor - ultimately its finding something worth living for that defines something which ultimately endures.
Mr Anonymous said:
any idiot can find a cause they are willing to die for, literally or in the metaphor

very perceptive, my good man
it was the case the first time around
seems i have not yet learned my lesson :eek:
Mr Anonymous said:
Champion of The People

very unperceptive
battista is useful. a tool, a pawn, a means to an end
i am quite confident he can take care of himself if he wants to.
yet all i see are pleasantries such as.....

Giambattista said:
Okay. Have fun!
Giambattista said:
Funny funny funny! :p

I think Ophiolite is also laughing.

Do I hear bells?
Gustav - still waiting for a response to an earlier request. Cite a single post on any thread of this forum where you have contributed something of discernible value to any one other than yourself.
[I am almost inclined to ask you to cite a single post in which you have made any sense to anyone but yourself. However, Mr A appears to have some glimmering of what you are about, so I'll let you off the hook on that one.]
:) ... Gustav, I know as far as you're concerned they're tools, you know as far as your concerned they're tools.

They haven't in the slightest ever latched on to the fact. Duendy, Agitprop, people of that sort of ilk - they're actually of the persuasion your in some way standing up for their corner of the sky and of course you're not, but in an utterly idiot kind of a way I'm afraid I am - it's something of a predisposition I'm somewhat, despite knowing far better, singularly incapable of escaping.

Do you see my dilemma here?
Ophiolite said:
Gustav - still waiting for a response to an earlier request. Cite a single post on any thread of this forum where you have contributed something of discernible value to any one other than yourself.
[I am almost inclined to ask you to cite a single post in which you have made any sense to anyone but yourself. However, Mr A appears to have some glimmering of what you are about, so I'll let you off the hook on that one.]

i do not share in your delusions
it is you that will be jumping thru my hoops
silly little newbie

lets rip to shreds, this crap

"any sense"="discernible value" aka something sensible would be of some value
therefore, the 2 questions posited are redundant. withdrawing one would do the same for the other

see, ophiolite?
what do you do now?

lets get a measure of the man behind your handle

I've already explained to you Gustav that language is replete with redundancies. It is especially important to use such when communicating with someone who is quite thick, such as yourself.
You pretend to rail against the use of such tools, while many of your posts are drowning in them. No, I am not saying you are a hypocrite, I am saying you are not very intelligent. I am sure you can bite, but then so can rabid dogs.
Good luck with your campaign to remove capitals from use. Will you then move onto the vowels, or would that be too ethnic for you?
Mr Anonymous said:
Do you see my dilemma here?

dammit, you are making me think :mad:
ok, i have this....

Gustav said:
just as the crackpots are your prey, you pseudos are mine. your presence is the prime attraction of the pseudoscience forum and that draws me in like a moth to a flame

the statement does not indicate why it is the case.
the purpose could be, in varying degrees, "noble" aka CotP
it could also be nuanced
for instance there could be a "championing" in a generalized sense
in battista's case, there was no such thing

i must concede you have somewhat of a point
Ophiolite said:
I've already explained to you Gustav that language is replete with redundancies. It is especially important to use such when communicating with someone who is quite thick, such as yourself.
You pretend to rail against the use of such tools, while many of your posts are drowning in them. No, I am not saying you are a hypocrite, I am saying you are not very intelligent. I am sure you can bite, but then so can rabid dogs.
Good luck with your campaign to remove capitals from use. Will you then move onto the vowels, or would that be too ethnic for you?

do post rebuttals in the appropiate thread
it helps immensly