Pathological Skepticsm.

Ophiolite said:
You say - preferences may change without warning. Not so. Psychologists can define a range of causes in the internal and external environment of the individual that may cause a change of preference.


look at the above and see overeagerness to score brownie points as if one were still a child or perhaps an insecure adult.

on the one hand, we have a bold and brash..."not so"
on the other, we have a wimpy and pencil dicked..."may cause"

a contradiction is present. there is both, an acknowledgement and denunciation.
let me try to explain....
contradictions tend to be the province of disfunctional and addled minds. it is quite safe to disregard and trash, products of such minds.

hmm, forked tongues spring to mind

Giambattista said:
Oh, well. I should never have said anything! ;)

why? you ended up with an eminently sound post. :)
Gustav said:
contradictions tend to be the province of disfunctional and addled minds.
Contradictions are the life blood of science. Contradictions are the motor of invention. Contradictions are the seat of understanding. Contradictions are the essence of humanity. Contradictions are the elan vital of existence.

Contradictions should, generally, be avoided by children.
Gustav said:
jesus fucking wept
i will not even bother with that garbage.
Why not be honest for once and admit that you have no meaningful way of responding?
You are an ignorant asshole Gustav. Anyone who frequents these forums knows it. You probably know it yourself.
The above reply of yours does not constitute a response, but a hastily erected white flag.
I accept your surrender.
Ode To Ophiolite

Zombie-o, zombie

Zombie no go go, unless you tell am to go
Zombie no go stop, unless you tell am to stop
Zombie no go turn, unless you tell am to turn
Zombie no go think, unless you tell am to think

Zombie-o, zombie

Tell am to go straight-- Joro, Jara, Joro
No break, no job, no sense-- Joro, Jara, Joro
Tell am to go kill-- Joro, Jara, Joro
No break, no job, no sense-- Joro, Jara, Joro
Tell am to go quench-- Joro, Jara, Joro
No break, no job, no sense-- Joro, Jara, Joro

Go and kill
Go and die
Go and quench
Put am for reverse
Go and kill
Go and die
Go and quench

Joro, Jara, Joro- O Zombie way na one way
Joro, Jara, Joro- Ooooh

Quick march
Slow march
Left turn
Right turn
About turn
Double time
Open your hat
Stand at ease
Fall in
Fall out
Fall down
Get ready

Dismiss (fela)​
You require a new script writer. Can you afford one?
Tell me, have you ever contributed a single post of value on sciforums? I imagine you might have, but would be interested if you could point it out to me.
Being serious for a moment, you really do appear to have a problem with negative attitudes in your life. Are you frustrated in your sex life, perhaps? Or unable to obtain that promotion? Salary insufficient to take care of the mounting debt?
Perhaps I can help a little. It may all be down to you being such an ass hole in the real world. Try a little exercise. Say something nice to a work colleauge every day. Try it for two weeks. Report back to us at the end of that period and let us know if you are still being ignored.
Ophiolite said:
I accept your surrender.

breaking out the champagne, ja?
what a needy character you are
declare victory if you must
it is obvious that you constitute the 99% that are unable to rise above their conditioning and animal instincts.

nothing but contempt, kiddo

For continuous baiting and insulting of other posters, Gustav has been banned for 3 days.
James R said:
For continuous baiting and insulting of other posters, Gustav has been banned for 3 days.

So! Gustav must leave, but Anomalous and it's hate-filled, pro-terrorist sentiments may stay?

Cool! What can I say?!?!? I feel secure.


Gustav said:
on the one hand, we have a bold and brash..."not so"
on the other, we have a wimpy and pencil dicked..."may cause"

Acknowledged quite readily, capn!

Giambattista said:
Oh, well. I should never have said anything!

Gustav said:
why? you ended up with an eminently sound post. :)

You are too kind, sir/madame. Thank you, thank you! Nein... DANKE! Signore. Mille Grazie!

It was only common sense. But it is human nature to find contention with another's words. Whether it is that, or plain enmity, that spurred Ophiolite, I cannot say.

"may cause"

MAY be this... may be that... but you are wrong. I am a GOD! Brava! Brava!

Giambattista said:
Acknowledged quite readily, capn!
MAY be this... may be that... but you are wrong. I am a GOD! Brava! Brava!


Not YOU, my dear Gustav. You may have a place in my pantheon, if you so choose. And what GLORY!
Giambattista said:
It was only common sense. But it is human nature to find contention with another's words. Whether it is that, or plain enmity, that spurred Ophiolite, I cannot say.
Since I am Ophiolite I can say. I posted a thoughtful response to one of your comments, wherein I considered, in detail why I thought your conclusions were faulty. I took time in crafting that response, out of respect for myself and respect for you.
Rather than a reasoned argument, or a simple 'I disagree' the counter response I received was a trite 'OK. Have fun.'.
Then, two or three posts later you joined in with applause for Gustav's infantile game of hurling random insults, in this case at me.
So, no, it was not a desire to find contention with your words, or plain enmity. It was a reaction honed by 3.5 billion years of evolution. When something bites me, I bite back.
Giambattista said:
So! Gustav must leave, but Anomalous and it's hate-filled, pro-terrorist sentiments may stay?

Cool! What can I say?!?!? I feel secure.


hah...same here! have only this moment seen gutav's been banned. cant believe it. shit what anmolous an others have got away with....why gutav his witty intellience---his cutting straight thru others pretentiousness is so delightful to experience. caus he is also so minimilist. he shows truth with such cuttin honesty

LOVE ya Gustav. hurry back, and i hope this unfair moderation doesn't dis-spirit you
Ophiolite said:
Since I am Ophiolite I can say. I posted a thoughtful response to one of your comments, wherein I considered, in detail why I thought your conclusions were faulty. I took time in crafting that response, out of respect for myself and respect for you.
Rather than a reasoned argument, or a simple 'I disagree' the counter response I received was a trite 'OK. Have fun.'.
Then, two or three posts later you joined in with applause for Gustav's infantile game of hurling random insults, in this case at me.

Okay, how bout this, that I simply agreed with his take on it, more or less. Or how bout this, I already said what I was going to say, and didn't care to say anymore.

Oh, well. I should never have said anything!

I meant that. I've visited with both counselor and psychaitrist recently. A real waste of time (and money). They couldn't begin to understand me. How accurate I was, knowing beforehand that the only certain outcome was medication. We don't really know, so we just want you to bliss out on these pills. So sad. :( So much for the PhD, huh? So much for the "exact" science. How hard is it to write a prescription? How much should it actually cost for their "expert" opinions, anyway?