Parent sleeping with son's friend

%^&$* CRAP! I hate this situation. I need advice. And I will not have double standards on this, so I don't want to hear any 'lucky boy' crap. :mad:

My 16 yr old son had a child with problems in his class who has been sent to a problem child school. This boy Jimmy has parents who care less about him. (drunk Mom, cokehead Dad) My son told me that a mutual friend Bobby slept with Jimmy's mom. Bobby told Jimmy. Jimmy beat up Bobby which is one of the reasons he got expelled. My son told me that Bobby is not the only child Jimmy's mom has slept with. These boys were 15/16 when this happened.

I want so badly to call the cops. I worry about breaking my son's trust but I feel more strongly for Jimmy. I want that woman in jail for what she has done to her son, but will her being in jail and exposing what she has done create more mental problems for him?

Go to Child Welfare and turn her in, no question, no regrets, what would you do if this was the other way around and Jimmy's dad was sleeping with 15 and 16 year old female class mates of Jimmy.
Originally Posted by Orleander
%^&$* CRAP! I hate this situation. I need advice. And I will not have double standards on this, so I don't want to hear any 'lucky boy' crap.

My 16 yr old son had a child with problems in his class who has been sent to a problem child school. This boy Jimmy has parents who care less about him. (drunk Mom, cokehead Dad) My son told me that a mutual friend Bobby slept with Jimmy's mom. Bobby told Jimmy. Jimmy beat up Bobby which is one of the reasons he got expelled. My son told me that Bobby is not the only child Jimmy's mom has slept with. These boys were 15/16 when this happened.

I want so badly to call the cops. I worry about breaking my son's trust but I feel more strongly for Jimmy. I want that woman in jail for what she has done to her son, but will her being in jail and exposing what she has done create
more mental problems for him?
Why exactly are you worried about Jimmy? Did he come to you asking for help? No? Then stay the @#$% out of it. "My son told me that a friend of a friend said...". Bullshit. You either have unambuguous DNA or unretouched photos, right? No? Then stay the @#$% out of it.

Did I already ask if the "boy" Jimmy came to you with clearly traumatic symptoms? What? He didn't? I'd suggest you stay the @#$% out of it.

Clear enough?
My 16 yr old son had a child with problems in his class who has been sent to a problem child school. This boy Jimmy has parents who care less about him. (drunk Mom, cokehead Dad) My son told me that a mutual friend Bobby slept with Jimmy's mom. Bobby told Jimmy. Jimmy beat up Bobby which is one of the reasons he got expelled. My son told me that Bobby is not the only child Jimmy's mom has slept with. These boys were 15/16 when this happened.

I want so badly to call the cops. I worry about breaking my son's trust but I feel more strongly for Jimmy. I want that woman in jail for what she has done to her son, but will her being in jail and exposing what she has done create more mental problems for him?

Call the cops or child welfare. Or possibly the school. Anyone who has a legal obligation to look after the boys' wellbeing. Give them what evidence you have, and extract a guarantee that the matter will be followed up.

After that... stay out of it.
Thanks some of you.
Called the cops last night. They wanted to know if I was reporting her being with my son. Apparently they are already aware. I guess I'm not the only parent who has called. Its being investigated and Jimmy's folks are no longer together. Jimmy is living with his Dad and his Mom lives in another town (out of the county). She has a trial date coming up. (Its amazing how chatty small town cops are. Not like TV at all)
If you really wanted to help Orl. you would have helped the mother; now the child is going to have a shitty life without parents, and the mother a shitty life without son. That is not helping, that is making other people suffer, nothing else.
If you really wanted to help Orl. you would have helped the mother; now the child is going to have a shitty life without parents, and the mother a shitty life without son. That is not helping, that is making other people suffer, nothing else.

she did it, she can deal with it. She made the choice and she can deal with the consequences. I've done nothing to her or her family.

Do you think this of all pedophiles? The people who report them are wrong?
%^&$* CRAP! I hate this situation. I need advice. And I will not have double standards on this, so I don't want to hear any 'lucky boy' crap. :mad:

My 16 yr old son had a child with problems in his class who has been sent to a problem child school. This boy Jimmy has parents who care less about him. (drunk Mom, cokehead Dad) My son told me that a mutual friend Bobby slept with Jimmy's mom. Bobby told Jimmy. Jimmy beat up Bobby which is one of the reasons he got expelled. My son told me that Bobby is not the only child Jimmy's mom has slept with. These boys were 15/16 when this happened.

I want so badly to call the cops. I worry about breaking my son's trust but I feel more strongly for Jimmy. I want that woman in jail for what she has done to her son, but will her being in jail and exposing what she has done create more mental problems for him?

if he was underage then what she did was wrong and bad and should go to prison but think of the boy in all of this "jimmy" she obviosuly needs lessons on what her priorities are sex, drink or her son! And you has an adult has a responsibilty to help keep this child safe, would you just walk by and watch a man snatch a child of the streets? would you walk by and watch a mum beat crap out of her child? i dont think you would
she did it, she can deal with it. She made the choice and she can deal with the consequences. I've done nothing to her or her family.
Yes you did, if it wasn´t for you, the idiotic prosecution would have never started; and what she did, she already payed for. She is currently in hell, but now it is going to get a little more "hellish", and it is not because of what she did, it is because of what you did.

Do you think this of all pedophiles? The people who report them are wrong?
Nope, but I don´t think she is a pedophile, she just likes the men a little young. And she is dealing with a lot of crap right now, and not from nobody, but herself. Most guys reach sexual maturity at age 14; I bet the boys who did that woman already have watched tons of very nasty pornography, and I don´t think they were virgins either. The men were in full ability to refuse to have sex, but they decided to do her; it was the boys decition too you know, not rape; stupid hypocritical laws.
she did it, she can deal with it. She made the choice and she can deal with the consequences. I've done nothing to her or her family.

Do you think this of all pedophiles? The people who report them are wrong?
They were 15/16 years old, right?

And yes, you've potentially ruined a life (even a pretty fucked up one) and a family. Have you ever even talked to Jimmy and his friends? No? Good job there, bucko. So, mom goes to jail, even the potential for family recovery is gone, and the kids (young men) go on their merry way and Jimmy fends for himself. Sheer genius.

Such a heinous crime after all. An older woman had sex with (totally unwilling, I'm sure) 15/16 year old "boys". Tragic. Good thing you're an upstanding moral paragon.
Yes you did, if it wasn´t for you, the idiotic prosecution would have never started; and what she did, she already payed for. She is currently in hell, but now it is going to get a little more "hellish", and it is not because of what she did, it is because of what you did.

Nope, but I don´t think she is a pedophile, she just likes the men a little young. And she is dealing with a lot of crap right now, and not from nobody, but herself. Most guys reach sexual maturity at age 14; I bet the boys who did that woman already have watched tons of very nasty pornography, and I don´t think they were virgins either. The men were in full ability to refuse to have sex, but they decided to do her; it was the boys decition too you know, not rape; stupid hypocritical laws.
And yes, you've potentially ruined a life (even a pretty fucked up one) and a family. Have you ever even talked to Jimmy and his friends? No? Good job there, bucko. So, mom goes to jail, even the potential for family recovery is gone, and the kids (young men) go on their merry way and Jimmy fends for himself. Sheer genius.

Bullshit. Orleander did the right thing.

Try this scenario, another potential outcome:
Now that the situation is known, people who are qualified to do so will talk to Jimmy and his friends and address teh situation appropriately.

So, Mom gets help, the family gets support and counselling, the kids and Jimmy get guidance and protection.

Sheer genius.
Bullshit. Orleander did the right thing.

Try this scenario, another potential outcome:
Now that the situation is known, people who are qualified to do so will talk to Jimmy and his friends and address teh situation appropriately.

So, Mom gets help, the family gets support and counselling, the kids and Jimmy get guidance and protection.

Sheer genius.
Brilliant. Everyone gets help and they all end up happily ever after. Now go to sleep baby. Mommy will read you another story tomorrow night.

Oh, and this is great:
..the kids and Jimmy get guidance and protection.
Now boys, don't go around fucking other kids moms. It's bad. You can fuck other girls closer to your own age all you want, but if you do an older lady, we'll have to send her to jail and counsel you some more, ok?

Poor kids. Bad mommy.

No. I think spongebob is a meddlesome, stuck-up product of modern society that's bound and determined to protect us all from everything whether we want it or not.

You can argue that it's against the LAW (so are blow jobs in the privacy of your own home in Louisiana), but you can't possibly convince me that it's the "right" thing to do. Morally or otherwise.
You're welcome to your opinion that kids don't need no stinkin' protection.
We really believe that this happened? No offense to Orleander, but I bet y'all have been had.
Reality aside - while your initiation isn't ideally at the hands of a drunken housewife with a fetish for acne, whose is ideal?

I agree with the people who have condemned the woman - sure, 16 year olds desire sex, and probably won't be traumatized by the whole thing, adults wield considerable influence over legal minors, and even if the power dynamic didn't bring a pall of immorality over the liason, she may well have robbed them of the naivete of teenage sex. And don't tell me that we've watched too much porn to be naive - there's a difference.

If adults want to control children well beyond the age of reason, then they should leave them the hell alone sexually!

For those who are saying that this will destroy the boy's life, possibly. But I think it's more likely to save him from the responsibility of caring for a drunken bint of a mother and screwing his own life up doing so.
We really believe that this happened? No offense to Orleander, but I bet y'all have been had.

You could be right, I guess... but why do you think so? It doesn't seem unrealistic to me. :confused:
Well, I think we've made sex, especially here in the US of Assinine, into one of the most traumatic things you can think of. It's a wonder we don't all have long-term psychoses regarding it based on the reaction that adults have to "it" when we're young and curious.

Oh. Wait. What was I thinking...

In this situation - real or not - the mom and dad are apparently unfit to raise a child. Deal with that. The sex part involving 16 year old boys is laughable. Do you have any concept of how many teenage "boys" get initiated by older women? And end up probably more well adjusted than the rest of us?

This is really just absurd comedy.