Jealousy most likely. There are a lot of millionaires in this world living good lives of plenty but there are also a lot of millionaires who are jealous of billionaires. Living good does not stop them from feeling poor when they look at their richer peers. Likewise there are a lot of people driving down the road in cars who are jealous of people driving better cars, they never compare themselves with people starving to death in some under supplied refugee camp.
So heaven is just like earth. Jealousy, holy wars and so on. If god was so great there would have been no rebellion
Nope. Non-believers become believers everyday and God foreknew it would happen. People who believe do so by their own free will and God already knew how they would react to the Gospel Message.
What a funny god you have. So god created non-believers so that they could become believers, believers who would remain believers and believers who would become non-believers. How about the unbelievers who remain unbelievers and believers who become non-believers ? He obviously made them so they could be thrown into his lake of fire. Well, that's all right then.
You have confirmed my belief that you are prepared to believe any old nonsense so that you can cling to your straw.
One simple question : How can predetermination and free will coexist ?
God did not create people without free will who had no chance to accept Him. God created free willed people and was able to see before hand what their decisions would be. You simply cannot comprehend how a Creator can know the exact outcome of His creation without forcing the result.
You are right. I cannot comprehend such nonsense. It is clear that reason is a non-starter with you. We are back to how you can believe that predetermination and free will can coexist. Can you answer this one question ?
All Praise The Ancient Of Days
All Praise the Age of Reason
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