One for the theists..

Would you still worship god if there was no hell?

  • Total voters
So questioneverything, is there a reason you have chosen a blind man for your avatar?

That's a mighty good answer. I wish I had thought of it. Now I know all about those sinful babies who troubled the Lord.

All Praise the Age of Reason
Clearly this scriptural quote was used as rebuttal to the previous. I don't believe I've deleted any scriptural quotes that were used to demonstrated a reason or which explains why religious adherents behave, act or think a particular way.

I do, however, delete or edit posts that contain scriptural quotes designed to evangelize or preach a sermon to others.

I use scriptural quotes to show why Christians believe as they do.

Just as this poster was using a scriptural quote to explain why He thinks the God of Abraham is not nice.

Here comes the Question.

What is the difference between someone quoting the bible and using it to explain why they believe as they do and someone quoting the Bible to preach?

Surely if someone is quoting scripture and explaining why they believe as they do then it is the same as preaching. Just as when a atheist quotes whatever they quote to show why they believe God or Christianity or religion in general is false.

See there is no difference between talking about ones beliefs and preaching irrespective of wether one is preaching in the positive that God exists or preaching in the negative.

Seems to me that you are simply using the Word "preaching" as a simple and convenient tag and justification to suppress expressions of belief that you disagree with.

If we are going to have a religion forum and you don't want Christians revealing why they believe what they believe then what is the point of having a forum dedicated to the topic?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I'll agree with you on one thing though...

The main question in the thread is not really a good question as it has obviously failed in the task it set out to achieve... produce an honest response from theists regarding there relationship with their god.

From what I can tell the poll results are exactly as you'd expect, all the theists are voting "yes" and all the atheists are voting "no".

This of course proves nothing.
There is a worldwide announcement made by god telling everyone that hell has been permanently closed. This means that everyone will go to heaven regardless to their crimes.

Without the threat of punishment would you still worship that god?

this is what alot of religions have decided anyway :p

as long as your "truly repentant"
Why are all the theists' responses on this thread completely irrelevant to the topic at hand? Are theists so dishonest that they find it impossible to give a straight answer?:wallbang:

Theists, your house is built on sand, deal with it!:thankyou:
Theists, your house is built on sand, deal with it!:thankyou:

It is built on hope, yours is built on....:shrug: jeez, i dont even know:p

But you have no answers either, present NO theories, you present and give...NOTHING. Thank YOu???? thank you for what exactly?

Yours is built on sand and no hope.

And when you left sciforums did you plan on coming back so soon? come on, be honest.
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It is built on hope, yours is built on....:shrug: jeez, i dont even know:p

But you have no answers either, present NO theories, you present and give...NOTHING. Thank YOu???? thank you for what exactly?

Yours is built on sand and no hope.

And when you left sciforums did you plan on coming back so soon? come on, be honest.

Hope? Do you even realize how pathetic that sounds?

The weak minded cannot tolerate questions without answers. The natural solution is to fill the gaps in your knowledge with fantasies.

You say I have no answers? How's this... Question everything, and when you get no acceptable answers from society to the questions that matter the most to you, seek the answers yourself, relentlessly and with an open mind. That's what I do. You'd be amazed at the results you can achieve that way.
I also wonder how many Theists would worship God if It made a world wide announcement that It was not going to provide anyone with Heaven either. Just nothing. Done.

Either way, we can assume that there is a reason why Theists invented the concept of Hell as well as Heaven and if we reason it was to increase membership then we could conclude that religion with a "Hell" is more successful than one without.
Maybe it's just me but I really doubt all that many theists would worship God if they knew (because God told everyone) that they were not going to go to Heaven or to Hell. Just die.

I'm not sure about other religions but, if I remember correctly, if one hears about Jesus and still rejects him then they are doomed to Hell. And while this may seem stupid to non-Christian theists, I wonder why they don't take a look at their own concept of Hell - if they have one that is.
This is a weird thread indeed.

Is it about the reality or otherwise of God and His will.

Or is it about judging the motivation of human beings who claim to follow Him.

What does the motivations of theists have to do with anything in relation to the existence of otherwise of God?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What does the motivations of theists have to do with anything in relation to the existence of otherwise of God?

It looks at what a god must do if he ever wants to get the attention he so desperately craves. Without a heaven or hell, (people just die as all the other animals do), I would submit that nobody would really even care if he was there or not. His worth would become redundant. To get the attention he craves he seemingly has no choice but to make threats and offer rewards. This god is bound by bribery
Perhaps it is because a blind man, unlike most theists, sees all beings as equals, as do I.

You QuestionEverything are as biased as the next guy and your posts bear this out, just take the example above.

Blind people see all beings as equals.....?

See how you lump all people into groups!:mad:
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I'll agree with you on one thing though...

The main question in the thread is not really a good question as it has obviously failed in the task it set out to achieve... produce an honest response from theists regarding there relationship with their god.

I wasn't aware that there is a standard textbook answer to questions regarding such matters.
How do you know we haven't given an honest response to this trick question?
I hope this question is intelligent enough for you to reply to. :)

From what I can tell the poll results are exactly as you'd expect, all the theists are voting "yes" and all the atheists are voting "no".

This of course proves nothing.

Given the stupidity of the question, what were you hoping for?
