On God & Coffee


You are a perfect example of what I'm talking about when I say that people see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, and believe whatever the hell they want to believe. Some want the truth...about some things. Some couldn't care less what the truth is...about many things. It doesn't have anything to do with evidence, or logic, or reason. It has to do with what you want. And if you don't want anything to do with God then fine, don't have anything to do with Him. And if you want to use this "arguement" about being a puppet to rationalize your choice, fine. But don't expect the rest of the world to buy it. This isn't rocket science, you just don't want to hear it.
Lori_7 said:

You are a perfect example of what I'm talking about when I say that people see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, and believe whatever the hell they want to believe. Some want the truth...about some things. Some couldn't care less what the truth is...about many things. It doesn't have anything to do with evidence, or logic, or reason. It has to do with what you want. And if you don't want anything to do with God then fine, don't have anything to do with Him. And if you want to use this "arguement" about being a puppet to rationalize your choice, fine. But don't expect the rest of the world to buy it. This isn't rocket science, you just don't want to hear it.
Lori_7, you mentioned Truth, I will agree, this is about truth.

But how do we get at this truth? Well, using emotions and feelings gave some truths over the ages – but really that method lead to a lot of speculative untruths as well. Did you know that when some people hear voices in their head –it’s because they have a chemical imbalance. You see, in the past they were told that they communed with God or were possessed with spirits/devil. We now know they are genetically low on dopamine and/or receptors – among others. And now can give to some of them a medicine that will make the voices leave.

That’s Truth Lori_7.

Did you know that once (and still) some people believe that they are imbued with the Holy Spirit and this was manifested by their speaking in tongues? This usually occurs when having a good Ole’ Xian hoedown in the church. We now know that when some people are agitated they can have a temporal lobe seizure – which occurs next to the speech center in their brain and that THIS is what will cause their mouth to involuntarily begin to babble. Of course a cynical person may stand up and “interpret” this babbling and pretend like this person is in touch with God - "speaking in tongues". But the truth of course is simply that the person is having a seizer and should probably seek medical advice.

That’s Truth Lori_7

And to get at this Truth we need a yard stick – that’s called logic. And then we need a process to utilize this concept called logic – that’s called the scientific method.

So with all this in mind, and your assertion that SOME PEOPLE, presumably others than yourself, like to believe what they like to believe - can you tell me:

Is your God both omniscient and omnipotent? That is: Can your God know all and do anything?

Uh yea, my grandma's been having those "seizures" since I was just a tot. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...none.

And omniscient and omnipotent...yea, that's what they say.
Lori_7 said:
Uh yea, my grandma's been having those "seizures" since I was just a tot. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...none.
Like you said Lori_7 some people see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear, and believe whatever the hell they want to believe. Some want the truth...about some things. Some couldn't care less what the truth is...about many things.

I would like to add – some can’t handle the truth.

Lori_7, do you think that Godly gifts (such as speaking in tongues) “run in the family”. Doesn’t that seem odd to you? Why would magical ability run in the family? It seems that God would bestow such “gifts” upon people, not based on the familiar lineage, but upon the person’s merit.

Why do you suppose that some people are given these Godly gifts when they are young? Are they more open than the other children? Do you think it’s odd that some children don’t understand what’s happening and so they ask their parents and are told – you know, you’re grandparent had such “gift”. Why would God give a gift to someone who is too young to understand it?

Well Godly gifts one explanation ... and, you know, they used to say: “It runs in the blood.”

But, what is the truth? It’s actually sounding a little like genetics isn’t it? Genetics can skip a generation. Things can be inherited on the paternal or familiar side (X or Y chromosome linked).

Is it godly inspired or genetically inherited I wonder?

As to glossolalia, that is, speaking in tongues – you know the Greek cult of Aries was quite famous for this. I guess because they were pagan it was devils-don huh? And of course many many many other peoples speak in tongues - Buddhists, Shinto, Pagans, Hindu – and Atheists too.

I’m sorry Lori_7, but it is scientifically observable and measurable event not unlike any other biological reality.

It’s also a great way to convince people of God. I can think of no better way than to reinterpret a real biological event such as temporal lobe seizures (something so personal as the act of speaking) and using it to convince the person of Godly inspired gift hood - speaking in tongues. The Pentecost’s are quite famous for it, and they are the fastest growing religion in Christendom. Not unlike their Greek Pagan Brothers – who also utilized the natural occurrence of biological induced (and genetic based) temporal lobe seizure to great religious effect "Speaking in Tongoues".
Learning is either active or passive. If it is passive, then there is no action being performed. Active forms of learning simply mean either the development of a habit, or drawing mental conclusions. The act of drawing a conclusion any omniscient mind can do. What is left is a new realization in my mind, but that realization is a passive effect of the mental activity of drawing conclusion. As for forming habit, that is simply the performance of an action repeatedly. Any omnipotent being can perform an action repeatedly. The result of that within me is the passive effect of doing it with greater ease.

In other words, learning is passive. The activities that produce learning are not things that are impossible to an omniscient, omnipotent entity.
beyondtimeandspace said:
The act of drawing a conclusion any omniscient mind can do.
Oh really? You’ll have to explain, what is “drawing a conclusion”? Can you give me an example of drawing a conclusion?

Alas, I have to get going, I'll be back Sunday :)

Michael said:
Lori_7, you mentioned Truth, I will agree, this is about truth.

But how do we get at this truth? Well, using emotions and feelings gave some truths over the ages – but really that method lead to a lot of speculative untruths as well. Did you know that when some people hear voices in their head –it’s because they have a chemical imbalance. You see, in the past they were told that they communed with God or were possessed with spirits/devil. We now know they are genetically low on dopamine and/or receptors – among others. And now can give to some of them a medicine that will make the voices leave.

That’s Truth Lori_7.

The truth is that I've heard God's voice and He's interacted with me on many levels and in many ways, and I've never been diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance". Yea, everything nowadays is a flippin' chemical imbalance. Just give everyone their Soma and everything will be ok...no one will even know the difference huh? The truth is that my ex is on medication to make his "voices" go away because they were telling him to kill himself and justifying their suggestion with some conspiracy story. He's now so fucked up that he doesn't give a shit what the voices say anymore, he can barely get his ass out of bed. And I'm sure his liver will give out on him long before the voices would have convinced him.

Oh, and last year, while I was knee-deep into my miracle, my ex was knee-deep into a breakdown. He called me one afternoon and absolutely scared the shit out of me because apparently his "voices" knew things about what was going on with me spiritually. He was telling me things about my miracle that he had no earthly way of knowing. I had not been in contact with him, and had not told him a thing about what was going on with me. Um...you gotta pill for that?

Today's lesson....good spirit = good fruit, bad spirit = bad fruit.
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The truth is that I've heard God's voice and He's interacted with me on many levels and in many ways, and I've never been diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance".

You actually have to first go see a doctor in order to get diagnosed. Will you lie about that, too?

Oh, and last year, while I was knee-deep into my miracle, my ex was knee-deep into a breakdown.

Neither are different - they are both schizophrenia. Seek professional help.
sorry lori it not the truth, it's your truth, however most of us wake up from our dreams unfortunately there are a lot out there like you.
but if it makes you happy keep it to yourself.

because I think you need help, as I've told you before.
I request you goto see a psychiatrist.
and your ex, at least he's on some medication, as he's quite mad, but what scares me is, you think your normal.

Today's lesson....he hears bad things = lunacy, you here good things = lunacy.
Michael said:
Lori_7, do you think that Godly gifts (such as speaking in tongues) “run in the family”. Doesn’t that seem odd to you? Why would magical ability run in the family? It seems that God would bestow such “gifts” upon people, not based on the familiar lineage, but upon the person’s merit.

Why do you suppose that some people are given these Godly gifts when they are young? Are they more open than the other children? Do you think it’s odd that some children don’t understand what’s happening and so they ask their parents and are told – you know, you’re grandparent had such “gift”. Why would God give a gift to someone who is too young to understand it?

Well Godly gifts one explanation ... and, you know, they used to say: “It runs in the blood.”

But, what is the truth? It’s actually sounding a little like genetics isn’t it? Genetics can skip a generation. Things can be inherited on the paternal or familiar side (X or Y chromosome linked).

Is it godly inspired or genetically inherited I wonder?

As to glossolalia, that is, speaking in tongues – you know the Greek cult of Aries was quite famous for this. I guess because they were pagan it was devils-don huh? And of course many many many other peoples speak in tongues - Buddhists, Shinto, Pagans, Hindu – and Atheists too.

I’m sorry Lori_7, but it is scientifically observable and measurable event not unlike any other biological reality.

It’s also a great way to convince people of God. I can think of no better way than to reinterpret a real biological event such as temporal lobe seizures (something so personal as the act of speaking) and using it to convince the person of Godly inspired gift hood - speaking in tongues. The Pentecost’s are quite famous for it, and they are the fastest growing religion in Christendom. Not unlike their Greek Pagan Brothers – who also utilized the natural occurrence of biological induced (and genetic based) temporal lobe seizure to great religious effect "Speaking in Tongoues".

Ok, so after reading this response, I had to do an "age-check", you know, to make sure I wasn't talking to some seven year old kid. And of course, I'm horrified to find that you are just a few years younger than I. But then I saw that you were a medical doctor, and it all made sense again. I'm sure that you may know a thing or two about biology and pharmaceuticals, but you don't know anything about God or the Holy Spirit.

Let me first ask you this...have you ever known anyone who spoke in tongues? If the answer is yes, would you be specific as to the nature of your relationship? If no, then have you ever even been a witness to someone speaking in tongues, or any other physical manifestation of the Holy Spirit?

I grew up surrounded by it. I've also seen plenty of people fake it for attention or whatever.

"Runs in the blood"? What kind of inbred, appalachian mf'ers have you been talking to? lol I suppose that it's possible that there is some genetic apptitude or predisposition for it, but that would remain dormant or undeveloped without the realization of the Spirit. But that doesn't really make sense. It's described in the Bible as a gift of the Spirit, and that God is no respecter of persons, and that nothing is impossible with Him. And an indwelling of the Holy Spirit wouldn't be contigent upon genetics, and neither would the ability to speak a specific language, whatever the language may be. I mean, if He can raise the dead, and give sight to the blind, then He can give speech to a mute too, right?

Isn't it a bit unusual that this seizure's only symptom is this altered "language"? You're a doctor...aren't most seizures multi-symptomed, and the affects of which much less "structured"? I mean, we're talking about drooling, kicking, screaming, contorting, swallowing your tongue. Even if you call it incoherent babbling, everything else about the person seems to be aok while it's happening. It's obvious that they're in control of themselves very well, accept of course, for the babbling.

And these are self-induced seizures right? Because it's obvious that the people "afflicted" with them get to pick and choose where and when they have them, and at their convenience. Don't you think that's a little odd? Ok, where are we...genetically predispositioned to have self-induced seizures...what?

Oh yea, seizures that are not only related to or caused by any specific health problem or illness, but also apparently have no detrimental mental or physical affects on the body. Certainly this is rare too right? Don't most seizures cause brain damage? Damage whose severity depends upon the intensity and duration of the seizure? Well, you would assume that a seizure that would cause the kind of behavior that we're talking about, and that I've been witness to many times, would have to be fairly severe. And I've seen it last for a long time. Grandma at a prayer meeting back in the day....she could go in and out for hours. And grandma was smart as a whip and the picture of health until she had a stroke a couple of years ago...at 80 years.

So, we've got this weird, and of course undocumented, genetic disorder, which causes the ability or predisposition to have self-induced seizures, whose only symptom is a very specific and controlled babble, and that are not related to or a symptom of any other illness or condition, and do not cause any detrimental physical or mental affect on the person who has them.

fahrenheit 451 said:
sorry lori it not the truth, it's your truth, however most of us wake up from our dreams unfortunately there are a lot out there like you.
but if it makes you happy keep it to yourself.

Wha....it's a fucking discussion forum! :confused:

God bless this place...

because I think you need help, as I've told you before.
I request you goto see a psychiatrist.
and your ex, at least he's on some medication, as he's quite mad, but what scares me is, you think your normal.

Dude, I am definitely not normal. Thank God...lol.

Today's lesson....he hears bad things = lunacy, you here good things = lunacy.

hears nothing = dead.
(Q) said:
The truth is that I've heard God's voice and He's interacted with me on many levels and in many ways, and I've never been diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance".

You actually have to first go see a doctor in order to get diagnosed. Will you lie about that, too?

Oh, and last year, while I was knee-deep into my miracle, my ex was knee-deep into a breakdown.

Neither are different - they are both schizophrenia. Seek professional help.

My parents asked me to go to the doctor last year, and right in the middle of my miracle...well, because of it actually...what I was saying about it...all of the changes that happened to me. It was kinda like I turned into a different person for a few months...in a way...a really good way. All of the changes were good things...really good things...things that healed me...saved my life even. And so I was the picture of health at the doctor. And my family and friends knew that they had never seen me happier and healthier. The only thing "wrong" was what was coming out of my mouth about my miracle. AND, specifically about my miracle, and not anything else I happened to talk about. Other than that one topic, they agreed that I was completely rational and logical and like I had always been. Only maybe a bit "brighter"...happier...more fulfilled...at peace. God, I felt so good for a while, it was really intense. The doc said that I was probably just having a "manic episode". But also said that if that was how I "healed myself", maybe it wasn't such a bad thing. Then turned around and told me that my ideas would not help me in the long run, or something to that effect. To which I wanted to respond that neither would his...and referring to the fact that he's Jewish...lol...but didn't. After all, they are God's chosen people.
The doc said that I was probably just having a "manic episode".

So, the doctor assumes you have bipolar disorder. That's one opinion. You should continue seeking professional help.

But also said that if that was how I "healed myself", maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

I seriously doubt a doctor, who just diagnosed you with bipolar disorder, would say such a thing.

Anyways, we now know you have bipolar disorder and are not really seeing or hearing gods, but merely your own hallucinations and voices in your head.