On atheists and freedom of belief

Should theists have the freedom of belief?

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I think if he was such a devout a Christian, he would have disavowed evolution. But he did not, he supported it.

So now you're arguing that no Christians accept evolution? Or are you arguing that Christians in the 1930s - 1950s didn't accept evolution?
You're assuming Christianity is a delusion

Of course it is. All evidence points to it as a delusion.

You're free to believe it it and I won't criticize that belief at all as long as you don't chose to make it public.

But once you chose to make your delusion public and expect that others will accept your delusion or respect you for it, you deserve an appropriate level of query, criticism, and/or ridicule -depending on how far you go with your public proclamation.
The Nazis were as fanatically anti-Christian as the Bolsheviks
Your attempt to claim this only proves that you know nothing about European history of the 1930s and 40s. Hitler's speeches were FULL of religious rhetoric. Just read some of them some time.
Now, from Table Talk, his private conversations:
Yeah, I like how you're STILL trying to use that book as a source even though it was already explained to you that it's not taken seriously by any historians. But hey, you wouldn't want to let a little thing like that get in the way of your using it as evidence, now would you? After all, you're not trying to actually learn anything, you're just going out hunting for evidence to prop up what you want to be true - who cares if the evidence is actually real or not? Also, if you had ever actually read that book you would be familiar with Hitler's quote from pg. 59, where he says that being an atheist is a bad thing.
Of course it is. All evidence points to it as a delusion.

You're free to believe it it and I won't criticize that belief at all as long as you don't chose to make it public.

But once you chose to make your delusion public and expect that others will accept your delusion or respect you for it, you deserve an appropriate level of query, criticism, and/or ridicule -depending on how far you go with your public proclamation.

You're ignorant
I don't know. Do you?

I don't either. my point was really rhetorical. However; my assumption is that very few people outside of the scientific elite (not in a negative connotation) believed and understood evolution. So it's an accusatory argument that's really only applicable retrospectively.
Yeah, I like how you're STILL trying to use that book as a source even though it was already explained to you that it's not taken seriously by any historians.

an explanation has to be accepted or rejected by recipient

do you hold tabletalk (wtf is that?) to be a valid historical source?
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I don't either. my point was really rhetorical. However; my assumption is that very few people outside of the scientific elite (not in a negative connotation) believed and understood evolution. So it's an accusatory argument that's really only applicable retrospectively.

My question to Sam was, likewise, rhetorical and designed only to point out the fallacy in the argument she posed, which was that "if Hitler was Christian, he wouldn't believe in evolution; Hitler believed in evolution; therefore his wasn't a Christian."
My question to Sam was, likewise, rhetorical and designed only to point out the fallacy in the argument she posed, which was that "if Hitler was Christian, he wouldn't believe in evolution; Hitler believed in evolution; therefore his wasn't a Christian."

Sorry, it was difficult to really see that...this thread which was a good one turned into another run-away topic.
"Of course it is"

Acting as if you are the all knowing know it all is ignorant

I said, "of course it is," based on the evidence. Delusion is the erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. What portion of Christian dogma and doctrine do you suggest best demonstrates Christianity is *not* a delusion?
You're ignorant
No, trying to claim that Hitler was an atheist despite the vast mountain of evidence to the contrary is ignorant. But at least you haven't gone so far as SAM, who is apparently just cutting and pasting select quotes from a book that he has obviously never actually read.
I said, "of course it is," based on the evidence. Delusion is the erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. What portion of Christian dogma and doctrine do you suggest best demonstrates Christianity is *not* a delusion?

How much of the physical world is an illusion?
Isn't basing opinions on an illusion a delusion?
I said, "of course it is," based on the evidence. Delusion is the erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. What portion of Christian dogma and doctrine do you suggest best demonstrates Christianity is *not* a delusion?

The evidence does not suggest anything at all. It's unknown, in every respect. Therefore it's foolish to assert that you KNOW. Strong atheism is a form of theism.
Sorry, it was difficult to really see that...this thread which was a good one turned into another run-away topic.

I don't think I've seen the thread started by Sam yet that she didn't want to turn out just as this one has.

Don't get me wrong, I like Sam, but she just has too much time on her hands :)
It takes only one atheist to ruin a good country. Mass murders on the basis of unbelief have been the domain of atheists especially in the twentieth century I suppose this is an example of the "secular humanism" of atheists. You are associating Communism with "secular humanism."
M*W: Please tell me how "secular humanism" is worse than Muslim terrorism? You have got to be aware that Muslim terrorism is a problem today. Why do you continue to deny it? If you're not a terrorist, then what are you? S.A.M., please don't try to embark on your religion as if it were the end all be all. What I'm seeing is that your religion, unfortunately, is a sociopathic crime. You cannot hide behind your religion any longer. I am really disappointed in you. Maybe you shouldn't be a mod. You are biased and not in any position to be fair and equitable on this forum. I hope the PTB (powers that be) on sciforums can clearly see your bias and remove you from your assinine moderation.