On atheists and freedom of belief

Should theists have the freedom of belief?

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But, getting back on topic: Yes, everyone is free to choose what they believe. Why wouldn't they?
SkinWalker, that is propaganda. He used it as a manipulative tool, but he himself did NOT have belief in God. Neither did Stalin, or Mao, or many other bastards responsible for millions of innocent deaths.
His private conversations do not support the notion.

See Hitler's Table Talk
Un-f*cking-believable. You tried to make this exact argument over a year ago, and had your head handed to you. I will now simply cut-and-paste from this thread, where this has all been gone over already: http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=66003

There are a mountain of quotes from well-documented sources on Hitler, including transcripts of his numerous public speeches, his letters to friends, and even his own book Mein Kampf that all show him to be a christian with a religious hatred of Jews. But you choose to ignore all of those, and pull out a quote from "Table Talk," a second-hand source that few historians take seriously because most of the things in it contradict every other record regarding Hitler. Nice. Of course, if you want to ague that Hitler was an atheist, you would also need to contend with these quotes that come from the very same source as your quote:
An uneducated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal).
-Table-Talk [p. 59]

As long as we're throwing Hitler quotes around, chew on these. Note that these are from primary sources.

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognised these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice...and if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. "
Speech in Munich (12 April 1922)
I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's Work.
-Mein Kampf

Your intellectual dishonesty is unbelievable. You try to repeat the the same old lies even after their falsehood has already been explained to you.
SkinWalker, that is propaganda. He used it as a manipulative tool, but he himself did NOT have belief in God.
Can you provide some evidence for this, other than "it's not true because I don't want it to be true?"

Yeah, I thought not.
Simply professing a belief in anything isn't evidence that one actually holds such a belief, especially not a politician.
he himself did NOT have belief in God.

What is the evidence? His personal communications? Which is to be considered the propaganda then? When the personal communications and his memoir is placed on an even playing field, a tie is achieved. The tie-breaker, therefore, becomes the evidence of his familial and societal training and education as a boy, which was Catholic.

Hitler was religious and superstitious. All day long. Every day. You can spin it any way you want and the guy's atrocities were informed by his understanding of Old Testament mythology.
Can you provide some evidence for this, other than "it's not true because I don't want it to be true?"

Yeah, I thought not.

Common sense, perhaps? No Christian would murder Jews, especially not millions of innocent ones. And Hitler loved propaganda; what better way to gain support than to appeal to one's own faith?

Nobody can prove or disprove Hitler's beliefs, however, since he, unfortunately, is dead.

The Nazis were as fanatically anti-Christian as the Bolsheviks

"To whom should propaganda be addressed? … It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses… The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision. The whole art consists in doing this so skilfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself … its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect… it's soundness is to be measured exclusively by its effective result". (Main Kampf, Vol 1, Ch 6 and Ch 12)

Oh look at what Hitler said:
"I think I can assure you that there is no one in Germany who will not with all his heart approve any honest attempt at an improvement of relations between Germany and France. My own feelings force me to take the same attitude... The German people has the solemn intention of living in peace and friendship with all civilized nations and powers... And I regard the maintenance of peace in Europe as especially desirable and at the same time secured, if France and Germany, on the basis of equal sharing of natural human rights, arrive at a real inner understanding... The young Germany, that is led by me and that finds its expression in the National Socialist Movement, has only the most heartfelt desire for an understanding with other European nations."

"Amongst the accusations which are directed against Germany in the so called democracies is the charge that the National Socialist State is hostile to religion. In answer to that charge I should like to make before the German people the following solemn declaration:
1. No one in Germany has in the past been persecuted because of his religious views, nor will anyone in the future be so persecuted..."

Now, from Table Talk, his private conversations:

"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together....
"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity....
"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things." (p 6 & 7)
In either case...Atheists should have right to freedom even if they are neo-NAZI's or Hitler themself. Freedom to act on belief is a different story.
Simply professing a belief in anything isn't evidence that one actually holds such a belief, especially not a politician.

Ahh... so here is the rub then. For those afflicted by the superstitions and delusions of religious thought (i.e. Christianity and islam), anyone a cult member happens to disagree with must, necessarily, not be a "true believer."

This argument is weak and nonsensical. Moreover, it's an ignorant one.
Simply professing a belief in anything isn't evidence that one actually holds such a belief, especially not a politician.
So what exactly would you take as evidence? He went to church services. His private letters and public speeches were all full of religious rhetoric - even before he was a politician. Every piece of evidence (with the one exception of "Table Talk," which has already been addressed) points to him being a christian. Now you are simply trying to dismiss all this evidence because it doesn't fit in with the view of the world that you want to have. Sorry, but "It's not true because I don't want it to be true" is not evidence for backing up your claim here.
No, it isn't. Hitler loved power; what better way to gain power than to appeal to faith?
Not to mention everything he did pretty much went entirely against Christian beliefs. As well as the fact that HE SAID "Christianity is too soft and sappy; why could it not have been Islam?"

This proves he wanted it as a propaganda tool.

Nasor: perhaps he had belief in God as a young man, but I have no doubt he was an avid atheist later in life, using religion as a propaganda tool.
Common sense, perhaps? No Christian would murder Jews, especially not millions of innocent ones.
Oh man, this is too hilarious for words. Christians wouldn't kill Jews? Are you familiar with ANY of the 2000 or so years of European history that happened after christianty started? Mistreating Jews was often about the only thing that the various christian nations of europe could agree on. It got so bad that for hundreds of years Jews were fleeing europe to Islamic countries because they were treated much better there - which should tell you something about just how bad it was for Jews in europe.
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So what exactly would you take as evidence? He went to church services. His private letters and public speeches were all full of religious rhetoric - even before he was a politician. Every piece of evidence (with the one exception of "Table Talk," which has already been addressed) points to him being a christian. Now you are simply trying to dismiss all this evidence because it doesn't fit in with the view of the world that you want to have. Sorry, but "It's not true because I don't want it to be true" is not evidence for backing up your claim here.

I think if he was such a devout a Christian, he would have disavowed evolution. But he did not, he supported it.
Just about everything that <i>modern</i> Christians align themselves with "goes against Christian belief." That comment demonstrates nothing.

That's the nature of delusion: once a religious superstition is subscribed to, the afflicted has only to make some minor adjustments to his/her delusions in order to make it all fit his/her desires for the world.

That's why so many nutjobs kill their kids in the name of God; kill their co-workers in the name of God; continue as pedophile priests; cover up pedophile priests; etc, etc.