Nonsense: Prove/Disprove existence of a god or gods

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this is the definition i found on the web "the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion." you need knowledge to carry out this task
you have to be aware of different paths you can take, you have to know that you are able to make that decision. you have to know how to carry out that decision. you have to know that you exist. those are all information
And by your assertion, God doesn't want us to have knowledge (of his existence). So he doesn't want us to have free will.
I just told you I cannot choose to believe or not believe.
Disbelief is the default. It requires no knowledge, thought or reasoning to not believe something. Every one of us does not believe in millions of things which we've never heard of.

One of the basic rules of the scientific method is that the burden of proof always falls on the person who makes a positive assertion. The duty never falls on the skeptic to disprove the assertion.
And by your assertion, God doesn't want us to have knowledge (of his existence). So he doesn't want us to have free will.

no i'm saying god doesn't want us to have knowledge of his existence, because he wants us to have free will.
i'm sorry i said non believers were robots, i shouldve said most non believers are sheep. and some of them are robots... robot sheep. if you believe god is a bad shepard then you are a wolf in sheeps clothing.
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Disbelief is the default. It requires no knowledge, thought or reasoning to not believe something. Every one of us does not believe in millions of things which we've never heard of.

One of the basic rules of the scientific method is that the burden of proof always falls on the person who makes a positive assertion. The duty never falls on the skeptic to disprove the assertion.

So tell Fraggle what is a physical thing has science proven that to exist? When you go to sleep at night why are you conscious, are you conscious? When you are awake in the day time why are you conscious? Why do bad things happen to people even new born babies that are innocent? Row Row Row your boat life is but a dream...
The meaning of free will is the ability to fail aka "the scientific method" and we have free will to fail an infinite amount of times because of Gods love for us then finally after the scientific method is exhausted the last and only answer will have to be accepted.
So less knowledge = more free will?
Tell me spider recall a moment in your life when it was a close call you almost died and you dont know how that car just missed hitting you that heavy heavy box just missed falling on your head "Spider sense" of course is it but explain to me why you would have this innate system built into your awareness in the first place...ha I already know you already have all the answears.
Tell me spider recall a moment in your life when it was a close call you almost died and you dont know how that car just missed hitting you that heavy heavy box just missed falling on your head "Spider sense" of course is it but explain to me why you would have this innate system built into your awareness in the first place...ha I already know you already have all the answears.
If that car had hit me I wouldn't be here talking to you. This would be true no matter who you talk to. We don't have some special sense to avoid accidents, other than our normal senses, they happen all the time.
If that car had hit me I wouldn't be here talking to you. This would be true no matter who you talk to. We don't have some special sense to avoid accidents, other than our normal senses, they happen all the time.
Exactly "my friend" then ask yourself why are you here talking to me? why did that innocent baby die? Is the physical real? why are we all so obsessed with dreams and non realities, fantacies, virtual worlds??
Exactly "my friend" then ask yourself why are you here talking to me?
Distracting myself with non-related conversations helps my subconscious brain arrive at solutions to problems at work.
why did that innocent baby die?
Because for disease and disaster, innocence and guilt are irrelevant.
Is the physical real?
It's the only thing that's real.
why are we all so obsessed with dreams and non realities, fantacies, virtual worlds??
Because they aren't real. Reality can be boring.
Distracting myself with non-related conversations helps my subconscious brain arrive at solutions to problems at work.

Because for disease and disaster, innocence and guilt are irrelevant.

It's the only thing that's real.

Because they aren't real. Reality can be boring.

Yes yes all true, but I will focus in on the the comment of the phsyical world prove to me that it is physical does your science not say that 99% percent of your so called "physical world" is empty space? You do "believe" in science dont you ?? correct me if I am in error...hmm
Space is physical too. It isn't nothing. It has qualities, it can be bent by gravity, it is the source of particles that emerge spontaneously...
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