Nonsense: Prove/Disprove existence of a god or gods

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Yes, of course. ;-)

Bunnies do not breed during the winter, but start breeding at spring. Thus, newborn bunnies appear at spring. Birds also do not breed during the winter, but in spring. Thus, to look for hidden eggs does not make sense during the winter, but makes sense during spring. Thus, to look for hidden eggs starts to make sense once one can see the first newborn bunnies.
Above things are likely to be known to children - once people see a newborn bunny, they are likely to tell this to nearby children too, and these children are likely to observe a correlation between seeing bunnies during springtime and starting search for hidden eggs in Nature. To mingle correlation with causation is a common error even among adults, so it is quite likely that children will develop similar explanations for the observed correlation.
Many adults like to make jokes with stupid children, so, once they observe such a funny theory, they can, with some probability, support it by hiding even more eggs to have more fun about that stupid kid which believes such nonsense. And, then, this can easily become a "running joke" which will be traditionally repeated every year.
So, I do not believe in the particular claim about the behaviour of Easter Bunnies. But, once I believe that young bunnies in nature will be visible with much higher probability during Easter time than during the winter, one can, with some simplification, say that I believe in the "Easter Bunny".
Um... you do know that rabbits don't lay eggs, right?
Um... you do know that rabbits don't lay eggs, right?
I know. That's why I have written "Birds also do not breed during the winter, but in spring. Thus, to look for hidden eggs does not make sense during the winter, but makes sense during spring."

I'm not compelled to say anything of the sort, and you know that.

Your conclusions are littered with ideas which must be believed.


Those are 3 illogical conclusions of yours which I do not believe. You know extremely little of what I believe or do not believe. You make baseless assumptions about me and others and it does no good to tell you anything. Whatever you believe, you pretend is true. You need to learn the difference between beliefs and facts.
if we could scientifically prove that god exists that would remove free will. I think that wont happen because god wants us to have free will.
if we could scientifically prove that god exists that would remove free will. I think that wont happen because god wants us to have free will.
God wants babies to have cancer too apparently.
How do you know you have free will?
How do you know what God wants?
How do you know that knowledge of God would remove free will?
if everyone had sure, positive knowledge of existence of god, why would anyone sin? its either follow god or be damned. not much free will there.
if everyone had sure, positive knowledge of existence of god, why would anyone sin? its either follow god or be damned. not much free will there.
That's not what free will is. Free will is not that if you do something there will be consequences, it's that it's possible to do whatever you want. For instance, not having free will would be it's not possible to sin. (or not possible to not sin). Or that your will is controlled totally by cause and effect, and any decision you think you make is actually determined by previous events.

In any case, the Bible (if that is your source of information about God) is full of demonstrations of his power. There are miracles, real life punishments for wrongdoing, immediate answers to prayers, winning wars if you are righteous, etc. So the idea that God would avoid proving his existence for some reason is foreign to the Biblical narrative.
Or that your will is controlled totally by cause and effect, and any decision you think you make is actually determined by previous events.

yes i am saying the people will make decisions based on that event that made god a sure thing.
and if god wanted to prove his existence to the world without doubt he easily could have, but he does not
Then why did he to the ancient Hebrews?

Also you aren't understanding free will. Making decisions based on any kind of knowledge is still a decision. But if the God of the Bible exists and he knows everything, then he knows the future, so any choice you make is already predetermined. Basically you have no real choices. Therefore to punish people for sin is gratuitous torture.
i don't believe you understand free will either. i don't think anyone does. if i'm wrong prove it by explaining how free will works with destiny
because we can't do whatever we want. the universe runs on strict laws. and our lives are determined by others just as we determine their lives.
What does that have to do with destiny?

What definition of destiny are you using?
i see destiny as predetermined paths we can choose to follow. i can choose to stay at home or go out side but i cannot fly around like a bird or pass through objects. our lives are already predestined to a degree.
if we could scientifically prove that god exists that would remove free will. I think that wont happen because god wants us to have free will.

IF there is an omnipotent god, I doubt we can prove so without the god providing the overwhelming evidence. IF an omnipotent god were to prove to me it exists, I would have no choice but to know that. But until some god gets up the courage to come out of hiding and show itself, I have no choice but to not believe it exists. No free will either way. I cannot choose to believe something I have no proof of.
Anyone who demands total obedience and threatens horrible eternal punishment is not interested in free will at all.
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i see destiny as predetermined paths we can choose to follow. i can choose to stay at home or go out side but i cannot fly around like a bird or pass through objects. our lives are already predestined to a degree.
This is surely just a matter of degrees of freedom, rather than the absence of freewill?
Freewill does not necessarily mean having the ability to do absolutely anything and everything we can think of.
Some see the ability to choose from among what is possible as being a demonstration of freewill.

The question then is what is actually possible, and are the various options we see and feel to be possible actually not possible to us at the exact moment we make the decision, thus forcing us to select the one option that is possible, while our consciousness still considers all options "possible".

But that's for another thread. ;)
Then why did he to the ancient Hebrews?
the ancient Hebrews made a covenant with god which they broke numerous times. the people made a promise to god and they broke it he didnt demand anything god and people had an agreement which the people broke
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