Noah's ark

Woody said:
I would have to say all catastrophic events are shunned whether it's a flood, a meteor impact, or worldwide seismic event. Many Scientists rely on gradual change over eons to support their theories, though mass extinctions could be explained otherwise.

How about these comet interactions from source:

THE 11,600 BC STRIKE - Swarm B' - 13,600 YA
THE 11,000 BC STRIKE - Swarm B - 13,000 YA
THE 10,600 BC STRIKE - Swarm A' - 12,600 YA
THE 9,600 BC STRIKE - Swarm A' - 11,600 YA
THE 8,300 BC STRIKE - Swarm B' - 10,300 YA
THE 7,800 BC STRIKE - Swarm B - 9,800 YA
THE 6,800 BC STRIKE - Swarm A' - 8,800 YA
THE 6,200 BC STRIKE - Swarm A - 8,200 YA
THE 5,600 BC STRIKE - Swarm C - 7,600 YA
THE 5,000 BC STRIKE - Swarm B' - 7,000 YA
THE 4,500 BC STRIKE - Swarm B - 6,500 YA
THE 3,500 BC STRIKE - Swarm A' - 5,500 YA
THE 3,000 BC STRIKE - Swarm A - 5,000 YA
THE 2,350 BC STRIKE - Swarm C - 4,350 YA
THE 1,600 BC STRIKE - Swarm B' - 3,600 YA
THE 1,200 BC STRIKE - Swarm B - 3,200 YA
THE 200 BC STRIKE - Swarm A' - 2,200 YA
THE 500 AD STRIKE - Swarm A - 1,500 YA
THE 1,000 AD STRIKE - Swarm C - 1,000 YA
THE 1,700 AD STRIKE - Swarm B' - 300 YA

Samples were taken from the polar ice caps to determine these dates.

None of them caused a flood. A flood would have left evidence. Still grasping at straws?

Please get shitfaced and ease up on all of this high-minded bullshit for a day!

Even our brains need a break sometimes.

Guinness, Mickies, Finnegan's anybody????????
SkinWalker said:
All available evidence indicates it *is* made up in as much as any good work of human literature..
Wrong again, but at least your consistant.

SkinWalker said:
The bible is a compendum of Near Eastern myths that were "borrowed" by its Jewish and early Christian cultists. There is plenty of evidence to support my claim, and I'll be happy to share it if you'd like..
You got nothin'
The Old Testament you and others claim are a re-write of Sumerian stories is actually full of specific accounts of battles with said Sumerians and the Assyrians and are the historical records of
God's dealings with his people to be used as future reference in shadows and types.
It was in no way "plagerised" from "near eastern" works.
Israel was carried into Babylon in 700bc, and "history is writen by the victors "so theres an exlplaination to some of your confusion.
The Assyraian capital was Nineveh, and thousand of clay tablets were found the dating from 1000-1500bc in the 1890's completely corisponding to the Old Testament accounts.
They are available for veiwing at the British National History Museum.
Go take a look for yourself.

SkinWalker said:
But back to your claims: you still didnt' answer "where" the alleged artifacts of "giants" are..
Ohio,Texas, and Kansas for a few

SkinWalker said:
If you can't give a proper source, its very clear that you are a liar and willing to make shit up just to justify your missguided beliefs and superstitions..
"I find your lack of faith disturbing"....

SkinWalker said:
Like Fred Flinstone said: "yaba daba doo." Both are equally valid quotes from equally real entities with equally real verifications.
What's up doc...?
Please don't waste any more of our time if your just playing on your daddy's computer.

To put this all to rest....the "Flood" was caused by a major axis change to the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun.
This caused the condensation of previous water vapor levels to make
the amount of rain needed.
They were also very scientific in that day.
I'll bet they had scientists out there just like you scratching their heads trying to prove theres no water up there.
Right up till God drowned them in it.
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Ohio,Texas, and Kansas

LOL! Firstly, if there were any reputable evidence for a giant "humaniod", I think it would be world news. Secondly, the fact that these evidences are in bible loving republican states makes their 'evidence' of giant humans laughable.

The fact you have not even provided the 'evidence', tells me you are just embellishing what little 'evidence' there is for your idiotic claims.
TheVisitor said:
To put this all to rest....the "Flood" was caused by a major axis change to the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun.
This caused the condensation of previous water vapor levels to make
the amount of rain needed.

Where did all that water go then? Did noah drink it?
KennyJC said:
LOL! Firstly, if there were any reputable evidence for a giant "humaniod", I THINK it would be world news. Secondly, the fact that these evidences are in bible loving republican states makes their 'evidence' of giant humans laughable.

The fact you have not even provided the 'evidence', tells me you are just embellishing what little 'evidence' there is for your idiotic claims.

"ya think" do ya :( ...well I find that hard to believe myself.
I want some concrete evidence of your "thinking" :D
Then prove it, provide your evidence. Surely it can't be funnier than your claim of an axis change that caused enough water to evaporate then flood all land within 40 days...
TheVisitor said:
Wrong again, but at least your consistant.

Since this is obviously not the thread for such a topic, I'll hold off and, perhaps, start that on at a later date. But I can demonstrate the theft of Near Eastern stories (like the Noachian flood myth) from much older and longer established cultures. I'll present my argument then. After that, it'll be up to you to refute it. I predict you'll stick to your main argument that consists of nothing greater than "wrong again."

TheVisitor said:
Ohio,Texas, and Kansas for a few

No proper sources or locations, so I accept your acknowledgement of lying to us all. You are a proper liar now. Congratulations.

TheVisitor said:
To put this all to rest....the "Flood" was caused by a major axis change to the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun.
This caused the condensation of previous water vapor levels to make
the amount of rain needed.

Except the evidence isn't forthcoming. Indeed, there doesn't exist that amount of water in any state on the planet.

TheVisitor said:
Right up till God drowned them in it.

Whose god? There have been hundreds if not thousands of gods, all created by H. sapiens. If you want to invoke the "god hypothesis" for an explanation, you'll need to show some way of testing it. Otherwise, the "god hypothesis" can be tossed out with the garbage since it is completely worthless. Under-educated believers like to cite magic for the things they can't understand. This is also a characteristic of humanity.
spuriousmonkey said:
Where did all that water go then? Did noah drink it?

And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first [month], the first [day] of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.

The water was re-established around the new poles in the form of snowfall and ice.
Sounds good to me ;)
TheVisitor said:
The water was re-established around the new poles in the form of snowfall and ice.
Sounds good to me ;)

It sounds good to you because clearly you lack an education in such matters. There isn't enough water in any state on the planet to provide a global flood.
SkinWalker said:
But I can demonstrate the theft of Near Eastern stories (like the Noachian flood myth) from much older and longer established cultures. I'll present my argument then.

Stating that another culture had a different name for their "Noah" stories is very easy to explain.
All the earth's people after Noah were desended from that family, and had
simmilar stories as humanity fanned out accross the globe.
You don't have any older sources.
Moses was given vision of the noah account to scribe in the New Testement.
The dates given for the scribing are not the same dates of the event.
Disect and dispute....
Disect and dispute...

Your methods are quite obvious......
When biblical myths are examined as literary works, as they should be, then clear evolution of ideas show up from older cultures to the newer, monotheistic culture of the Canaanites which became the "Jewish" religion/culture.

Of course, narrow-minded believers, un-accustomed to free-thought will disagree since it questions their superstitions. I've no delusion that my arguments will change your opinion, but I'm certain they will hold weight for someone who already has the courage to question the dogma and indoctrination that they've been force-fed since early childhood.

As I said, perhaps I'll start a thread on this this weekend, time permitting.

But you're still a liar since you couldn't produce any valid sources for you imaginary "giants." Either they don't exist, and you made them up, or you're afraid someone will actually check them and discover that they are fake. Either way, you know they're bullshit and are lying to us all. You're a liar.
spuriousmonkey said:
None of them caused a flood. A flood would have left evidence. Still grasping at straws?

What did these comets cause?

No I'm not in desperation to prove Noah's ark.

Even if the ark were discovered, you would say it doesn't prove a worldwide flood. It would remain a matter of faith.

Many people were non-believers when the flood was universally accepted as being true which is not very long ago.

Many people were atheists before evolution gave them a rational excuse.
SkinWalker said:
There isn't enough water in any state on the planet to provide a global flood.

Sure there is enough water to cover the planet, assuming the topography of the earth is smoother. 80% of the planet is covered with water right now -- land is in the minority. Do you suppose water might have covered 80.00001% of the planet at some time? How about 81%? 82%? Where is your threshold of pain -- is it at 100%?
The topography of the planet during the time of man, the last few hundred thousand years, included all of the mountains we see today, Woody.

If there was a global flood during a period before Pangea, who was there to record the story?

With regard to your "comet speculation," how much water does a comet contain? Of that, how much is heavy water? How many comets would it take to provide a sufficient quantity of water to "drown" the planet? Where has that water gone since?

You might want to also educate yourself on the geologic topography of the last few hundred million years.
SW said:

If there was a global flood during a period before Pangea, who was there to record the story?

What evidence would you "expect to see" from a worldwide flood that was recent?
SkinWalker said:
When biblical myths are examined as literary works, as they should be, then clear evolution of ideas show up from older cultures to the newer, monotheistic culture of the Canaanites which became the "Jewish" religion/culture.

Of course, narrow-minded believers, un-accustomed to free-thought will disagree since it questions their superstitions. I've no delusion that my arguments will change your opinion, but I'm certain they will hold weight for someone who already has the courage to question the dogma and indoctrination that they've been force-fed since early childhood.

As I said, perhaps I'll start a thread on this this weekend, time permitting.

But you're still a liar since you couldn't produce any valid sources for you imaginary "giants." Either they don't exist, and you made them up, or you're afraid someone will actually check them and discover that they are fake. Either way, you know they're bullshit and are lying to us all. You're a liar.

Calling me a liar won't change the truth...
Or make you someone capable of recognizing it.
The cainanites have no connection with the Isralites or the Old testament.
They were desendants of Ham, through his cursed son Cainan.
Bel or Hermes which means "son of Ham" was a Babylonian.
They were the offspring of a cursed linage, and the enemies of the Israelites.
I won't repeat this again....if you refute what I've said look it up.
I only responded for the sake of others who may see these posts.
I've tried more than enough times in the past,
to explain to you the events of history you continue to refer to,.....
But you seem intent on trying to rewrite history to include the near-eastern/anti Jewish myths.
I am not Jewish, or was I raised as you aserted on religious indoctrination.
I was an adult for a long time before God straightened me out on things.
You assume way to much....for your own good.
I'm sorry to see that.
spidergoat said:
Anything that starts with "problems"...
Or "atheist's and" bound to be real entertaining, to someone who doesn't know any better.
Your not dealing with one of those.
Grow up, do your own research, and find something better to do for entertainment.
This isn't a game....if your responcible for mis-leading some of God's "little" ones that haven't found their way yet...
It won't go so good for you my little friend.
The administration of this planet is changing... Christ and his people are to rule the nations with a "rod" of Iron.
What heathens are left alive that is.
Don't think I'm talking about someone still yet to come...
He's already here. "Time shall be no more"
That means times up.
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TheVisitor said:
The water was re-established around the new poles in the form of snowfall and ice.
Sounds good to me ;)

The ice at the north pole actually does nothing to increase the sea levels. Leaves the glaciers, which do not contain enough ice to let sealevels rise enough to cause a global flood. So no, it doesn't sound good.