Noah's ark

Laika said:
The scar from the Chicxulub impact is still detectable after 65,000,000 years, and that didn't even affect the Earth's rotation or orbit (as far as I know). You claim that the crater has been obscured by flood-related erosion or deposition. I would ideally like to see some examples of such processes which can be dated to within 10,000 years of the present day.
Thats the same 65 million year fable the smithonian zombies, and eviloutionary darwinist's have been spouting for ages......LOL!! :rolleyes:
You can't even prove there was an "asteriod" impact let alone that it was 65 million years ago...
The dinosaurs were not wiped off by an asteriod impact 65 million years ago.
They were alive and well untill many years after the flood.
It wasn't an asteriod impact that ended the age of dinosaurs and started little mammals working their way down the tree to humans living in caves.
Bones have been found yet unfossilized.... - and they find so-called extinct species alive and kicking every year.
There was no asteriod impact of that magnitude.
It was nuclear war....thats what they don't want you to know.
Thats what destroyed the earth, and it's mighty
Leaning upon their own understanding without guidence from God.

So you go ahead and swallow their explanations "hook, line, and sinker" .....
Beleive that vomit and eat it on down for food, if you can stomach it.
Like I said, science is in itself a form of religion today.
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Dutchman builds modern Noah's Ark
Johan's Ark is a fifth of the size of Noah's and will carry farmyard animals.

Mr Huibers, who plans to open the vessel as a religious monument and zoo, hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands.

Although Mr Huibers has tried to remain true to the ark described in the Bible, Johan's Ark is constructed with American cedar and Norwegian pine, rather than "gopher wood".

According to Genesis, Noah kept seven pairs of most domesticated animals, and one breeding pair of all other creatures.

Noah's wife, three sons and three daughters-in-law lived together on the boat for almost a year while the world was flooded.

Mr Huibers' vision is more modest - he said he plans to stock his ark with horses, lambs, chickens and rabbits - mostly baby animals to save space.

This would be interesting to see. It's only a fifth of the proper size and can't even hold the hold all the animals currently present in holland. Let alone a fifth of the species in the world.
spuriousmonkey said:
This would be interesting to see. It's only a fifth of the proper size and can't even hold the hold all the animals currently present in holland. Let alone a fifth of the species in the world.

dont you understand that the story is allegorical, like many other stories in the bible.
TheVisitor said:
Thats the same 65 million year fable the smithonian zombies, and eviloutionary darwinist's have been spouting for ages......LOL!! :rolleyes:
You can't even prove there was an "asteriod" impact let alone that it was 65 million years ago...
The dinosaurs were not wiped off by an asteriod impact 65 million years ago.
They were alive and well untill many years after the flood.
It wasn't an asteriod impact that ended the age of dinosaurs and started little mammals working their way down the tree to humans living in caves.
Bones have been found yet unfossilized.... - and they find so-called extinct species alive and kicking every year.
There was no asteriod impact of that magnitude.
It was nuclear war....thats what they don't want you to know.
Thats what destroyed the earth, and it's mighty
Leaning upon their own understanding without guidence from God.

So you go ahead and swallow their explanations "hook, line, and sinker" .....
Beleive that vomit and eat it on down for food, it you can stomach it.
Like I said, science is in itself a form of religion today.

Do you have evidence for the nuclear blast?
spuriousmonkey said:

Look at the aerodynamics of that thing ! :eek:


What a stupid waste of time. He could use that money to feed the hungry or educate a child, but proving that his super hero is real is far more important than reality. How sad. Typical and not suprising, but still sad none the less.
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This guy could probably put his talents to better use but then again that is the power of brain washing. Some of the smartest and brightest among us believe in fairy tales and imaginary people in the sky!
c7ityi_ said:
dont you understand that the story is allegorical, like many other stories in the bible.
I'd imagine that most people posting on this forum do understand that. The fascinating thing is that some people do not, and they come up with quite bizarre ideas to support its literal interpretation.
spuriousmonkey said:
I just read a bit of the chapter on Noah's ark. I now have a question for the rigid believers amongst us.

I saw no mention of plants. Just creatures of flesh. How do you suppose plants survived a global flood.
They have seeds.
When in Genesis the whole earth was covered with water to begin with, remember.
Kind of like from a previous destruction.
Then the sun came out, moved back the mist and the seeds began to sprout.
They need two things...light and water.
The greek Iiliad says there were previous destructions.
The bible doesn't concern itself with "pre-Adamic" civilization.
Doesn't count it out either.
Remember God used the phrase.."replentish the earth"
The point being every verse in the bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ
Most seeds are rather vulnerable and certainly couldn't survive a year long submersion in water. Certainly not in salt water.

Where was the earth anyway? It was eroded away by the rain.
spuriousmonkey said:
Most seeds are rather vulnerable and certainly couldn't survive a year long submersion in water. Certainly not in salt water.

Where was the earth anyway? It was eroded away by the rain.

That is a good question, never thought about it....
Salt water, well I'm sure God had that figured out.
Hey Woody, care to address the following?

If the flood was truly global, why was the erosion so localised?

How did Noah gather all the thousands (millions?) of species for salvation, given that even now new species are still being discovered?

Where are the sediments associated with the flood? I don't mean vegetation.
I mean all clastic sediment from boulders to clay.

How did human and animal remains which pre-date the flood survive undisturbed in coastal caves?

How is it that unique ecosystems survived in lakes if they were all immersed?
For crying out loud, the story of Noah's Ark has been a fictional story for thousands of years. - The only thing that can be hurt by knowing it is fiction is your pride for believing that such a dumb story was true. - But, there is nothing that can change it from being a fictional story. - You have been doing fine all this time while the story has always been fiction. - Only you can let the fact that it's fiction affect you. - Who knows for sure who we really are and how accepting such knowledge will change anything? - For all we know we are already members of the family of god who are already living in some sort of heaven within its lowest level that we know as the physical dimension. ~ Truly, Bona.
Laika said:
Hey Woody, care to address the following?

If the flood was truly global, why was the erosion so localised?

How did Noah gather all the thousands (millions?) of species for salvation, given that even now new species are still being discovered?

Where are the sediments associated with the flood? I don't mean vegetation.
I mean all clastic sediment from boulders to clay.

How did human and animal remains which pre-date the flood survive undisturbed in coastal caves?

How is it that unique ecosystems survived in lakes if they were all immersed?

There is only one answer -- if it happened then it was a supernatural event -- there is no natural explanation -- the same explanation for the creation account. Why would God remove all physical evidence of a worldwide flood if it indeed happened? I don't know. If I have to know everything before I can trust, then I have no faith -- like the husband that needs a full account of his wife's daily activities before he can trust her fidelity.

There is evidence of a major flood in the Black Sea and arabian penensula around the time of Noah. The Black Sea is being investigated for flood evidence, and apparantly there is a coastline about 300 feet below the current one.

The only natural event I can come up with to explain a flood is if a planet passed close to the earth and exerted tremendous Roche (tidal) forces on it. The flood could occur at different locations on the earth at different times according to the earth's rotation and the location of the approaching planet. If the planet approached from the north pole, then passed closeby, it would cause the northern hemisphere to flood, and then the southern hemisphere. There would also be some incredible distortions of the earth's geometry, and probably an oscillating tilt in the earth's rotating axis. There is no evidence that such an event happened to the earth, but there is a theory that Mars had its surface water pulled away by Roche forces.

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Excuse me, if you are a Christian, then there is only one option that is available to you when you acknowledge the fact that Noah's Ark is a fictional story. - Either you have to become an atheist or else you have to become a humanist who believes that there is something greater than ignorant human beings living somewhere out there in a higher dimension. - That is all that you can hope for. - I prefer to think that all intelligent sentient beings like us are part of a family of god or part of a family of light as the Pleiadians like to say.
Job 38:31 - What do you think our ancestors knew about them? Apparently, it was important enough to write it in the Bible.
Noah's Ark, partially tall tale and partially true history. The probelm is there was a flood in the area that was much larger than what the locals thought was the extent of the world. So over time it became the whole world being flooded. Rather simple. Still doesn't negate the story of Noah. Godd could have easily told him what was needed to save the local ecology and civilization and he did. Over the years and different tellings it has become twisted a little, like all history does.