Noah's ark

Hapsburg said:

Okay well since wikipedia, has absolute knowledge. But it is the only recorded age that high, and the only reason it is recorded is becasue it happened recently. So where is the proof, in how a person in older days couldn't live to be 180+ years, and it be normal.

Hapsburg said:

Wiki says that it was not impossible, but very, very rare for people to live beyond 100 years, and those were usually powerful and wealthy individuals.

Wikipedia is never wrong.

Okay, so wikipedia says it. But does this prove it, or is it just convienant for your arguement?
c7ityi_ said:
In ancient times, certain people, called the sons of god, had greater understanding of diseases than what we have now.

But at the same time, there was another race on earth, called the sons of men, who were much more primitive. Their lives were short and their understanding was low, yet they always thought they knew best.

The sons of god had developed instruments which could heal every disease, and the sons of men often came to them when they needed to be cured.

The Sons of God, were to come through Adam, who was made in the image of God and his children through Eve.
They lived just short of 1000 year lifespans because the Word said
"that day you eat thereof that day you die", and ....
"a day with God is a thousand years"
There was like an invisible conection to the soul realm that was severed by sin which is unbeleif.
We are triune beings, existing in several different dimensions and being pulled or influenced by these.
Body, spirit, and soul.
They, Adam's line through Seth lived by faith, and were to be seperate, but at the end they intermarried with the daughters of men.
Cains line builded cities ect....went the way of science and caused the destruction of the world.
Jesus restored that conection by paying the price for man's sin, and when we are born of the spirit we now are again the sons of god.
God made man in his own image...Sons of God. The new Testements says of the restored condition between God and man made possible by Jesus " They that are led by the spitit of God , these shall be called the Sons of God"....

Ok, I wrote a book explaining healing and the soul realm connection as it has been restored by what Jesus has done, making the manifestation of the sons of God in this day possible but......

I hit some key....and it's all gone.
Oh well, maybe theres a purpose, anyway heres something I wrote a few years ago, maybe it will help explain what happened to the lifespans......
I'll never get back what I lost a minite ago......"Arrgg".
I hate this keyboard.......
{speaking into his mouse..."computer,"}

{The closest race of animal to "Man" was the "Serpent". The "Serpent" was a large creature, ten feet tall, walked upright, and talked. Called in the bible "more subtile than any beast of the field".}...................

First of all, the Serpent was not always a snake. It walked, talked to Eve, and was very inteligent. After the fall, look at how God chose to curse them...Adam for his good the ground was cursed, that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve was cursed were she sinned, in childbearing, not in her mouth as if she'd eaten an apple, as some say. And the Serpent,every bone in his body was changed, and was told "on your belly you shall go"...thats why there's a missing link between man and ape today, it was the serpent.
Many species that are next to one another can reproduce, although it's not natural for them to do so. Take a horse and a donkey, they make a mule. A Hybrid .....The serpent was with Eve in the afternoon, and Eve was with Adam that happens today if there are two furtile eggs present. There were twins Cain, of the serpent, and Abel of Adam...
To see the nature of the beast, look back to see the twins at work through-out history....Cain and Abel, Moses and Balaam, Jesus and Judas - The Son of God and the Son of Perdition.
The pharasees and the Scribes, False religions of their day and ours, denominationism, the world council of churches. The true church and the false vine...All the world shall be deceived and worship the image of the beast, who's names are not written in the "Lambs book of life" from the foundation of the world...
It was the beast in the beginning (in the garden), and the beast at the end, follow the trail of the serpent, and you will begin to see...
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visitor, where do you see the similarity between man and a serpent? and if the serpent was more human like before, how can it now be so different from us?

the serpent in the garden is a metaphor. the voice of the serpent (satan) is like the voice of god, the conscience.
So God also created this Serpent you're talking about, and it was in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve? In a religious perspective, if it wasn't 'the Devil', then why did God create it? And was it a sole 'person', or was it a flock or a race?
visitor, where do you see the similarity between man and a serpent? and if the serpent was more human like before, how can it now be so different from us?
It was changed.....and the original race was exterminated....the hybrid offspring were the giants, they were wiped out about 1000 B.C.....not before they were mingled and interbred with humanity.
The only distinction today can be found in the soul, to have or not have representation in that other realm.
This reveals what is truely the "mark of the beast".
They can not receive revealtion from God, like Cain, and are deceived by spirits.
The beast in the begining is the beast in the end, uncover the trail of the serpent through history.

14 ¶ And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

So God also created this Serpent you're talking about, and it was in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve? In a religious perspective, if it wasn't 'the Devil', then why did God create it? And was it a sole 'person', or was it a flock or a race?
Many parts of the bible are literal, and some are symbolic.
The bible is a sealed book, being the correct interpretation can only come from God.
No man can just guess it correctly.
The son of man Himself has come in this day and revealed the book....loosed the seals.
The serpent was a literal being, closest to man.....and a host for unclean spirits.
It has no reprsentation in God....or "soul" so like an animal it can be used of the "spirits" could it's offspring through Cain.
Today a mixture yet still exists in all our flesh, and a spirit thats at eminty or war with God....for a purpose.

Every form of the serpents'; body was changed in the curse, but Cain was fathered and the life is in the blood, the bloodline is passed through the male, so the original form was passed through Cain, even though the one that fathered him was gone.
Whether or not there were other "serpents" that were unchanged by the curse in the garden....the scriptures don't tell. I'm inclined to believe they were like the rest of the animals and there were two to start and probably a whole species by the time this event happened.
And I don't believe they were all changed.....only the one that was used in the stated offence.
This may be where Cain got his the land of Nod.
The bible doesn't concern us with "pre-adamic" civilization, because it is the revelation of God through the Word and Expressed in flesh through this new race....the sons of God.
However, Jesus and the prophets knew this revealtion and it is all through the scriptures in sealed form.
The devil, is a spirit being and used the serpent as a host to try to polute, infiltrate, and destroy God's new race...."the sons of God"
We are higher in power and authority than angels because angels are servants....and the sons of god are "family"....sons out of God's very own life, heir of all things.
Satan tried to block this....he is removed not only from heaven; (the soul realm) where he was cast out, but what Jesus did for us, relieves Him of his dominion over the earth, which our flesh is a type of, and the air,...a type of our spirit, He has been "prince of the power of the air" and fell heir to what Adam lost.
Jesus Christ, as the son of man has returned to be glorified IN his people.
He is the Word and by it we can cast down all that reasons against God.....the weapons of our warfare being remove spiritual wickedness in high places.
If you can believe it, now we are the sons of God, and are hier to every promise of God with authority to bring it to pass.
This is what Jesus came to do and has restored back.
The spiritual linage of the Sons of God on earth, with dominion over all things...
What Adam lost, he brought back.
To be redeamed means to be "brought back to where one was"

7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

In John 6:37 & 44 it says,"All that the Father giveth Me shall come to me; and him that cometh to Me I shall in no wise cast out. No man can come to Me except the Father draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."

John 1:12-13, "But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,
but of God."

Ephesians 1:4-5, "According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him. In love having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will."
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"Many parts of the bible are literal, and some are symbolic.
The bible is a sealed book, being the correct interpretation can only come from God.
No man can just guess it correctly."

* What exactly then is the point of your Bible?
stretched said:
"Many parts of the bible are literal, and some are symbolic.
The bible is a sealed book, being the correct interpretation can only come from God.
No man can just guess it correctly."

* What exactly then is the point of your Bible?

The point is it is sealed till the day of redemption, the understanding of which has been witheld from man for a certain time.
That time is now, when at the return of Jesus as the son of man from heaven we are manifest with Him as the word revealed in flesh.
That Word in the bible is God, and the correct interpration is for Him and His children.
It is a glory He died for and can give it to He will.
No man can "take" it by any means.
He comes in this day to again be manifested in flesh, this time in a "many-membered" body of believers....the sons and daughters of God.
He is glorified IN His body....which is His to give.

Yes, many will come in that day....saying we did "this or that"....
And seven women will take hold of one man.....wanting to keep their own ways but take his name for thier reproach....."Christian".
And they will say.....give us of your oil.
You have to go and get it for yourself, ask the Father for revelation.
You won't find truth this day unless it is revealed to you from God.
Pray and ask Him for it, while He still may yet be found.
I can't give you this even if I want.....I'm not trying to be cryptic or difficult.
It's spiritually discerned.
All I can tell you is every single word of the bible is of God and is God.
The vision has been sealed and now it's unsealed,
It was only revealed in part, now it's revealed in it's fulness.
The kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms of our God.
Put under our feet,.....

What's the point of "your" bible....?

"Your" .....I'll take that as a compliment.
My Saviour suffered and died to bring me this salvation.
I only pray I can walk worthy of such an honor to call it mine.
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Quote Visitor:
“The point is it is sealed till the day of redemption, the understanding of which has been witheld from man for a certain time.

* So up and till today, no man can be redeemed by your god? What then is the point of your religion?

“That Word in the bible is God, and the correct interpration is for Him and His children.”

* If no one can be redeemed who are his children?

“You have to go and get it for yourself, ask the Father for revelation.
You won't find truth this day unless it is revealed to you from God.”

* This contradicts your quote up top. Unless of course, you are not a man?

“Pray and ask Him for it, while He still may yet be found.”

* You said it was sealed till the day of redemption. So which is it?

“I can't give you this even if I want.....I'm not trying to be cryptic or difficult.
It's spiritually discerned.
All I can tell you is every single word of the bible is of God and is God.”

* Is it sealed or not?

“I only pray I can walk worthy of such an honor to call it mine.”

* I feel your sincerity, yet struggle to understand what you are trying to say. If the understanding of the Bible has been purposely withheld, and yet people remain accountable, that seems like the ultimate set up.
I'm not sure if Woody's abandoned this thread, but I'm going to keep posting these questions until somebody answers them.

If the flood was truly global, why was the erosion so localised?

How did Noah gather all the thousands (millions?) of species for salvation, given that even now new species are still being discovered?

Where are the sediments associated with the flood? I don't mean vegetation.
I mean all clastic sediment from boulders to clay.

How did human and animal remains which pre-date the flood survive undisturbed in coastal caves?

How is it that unique ecosystems survived in lakes if they were all immersed?

It's impossible that a race could change so much. There is no similarity between a man and a snake. How/why did they change so much?

The serpents offspring can't become giants unless the serpents were giants.
stretched said:
Quote Visitor:
* I feel your sincerity, yet struggle to understand what you are trying to say. If the understanding of the Bible has been purposely withheld, and yet people remain accountable, that seems like the ultimate set up.

Thats a good point, but the bible itself adresses this.
He's infinite, He's omnipresent, and therefore He knows all things.
Because that's the way He predestinates us by foreknowledge, not because He desired that this person should be saved and this one lost.

But He knew who would be lost and who would be saved.
Therefore, by His foreknowledge He can predestinate.
And He makes everything work to His glory.
That's what His attributes are doing, displaying to His glory.
One vessel of honor and one of dishonor, but it's God that maketh it.
"Not him that willeth or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy"
"No man can come to Me," said Jesus, "except My Father draws him.
And all that the Father hath (past tense) given to Me, will come to Me," to the Word.
"As many as received Him, to them give He the power to become sons of God."
It's because their names were on the Book, He come to redeem what was on the Book.
In Revelation, we find out, when the Seals was opened, there was a Book. And Him that set upon the throne, God, had It in His right hand.
And there wasn't anyone, nobody in heaven, or in earth, or anywhere, was worthy to come take the Book, or to even to look on It.
John wept ... Because the whole Book of redemption was there.
John's name was on it too, and he wept because there was nobody that could touch It.
And then one of the elders come and said, "Weep not, John, for the Lion of the tribe of Juda has prevailed."
And John was looking around to find a lion, and out from behind the curtains come a Lamb, a Lamb that had been slain since before the foundation of the world.
Then He come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him, and called everything what was on that Book.
It's the complete Book of redemption. And this is It....The Bible.

As for it seeming "set-up".....

ROMANS 9:19-24

19) Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

20) Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed [it], Why hast thou made me thus?

21) Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

22) [What] if God, willing to shew [his] wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

23) And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

24) Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
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Laika said:

I'm sure you wouldn't make such a bold claim without palaeoclimate data to back it up, so how about a reference? A causal mechanism would be nice too, if you have one... and I hope it's better than "God did it!".

A casual mechanism....sure,
Your gonna like this.
God always works through man, when he said "Ill destroy the earth with water"....He let man do it.
Man destroyed the earth, with water, through man's use of nuclear weapons.
Only that time the world was like a terrarium, with so much more water held in vapor in the atmosphere.
The world was "knocked" off it's axis in relation to the sun, by a nuclear explosion on one side of the earth, large enough to cause it to move.
There had never been any rain....or clouds, the ground was watered by a mist.
They were scientifically advanced....the world today is to be just "as it was in the days of Noah"
Man was warned eating from the tree of knowledge would bring death.
The scriptures support this.
Science would support this if you don't let them draw all the conclusions for you.
The axis of the earth is at a 23% tilt, the poles have been in another area, Wolly mammoths found in solid ice with ferns still in thier mouth.
Giants' bones all over the globe have been "mis-placed" and filed away at museums and places like the Smithonian institute.
They don't fit with thier "evolution" theory....ect...
Bones of animals, dinosaurs included found as though drowned and floating...then concentrating into low lying areas as the water receded.
That dosen't fit with the "65 million years extinct" theory....
So many things don't goes beyond theory into the realm of "agenda":
What are they hiding from you...?and why...?
That's what I would be asking.
Let me get this straight.

Less than 10,000 years ago a nuclear explosion occurred on the surface of the Earth and it was large enough to change the planet's axis of rotation.

I have some questions about this.

Why would a nuclear explosion cause the Earth's axis to tilt?
Where is the evidence for this explosion? I'd imagine it'd leave quite a mark.
Why do water-deposited dinosaur bone assemblages contradict a 65 Ma extinction?
Visitor, the following questions (which I don't think Woody plans on addressing) still apply, if you'd like to answer them:

If the flood was truly global, why was the erosion so localised?

How did Noah gather all the thousands (millions?) of species for salvation, given that even now new species are still being discovered?

Where are the sediments associated with the flood? I don't mean vegetation.
I mean all clastic sediment from boulders to clay.

How did human and animal remains which pre-date the flood survive undisturbed in coastal caves?

How is it that unique ecosystems survived in lakes if they were all immersed?
c7ityi_ said:
visitor, where do you see the similarity between man and a serpent? and if the serpent was more human like before, how can it now be so different from us?

the serpent in the garden is a metaphor. the voice of the serpent (satan) is like the voice of god, the conscience.

Man is Two Faced, a double dealer, deals off the bottom of the deck,
talks out of both sides of his and her mouth, is duplicitous, Man speaks with a forked, Split, Tongue, Man is a low down dirty snake in the grass,
is guileful.

The voice of the serpent is Eve's Feminine Wile.

The Wile-fulness, the willfulness, the stubbornness of Imagination of Man's heart has caused Mankind to do Evil from his and her very Youth.
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Laika said:
Let me get this straight.

Less than 10,000 years ago a nuclear explosion occurred on the surface of the Earth and it was large enough to change the planet's axis of rotation.
They were much more advanced before the flood, than science wants you to know........The term is "science, hoary with age"

The truth about technological advancement has always been kept secret, it is power......what do you think they are playing with now......
Anti-matter power, anti-gravity.....Tesla was working on that almost 100 years ago.
Hydrogen fusion bombs were developed 50 years ago.....with 1000 times the power of the atom bomb.
The same spirits that gave the antideluvian the bomb, that revealed it in thier thinking...were at work again today.
It didn't take them long.
Read of the ancient war in India. (nuclear)....think of the power it took to create the pyramids...(perhaps nuclear, or anti-gravity)
The linage of Adam had 900+ year lifespans, but lived by faith......had the creative power of God available at their lips, only to speak it and if it was God's will it would be done.
"Jesus said, "Have faith in God. For if you say to this mountain 'Be moved,' and don't doubt it, it'll obey you."
Cains linage were the offspring of giant devil possessed beasts ....and with the inspiration of theses spirits, built cities...created technology and through their lack of faith in God and trusting in thier own might only.....weapons of war.
The two mixed and created an abomination.....
"Some fanatic got ahold of a bomb somewhere.....and blew it"

Where is the evidence for this explosion? I'd imagine it'd leave quite a mark.
Why do water-deposited dinosaur bone assemblages contradict a 65 Ma extinction?

Maybe the "mark" was washed over by the force 10 huricanes, the pole shifting, and a global flood that destroyed everything with water, covering the tallest mountain peaks for one year.
Areas that were once tropic zones are now under miles of ice at the poles.
That "mark" could be covered by ocean, ice, or just be a lake.....who knows.?
Project "Plowshare" in the 60's was going to use nukes to create a harbor in Alaska....had the plan all drawn up, but public outcry aborted it.

The jewish calender had 12 month of 30 days.
Thats 360 days even.
Theres 360 degrees in a perfect circle.
The earth now has a 23 degree tilt to the sun, seasons, 365 1\4 day orbit.....
Do the math.....
She was made perfect, set like a terrarium for Adam and Eve......a paradise.
Man destroyed it.
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Maybe the "mark" was washed over by the force 10 huricanes, the pole shifting, and a global flood that destroyed everything with water, covering the tallest mountain peaks for one year.
The scar from the Chicxulub impact is still detectable after 65,000,000 years, and that didn't even affect the Earth's rotation or orbit (as far as I know). You claim that the crater has been obscured by flood-related erosion or deposition. I would ideally like to see some examples of such processes which can be dated to within 10,000 years of the present day.