Noah's ark

spuriousmonkey said:
Getting scared I might pass you?
No, I know you will for some time now, just look at the statistics. :D
Hopefully not before I can sit on THE throne for a few days though. :mad:

You've been warned, my minions are tunneling below your palace as we speak.
Should you pass me before I pass tiassa it will be one monkey less on this rock.
:D j/k
The top of Mount Everest and other places used to be sea floor that was pushed up over millions of years.

The moon is about 4.5 billion years old.

Noah could not have survived a catastophic worldwide tidal surge, especially in such a large boat. Maybe with a life vest and a survival suit, or a tiny boat, or a submarine, but that's about it.

Large wooden boats designed without the benefit of modern hydrodynamic principles don't survive huge storms very well. Noah wasn't even a fisherman.
Woody, you lazy shit. I had to go through all your fucking links to find this as evidence:

Is there any physical evidence of a Great Flood?

Yes. William Scott Anderson, arrived at this theory independently and even before me. His research was published in 2001 in a book titled "Solving the Mystery of the Biblical Flood". One of the more interesting elements in his book is that he found a proxy in diatoms that support the theory of a Great Flood. Diatoms are a microorganism, a type of plankton that has a silicon shell, which are preserved as fossils. Mr. Anderson realized a global flood should have left a physical record in the geological strata of these tiny sea creatures. He analyzed the strata at the boundary of the end of the last ice age in the middle of the North American continent in Wisconsin and discovered the presence of ocean diatoms in the boundary layer. His book details his methodology and techniques. These details should allow others to scientifically test and validate his findings and spread this research across the entire globe.

So your evidence is that a crackpot found ocean diatoms in WISCONSIN!!!! I don't really know where to start with this fucked up fuck story. I will remind you of the fact that fucking wisconsin doesn't constitute the world. But I guess you have lost your ability to think critically a long time ago. If you ever had it.

I do have a scientific explanation why there are diatoms in wisconsin. There used to be a sea there. Not because there was a flood.

case solved.
spidergoat said:
The top of Mount Everest and other places used to be sea floor that was pushed up over millions of years.

The moon is about 4.5 billion years old.

Noah could not have survived a catastophic worldwide tidal surge, especially in such a large boat. Maybe with a life vest and a survival suit, or a tiny boat, or a submarine, but that's about it.

Large wooden boats designed without the benefit of modern hydrodynamic principles don't survive huge storms very well. Noah wasn't even a fisherman.

It was made from a type of wood that is like balsa wood containing air pockets, and was coated with tar or pitch inside and out.
It wouldn't sink if it were upside down full of water.
Get your facts straight before you bring your sorry mess to town boy...!
Your moon full of cheese and noah needing a life vest...
Get outta here!
I do have a scientific explanation why there are diatoms in wisconsin. There used to be a sea there. Not because there was a flood.

Case Solved

Having a sea there is not called a flood? OK

What do you think about Mt. Everest only being 1/10 th of 1 per cent of the world's diameter? Do you think the earth is a perfect sphere?

And the crust of the earth is supported by molten rock. How thick is the earth's crust at the thickest point, maybe 60 miles?

I will remind you of the fact that fucking wisconsin doesn't constitute the world. But I guess you have lost your ability to think critically a long time ago. If you ever had it.

Neither was the entire world at the edge of a glacier -- the sensible place to be looking.
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If the sea shells found on Everest were deposited by a flood, then we would find them everywhere, but they are only found in places where millions of years ago there used to be an ocean. Obviously, the "place" isn't exactly where it is now, relative to the poles.

Similarly, if there was a global flood, we would find minerals and sediments that originate all over the planet in a distinct layer in places where erosion or other geologic forces wouldn't disturb them, such as the 450,000 year old ice sheets in greenland, and the bottom of ocean plains.
Woody said:
Having a sea there is not called a flood? OK


And what's more, a flood is not a global flood. I know it is difficult for you believer types to understand these concepts, that apples are not pears, but if you are not under strain to grasp at straws the world is actually quite a diverse place.
OK, Visitor, so the boat wouldn't sink, but neither would it keep all those animals above water, many of whom could not swim. I bet the water was cold, too.
spuriousmonkey said:

And what's more, a flood is not a global flood. I know it is difficult for you believer types to understand these concepts, that apples are not pears, but if you are not under strain to grasp at straws the world is actually quite a diverse place.

Yeah, it's diverse alright...
There's nuts and fruitcakes and all kinds of atheists, and, guessing at their origins.
They believe in anything for truth without some kind of absolute to stand on.
They paint their stories, that always will be changin'...
Any color you like.
TheVisitor said:
It was made from a type of wood that is like balsa wood containing air pockets, and was coated with tar or pitch inside and out.
It wouldn't sink if it were upside down full of water.
If the pressure of the rain falling down snaps the wood in half, then, well, there's nothing left to float except loose boards, and the only things that would survive would mostly be in the terms of some mammals, some birds, and some reptiles. Most things would've drowned.
spuriousmonkey said:

And what's more, a flood is not a global flood. I know it is difficult for you believer types to understand these concepts, that apples are not pears, but if you are not under strain to grasp at straws the world is actually quite a diverse place.

As I said before, the flood or lack thereof is not a deal-breaker for me.

Now to address that jerk named Avatar:

I said:

99% of all species are now extinct.

Avatar responded:

99% of what?
Woody, you are a joke and not worth wasting time on you.
one more religious moron ignorelisted

Well what is a reasonable per centage of all species that are now extinct?

Is this really such a stupid statement?

That is why I am on his ignore list, and I don't figure he is worth listening to either -- all 11,000+ junk posts -- what's he shooting for, the most posts on sci-forums? It just proves he's got the biggest mouth -- that's all.
Hapsburg said:
If the pressure of the rain falling down snaps the wood in half, then, well, there's nothing left to float except loose boards, and the only things that would survive would mostly be in the terms of some mammals, some birds, and some reptiles. Most things would've drowned.

If the pressure of all the regrets snap the supports of your mind without anything of absolute truth to gird it up, theres nothing left of it but a drooling husk....and nothing of the host survives.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Okay, the ark was supposedly made from WOOD, correct? For rain to flood the world in the span of 40 days and nights, it would have to fall at a constant rate. That rate would have rain falling down as great velocity and at high pressure. The pressure of that much rain falling on those wooden planks would snap the damn things in half like a graham cracker. The boat would collapse and most things would die, if not from drowning, then from predatory sea creatures like sharks.
TheVisitor said:
If the pressure of all the regrets snap the supports of your mind without anything of absolute truth to gird it up, theres nothing left of it but a drooling husk....and nothing of the host survives.

a drooling husk -- Good one flying-V

like what's left after a spider has lunch.
Hapsburg said:
Okay, the ark was supposedly made from WOOD, correct? For rain to flood the world in the span of 40 days and nights, it would have to fall at a constant rate. That rate would have rain falling down as great velocity and at high pressure.The pressure of that much rain falling on those wooden planks would snap the damn things in half like a graham cracker. The boat would collapse and most things would die, if not from drowning, then from predatory sea creatures like sharks

14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
15 And this [is the fashion] which thou shalt make it [of]: The length of the ark [shall be] three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

Roughly the size of an aircraft carrier....
Gopher wood floats and it was pitched within and without...

The rain was the least of Noah's worries...
One of his sons or their wives brought something over that spawned unbelivers, and giants all over again.
And they obviously can type....
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Woody said:
"99% of all species are now extinct."

Is this really such a stupid statement?

Nope. It's estimated that 90%+ of all species that ever existed are extinct.

And millions of years ago the entire middle section of north america was an inland sea.