Noah's ark

spidergoat said:

I read it. It has some good details but I'm not real impressed. It dismisses the flood account by dismissing some specious creationists' arguments about fossils.

The talk-origin's page disputes a literalist's interpretation of Genesis that I don't even agree with, such as: the genesis timeline was over seven literal 24 hour "days."

I've read and re-read Genesis 1, and this interpretation (a literal 7 day) account is understandable from the reading, but not iron clad using only the bible as a reference.

For example: The sun wasn't created until day 4. As a result, we didn't have "day and night" until day 4. Yet Genesis speaks in terms of "evening and morning" starting from day 1.


How do you explain these points made by creationists:

1) Some volcanoes at ocean depths of several hundred feet show signs of severe erosion -- ie flat tops. They also have dead coral reefs that could not possibly exist at those depths because of insufficient sunlight.

2) Overthrusts of "older" geological strata for many miles from the transition edge -- what forces would cause that? Wouldn't a sedimentary model be better suited?

3) Tectonic forces that could result in relatively rapid movement of the earth's plates -- producing Mt. Everest, which has sea floor fossil evidence.

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Woody said:
The talk-origin's page disputes a literalist's interpretation of Genesis that I don't even agree with, such as: the genesis timeline was over seven literal 24 hour "days."

Then you agree that the bible is errant or mythological in origin?

How do you explain these points made by creationists:

Woody said:
1) Some volcanoes at ocean depths of several hundred feet show signs of severe erosion -- ie flat tops. They also have dead coral reefs that could not possibly exist at those depths because of insufficient sunlight.
Subsidence. This is a phenomenon that has been studied in detail with volcanic islands like Hawaii.
Woody said:
2) Overthrusts of younger geological strata for many miles from the transition edge -- what forces would cause that? Wouldn't a sedimentary model be better suited?
An example?
Woody said:
3) Tectonic forces that could result in relatively rapid movement of the earth's plates -- producing Mt. Everest, which has sea floor fossil evidence.
You call 66 million years rapid?
SkinWalker said:
Then you agree that the bible is errant or mythological in origin?

No. Where was the 24 hour literal day taken in latitude and longitude? If it were taken on the poles there would be no morning and evening. Odviously, when people use the earth as a reference time frame in Genesis it is not a very good one. Another example: evening and morning where? Evening on one side of the earth is morning on the other. The earth didn't even have a sun until day 4. So when someone takes this as a literal "24-hour day" it is their interpretation of what they read, not necessarily what the bible says.

How do you explain these points made by creationists:

Subsidence. This is a phenomenon that has been studied in detail with volcanic islands like Hawaii.

and the dead coral reefs several hundred feet below sea level?

You call 66 million years rapid?

No -- that is much slower than the phenomena I'm talking about:

It is used to explain the cambrian evolutionary life-burst, admittedly one of the weaker points in the slow-and-steady view of evolution:

PASADENA--Researchers at the California Institute of Technology think they have solved part of the mystery of the "evolutionary big bang" that occurred half a billion years ago. At that time, life on Earth underwent a profound diversification that saw the first appearance in the fossil record of virtually all animal phyla living today. With relative evolutionary rates of more than 20 times normal, nothing like it has occurred since. In a paper published in the July 25th issue of Science, the Caltech group reports that this evolutionary burst coincides with another apparently unique event in earth history--a 90-degree change in the direction of Earth's spin axis relative to the continents. Dr. Joseph Kirschvink, a geologist at Caltech and lead author of the study, speculates that a major reorganization of tectonic plates during latest Precambrian time changed the balance of mass within the Earth, triggering the reorientation. Thus, the regions that were previously at the north and south poles were relocated to the equator, and two antipodal points near the equator became the new poles.

Thus, true polar wander can result in land masses moving at rates hundreds of times faster than tectonic motion caused by convection.

A 90 degree change in the earth's rotational axis -- SkinWalker, would that be called catastropic? LOL

"This hypothesis relating abrupt changes in polar wander to evolutionary innovations could be tested in many ways," notes Kirschvink, "as there are some interesting events in the paleontological record during the following 200 million years which might have been triggered by similar processes. "There's lots of work to do."

Yes, there is a lot of work to do on catastrophic models that explain some of the earth's geological evidence. I agree with this Caltech geologist. ;)


Another Link with animation video.
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"Some say; "I don't care how many things you could produce; I still don't believe it."
"Certainly not. You're an unbeliever. It was not sent to unbelievers, sir; it was only sent to believers.
That's all the ones going to ever see it."
"A little while, and the world seeth Me no more (the unbeliever), but ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even to the consummation," the end of the time. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever... if He lives, won't He produce the same thing? Won't His Life produce as it did, if it's living in you?
Now unbeief,... just destroys the unbeliever.
And it did just that in the days of Noah.
Noah was a preacher of righteousness who heard the Word of the Lord and prepared an ark for the saving of his household. And what did he do while he prepared this ark? He preached to the unbelievers.
Now, Noah was a critical radic up to those unbelievers.
But the only thing their unbelief did was bring judgment on the earth.
And the very judgment that destroyed the unbeliever was the only means of saving Noah.
The very waters of judgment that destroyed the unbeliever was the thing that floated Noah's ark.
See? So it just destroys the unbeliever. It doesn't have nothing to do with God.
It don't stop Him. He goes on just the same. Yes, sir
Woody said:
No. Where was the 24 hour literal day taken in latitude and longitude? If it were taken on the poles there would be no morning and evening. Odviously, when people use the earth as a reference time frame in Genesis it is not a very good one. Another example: evening and morning where? Evening on one side of the earth is morning on the other. The earth didn't even have a sun until day 4. So when someone takes this as a literal "24-hour day" it is their interpretation of what they read, not what the bible says.

No human observer could have been present during the so-called "creation." Obviously, this is written by people who used their own frames of references and ignorances. A "day" was considered to be an a priori assumption and the fact that it was based upon the revolution of the Earth in relation to the Sun was not understood. Moreover, the Genesis myth has clear roots and origins in earlier Sumerian and Akaddian texts. The poets that borrowed from these myths and stories did not have the knowledge needed to properly order the events of "creation" and would not have understood that the Sun was a star and that a star would need be in place before planets could orbit and coalesce into solid objects.

Indeed, if the Genesis myth were written by humans, we might expect to see an anthropomorphic assignment of the Sun and Moon as rulers of day and night (Exodus 1:16).

Woody said:
and the dead coral reefs several hundred feet below sea level?

Subsidence (Grigg 1982; Ludwig 1991).

Woody said:
It is used to explain the cambrian evolutionary life-burst, admittedly one of the weaker points in the slow-and-steady view of evolution:

The Cambrian only 'seems' to be a "life-burst" because of the limited availability of data due to time and geologic change. Fossil remains in the oldest strata aren't as well represented as they are in the more recent. Only a few outcrops of Cambrian or earlier strata are available compared to the number of Cretaceous strata for example. Also, the organisms of the earliest periods were less robust and smaller, making their survival in the fossil record more difficult. Even with more recent organisms of the Oligocene, paleontologists count themselves lucky to find mandibles or joints. Organisms that fossilize do so under just the right conditions. The creationist nutters, however, love to cite the Cambrian as a "problem" for evolution, though they only betray their limited educations and ingnorances when they do so.

Woody said:
A 90 degree change in the earth's rotational axis -- SkinWalker, would that be called catastropic?

I think you should actually seek an education before you dive into these kinds of discussions, Woody. It only makes you look as though your "engineering" degree was obtained through a diploma mill. Surely your institution of higher learning required at least some basic instruction in the sciences to certify you as an "engineer." Or, perhaps, you are the type of "engineer" that secures the tickets of passengers and occasionally blows his whistle at appropriate crossings?

The case for True Polar Wander made by Kirschvink et al (1997) hasn't been demonstrated. Indeed, there is a bit of disagreement, partially because the data sets used were incomplete and faulty (Torsvik et al 1998). When evidence for TPW is found in one location, it isn't supported in other paleomagnetic examinations of the same period elsewhere in the world. If TPW were truly at work, this global phenomenon would be evident in other places (Cottrell et al 2000). Certainly, there is no evidence yet for a 90 degree shift in the true poles. There is ample evidence for virtual polar wander, but real, verifiable evidence for true polar wander is lacking. It doesn't mean it isn't a real phenomenon, it simply isn't verified.

Woody said:
Yes, there is a lot of work to do on catastrophic models that explain some of the earth's geological evidence. I agree with this Caltech geologist.

Yes, it is endlessly fascinating this tendency for creationist nutters to cherry pick their science.


Chen, J.-Y. et al. (2000). Precambrian animal diversity: Putative phosphatized embryos from the Doushantuo Formation of China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 97(9), pp. 4457-4462.

Chen, J.-Y. et al. (2004). Small bilaterian fossils from 40 to 55 million years before the Cambrian. Science 305, pp. 218-222.

Cottrell, R.D. et al (2000). Late Cretaceous True Polar Wander: Not So Fast. Science 288(5475), p. 2283a

Grigg, R. W. (1982). Darwin Point, a threshold for atoll formation. Coral Reefs vol 1, pp. 29-34

Kirschvink, J.L, et al (1997).Evidence for a Large-Scale Reorganization of Early Cambrian Continental Masses by Inertial Interchange True Polar Wander Science 277(5325), pp. 541-545.

Ludwig, K.R. et al (1991) Crustal subsidence rate off Hawaii determined from 234 U/ 238 U ages of drowned coral reefs .Geology, 19(2) pp. 171-174

Torsvik, T.H. et al (1998). Polar Wander and the Cambrian. Science, Science 279(5347).9a
Just an interesting thought.

If the tallest mountain were 10,000 meters (Everest is only 8800m) and it lost 1mm every year due to erosion, it would take "only" 10,000 / .001 = 10 million years to grind it down to nothing. This is less than 1/450th of the age of the earth. The tallest mountains coud be raised at the same rate or much faster. It's easy to see how ocean bottoms could, in the geological blink of an eye, become mountain tops and then dissappear just as "quickly". Makes ya think... How many "Everests" or even larger mountains have existed, possibly hundreds of times over the life of the earth?
Some questions about this story:
- Did people at time of dinosaurs live for as long as 1000 years?
- Is 450feet long ark enough to hold all these creatures?
- Why was God so mad at everyone? Did they mess with his beard?
- Did Noah clean the shit of all the creatures?
- Was King kong on board?
To put this all to rest....the "Flood" was caused by a major axis change to the tilt of the Earth in relation to the sun. This caused the condensation of previous water vapor levels to make the amount of rain needed.
I'm sure you wouldn't make such a bold claim without palaeoclimate data to back it up, so how about a reference? A causal mechanism would be nice too, if you have one... and I hope it's better than "God did it!".

How about Woody's theory: A large planet passed very close to the earth almost 7,500 years ago -- causing a catastrophic tidal surge that flooded half of the earth. After the planet passed by -- the other half of the earth was flooded to the depth of 15 cubits as the water surged back-- so that all the world was flooded for many weeks but not at exactly the same time. So an ocean going vessel was a necessity for some 35,000 types of animals.
The earth didn't even have to collide to cause a flood of global proportions with my theory, and hence it is more credible than a planetary collision causing the moon to form -- because that would be more catastrophic.
It rained some too because of the atmospheric pressure changes, and the earth lost part of it's atmosphere so the seasons would be more temperate as they are today -- this helped get rid of some of the surplus water too which resulted from the fountains of the deep bursting open from the gravitational pull of the other planet. Hence the earth now has less water content than other space matter, and now we have comets as a result to proove the theory.
If Noah hadn't been shut up in that big boat of his without any windows, he would have seen the whole thing so he could pass it on to Moses.
You gotta admit -- it's a pretty clever and orginal idea by moi.
In case you're not being tongue-in-cheek, I must say that, no, it is not a clever idea. Catastrophic impacts were common in the Solar System's early history - just look at the Moon. One thing the Solar System is noted for nowadays, however, is the order displayed by its planet-sized constituents. Why might you suppose a planet came zooming by 7500 years ago? Where did it come from and where did it go?

I also have some other questions about the flood.

If the flood was truly global, why was the erosion so localised?

How did Noah gather all the thousands (millions?) of species for salvation, given that even now new species are still being discovered?

Where are the sediments associated with the flood? I don't mean vegetation.
I mean all clastic sediment from boulders to clay.

How did human and animal remains which pre-date the flood survive undisturbed in coastal caves?

How is it that unique ecosystems survived in lakes if they were all immersed?
Mythbuster said:
- Did people at time of dinosaurs live for as long as 1000 years?

i'm not sure if there were people at that time. but a long time ago, people lived longer lives and they were also greater in size. even today, some yogi people live 200 years.

- Is 450feet long ark enough to hold all these creatures?

don't take it too literally.

- Why was God so mad at everyone? Did they mess with his beard?

a highly developed and a primitive human race had children so the children became bad black magicians, they did much evil with their power. because they did not respect the divine powers, the powers turned against them and destroyed a great continent and caused the flood. today, you can only see a great desert there, which once was a paradise.

though you could also say that god got angry cuz people were evil.
Muslim said:
It was not a Global Flood thats why duhhh! it just most of the humans lived in the region that was flooded at the time, one humans lived outside that area. When it says Global it means more on a hypothetical term. Why are you trying to convert everyone to Atheism? why do you come and force this crap down everyone? why are you Atheist intolerant?

took the words out of my mouth, Bible is not a work of fact and not to be taken 'literally' who said it was?
The moon is covered in impact craters from meteor strikes, yet I don’t think there is any record of a meteoroid hitting the moon in recorded history.
So my point is if we haven’t seen any meteor hits in the last few thousand years wouldn’t it mean the moon is a lot older then 6000 years.

A possible counter argument would be that all the meteors hit in the first thousand years before the flood but with out a good reason for the change in the number of meteor hits this argument doesn’t make much sense.
c7ityi_ said:
i'm not sure if there were people at that time. but a long time ago, people lived longer lives and they were also greater in size. even today, some yogi people live 200 years.
Bullshit. The longest human age ever recorded was 122 years old.
What's more, people of those ancient times were far more susceptible to disease and infection than we are, due to a much poorer understanding of medical technology then. The average lifespan was around 36-45 years. There were very, very, few people who ever lived to centenarian ages, and they were mostly in positions of power and were incredibly wealthy, and could afford better medical treatment.
Hapsburg said:
Bullshit. The longest human age ever recorded was 122 years old.
What's more, people of those ancient times were far more susceptible to disease and infection than we are, due to a much poorer understanding of medical technology then. The average lifespan was around 36-45 years. There were very, very, few people who ever lived to centenarian ages, and they were mostly in positions of power and were incredibly wealthy, and could afford better medical treatment.

Can you prove this? I mean really? After all the evidence would be burried under plenty of sediment.
Ricky Houy said:
Can you prove this? I mean really? After all the evidence would be burried under plenty of sediment.
Says the oldest person was 122 years, 164 days old.
Wikipedia said:
Though ancient demographics are biased in favor of wealthy or powerful individuals rather than the ordinary person, it is unscientific to suggest that "ordinary persons" lived longer
Wiki says that it was not impossible, but very, very rare for people to live beyond 100 years, and those were usually powerful and wealthy individuals.

Wikipedia is never wrong.
Hapsburg said:
Bullshit. The longest human age ever recorded was 122 years old.
What's more, people of those ancient times were far more susceptible to disease and infection than we are, due to a much poorer understanding of medical technology then. The average lifespan was around 36-45 years. There were very, very, few people who ever lived to centenarian ages, and they were mostly in positions of power and were incredibly wealthy, and could afford better medical treatment.

In ancient times, certain people, called the sons of god, had greater understanding of diseases than what we have now.

But at the same time, there was another race on earth, called the sons of men, who were much more primitive. Their lives were short and their understanding was low, yet they always thought they knew best.

The sons of god had developed instruments which could heal every disease, and the sons of men often came to them when they needed to be cured.

Wikipedia is never wrong.

That's what Christians say about their Bible.
Why do you think oceans are so deep and we have folded mountain ranges. This is defintly from a large amount of water. Mountains were not needed for rain in the pre-flood time they were formed after. The upper part of Mt Everest is composed of fossils and water deposited layers.
Darknight1996 said:
Why do you think oceans are so deep and we have folded mountain ranges. This is defintly from a large amount of water. Mountains were not needed for rain in the pre-flood time they were formed after. The upper part of Mt Everest is composed of fossils and water deposited layers.

A large amount of water causes the great depth of the oceans? Surely not! :)

Folded mountain ranges form by tectonic convergence, whether they are needed or not. The Himalayas are an example. Marine sedimentary rocks are found on Everest because of just such tectonic uplift.
c7ityi_ said:
The sons of god had developed instruments which could heal every disease, and the sons of men often came to them when they needed to be cured.
I doubt this very much, considering that pennicilin was not discovered until the turn of the 19th century.

That's what Christians say about their Bible.
Yeah, but the bible is just an storybook written by a bunch of drunks and fanatics who were most likely hallucinating, whose claims are utterly unsubstantiated and unconfirmed. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, a source of actual knowledge, confirmed and cited by hundreds of people.