Noah's ark

of course, it's hard to accept creationists and religion, but it's easy to accept things like the big bang theory?

matter cannot be created nor destroyed, right? where the matter/energy from the big bang originate from? energy just appeared out of nowhere? the big bang started with a super small particle that exploded to form "everything", right? where did that super small particle come from? it just appeared one day and decided, "hey, i'm going to explode and create everything!"?

yeah lots of sticky details.

Yes, lots of sticky details. Have you ever really thought about how absurd the ark story is? If not, read my list of questions carefully. Discuss them with your Creationist friends.

I have some questions for you? What is the manmade structure that is on the northeast face of mount ararat at about 14,000 feet in elevation, partially buried in a glacier.

Which manmade structure are you referring to?

What do scientists think it is? Surely somebody must have an idea...

It has been sited on various air flights when the weather is right. Also satellite photos.

And nobody has taken a closer look?

Why are the CIA satellite photographs of Mt. Ararat classified information?

I don't know. How do you know such photos exist, if they are classified?

How difficult would it be to excavate an archaelogical find at this location given the terrain, the weather, the unstable political climate, and the religion clashes over a find that would be "owned" by 3 religions?

I don't know. You tell me.
of course, it's hard to accept creationists and religion, but it's easy to accept things like the big bang theory?

No, it's hard to accept the big bang theory. We accept it because all the available scientific evidence supports it. On the other hand, there's no evidence which supports creationism, and much evidence against it.

matter cannot be created nor destroyed, right?

Wrong. Matter and energy can be changed one into the other, according to E=mc<sup>2</sup>.

where the matter/energy from the big bang originate from? energy just appeared out of nowhere?

We don't know where all the energy came from, for sure. There are a number of physical theories about where it might have come from.

The fact that not everything is known is not a problem for science. There will always be things we don't know about our universe. Gradually, we chip away at the things we don't know, and learn more.

Not knowing is only a problem for Religion, which claims to already have all the answers.

the big bang started with a super small particle that exploded to form "everything", right? where did that super small particle come from? it just appeared one day and decided, "hey, i'm going to explode and create everything!"?

It's quite a bit more complicated than a "super small particle".

But yes, it is quite possible that it just appeared one day. We know, for example, that even in a pure vacuum there are constant energy fluctuations which can create particles out of nothing for a short time.
30. Kuru is a disease from the New Guinea highlands, which only cannibals can get by eating a person's brains. Which of Noah's family ate somebody's brains to ensure the survival of that disease?

30. Kuru is a disease from the New Guinea highlands, which only cannibals can get by eating a person's brains. Which of Noah's family ate somebody's brains to ensure the survival of that disease?
Woody said:
They supposedly came back from seeds.

Ark: Noah's Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, a chest of box, Pandora's
Box, the Holy Ark, the Holy Grail, the Vessel that holds the Seed
the spirit, the Nature of all living things, Reality, the Spirit, the Nature,
the Way, of God, the Single True Nature of the Universe which in innate
to the Reality of Everything, the animate and the inanimate.

Ark is a perversion of the Word Arch; a combining form meaning “chief, leader, ruler,”
From Source:

The theory of a past ice age, which initially had been rejected by many leading geologists, was not new to many Alpine naturalists. But it was slow in gaining general acceptance by the profession, especially against the ingrained concept of the “Great Flood,” which could explain so many of the features Agassiz ascribed to ice action

So the Great Flood seemed to explain a lot of geological features of the earth.


Perhaps Noah's Arc should be called the "great ice flood."
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And I take it that this flood is presumed by some to be the agent behind the origin of such formations as the Grand Canyon and Washington's Channeled Scablands?
So again, Woody, where is the debris that would have littered the ocean floor all over the world?
James R said:

The fact that not everything is known is not a problem for science. There will always be things we don't know about our universe. Gradually, we chip away at the things we don't know, and learn more.

Woody's word substitutions:

The fact that not everything is known is not a problem for true believers. There will always be things we don't know about our universe even things that seemingly contradict a natural explanation. Gradually, we chip away at the things we don't understand, and learn to accept them by faith.
So Woody, are you saying that a true believer shouldn't enquire as to why the flood water was so selective in where it left its mark, and why - as highlighted by Spidergoat - a global layer of marine sediment was not deposited?
spidergoat said:
So again, Woody, where is the debris that would have littered the ocean floor all over the world?

I've already answered that one in the post about the Black Sea (on this particular thread series). The vegetation you are looking for is found where a lack of oxygen has allowed it to remain (as in the Black Sea).

My quote from the source:

Archaeologists have long been interested in the Black Sea, because its waters are anoxic – lacking in oxygen – below a depth of 500 feet. In theory, organic material that shipworms quickly gobble elsewhere would lie untouched in the Black Sea’s sterile depths. Later this month Ballard plans the first-ever exploration of the Black Sea floor.

This came from the Black Sea Project Link
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Woody said:
Woody's word substitutions:

The fact that not everything is known is not a problem for true believers. There will always be things we don't know about our universe even things that seemingly contradict a natural explanation. Gradually, we chip away at the things we don't understand, and learn to accept them by faith.
Woody, you do understand that this makes you a self-professed professional ignoramus, don't you?

Gradually, we chip away at the things we don't understand, and learn to accept them by faith.
SL's word substitutions:

As "True Believers<sup>TM</sup>", we learn to fear and dismiss the things we don't understand, and in our lazyness, roll over like beaten dogs and accept them by faith.
Woody said:
Ballard found the Titanic.

Woody, marine sediment world wide?

An asteroid hit 65 million years ago and left a teeny tiny layer of iridium. This flood of yours would have been far worse and it happened only yesterday, geologically speaking. Evidence please?