Noah's ark

SkinWalker said:
Here's what I think.

This is according to geologists. Saying that it is "according [to] evolutionists" is implying that they had a conclusion and then sought data to support it. Only religious nutters like creationists work in this manner.

Did a creationist come up with Piltdown man?

Skinwalker and his prejudices -- two peas in a pod.
woody said:
I have some questions for you? What is the manmade structure that is on the northeast face of mount ararat at about 14,000 feet in elevation, partially buried in a glacier. It has been sited on various air flights when the weather is right. Also satellite photos.

Why are the CIA satellite photographs of Mt. Ararat classified information?

You sound just like the UFO nutters that go on about government conspiracies to suppress knowledge of space aliens. Do you wear a tin-foil hat, too, Woody?

Where's the evidence that there is a man-made object on Mt. Ararat? Why would anything have been expected to survive, structurally, in all these thousands of years?
Woody said:
Did a creationist come up with Piltdown man?

It was antiquarian hoaxers. Science debunked Piltdown, a 19th century hoax. Just as science debunks creationist nonsense.

Skinwalker and his prejudices -- two peas in a pod.

There's no prejudice, Woody. Simply objectivity. Unlike you, my opinions are subject to revision should evidence be produced to change them. I, like most who accept science instead of reject it, form conclusions based on evidence. Religious nutters and the like work the other way: they form evidence based on conclusions.

Your honesty is what is in question more than your beliefs.

I ask again: where's the evidence that there is a man-made structure on Mt Ararat?
I ask you the same question as JamesR -- what's the object spotted on Mt. Ararat? Maybe its not the ark but what is it?

Well, if I were to be honest, I would have to say that the object is... well, an unknown object - until such time where what that object actually is could be verified. You talk about agendas, but what is it when a man claims something is a particular thing before being able to justify that claim?

Satellite images are vastly unreliable.. For decades people thought the face on mars was actually an alien-made face. Shows you the worthlessness of unjustifiable claims.
the bible was written by a man who was teling a story,

why dont we all go and start debating about weather or not all the story books of old are not real,

ofcourse its not real its a storybook, a philosophy book of metaphores, you dont see all the chinese population believing in all of the myths atleast they take it as philosophy and metaphore.

watch out the dragon is comming earthquake alert. no the dragon that flys through the buildings and over the mountains is the wind,

but snake, all of the scientists do the same, thats bieng a hypocrite if i have to be honest, scientists believe "unconfirmed truths" (thanks QQ i will use that alot) alot of the time,

the bible was written by a man who was teling a story,
No, it was written by many men and many of the stories are mythological, i.e., with no one author.
Avatar said:
No, it was written by many men and many of the stories are mythological, i.e., with no one author.

sorry your correct,

60 different scripts were in the bible right? and ok not a single story but still, many stories,

a mythological philosophy or metaphore is a story to me, maybe because i enjoy reading them,

yeah but for adults, i havent seen many little kids understand the bible when reading it,
Funny you should say so. At least 90% of adults don't understand it too.
It's a mythology of another age, another place and entirely another people with world view not compatible with current knowledge.
To even begin to understand the bible you have to be a little bit of a historian and anthropologist first.
You have to look on the little things: like distribution of food, methods of farming, etc., things that nobody found the need to exaggerate or censor. But, of course, bible is a lot better source to study cultural history than factual history.
SkinWalker said:
You sound just like the UFO nutters that go on about government conspiracies to suppress knowledge of space aliens. Do you wear a tin-foil hat, too, Woody?

Where's the evidence that there is a man-made object on Mt. Ararat? Why would anything have been expected to survive, structurally, in all these thousands of years?

yeah I figured you'd say something like that. Sounds like Skinny in true form.

I ask again: where's the evidence that there is a man-made structure on Mt Ararat?

Check out my next thread. Be ready to watch some long videos -- I hope it doesn't put you to sleep like a bedtime story.

next thread on the ark
Woody said:
Creationists make the same argument about the absense of river sediments in the ocean floor. Assuming the earth is indeed 4 billion years old, where is all the sediment from the soil erosion that ran off of the continents? as you say -- not there.

If you answer that question then you probably counter your own point about Noah's flood.
It forms what are known as river deltas. In many places, it builds up on the ocean floor. Often, due to continental drift, it gets pushed above sea level to become land again.
With all the methane produced by the tons of manure, how did Noah and his family tend to the animals on the lower decks and during the night, when natural light wouldn't be available? Any type of lamp or torch used for lighting would've blown the entire ark into bits because of the explosive amounts of the highly flammable methane gas.
The bible gives the measurements for the ark doesn't it? If we calculated the aprroximate volume of two of every animal on earth, compared to the volume of the ark, I'm pretty damn sure that there's no way there was enough room for every animal to live on that thing. Also, at the time the bible was written, noone had any idea the Americas existed. How did all the animals get there? I could go on, but i think it's already been proven several times over that the story's a load of bull.

*edit* ...But then, just about every phrase in the bible's been proven a load of bull several times over, but that doesn't stop the millions of people who live by it.