Noah's ark

superluminal said:
Woody, marine sediment world wide?

This flood of yours would have been far worse and it happened only yesterday, geologically speaking. Evidence please?

Sorry to jump in out of no where. But no, it didn't happen just "yesturday".

The flood would have tooken place, around the same amount of time back, as it did to repopulate the Earth. Which isn't an overnight process.

It is damn near impossible for it to happen in a recent amount of time. It would take thousands upon thousands of years to repopulate the earth, after such a great flood.

To who is demanding proof. Why don't you tell us how we find the proof. How can we find out about a flood, so long ago. We don't even have an accurate time line of when it happened. It's more like finding a needle in a hay stack. But are you denying that the earth has ever had a great flood? Then how did water get on the earth? Wasn't that a great flood. I believe that last theory i heard on it was, something about thousands of years of rain. From volcanic activity. I can't really remember what the direct cause was. But purely having water on Earth is a good evidence of a flood.
superluminal said:
Woody, marine sediment world wide?

An asteroid hit 65 million years ago and left a teeny tiny layer of iridium. This flood of yours would have been far worse and it happened only yesterday, geologically speaking. Evidence please?

It's not "my" flood. There are evidences of water lines in North America and Europe that agree. There are mountain tops that have evidences of marine life on them, including Mt. Everest. The surface of the earth is quite smooth when you compare it to the earth's diameter. All life is living within plus or minus 5 miles of sea level, and the earth is almost 4,000 miles in diameter.

In all the theories of the earth's origin there are some pretty farfetched ideas that are accepted as science such as: the earth collided with a large planet which knocked away the earth's moon and a lot of the earth's atmosphere.

How about Woody's theory: A large planet passed very close to the earth almost 7,500 years ago -- causing a catastrophic tidal surge that flooded half of the earth. After the planet passed by -- the other half of the earth was flooded to the depth of 15 cubits as the water surged back-- so that all the world was flooded for many weeks but not at exactly the same time. So an ocean going vessel was a necessity for some 35,000 types of animals.

The earth didn't even have to collide to cause a flood of global proportions with my theory, and hence it is more credible than a planetary collision causing the moon to form -- because that would be more catastrophic.

It rained some too because of the atmospheric pressure changes, and the earth lost part of it's atmosphere so the seasons would be more temperate as they are today -- this helped get rid of some of the surplus water too which resulted from the fountains of the deep bursting open from the gravitational pull of the other planet. Hence the earth now has less water content than other space matter, and now we have comets as a result to proove the theory.

If Noah hadn't been shut up in that big boat of his without any windows, he would have seen the whole thing so he could pass it on to Moses.

You gotta admit -- it's a pretty clever and orginal idea by moi. ;)
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superluminal said:
Woody, marine sediment world wide?

An asteroid hit 65 million years ago and left a teeny tiny layer of iridium. This flood of yours would have been far worse and it happened only yesterday, geologically speaking. Evidence please?

grand canyon and sahara... must be evidence of the flood.

the asteroid is just a theory... and a stupid theory too.
"But purely having water on Earth is a good evidence of a flood."

* Oh, boy.
"The insanity. It's so depressing."

* Keep your chin up Cotton, never mind the flood, I think we`ve found the missing link! :D
Well maybe my theory isn't as orginal as I thought. It is credited for the geology on the planet Mars, and the lack of water on its surface.


answer: Planet V did it.
spuriousmonkey said:
And how is a comet impact going to flood the earth for the duration of a year by means of raining?

Grasping at straws?

Comets are made of ice that melts.

Here is the comet link again.

Regardless of what M/B says the link works just fine. There is a horrendous amount of information there. The web site was established Feb 27, 2006.

Here is the physical theory on how the mechanics work.

Comet Induced Worldwide Flood

from the source:

A large comet or asteroid impact in a glacier ice sheet produced the Biblical Great Flood which brought the last Ice Age to an abrupt and sudden end.

There have been several comet incidents in the past 20,000 years that have been evaluated from polar ice-core samples. They resulted in de-glaciation events but none of them as spectacular as the one that ended the last ice age around 9,600 years ago.

9600 BC de-glaciation

The Golden Age Project

From the source:

THE BIBLICAL flood, a central tenet of three of the world’s great religions, was nothing to do with divine wrath: the real cause was a giant comet that hit Earth, according to new research.

Perhaps SkinWalker would like to comment on this claim:

Is the Great Flood Story limited to just the Genesis account in the Bible and Plato’s history of the destruction of Atlantis?

No. Stories of the Great Flood are almost universal among the civilizations on Earth. Anthropologists who study legends and folktales from different geographical locations (China, Babylon, Mexico, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Persia, India, Norway, Wales, Ireland, Indonesia, Romania, Mexico, Peru, Australia, Greece, Tanzania etc.) and cultures consistently have reported one particular group of legends that is common to practically every civilization, the story of the Great Flood. Historians estimate that these legends number into the hundreds. In 95% of the stories, the flood was worldwide; in 88%, a certain family was favored; in 70%, survival was by means of a boat; in 67% animals were also saved; in 66% the flood was due to the wickedness of man; in 66% the survivors had been forewarned; in 57% they ended up on a mountain; in 35% birds were sent out from the boat; and in 9% exactly eight people were spared. The reality of a global Great Flood event is supported by the universal nature of these accounts.

Is there any physical evidence of a Great Flood?

Yes. William Scott Anderson, arrived at this theory independently and even before me. His research was published in 2001 in a book titled "Solving the Mystery of the Biblical Flood". One of the more interesting elements in his book is that he found a proxy in diatoms that support the theory of a Great Flood. Diatoms are a microorganism, a type of plankton that has a silicon shell, which are preserved as fossils. Mr. Anderson realized a global flood should have left a physical record in the geological strata of these tiny sea creatures. He analyzed the strata at the boundary of the end of the last ice age in the middle of the North American continent in Wisconsin and discovered the presence of ocean diatoms in the boundary layer. His book details his methodology and techniques. These details should allow others to scientifically test and validate his findings and spread this research across the entire globe.

Of course, Great Flood Science is in its infancy. Most of these resources are very new on the scenes. Some of them have religion overtones, and some odviously don't.
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The only ice sheet that could effect sea levels is the antartic ice sheet.

Shame it is still there and undisturbed. And it couldn't raise sea levels enough to make mountains go underneath the sea level.

Once again Noah's ark story has been proven to be bullshit.

Are you now moving blindly to another detail disregarding the fact that already many parts of the noah's ark story have been disproven?
Just put him in your ignore list. That creature has no logic capabilities at all.
Honestly, I don't know why are you talking with Woody, there's nothing in it for you to gain except the post count. :p
spuriousmonkey said:
The only ice sheet that could effect sea levels is the antartic ice sheet.

Shame it is still there and undisturbed. And it couldn't raise sea levels enough to make mountains go underneath the sea level.

Once again Noah's ark story has been proven to be bullshit.

Are you now moving blindly to another detail disregarding the fact that already many parts of the noah's ark story have been disproven?

How about ocean diatoms found at the edge of the Wisconson glacier? What's your scientific explanation on how they got there?
Avatar said:
Just put him in your ignore list. That creature has no logic capabilities at all.
Honestly, I don't know why are you talking with Woody, there's nothing in it for you to gain except the post count. :p

Well if it isn't the eye of horus. He put me on his ignore list because he was absolutely wrong with his false charges. Should I pull up the thread to show everyone?