"No Masturbation or Porn for you!?"

MacGyver why would they bother?

It goes deeper than that. It has to do with control in the political sence. Pre roman catholic church sex was a form of worship. This didnt sit well with the emporer of rome who wanted ALL power for himself. If people could just have sex to talk to god what would be the point of priests and the church. This would lessen his power over "his" people so he made sex something dirty and demonised all the fertility symbols

Look at the symbol of satan, it bares a remarkable resemblance to the greek male fertility god. The word HORNY comes from the horns on that god (he was half goat if i rember correctly)

how interesting, that god is pan.

by making something as desirable as sex a reason (of great importance within certain circles) to go to church, they're dragging a lot more people into religion. within catholicism, to maintain your social standing and the love of god, the child needs to receive a variety of blessings at specific ages. they force you to keep coming, or coming back, so they keep getting chances to brainwash you, and fill the collection plate.
Here you go again! What's wrong with a little visual stimulation?
:eek: Now that's unreasonable. If you want to get married, and you're having a kid (actually, kids) together, why wait a year and a half? Get married immediately. Twins are often premature. No one may be the wiser.

One great thing about Christianity is that if you repent, you're forgiven. So get married right away to give those twins a father, and get back to knockin' boots with a clean slate. It's not a sin anymore once you're married.

Unless you don't want to marry her, but if you do, do it now. Problem solved.

Long story but im not marrying anybody for around 1 and a half years, and the whole no sexual business won't didn't last long. But now I kind of want to go without aswell for myself, also I want to respect what I think she wants deep down. Plus I think it's sexy when she wants to but tries to resist temptations.

if that was the case then sex and the female body especially wouldnt be demonised. The church would be promoting sex yet it doesnt its made it a dirty thing from word go. As i said you used to go into church and have sex with the priestess to reach god (women didnt need to do this because it was belived they had the divine in them, ie the ability to create new life). How does a MALE based church get power when all the power is in the hands of the females? they take away there power by making sex something dirty.

Even the word PROSITUE is derived from the word which ment "priestess"
I know that issue sets you off. Just having a bit of fun. I came across a picture and thought of a comment you made once about cabbage:

HA! You trouble maker :p Yeah I remember saying something about hating cabbage and you did too. Then I said something directed to you about I bet you would eat if off a hot chick or something like that....don't remember. Gotta look that up.

BTW: she must be standing on a bar stool or something, she looks about 8 ft tall.
....Oh and on the first bit of your comment who the fuck asked you wether she belives the truth, as she knows how much money is in my bank accounts (she can access them the same as i can after all and does whenever she needs money) she knows im not lying when i say i HAVE no money to spend on it.

MacGyver why would they bother?

It goes deeper than that. It has to do with control in the political sence. Pre roman catholic church sex was a form of worship. This didnt sit well with the emporer of rome who wanted ALL power for himself. If people could just have sex to talk to god what would be the point of priests and the church. This would lessen his power over "his" people so he made sex something dirty and demonised all the fertility symbols

Look at the symbol of satan, it bares a remarkable resemblance to the greek male fertility god. The word HORNY comes from the horns on that god (he was half goat if i rember correctly)

You are taking things too seriously. I read some of that post in amazement and your perspective is quite unique. Do you have sources or is this a philosophical assessment?
there is a documentry by the people dan brown used as sources for the De Vinc code. Its quite facinating, these are not fiction writers but rather anthropologists and archiologists. Not sure if i belive everything they theorise but some of it is just to compelling to not be taken seriously. It also matches with some of the other stuff i have watched or read like a show on the ABC called umm real achology? i think, anyway its hosted by the guy who plays baldric it went through some pagen fertility rights and other things perferial to this subject which back up the pre catholic church religions. Then there was another documentry on the nostic gospal of jeudus and tomos which again adds to the puzzle.

There are alot of other things i as well but i dont have a compleate source list because to be honest i never thought anyone would be that interested. Its not my area of experties but rather an area of interest as an ex catholic.

I mean did you know that consintine wasnt baptised until he was on his death bed and even then it was against his will? If this is the case why was he so involved in the church if he had no belife in its teachings?
No more porn for you because I think you are playing with yourself right now. Seriously though it sounds like you dont have any sources except those in your head.
your free to belive that or your free to actually watch the documentry. I really could care less
In your opinion as a slave to the church of course you think i dont:)

As i said its not that hard to check my main source
Everyone knows about Constantine because it is no secret, your story is laughable. Are you thinking of Charles Darwin? It is easy to confuse them.
i told you already, watch the documentry called "behind the DeVinci code"
Then start reading those authors books

You can make up your own mind what fits:)
hate to tell you this but the bible is the biggest selling work of fiction ever produced. These people are actual scientists who go out and do REAL rescurch.

In the end if you want to walk around blinded by your servitude go ahead. Just dont let it drift into your political arguments because thats where i will stop being so nice, because the my sympathy for the way the church was delt with by the romans ended where they started to be the abusers, Ie the middle ages. Since that time the chuch has done nothing for humanity but try to control them simply to centralise its OWN power
In the end if you want to walk around blinded by your servitude go ahead. Just dont let it drift into your political arguments because thats where i will stop being so nice

Exactly what are you talking about?
a music video?
thats all you can put up against the resurch done by scientists?

Wow that put me in my place:rolleyes: