"No Masturbation or Porn for you!?"

Hello Everyone,

I would need some advice on an issue. My girlfriend (23) does not what to engage in any sexual activity before marriage because of her religious conviction, which frustrates me (25). I myself, don't want to have sex yet but i would not mind to engage in some petting/mutual masturbation. She also does not want me to masturbate by myself.

I threw away all of my porn,fetish materials in the process of keeping her. I can understand that in the process of making porn a lot of people get exploited. And that porn can be seen as immoral for such a reason. But what about masturbation?

I love her and I want to respect her wishes but sometimes the not doing anything, and the no stimulating materials thing annoys me a lot. What do you all suggest I should do, what are your opinions on this, and what type of personal experience did you all have with your partners concerning masturbation and/or porn/fetish materials? I would appreciate any advice. Thank You! :)

Porn is not exploitation, it is an industry that consists of adults who willingly and willfuly participate for money, most are very high paid and enjoy themselves alot. (not talking about illegal porn or any child related stuff)

But anyway, I know how frustrating it can be when you have to work around your partners religious beliefs and rules. It cn be very frustrating im having to work around my girlfriends religion right now, she was baptized very recently (this weekend) and now doesent want to have sex until we are married, even though she is carrying our twins insid of her as we speak. Its kind of annoying and I am happy tha she is given alot of happiness from her faith but at the moment all can think is "thanks for ruining my sex-life assholes"

The worst part is that I am the one who has to stop her from comming onto me, she is very horny all of the time (made worse by the pegnancy). She also constantly turns me on and tries to engage in foreplay (which is also now banned). So im having to control her urges for her and mine at the same time because I wont take advantage of her sex crazed state when I know she will feel guilty and upset afterwards at herself.

Damn my super sexyness. (and no god this isnt funny you weirdo)

Porn is not exploitation, it is an industry that consists of adults who willingly and willfuly participate for money, most are very high paid and enjoy themselves alot. (not talking about illegal porn or any child related stuff)

But anyway, I know how frustrating it can be when you have to work around your partners religious beliefs and rules. It cn be very frustrating im having to work around my girlfriends religion right now, she was baptized very recently (this weekend) and now doesent want to have sex until we are married, even though she is carrying our twins insid of her as we speak. Its kind of annoying and I am happy tha she is given alot of happiness from her faith but at the moment all can think is "thanks for ruining my sex-life assholes"

The worst part is that I am the one who has to stop her from comming onto me, she is very horny all of the time (made worse by the pegnancy). She also constantly turns me on and tries to engage in foreplay (which is also now banned). So im having to control her urges for her and mine at the same time because I wont take advantage of her sex crazed state when I know she will feel guilty and upset afterwards at herself.
Um. Wow. That's a strange one. I'm sorry, but in those circumstances if she came on to me I'd be all over her. Seriously. She's already pregnant! With twins! THE HORSE IS ALREADY OUT OF THE BARN AND RUNNING AT AT A BREAKNECK PACE DOWN THE ROAD!!!!!!!!!
Um. Wow. That's a strange one. I'm sorry, but in those circumstances if she came on to me I'd be all over her. Seriously. She's already pregnant! With twins! THE HORSE IS ALREADY OUT OF THE BARN AND RUNNING AT AT A BREAKNECK PACE DOWN THE ROAD!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I couldent do it because I know afterwards she is going to feel like crap. She wants to have sex mentaly and pysicaly and she enjoys it alot, it's just that her church has got her feeling really guilty about it, constantly saying how it's a sin. She wont even tell the church she is pregnant because it makes her feel ashamed, we spoke about it and she said she now feels it will make her inpure after the baptism, she was even asking me if I think foreplay was included in the rules in fornication, I said I don't know.

I asked her why she feels it is wrong to have sex before being married, she said because thats what the bible says and god wouldent want it. her religion is starting to really piss me off ore and more each day, she said please dont cheat on me and please dont leave me, just wait 1 and a half years until we get married.

lol am I the only person who thinks this whole thing is stupid?.

Hello Everyone,

I would need some advice on an issue. My girlfriend (23) does not what to engage in any sexual activity before marriage because of her religious conviction, which frustrates me (25). I myself, don't want to have sex yet but i would not mind to engage in some petting/mutual masturbation. She also does not want me to masturbate by myself.

I threw away all of my porn,fetish materials in the process of keeping her. I can understand that in the process of making porn a lot of people get exploited. And that porn can be seen as immoral for such a reason. But what about masturbation?

I love her and I want to respect her wishes but sometimes the not doing anything, and the no stimulating materials thing annoys me a lot. What do you all suggest I should do, what are your opinions on this, and what type of personal experience did you all have with your partners concerning masturbation and/or porn/fetish materials? I would appreciate any advice. Thank You! :)

oh no. :( If you can't be yourself with the person you love, what's the point of being with them? I hope your wedding is quite a ways down the road. It will give you time to open your eyes.
The no porn thing...well, you'll have to talk to Shorty about that. I think she has the same rule.
And the no masturbating...I've never heard of that rule. Seems like more of a control issue than a sex issue.
What I don't like is the fact that this girl's religious beliefs require her to have contempt for the sexual feelings of her man if they fall outside of her narrowly prescribed parameters. This is pretty common among women, actually, but I don't like a religion being the excuse and I do think this is over the top.
actually draqon my advice is the oposite. To quote monty python "RUN AWAY RUN AWAY". She oviously doesnt give a dam about him so why would you want to live like that?
Yeah I am talking about my situation here. There is no porn in this house, via magazines, internet whatever. As far as masturbating though, I don't care if he does.

Yeah I think that is asking a little much, when you are aren't having sex with the guy even.
She's basically saying "if you love me, you won't" How is this any different than guys saying "If you love me, you will"
It may be about the sex for the guy, but for the woman its about the control.
I mean I respect her wish to not have sex till marriage and even no to porn/softcore...but denying masturbation is over the top there...and since he loves her he is trapped. His only solution is to marry her as fast as possible to be free from this situation.
that was my point orleander, if she is already trying to exert this kind of control what will she be like AFTER they get married. This is not really a partnership, sounds more like an abusive relationship waiting to happen
actually draqon my advice is the oposite. To quote monty python "RUN AWAY RUN AWAY". She oviously doesnt give a dam about him so why would you want to live like that?

Well I know guys get scared by things like that...but he cannot run away because he loves her. In love you do not choose, love chooses for you.
I mean I respect her wish to not have sex till marriage and even no to porn/softcore...but denying masturbation is over the top there...and since he loves her he is trapped. His only solution is to marry her as fast as possible to be free from this situation.

and what if she says no to masturbation after marriage? And then she only wants sex 2x a month, or less?
that was my point orleander, if she is already trying to exert this kind of control what will she be like AFTER they get married. This is not really a partnership, sounds more like an abusive relationship waiting to happen

She is just asserting this sort of control because her religion has taught her this way. What he should do is ask her on what she will allow him to do after marriage.