"No Masturbation or Porn for you!?"

His priority is to know what she will allow or sees fit for him to do after marriage. And he need not be shy and ask her all the questions that bother him.
thats the whole POINT draqon, what SHE will alow????????

since when has a marrage been about what one partner ALOWS???
So the deal-breaker for you is masturbation. I can't wait for you to have sex. You are going to find a whole new world of deal-breakers.
thats the whole POINT draqon, what SHE will alow????????

since when has a marrage been about what one partner ALOWS???

Asguard...chill...some men want control asserted over them and some do not. Love is a test, through time tested, it is not about figuring out who gets the most of the pie, but rather doing the most and giving the most of the pie to the partner.
It comes down to what you can live with. What you are willing to accept or change in order to have this relationship. You better also discuss what the expectations are after you get married. If there are certain rules/ expectations that either of you cannot live with , there is no point of getting married.

I had sex before I got married so I can't say too much on the waiting thing. I really wouldn't want any surprises. I mean what if you find out you aren't compatible in bed after you get married. I also couldn't wait because we were together almost 5 yrs before we got married. I couldn't imagine going without sex for 5 yrs. I beleive in not jumping too fast into marriage. I rather live with someone first and get a good feel of what being married to them would be like.

Btw what religion is she?
thats the whole POINT draqon, what SHE will alow????????

since when has a marrage been about what one partner ALOWS???

It's about what each partner is willing to accept, and what compromise you both come to. When 2 ppl get together even though they love eachother it doesn't mean they see eye to eye on everything 100%.
truenemo, I would never ever ever suggest waiting til marriage to have sex. Even my children know this.
draqon, what about when post marriage she expects to decide who his friends are?
Or if he can go out?
where he can work?

A marriage is a partnership just as any relationship is (hense why non married couples call there "other" there PARTNER) which means each party has an equal share in the relationship. This however doesnt go for there own body which i would suggest is a 90:10 split yes you can have an opinion but in the end the decision belongs to the person whos body it IS. For instance i have said i would hate for PB to get a nose peircing but in the end its up to HER if she wants to get one or not, my only choice is if i still want to be with her post one:p

Thats how a partnership WORKS.
Asguard...how far have you gone in your life with your kind of thinking? Are you married? Ever been divorced? Tell me your statistics and do not shy away. Your answers will help me and the lad who made this thread.
draqon, what about when post marriage she expects to decide who his friends are?
Or if he can go out?
where he can work?

Well that is why you don't rush into marriage. You should be with the person long enough to figure out what kind of person they are.

What this poster may find acceptable may not be what we do. I mean lets take me for instance with my NO PORN RULE. How many men would probably tell me to go fuck myself, they are going to do it anyway. We have made compromises. He knows that I do a lot of things for him that other women wouldn't. So since porn isn't such a big deal for him anyway, he chose to say ok no porn. He figured that there were a lot more good things about our relationship that this was no biggie to abide by. He also plays computer games a lot. I wasn't too thrilled with that, but I also made the compromise because he has made some for me. It's give and take.

There is someone out there for everyone. Some ppl have things that are deal breakers. It is good to know what they are before you even think about getting married.

The most stupidest naive thing is to think that you can CHANGE the person. It will never happen. I tried it and it didn't work. It might work for a while but slowly it will all blow up in your face. You either accept who they are or you don't. No use pretending. Finally I got divorced and opened my eyes a bit wider the second time around.