'No evidence' for extraterrestrials, says White House,....

And a strong gravitational field only slows time locally. A craft would have to take the neutron star with them, to benefit, and then have all the engineering problems of accelerating such a large mass.

Which, just like wormholes, has energy problems with a practical solution.

Which we already use to propel probes to other planets, and which also does not get over the fact that the speed limit for an object with mass is 'c'.

Why must we? You are making a circular argument here, I fear. You assert they are visiting with scant evidence, then postulate they are using loopholes in relativity, to justify the visitation.

And you haven't dealt with how they pick a region of space to explore. We've only been broadcasting radio signals for about 120 years, so those early, faint radio signals can only have alerted life within 120 light years to our existence. Conversely, we haven't picked up any of their radio signals through SETI at all. Given we've made good use of radio for over a century, and don't seem to be giving up any time soon, it's fair to assume any other civilisation used radio communications for some time also,... so why don't we hear them?

Well you could mix the two up, you could leave one end of a wormhole next to a whopping gravitional distortion, leave it their for a year, jump into the other end, come out the distorted end a year before in history.

Theoretically, of course.

As for the energy problem, this has been discussed and as I mentioned this is only a problem for superluminal speeds, which seems quite an impractical speed anyway. Anyway, I don't see why one cannot say that an alien race would use relativistic loopholes to get to distant places... why would this seem like a strange concept to you, it seems very straightforward and logical to me.

As for how they pick their regions, no doubt they use the same kind of idea we use: in effect, basically looking for planets in habitable zones. Their method could be fantastically advanced. As Michio Kaku says, you get type 1, type 2 and type 3 civilizations. We are a type 1. Type 2 is even quite more advanced than type 1, but type 3 can travel the vastness of the cosmos, maybe even manipulate the universe on large scale sizes.
Well... actually I should have said that we are a type 0 civilization... but Michio believes we are begining to exhibit type 1 evolution.
As Michio Kaku says, you get type 1, type 2 and type 3 civilizations. We are a type 1. Type 2 is even quite more advanced than type 1, but type 3 can travel the vastness of the cosmos, maybe even manipulate the universe on large scale sizes.

As he theorizes.

Doesn't make it so.

In fact, none of them may actually exist.

By the way, we are NOT a Type 1 civilization. Michio Kaku says we might achieve that in about 150 years or so.
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Well when he talks about it, he says specifically ''what do physicists mean when they talk about an alien civilization,'' meaning that he is under the impression most physicists would agree with him.
Well when he talks about it, he says specifically ''what do physicists mean when they talk about an alien civilization,'' meaning that he is under the impression most physicists would agree with him.

Well Kaku is an entertainer, and he apparently has found there is good money in preaching this BS to believers such as yourself, but no one, including physicists, knows of the existence of any alien civilization, so you can't actually talk about one as if they are sure to exist.

Kaku is world renowned and respected by his peers. If you want to challenge the authority of a scientist, you picked the wrong one. He's not even a psuedoscientist.

Kaku is world renowned and respected by his peers. If you want to challenge the authority of a scientist, you picked the wrong one. He's not even a psuedoscientist.


He's a theoretical physicist.

His actual training and area of study is in string theory.

Kaku has had over 70 articles published in physics journals such as Physical Review, covering topics such as superstring theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, and hadronic physics.

What actual knowledge does he possess about the existence (or likelihood) of other alien civilizations?

Answer: NONE
Are you being serious? Any physicist is qualified to talk about the possibilities of alien life. Afterall, physics and cosmology go hand in hand in many circumstances. If you knows the laws of physics and how they apply to cosmology, then you in theory know the possibilities surrounding lifeforms in our universe.
Are you being serious? Any physicist is qualified to talk about the possibilities of alien life.

Sure, but he has no actual knowledge of the existence of alien life.

And sure, anyone who has studied it can talk about the possibilities of alien life.

Doesn't make their conclusions more valid though.

In fact I'd be somewhat more interested in the thoughts of actual Astrobiologists, NOT theoretical physicists working on String Theory.


But even they don't know.

Afterall, physics and cosmology go hand in hand in many circumstances. If you knows the laws of physics and how they apply to cosmology, then you in theory know the possibilities surrounding lifeforms in our universe.

Yes, and he knows about as much about the possibilities of life as anyone else plugging numbers into the Drake Equation.

As pointed out to you before, there are too many variables for which at present there are NO informed values for the existence of other INTELLIGENT life.
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As for the energy problem, this has been discussed and as I mentioned this is only a problem for superluminal speeds,

Nope. The energy problem is with creating the wormhole in the first place.

which seems quite an impractical speed anyway.

the 'im' word you are looking for, is 'impossible'

Anyway, I don't see why one cannot say that an alien race would use relativistic loopholes to get to distant places... why would this seem like a strange concept to you, it seems very straightforward and logical to me.

Seems simple to you because you gloss over the practicalities.

As for how they pick their regions, no doubt they use the same kind of idea we use: in effect, basically looking for planets in habitable zones. Their method could be fantastically advanced. As Michio Kaku says, you get type 1, type 2 and type 3 civilizations. We are a type 1. Type 2 is even quite more advanced than type 1, but type 3 can travel the vastness of the cosmos, maybe even manipulate the universe on large scale sizes.

So they are fantastically advanced, pick habitable planets using an optical method, then come visit us, and anally probe people? Sorry, but your ideas don't add up.
Nope. The energy problem is with creating the wormhole in the first place.

the 'im' word you are looking for, is 'impossible'

Seems simple to you because you gloss over the practicalities.

So they are fantastically advanced, pick habitable planets using an optical method, then come visit us, and anally probe people? Sorry, but your ideas don't add up.

Hold your horses... I thought you were talking about the Alcubierre drive... There are energy problems with this device, meaning you require more energy in the observable universe to reach superluminal speeds. That is why I said the energy problems are a non-problem at subluminal speeds.

As for a wormhole, well yeah. To create a wormhole would require energies that reached the planck length, just to agree with you on that specific energy problem.
Secondly, why do you mention anally-probing people? Have I ever claimed here that I take abduction cases seriously? There was one abduction thread I have ever made and even in that thread I elucidate that I don't take abduction's too seriously!
Hold your horses... I thought you were talking about the Alcubierre drive... There are energy problems with this device, meaning you require more energy in the observable universe to reach superluminal speeds. That is why I said the energy problems are a non-problem at subluminal speeds.

You might actually wait for someone to make one of these drives before you go on Pontificating about the energy requirements to go any speed.
You might actually wait for someone to make one of these drives before you go on Pontificating about the energy requirements to go any speed.

Even if none of the devices I have mentioned will never reach the market, I will tell you, it would be folly to think mankind will never produce some kind of way to travel the stars. All we require is time.

The same principle applied to any alien civilization. For an advanced civilization to reach us, is just a matter of time. Have faith in our abilities to advance in the scientific world!
Even if none of the devices I have mentioned will never reach the market, I will tell you, it would be folly to think mankind will never produce some kind of way to travel the stars. All we require is time.

Not true.
You are leaping to conclusions about how much longer we last as a civilization and about our future abilities and about our desire to potentially spend a huge amount of money to send a few people on a trip from which they will never return and we will never hear from again.

Travel to another star with a planetary system, at sub-luminal speeds is a one way silent trip.

The same principle applied to any alien civilization. For an advanced civilization to reach us, is just a matter of time. Have faith in our abilities to advance in the scientific world!

Again, you suggest that there are other advanced civilizations.
There is no indication so far that that is the case.
Indeed, there is evidence that it is not the case since absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
Again, you suggest that there are other advanced civilizations.
There is no indication so far that that is the case.
Indeed, there is evidence that it is not the case since absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

Well, evidence doesn't just smack you in the face when distanced by lightyears. I think we have not been studying the universe long enough to assume the absence of evidence is in favour of saying there is no other intelligent beings.

Thinking there are no other intelligent lifeforms in this universe, will perhaps be a niave and selfish proposition.
Well, evidence doesn't just smack you in the face when distanced by lightyears.

Sure it does,
A Civilization type 2 or 3, that was anywhere in our half of the Galaxy and in existence 50,000 years ago until now (no biggy timewise) would probably have created readily found evidence of it's existence.

It hasn't.

I think we have not been studying the universe long enough to assume the absence of evidence is in favour of saying there is no other intelligent beings.

Well we can keep expanding the ring of time and distance where it's highly unlikely for them to exist, to the point where anyone finding/getting to us becomes ever less and less likely.

Thinking there are no other intelligent lifeforms in this universe, will perhaps be a niave and selfish proposition.

You keep talking about the universe, but the distance to the nearest Galaxy is so far, and the number of stars within a galaxy is so great that there is no reason for an advanced civilization to leave it's home Galaxy, unless they ARE that prolific such that they have exhausted their own Galaxy and are branching out, then its even less likely that they wouldn't be obvious.
Sure it does,
A Civilization type 2 or 3, that was anywhere in our half of the Galaxy and in existence 50,000 years ago until now (no biggy timewise) would probably have created readily found evidence of it's existence.

It hasn't.

Well we can keep expanding the ring of time and distance where it's highly unlikely for them to exist, to the point where anyone finding/getting to us becomes ever less and less likely.

You keep talking about the universe, but the distance to the nearest Galaxy is so far, and the number of stars within a galaxy is so great that there is no reason for an advanced civilization to leave it's home Galaxy, unless they ARE that prolific such that they have exhausted their own Galaxy and are branching out, then its even less likely that they wouldn't be obvious.

We might see a type 3 civilization, I am open to that, I am not too sure about a type 2 civilization mind you. They are capable of harnessing power from their sun (and I don't mean solar power), I don't think that would be too noticable. I guess it really depends. We certainly have not measured enough space to rule out either civilizations. I feel like sometimes you don't quite 'grasp' the massive landscape of the universe... it is simply huge! How you can think we would know of things by now, is beyond me!! What we have seen must only be the tip of a pin.

You cannot understand these concepts if you say the more we look into space, the more unlikely it is. To be honest, what we have seen is but a fraction, and the likelihood is still very high that there is. I say high, because of how much space there is to consider and how many planets contained therein. The amount of space we must have measured intensely must be only a few percentage, maybe less. (And I mean a proper intense study). I don't mean taking a picture where you can have loads of galaxies in one frame, like which NASA take pics of.
Secondly, why do you mention anally-probing people? Have I ever claimed here that I take abduction cases seriously? There was one abduction thread I have ever made and even in that thread I elucidate that I don't take abduction's too seriously!

Others with equal conviction to you do though. From a rationalist's point of view, you, and the proponents of alien anal probing are in the same group.

To get out of that group you need to start being more scientific. Some evidence would help your case.
Not true.
You are leaping to conclusions about how much longer we last as a civilization and about our future abilities and about our desire to potentially spend a huge amount of money to send a few people on a trip from which they will never return and we will never hear from again.

This is the thing Mister doesn't seem to grasp about science, that we engage in it to learn. If we never get any results back from this warp speed probe, there's no point making one.